3 Installation Process

This chapter describes the CAMM installation process in detail. Topics include:

3.1 Types of Installations

When installing CAMM, you have the following options:

  • CAMM as a Service

    Choosing this option installs CAMM as a Service. For Windows, CAMM creates two Windows Services: the CAMM service and the web container service. As Windows Services, CAMM and the Administration Server can be controlled by the standard Windows Services administration console (accessible by the Settings/Control Panel/Administrative Tools) and be configured to start automatically when the host restarts. This is the default mode and is used on a machine dedicated to monitoring and managing one or more application servers on a continuous basis.

  • CAMM as a Standalone Application

    Choosing this option installs CAMM as a standalone Application. The CAMM application starts and stops when you start it or exit from it. Typically, this mode is chosen if the installation is on a machine which will monitor Application servers on an ad-hoc basis, for example, as a consultant. Often this mode is chosen to install on a laptop computer.

    On the Windows platform, choosing this installation option does not preclude running CAMM as a Windows Service at a later time. A Windows batch file, createmanagerservice.bat is included so that the CAMM Manager can be installed as a Windows Service later.

Figure 3-1 depicts the installation process.

Figure 3-1 Installation Workflow

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-1 .

3.2 Installing CAMM - Windows Installation

Perform the following steps to install CAMM on Windows. Note that at any time during the installation, you can click Cancel to cancel the installation, or click Previous to go back a screen.

  1. Insert the CAMM CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The installation automatically starts. Choose the language in which you want the installation instructions.

    The Introduction screen appears.

  2. Read the introduction text and click Next.

    The Choose Install Set screen appears.

  3. On the Install Set screen, choose to install either the Service Mode or the Standalone Application Mode. The default is the Service Mode.

    The Install Folder screen appears.

  4. Click Next. On the Choose Install Folder screen, indicate which folder will contain the installation. Either type the folder's location or accept the default C:\oracle\em10g folder.

  5. Click Next. On the Choose Shortcut Folder screen, choose a Shortcut Folder in which to copy the CAMM product icons. If desired, select the Create Icons for All Users box.

  6. Click Next. The Pre-Installation Summary screen lists the options to be installed. If an option is not correct, click Previous to move back and correct the option. When the summary is correct, click Next.

3.3 Installing CAMM - Solaris, Linux, and AIX Installations

Perform the following steps to install CAMM on your UNIX environment. Note that at any time during the installation, you can type back to go back, and can cancel the installation by typing quit.

  1. Insert the CAMM CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. Mount your CD-ROM if necessary.

  2. Change directory to where the CD-ROM is mounted.

    For Linux, change the directory to the Disk1/InstData/Linux/VM directory and execute the install.bin program:

    cd Disk1/InstData/Linux/VM

    For Solaris, change the directory to the Disk1/InstData/Solaris/VM directory and execute the install.bin program:

    cd Disk1/InstData/Solaris/VM

    For AIX, change directory to the Disk1/InstData/AIX/VM directory and execute the install.bin program:

    cd Disk1/InstData/AIX/VM

    Note: Ensure that install.bin has execution privileges and, if necessary, use chmod a+x install.bin command to make it executable.

    The Introduction screen appears. Choose the language in which you want the installation instructions.

  3. Read the introduction text and press the <ENTER> key to continue.

    The Install Set text appears.

  4. From the Install Set text, choose to install either the Service Mode or the Standalone Application Mode. The default is the Service Mode.

    Choose Install Set
    Please choose the Install Set to be installed by this installer.
      ->1- "Oracle CAMM"
        2- "Orache CAMM as Application"
  5. Click Next. From the Install Folder text, indicate which folder will contain the installation. Either type the folder's location or accept the default $HOME/oracle/em10g.

    Choose Install Folder
    Where would you like to install?
      Default Install Folder: /root/oracle/em10g

    Choose the directory in which to install CAMM and press the <ENTER> key. You will be prompted of where to install the CAMM product icons.

  6. Click Next. Indicate which directory will contain the Link locations.

    Choose Link Location
    Where would you like to create links?
      ->1- Default: /root
        2- In your home folder
        3- Choose another location...
        4- Don't create links

    Choose the desired directory and press the <ENTER> key. You will be shown a summary of your installation choices

    Choose option 4 - Don't create links. Run startup scripts out of the bin directory as the install location.

  7. Verify that your installation choices are correct. If they are not, type back to go back and make choices. If you are satisfied, press the <ENTER> key to begin the installation.

  8. Press <ENTER> to finish after the installation completes.

3.4 Setting Up CAMM Data Repository

CAMM requires an RDBMS be setup as the data repository for runtime metrics collection. Both Oracle 10g and MySQL RDBMS are supported for this purpose. Details for manual installation and configuration of the Data Repository are described in Section 3.6, "Installing and Configuring CAMM Data Repository".

3.5 Deploying CAMM Components

Deploying CAMM components involves the following steps:

  • Configuring CAMM with information about the target application platform. For each monitoring environment, a single instance of CAMM can monitor multiple application servers or clusters.

  • Deploying the CAMM Agent components to the target application server instances or clusters (for example, managed servers in a cluster of a domain, and so on).

3.5.1 Configuring CAMM

In CAMM, a monitored target application platform, whether it is an individual application server instance or a cluster in a management domain, is called a Resource.

Oracle highly recommends that you register and update the configuration of your server resources through the CAMM Manager.

  1. Start the CAMM Manager.

    • Windows: Start Oracle CAMM.

    • UNIX: In the /bin directory, invoke the following command:

      nohup ./acsera.sh &

  2. Click the Configure tab on the left pane (which contains the navigation tree).

  3. Click the Resource Configuration node in the navigation tree.

  4. Click the Create New Resource button in the main pane.

  5. Name your resource and select your application server product and version.

  6. Click Continue.

  7. Click Configure in the middle of the main pane.

  8. Type in your application server details. Ignore the BPEL and ESB related options if you do not have the Oracle SOA Suite.


    DO NOT modify the fields for Agent Keystore Password and Agent Truststore Password.
  9. Click OK.

  10. Click Save. (If you omit this step, your configuration will be lost.)

3.5.2 Deploying CAMM Agents on the WebLogic Platform

The following sections describe how to deploy CAMM Agents on the WebLogic platform. HttpDeployer.ear Procedure

Use the WebLogic Admin console to deploy the em10g/deploy/HttpDeployer.ear application. Deploying the CAMM Java Agent

Using the GUI-based deployer as documented in the Quick Steps for Installing the CAMM Agent at the beginning of this manual is recommended. There exists a command-line tool with equivalent behavior. The documentation follows.

The deployer utility is used to install the CAMM Deployer.ear file and Java Agent on any application servers managed by CAMM.

Deployer.ear is deployed on every managed server and admin server.

  • Usage:

    C:\CAMM\bin\deployer.bat -version <version> <command> [-targets targets] [-resource 'configured resource name'] [-agentdir agentdir]


    Attribute Description
    command Is either -deploy, -ejbdeploy, -copy, -enable, -status, -systemprops, -disable, -remove, or -ejbundeploy
    -version Specifies WebLogic version. For -version, use:
    8.1.3 for WebLogic 8.1.3
    8.1.4 for WebLogic 8.1.4
    8.1.5 for WebLogic 8.1.5 and higher
    9.2.0 for WebLogic 9.2.x
    10.0.0 for WebLogic 10.0.x
    10.2.0 for WebLogic 10.2.x
    10.3.0 for WebLogic 10.3.0
    targets Is a comma-delimited list of server and/or cluster names (no spaces allowed). Default server name is cgServer.
    agentdir Is the name of the agent dir to use (no paths allowed, just a file name.

  • Commands Supported:

    Command Description
    -deploy Initial deployment or upgrade of the agent (with automatic deployment of the CAMM EJB if it's not already deployed).
    -ejbdeploy Deploys the CAMM EJB only (typically only used for debugging purposes).
    -copy Deploys the CAMM EJB only (typically only used for debugging purposes).
    -enable Enables an agent which is already installed on the App Server.
    -status Displays status of the deployed agent, including whether it is actually deployed.
    -systemprops Displays the System Props of the remote machine
    -disable Removes references to the agent from the App Server start parameters. The App Server must be restarted for this to take effect.
    -remove Deletes the agent directories from the App Server. This will only succeed if the agent is already disabled and the App Server is restarted.
    -ejbundeploy Removes the CAMM EJB from the Admin Server and all Managed Servers.
    -resource The resource name entered for the managed server when it was originally configured in the CAMM Manager. The name must be exact and is case sensitive.

  • Actions:

    • Deploying or Upgrading the Agent

      To initially deploy the agent (and to redeploy it to an upgraded version), use the following command:

      bin/deployer.bat -version 8.1.3 -deploy -targets <targets> -resource 'resource name'

      After deploying the agent, you must reboot the target application server.

    • Checking the Status of a Deployed Agent

      To view the status of the deployed agent(s):

      bin/deployer.bat -version 8.1.3 -status <targets> -resource 'resource name'
    • Disabling a Running Agent

      To disable the agent, use the "disable" command. Be sure to use the correct agent directory name:

      bin/oracleDeployer.bat -version 8.1.3 -disable -resource <resource name> -targets

      After un-deploying the agent, you must reboot the target application server. This procedure is valid for all application servers.

      Note: If upgrading the Deployer EAR, make sure you undeploy the older version from admin/managed servers.

    • Explicit Un-Deployment of the CAMM Enterprise JavaBean (EJB)

      To remove the CAMM EJB (which is automatically deployed if the deployer utility requires it), issue the following command:

      bin/deployer.bat -version 8.1.3 -ejbundeploy -resource 'resource name'-targets <targets>

      This will undeploy the CAMM EJB from the administration server and all managed servers. No restart is required after this step.

  • Examples:

    • To deploy to the admin server on localhost (to upgrade the agent use the same command):

      bin/deployer.bat -version 8.1.3 -deploy -resource 'resource name'-targets cgServer

      Restart cgServer for this to take effect.

    • To deploy to all servers in cluster C1 (not including the admin server):

      bin/deployer.bat -version 8.1.3 -deploy -resource 'resource name'-targets C1
    • To upgrade all servers in cluster C1 (assume default CAMMAgent directory is in use and cannot be replaced)

      bin/deployer.bat -version 8.1.3 -copy -resource 'resource name'-targets C1 -admindir CAMMAgentUpgrade
      bin/deployer.bat -version 8.1.3 -enable -resource 'resource name'-targets C1 -admindir CAMMAgentUpgrade

      RestartC1 servers for this to take effect.

    • To get status of all servers in C1:

      bin/deployer.bat -version 8.1.3 -status -resource 'resource name'-targets C1
    • To undeploy the CAMM Agent:

      bin/deployer.bat -version 8.1.3 -disable -resource 'resource name'-targets C1 

      Restart the C1 servers. This will unlock the CAMM Agent files.

    • To remove the CAMM Agent:

      bin/deployer.bat -version 8.1.3 -remove -resource 'resource name'-targets C1
    • To undeploy the CAMM EJB from all servers:

      bin/deployer.bat -version 8.1.3 -ejbundeploy -resource 'resource name' Deploying CAMM OS Agent

To initially deploy the OS Agent (and to redeploy it to an upgraded version), use the following command:

bin/deployer.bat osmetric -version <version> -deploy -resource 'resource name'-targets <targets>

If you are running the OS Agent on the same machine as CAMM, set the RMI.Registry.OSMetrics.LocalRegistry property in WEBLOGIC_HOME\weblogic81\CAMMOSMetricAgent\config\OSMetrics.properties to false.

Change element in CAMM_HOME\config\configuration.xml


<ns1:mip enabled="false" name="OS">


<ns1:mip enabled="true" name="OS">

Note: If the JDK used for Managed Servers is based on JRockit you do not need to install OS Metric. CAMM uses JMX services of JRockit to retrieve OS Metrics.

  • Actions:

    • Disabling a running CAMM OS Agent

      To disable the CAMM OS Agent, use the -disable command. Be sure to use the correct agent directory name:

      bin/deployer.bat osmetric -version 8.1.3 -disable -resource 'resource name'-targets <targets>
    • Removing a running CAMM OS Agent

      To remove the CAMM Agent, use the -remove command. Be sure to use the correct agent directory name:

      bin/deployer.bat osmetric -version 8.1.3 -remove -resource 'resource name'-targets <targets>
    • Explicit un-deployment of the CAMM OS Agent

      To remove the CAMM OS EJB (which is automatically deployed if the deployer utility requires it), issue the following command:

      bin/deployer.bat osmetric -version 8.1.3 -ejbundeploy -resource 'resource name'-targets <targets>

      This will undeploy the CAMM OS EJB from the admin server and all managed servers. No restart of Application Server is required after this step.

3.5.3 Deploying CAMM Agents on the WebSphere Platform

Deployment of CAMM Agent for WebSphere platform is a two-phase process. First you need to install CAMM IBM Deployer application responsible for CAMM Agent libraries deployment initial handshake between CAMM and CAMM Agent, then deploy the Agent libraries on the target system. There are two options to achieve this:

  • Automatic deployment using CAMM websphereDeployer script

  • Manually installing all the supporting artifacts Required IBM WebSphere Libraries

Once WebSphere is registered via the CAMM Administration UI, the libraries required by CAMM to connect to WebSphere must be defined in the actual classpath. This is done through the Resource Configuration UI.

Note that an installation must be available directly on the machine or via a NFS/SMB mount. The following property would need to be modified to mirror the absolute path to the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) home directory. The necessary libraries will then be loaded on the classpath accordingly.

Example of wsHome setting:

</ns1:configParameter> Automatic CAMM Agent Deployment for WebSphere Platform

The following sections explain how to automatically deploy the CAMM Agent for the WebSphere platform.

Deploying WebSphere File Transfer Application

If you are using a network deployment manager (dmgr), you should skip this step. Otherwise (if running a standalone WAS server), ensure the WebSphere File Transfer Application is installed and running. If not, deploy filetransfer.ear to the WebSphere application server. This is required to enable the CAMM Agent automatic deployment process. If the CAMM Agent is being installed manually, the file transfer application is not required.

Deploying CAMM Java Agent for WebSphere Platform

Using the GUI-based deployer as documented in the Quick Steps for Installing the CAMM Agent at the beginning of this manual is recommended. There exists a command-line tool with equivalent behavior. The documentation follows.

The deployer utility is used to install the CAMM Java Agent on any application servers managed by CAMM.

  • Usage:

    C:\CAMM\bin\websphereDeployer.bat -version <version> <command> [-targets targets] [-resource 'configured resource name'] [-agentdir agentdir]


    Attribute Description
    command Either -deploy, -ejbdeploy, -copy, -enable, -status, -systemprops, -disable, -remove, or -ejbundeploy
    version Indicates version of WebSphere to use
    • 5.1.0 for WebSphere 5.1.x

    • 6.0.0 for WebSphere 6.0.x

    • 6.1.0 for WebSphere 6.1.x

    resource Name of the resource that was configured in the CAMM Manager. The name must be exact and is case sensitive.
    targets Comma-delimited list of server and/or cluster names (no spaces allowed). For example: websphere_portal. In a clustered environment this should be a cluster name.
    agentdir Name of the agent dir to use (no paths allowed, just a file name). For example: CAMM_Agent

  • Commands Supported:

    Command Description
    -deploy Initial deployment or upgrade of the agent (with automatic deployment of the CAMM EJB if it's not already deployed).
    -ejbdeploy Deploys the CAMM EJB only (typically only used for debugging purposes).
    -copy Copies the agent to the App Server without enabling it.
    -enable Enables an agent which is already installed on the App Server
    -status Displays status of the deployed agent, including whether it is actually deployed.
    -systemprops Displays the System Props of the remote machine.
    -disable Removes references to the agent from the App Server start parameters. An The App Server must be restarted for this to take effect
    -remove Deletes the agent directories from the App Server. This will only succeed if the agent is already disabled and the App Server is restarted.
    -ejbundeploy Removes the CAMM EJB from the Admin Server and all Managed Servers.

  • Actions:

    • Deploying or Upgrading the Agent

      To initially deploy the Agent (and to redeploy it to an upgraded version), use the following command:

      bin/websphereDeployer.bat -version <version> -deploy -resource 'resource name' -targets <targets> -agentdir <agentdir>

      After deploying the Agent, you must reboot the target application server.

    • Checking the Status of the Deployed Agent

      To view the status of the deployed agent(s):

      bin/websphereDeployer.bat -version <version> -status -resource 'resource name'<targets>

    • Disabling a Running Agent

      To disable the Agent, use the undeploy command. Be sure to use the correct agent directory name:

      bin/websphereDeployer.bat -version <version> -undeploy -resource 'resource name'-targets <targets>

      After un-deploying the Agent, you must reboot the target application server.

    • Explicit Un-Deployment of the CAMM EJB

      To remove the CAMM EJB (which is automatically deployed if the deployer utility requires it), issue the following command:

      bin/websphereDeployer.bat -version <version> -ejbundeploy -resource 'resource name'-targets <targets>

      This will undeploy the CAMM EJB from the admin server and all managed servers. No restart is required after this step.

  • Example:

    To deploy to the admin server on localhost (to upgrade the Agent, use the same command):

    bin/websphereDeployer.bat -version 5.1.0 -deploy -resource 'resource name' -targets WebSphere_Portal -agentdir AcseraAgent

    Restart WebSphere_Portal for this to take effect. Deploying CAMM Java Agent for Oracle Platform

Using the GUI-based deployer as documented in the Quick Steps for Installing the CAMM Agent at the beginning of this manual is recommended. There exists a command-line tool with equivalent behavior. The documentation follows.

The deployer utility is utilized to install the CAMM Java Agent on any application servers managed by CAMM.

  • Usage:

    C:\CAMM\bin\oracleDeployer.bat -version <version> <command> -[resource 'configured resource name'] [-targets targets] [-agentdir agentdir]


    Attribute Description
    command Either -deploy, -ejbdeploy, -copy, -enable, -status, -systemprops, -disable, -remove, or -ejbundeploy.
    version Indicates version of Oracle AS to use
    • for Oracle AS

    • for Oracle AS

    • for Oracle AS

    resource Name of the resource that was configured in the CAMM Manager. The name must be exact and is case sensitive.
    targets Comma-delimited list of group and instance names (no spaces allowed). Instance names should be preceded by their group name. For example: default_group/oc4j_soa for an instance, or default_group for all instances in the group.
    agentdir Name of the agent dir to use (no paths allowed, just a file name). For example: CAMM_Agent.

  • Commands Supported:

    Command Description
    -deploy Initial deployment or upgrade of the agent (with automatic deployment of the CAMM EJB if it's not already deployed).
    -ejbdeploy Deploys the CAMM EJB only (typically only used for debugging purposes).
    -copy Copies the agent to the App Server without enabling it
    -enable Enables an agent which is already installed on the App Server
    -status Displays status of the deployed agent, including whether it is actually deployed.
    -systemprops Displays the System Props of the remote machine.
    -disable Removes references to the agent from the App Server start parameters. An The App Server must be restarted for this to take effect.
    -remove Deletes the agent directories from the App Server. This will only succeed if the agent is already disabled and the App Server is restarted.
    -ejbundeploy Removes the CAMM EJB from the Admin Server and all Managed Servers.

  • Actions:

    • Deploying or Upgrading the Agent

      To initially deploy the Agent (and to redeploy it to an upgraded version), use the following command:

      bin/oracleDeployer.bat -version <version> -deploy -resource 'resource name' -targets <targets> -agentdir <agentdir>

      After deploying the Agent, you must reboot the target application server.

    • Checking the Status of a Deployed Agent

      To view the status of the deployed Agent(s):

      bin/oracleDeployer.bat -version <version> -status -adminurl -resource 'resource name' <targets>

    • Disabling a Running Agent

      To disable the Agent, use the undeploy command. Be sure to use the correct agent directory name:

      bin/oracleDeployer.bat -version <version> -undeploy -resource 'resource name' -targets <targets>

      After un-deploying the Agent, you must reboot the target application server.

  • Example

    To deploy to the admin server on localhost (to upgrade the agent use the same command):

    bin/oracleDeployer.bat -version -deploy -resource 'resource name' -targets default_group/oc4j_soa -agentdir AcseraAgent

    Restart Oracle SOA Suite for this to take effect.

3.5.4 Running Multiple CAMM Instances

There will always be a default instance of the CAMM (the installed instance). For each additional Manager instance needed, first create an instance directory underneath ACSERA_HOME. (ACSERA_HOME is the directory that CAMM was installed into, for example, C:\oracle\em10g.) Copy the installed config, mccconfig, and schema directories under the new instance directory.

In INSTANCE_DIR/config/Acsera.properties, set the following properties to unique, instance-specific values:

  • RMI.Registry.Port = other than the original one (51099 by default)

  • RMI.RemoteServiceController.ServerPort= other than the original one (55000 by default)

  • RMI.JavaProvider.ServerPort= other than the original one (55003 by default)

  • RMI.Registry.OSMetrics.Port= other than the original one (51099 by default)

  • Tomcat.Hosted=false (for original and instances)

The default value for RMI.Registry.Port is 51099. It is recommended that additional Manager instances use values counting down from the default (51098, 51097, and so on.)

Update dbconfig.xml for the target database (use a different database schema for the instance).

If there is a JDK installed under the ACSERA_HOME directory, then the scripts will use that JDK. Otherwise, JAVA_HOME must be set to the directory of the installed JDK.

The following commands may be used to control non-default Manager instances:

Windows UNIX
bin/acsera.bat bin/acsera.sh
bin/acshut.bat bin/acshut.sh
bin/deployer.bat bin/deployer.sh
bin/standalone.bat bin/standalone.sh

The acsera.*, acshut.* and standalone.* scripts take an instance name as the first argument. Leaving out the instance name causes the script to target the default instance. Front-End Configuration

Create a new qvadmin directory for instance on \ACSERA_HOME\apache-tomcat-5.5.20\webapps. For example:


Copy contents of webapps/qvadmin to the new directory.

In each of the previous manager instances, set a unique RMI address/port. You will also need to set up each of the qvadmin directory's web.xml to match.

For each qvadmin directory in apache-tomcat-5.5.20/webapps, edit the WEB-INF/web.xml file as follows:

  • Edit the Acsera.RMIRegistry.HOST value to reflect the address of this instance of the Manager. The default is localhost, and this is the only supported configuration.

  • Edit the Acsera.RMIRegistry.Port value to reflect the port of this instance of the Manager. Note that each qvadmin/Manager pair must have a unique port if the Manager exists on the same machine with other Managers.

Each of these qvadmin deployments can be in the same container or in separate containers. If they are in the same container, you eed to give each a unique name, such as qvadmin1 (for an exploded directory) qvadmin1.war (for a war file), so they do not conflict. In Tomcat, this is done by copying qvadmin to its new name, and restarting Tomcat.

Note that this will impact the URL used for the Browser to access the Manager. Deploying each in the same container could result in URLs (note different filepath):    Manager 1 (Domain 1)    Manager 2 (Domain 2)
and so on

Deploying in multiple containers could result in URLs (note different ports):
and so on

3.6 Installing and Configuring CAMM Data Repository

CAMM maintains a database (can be Oracle or MySQL) of information collected on the system it is monitoring. This database can be contained on the same machine on which CAMM is running. It can also be hosted on a remote machine. The following paragraphs describe how to configure the CAMM Data Repository. By default the CAMM installation utility installs the database under $CAMM _HOME/database directory.

The following sections describe procedures that may be performed by the CAMM administrator to customize the database configuration.

3.6.1 Configuring Oracle DBMS for CAMM

Oracle CAMM currently supports the Oracle 10g database for its runtime repository. In order to set this up, the following steps are necessary in order to setup and configure the Oracle DBMS for Oracle CAMM. Oracle CAMM will initialize the database upon connecting to it and generate the required tables.

  1. Install Oracle DB: 10g on a separate machine

  2. Create a new user in database (preferably "CAMM" or something distinct)

  3. Set the System Global Area to have at least 1 GB (1275068416 bytes)

  4. Increase the number of processes in database from 150 to 300 (optional; this is primarily for an OracleXE database).

    Execute the following commands using Oracle SQL *Plus:

    1. connect / as sysdba; (this will connect to the database as DBA)

    2. show parameter processes;

      aq_tm_processes integer 0
      db_writer_processes integer 1
      gcs_server_processes integer 0
      job_queue_processes integer 10
      log_archive_max_processes integer 2
      processes integer 150

    3. alter system set processes=300 scope=spfile; (Run this to increase the number of processes. You can set it to a higher number if you want.)

    4. shutdown immediate (for shutdown the server)

    5. startup (startup the server)

    6. show parameter processes; (run this to verify the changes took effect)

Use of the GUI-based configuration tool described in the Quick Steps for Installing the CAMM Agent at the beginning of this manual is recommended. For manual database configuration, fields in dbconfig.xml may be modified.

3.6.2 Configuring MySQL DBMS for CAMM

Oracle CAMM currently supports MySQL 4.1 database and higher for its runtime repository. The following steps are necessary to setup and configure the Oracle DBMS for Oracle CAMM. Oracle CAMM initializes the database upon connecting to it and generates the required tables.

  1. Install MySQL 4.1 or higher on a separate machine

  2. Create a new user in the database (preferably "Oracle" or something distinct) and grant the user the appropriate privileges

  3. Tune memory for performance as indicated below:

    On a 1 GB server shared by CAMM and MySQL, the following parameter should be set in the my.ini file to increase database subsystem performance:


    On a 2 GB server shared by CAMM and MySQL or on a dedicated to MySQL 1GB server, the parameter should be set as:


3.7 Backing Up the CAMM Database

Oracle recommends that regular backups be made of the database utilized as a runtime repository for Oracle CAMM. The Oracle database provides the EXP and IMP tools that allow you to quickly backup and restore the database if necessary. The most convenient method for backing up the MySQL database is using the mysqldump command. By default, this is found in c:\mysql\bin on Windows, or /mysql/bin on UNIX.