2 Pre-Installation Requirements

To save yourself time during the installation and configuration processes, check compliance with the following dependencies. The following list uses examples of environment dependencies for WebLogic 8.1, 9.2, and 10.0.

  1. Check Support Hardware

    • CPU

    • RAM

    • Free HD Space

  2. Check Supported OS

    • OS

    • Patch Level

    • JRE

  3. Check Network

    • No Firewalls (same subnet)

    • If Firewalls - ports are open

    • No multi-homing interface conflicts

    • IP interfaces are static

    • Network connectivity (telnet, nmap, Wshell, and so on)

  4. Check Web Logic configuration

    • WebLogic 8.1.9.x, 10.0

    • One cluster per WLI domain

    • Applications deployed and running

    • There is process load

    • t3 channels are enabled

  5. Check Database

    • Check availability at Oracle

2.1 Environment Considerations

Consider the following environment considerations:

2.1.1 Access and Connectivity

Determine whether you have access and connections to the monitored application platform, network, and DHCP. Access to Monitored Application Platform

With respect to the target application platform to be monitored, CAMM requires the following level of access:

  • System Access to the Oracle SOA Suite/Oracle WebLogic/IBM WebSphere Application domain environment (such as ability to deploy to the domain)

  • System Administration capabilities to modify WebLogic/WebSphere startup files.

Note that CAMM accesses the target application platform as application users created with administrative privileges. Creating an operating system user (such as a UNIX user) is not necessary other than securing the CAMM installation and configurations.

The Oracle SOA Suite/Oracle WebLogic/IBM WebSphere Administration domain server and the Managed Servers must be accessible from the machine where CAMM is being installed. Network Connectivity

Firewalls provide security for networks and applications by preventing certain connectivity between machines, servers, and applications. CAMM is remotely monitoring performance and availability of the Oracle SOA Suite/Oracle WebLogic/IBM WebSphere runtime environment. If firewalls or proxies are present in the network topology, they must be configured to allow communication traffic between CAMM and the Oracle SOA Suite/Oracle WebLogic/IBM WebSphere runtime environment.

Oracle recommends that the CAMM dedicated machine be deployed into the same subnet, within the firewall perimeter.

If a firewall is unavoidable, ensure that the CAMM port is open and that t3 and RMI traffic is allowed.


CAMM does not support IPv6 addressing. DHCP

Oracle recommends that the CAMM dedicated machine, the J2EE Application Admin Server, and Managed Servers are assigned static IP addresses. Non-static configurations are more difficult to configure.

2.1.2 CAMM Database

Ensure that the CAMM database is properly installed and configured.

CAMM stores application metadata, performance and availability metrics in a repository database. This dedicated database must be accessible by CAMM. Currently, CAMM supports Oracle 10g and MySQL database platforms for the repository.

For an Oracle or MySQL database installation, a dedicated user database and schema should be created with adequate access rights and connectivity restrictions. Setup and configuration for the MySQL database are covered in Section 3.6.2, "Configuring MySQL DBMS for CAMM".

2.1.3 System Locale

CAMM supports 4 locales: English (en, US), Spanish (es, ES), Chinese Simplified (zh,CN), and Chinese Traditional (zh,TW). By default, the system locale will be picked.

For running standalone.bat/sh, acsera.bat/sh or client.bat/sh, you can type the following at the command line before running the batch job:

  1. Spanish:

    Set / export ACSERA_LANG=es

    Set / export ACSERA_COUNTRY=ES

  2. Chinese Simplified:

    Set / export ACSERA_LANG=zh

    Set / export ACSERA_COUNTRY=CN

  3. Chinese Traditional:

    Set / export ACSERA_LANG=zh

    Set / export ACSERA_COUNTRY=TW

For running an applet from the browser: you need to create an environment variable since the command line var is not picked.

  1. Spanish:



  2. Chinese Simplified:



  3. Chinese Traditional:



The steps for changing the environment variables on Windows are as follows:

  1. Open Control Panel

  2. Click the System icon and the window pops up

  3. Go to the Advanced pane

  4. Click the Environment Variables button


Once you define the environment variable, you do not need to set the variable at the command line for standalone or client or acsera batch files.

2.2 Clustering and Application Domains

Application domain is a logical/administrative context for a collection of resources, such as a WebLogic cluster (or WebSphere cell) and/or standalone server instances. A single CAMM Manager instance can also monitor mixed application domains of different vendor platforms. Thus, with a single Manager instance, a human operator can have a single, consistent view into a large, heterogeneous environment where, for example, WebLogic domains and WebSphere cells co-exist.

Because of this flexibility, a single instance of CAMM is best dedicated to a single environment - as in production, or QA. Within each environment, application server platforms may be heterogeneous, based on different vendors (WebLogic/WebSphere) or different versions (WLS 9.2 vs. 10.0), and have diverse deployment configurations (such as standalone servers, Oracle SOA Suite, WLS clusters and/or WebSphere cells).

Mixing environments within a single CAMM instance (such as domains from production and from QA) is technically feasible but not recommended, since traffic patterns from the different environments tend to be different (live versus load testing) and can complicate advanced data analyses. In this case, deploying multiple instances of CAMM would be the correct solution, where a dedicated CAMM instance monitors each specific environment (Production, Staging, QA, and so on). You can find details about multiple CAMM instances support in Section 3.5, "Deploying CAMM Components".

2.2.1 WebLogic Clustering

WebLogic clustering includes clusters and the Node Manager. Clusters

CAMM supports the monitoring of performance and availability across any number of servers, clusters, and machine configurations across multiple WebLogic domains. It will automatically detect application clustered deployments and dependencies and build metrics that relate to this deployment architecture. There are no limitations for the number of domains, clusters, machines, and servers a single CAMM instance can monitor. Node Manager

Node Manager is used by the WebLogic Admin server to remotely start and stop WebLogic Managed Server instances. The CAMM Agent Deployment makes some changes to startup parameters of a Managed Server. When using Node Manager, the CAMM Agent Deployment detects that Node Manager is running and make those changes to the Node Manager server JVM startup parameters.

2.3 Statistics and Privileges To Obtain From Various Administrators

To save time during the installation and configuration of the CAMM Manager and CAMM Agent, get the privileges and field information you need before you start the process.

2.3.1 Database Administrator

Contact the Database Administrator (DBA) for the information needed to fill in the fields in the Resource section of the installation. You need the following values for the Oracle database instance:

  • Database SID (service identifier)

  • Database host and port

  • Database user with CONNECT and RESOURCE roles

2.3.2 WebLogic Administrator

Contact the WebLogic Administrator (WebLogic Admin) for the following values:

  • Admin Console host and port

  • WebLogic administrator username and password

  • If using the Oracle SOA Suite: BPEL and ESB console username, password, host, and port

2.3.3 WebSphere Administrator

Contact the WebSphere Administrator (WebSphere Admin) for the following values:

  • Network Deployment Manager (dmgr) SOAP port

  • WebSphere administrator username and password

  • Client certificates (if global security is enabled)

2.3.4 OC4J Administrator

Contact the OC4J Administrator (OC4J Admin) for the following values:

  • Application Server Control host and port

  • OC4J administrator username and password

  • OPMN request port

  • If using the Oracle SOA Suite: BPEL and ESB console username, password, host, and port