Release Notes

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Known Limitations

This section describes known limitations in the Oracle WebLogic Integration 10g Release 3 (10.3.1) release. The known limitations are grouped by the following topics:


Administration, Configuration, and Worklist Application

Problem ID
User name is not validated when you try to assign a user while creating /updating a Worklist task plan.
Workaround: Make sure that you do not use any invalid characters like @, $, etc. for a user name.
worklistEvent channel can not be selected from static message broker subscription control.
Workaround: Create a JPD, select 'Subscribe to a Message Broker channel and start via an event', go to source view and update:
xquery = “”, filterValueMatch = “”, channelName = “”, messageBody = “{x0}”)

public void subscription(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject x0) {
xquery = "", filterValueMatch = "", channelName = "/WorklistEvent", messageBody = "{x0}", messageMetaData = "{x1}")
public void subscription( x0, com.bea.wli.worklist.xml.TaskEventMetadataDocument x1) {
Save the JPD, build, and return to the Design view of message broker control, select filter, and proceed.
If you still face any issue just make sure you have the XQuery annotation in the subscription JPD as follows:
@com.bea.wli.common.XQuery(prolog='declare namespace ns0 = \'';')
Place the XQuery annotation before the @com.bea.wli.jpd.Process(process = annotation.
When configuring a WLI domain with Domain Configuration Wizard and choosing MS SQL 2005 as database from the drop-down list in the Run Database Scripts window, the script for the p13nDataSource is not displayed
Workaround:Select 2000 as the DB Version in the drop-down list for the p13nDataSource and run the scripts against MS SQL 2005. The domain will work fine with MS SQL 2005 as the DB scripts are the same for MS SQL 2000 and MS SQL 2005.
This problem does not occur when a domain is created for WLI and WebLogic Portal.
CR349800, CR379251, CR382286
When installing Oracle WebLogic Integration, WebLogic Server, Workshop for WebLogic, and WebLogic Integration need to be installed in the same BEA HOME and the default names for WebLogic Server directory, Workshop for WebLogic directory, and WebLogic Integration directory must not be changed. Otherwise the installation will not work.
Workaround: Install WebLogic Server, Workshop for WebLogic, and WebLogic Integration together in the same BEA_HOME. The WebLogic Server directory should be '%BEA_HOME%/wlserver_10.3', the Workshop for WebLogic directory should be %BEA_HOME%/workshop_10.3 and WebLogic Integration directory should be '%BEA_HOME%/wli_10.3' where BEA_HOME is the location where the product is installed.
When JWS invokes JPD, the callback to JWS from a JPD fails in a cluster.
Workaround: The com.bea.control.annotations.MessageBuffer must not be used on the callback operations of a Process control that is used to invoke a JPD from a JWS. Using the com.bea.control.annotations.MessageBuffer annotation will not work reliably in a cluster environment.
While editing a newly created event subscriptions of a worklist instance, two Edits interfere each other.
Workaround: Delete the event subscription that is created, and re-create it. Enter all the values you wish to add for the new subscription in the Add Subcription page itself as the two edit links interfere with each other.
After application source upgrade, MFL Transformation failed with XQuery Exception (XQRLUserException).
Unlike in 8.x, the 10.2 MFL-derived XMLBeans belong to a namespace. So, the upgraded XQuery transformations that use MFL-derived XMLBeans as output types must be manually updated to yield XML with elements in the appropriate namespace. The namespace used is determined by the path of the MFL file, relative to the schema source directory.
For example, an MFL file located at project/schemas/dir/purchase.mfl will yield XMLBeans that belong to the XML namespace: dir/purchase.
The user portal displays default values that are actually not in the database. If you accept these values, they are inserted into the database.
These are populated with default values to reduce work for the user to work on user portal.
You might encounter a database deadlock with Worklist applications if you have configured your domain with DB2.
Workaround: There is no known workaround at this point.
Potential database deadlock when using Microsoft SQL.
You might encounter a database deadlock if you have configured your domain with Microsoft SQL.
Workaround: After you have created your domain, modify the datasource scripts to add the “SendStringParametersAsUnicode=false” property.
Issues due to WebLogic Portal 10.2 template patches.
When you create a Platform-like by adding wlp.jar template onto a WLI domain, with express mode or user explicitly selecting run DB script, loadDB fails when extending wlp.jar and the domain does not start.
Workaround: Using the Configuration Wizard tool, create a Platform-like domain by adding WebLogic Integration templates to a WebLogic Portal domain, or by selecting the WebLogic Portal and WebLogic Integration check-boxes.
When you create a Platform-like by adding the WebLogic Portal component onto a WebLogic Integration domain, with express mode or user explicitly selecting run DB script, loadDB fails when extending wlp.jar and the domain does not start.
Workaround: There is no workaround for this problem.
When you create a WebLogic Portal domain by extending workshop_wl.jar, p13n.jar and wlp.jar templates, one template at a time, with express mode or user explicitly selecting run DB script, loadDB fails when extending wlp.jar and the domain does not start.
Workaround: Select the WebLogic Portal checkbox to create the Portal domain.
When you create a WebLogic Portal domain by extending workshop_wl.jar, p13n.jar and wlp.jar templates, one template at a time, with loadDB() invoked each time extending a template, loadDB fails when extending wlp.jar and the domain does not start.
Workaround: Extend the required templates together and invoke loadDB() explicitly in the WLST script.
When you create a WebLogic Portal domain by extending workshop_wl.jar, p13n.jar and wlp.jar templates together, without explicitly invoking loadDB(), the resulting domain fails to start because of missing tables.
Workaround: You need to explicitly invoke loadDB().
WebLogic Integration 10.x domains take longer to start up when compared with WebLogic Integration 8.x domains.
The problem has been mitigated by removing extra backward compatibility resources from newly created WebLogic Integration domains. Newly created domains will not deploy backward compatibility resources (applications, etc.) and will thus boot more rapidly than if those resources were present in the domain.
Note: Even with this change, the boot time for 10.2 domains is somewhat longer than a comparable 8.x domain. This is due to more sophisticated application structure and deployment needs in 10.2.
If you wish to create a new domain and also add backward compatibility support to that domain, you must create the WebLogic Integration domain, and then extend that domain with the wli_worklist81x extension template (using the configuration wizard).
WebLogic Integration 8.1.x domains that are upgraded to 10.2 will *automatically* have backward compatibility support added to them. No further customer action is required.
If your application enables message buffering on controls or web services using the annotations com.bea.control.annotations.MessageBuffer or weblogic.jws.MessageBuffer, the following error is displayed when you try to deploy it on a cluster:
"While attempting to create destination MSG_BUFFER_QUEUE in module <name_of_your_ear>!WlwRuntimeAppScopedJMS the JMSServer of name <name_of_your_cluster> could not be found".
Workaround: In this case, you must target the MSG_BUFFER_QUEUE to a specific JMS Server with the following submoduletargets option to your weblogic.Deployer command:
-submoduletargets cgJMSServer@WlwRuntimeAppScopedJMS@WseeJmsServer_auto_1.
Any new task plan, by default does not have a create policy for any user: this has to be done explicitly through the worklist console. If this policy is not configured, then the JPDs’ that create tasks and are initiated through the JPD test console fail: This is because the JPD test console invokes the JPDs’ without any authentication and the JPD is run without any principal, thus as 'Anonymous'.
Workaround: You need to change the create policy and remove the <Anonymous>. By default <Anonymous> is added to the Global Task Plan Create policy. Thus, a task can be created Out of the Box by anyone.
Warning and Debug messages are displayed while starting the Out-of-the-box Integration domain.
Workaround: The administrator, in a production mode, must set a test table depending on the chosen database - for the databases supported by WLI.
You will get an exception when you try to extend any portal-enabled domain with the WSRP template (wsrp-simple-producer.jar) either using the Configuration Wizard or WLST offline.
Exception message displayed in the purging tasks of Worklist application.
Based on the permissions you have, you can perform the purge action. An exception message is displayed when the tasks are of type “Compat 8.1.x”.
<Anonymous> users can purge 8.x Compat Tasks.
When you enter a custom User Interface page for the first time in a browser session, a blank page is displayed.
Workaround: You need to refresh your browser to view the custom User Interface page.The usage of an incorrect case in the task-ui-registry.xml entries can cause the related custom task page to appear blank for the first time, and is then displayed after the page is refreshed.
The Managed Server does not start unless the Administration Server already running.
Workaround: None.
Exceptions are encountered in the Server Console when using the Worklist Sample Application.
While working on the Worklist Sample Application through the Worklist User Portal, you may encounter org.apache.beehive.netui.util type exceptions in the Server Console. You can ignore the exceptions displayed in the Server Console as they are not very critical.
The Pointbase database throws an error if the amount of data received exceeds the database size of 30MB.
Workaround: You can use the WLI Administration Console (System > Purge > Purge Tracking Data) to manually purge the data from the tracking table. You can alternatively reduce the tracking level for this process type, if the tracking data is not being used. For more information, see Managing Process Tracking Data in Process Configuration in Using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.
Unauthorized users (users who do not have Administration/Update/Query rights, or claimant, assignee rights) can see the built-in and user-defined properties of a task. This can happen when a control callback or TaskEventListener delivers a TaskEvent containing this information.
Workaround: Asynchronous events still have user properties as ChangedProperty instances (each containing a PropertyInstance with a name, type, and so on.) on them, but the property values equals to null. For system properties, they receive a ChangedProperty instance with a name, but the value is equal to null.
Security Configuration Dependency on web.xml
Do not use the WebLogic Integration Administration Console to access your business process to secure SOAP-HTTP access to your business process if you have already secured your business process using the security-constraint element in the web.xml deployment descriptor and the @common:security annotation. You will receive a security violation at run time.
Result of trackdata() Call Not Recorded For Large Documents on Transaction Rollback
To avoid a possible problem in subsequent archiving, if both of the following conditions are met, the result of a trackdata() call will not be recorded in the WebLogic Integration process events table.
  • The transaction that calls JpdContext.trackData(XmlObject value) or JpdContext.trackData(RawData value) is rolled back.
  • The document passed in is large enough to be stored in the SQL document store.

Note: A document is persisted to the document store if it exceeds the size specified by the weblogic.wli.DocumentMaxInlineSize property in the file. For example, the property is set as follows in the sample integration domain:

# Minimum size for documents stored in the SQL Document Store:


Workaround: To minimize the risk of trackData calls being affected by a process rollback, call trackData() in its own transaction (in a perform node encapsulated within an explicit transaction boundary).
A rewrite of an internal code generation framework for R27.4 has eliminated known bugs causing JRockit to crash.
Running Business Processes
You must build applications that use WebLogic Integration functionality in a WebLogic Integration or WebLogic Platform domain. Running business processes and data transformations in a WebLogic Workshop domain is not supported.


Business Process

Problem ID
Bug ID 8177595
After importing and deploying an application, error occurs while trying to redeploy it after changing the application name.
Workaround: During import, select the Copy Projects to Workspace option to ensure that both the context path and the web project folder name are updated after any name change.
While accessing the process information from the Oracle WebLogic Integration Administration Console after a process instance is terminated, the Could not resolve connection: could not use local transaction commit in a global transaction java.sql.SQLException: could not use local transaction commit in a global transaction exception may occur.
Workaround: Set the value of the test-connections-on-reserve data source property to true in the DOMAIN_HOME\config\jdbc\cgDataSource-jdbc.xml file as shown below:
To set the property value to true from Oracle WebLogic Server Console, in the Domain Structure pane, click Services > JDBC > Data Sources. In the Summary of JDBC Data Sources page, click cgDataSource. In the Settings for cgDataSource page, click Connection Pool and click Advanced. Select the Test Connections On Reserve check box and set the value of Seconds to Trust an Idle Pool Connection to 0 and save the configuration for the data source's connection pool.
Integration sample domains are now located in the <BEA_HOME>/wli_10.3/samples/domains/integration directory and are no longer created in the <BEA_HOME>/wlserver_10.3/samples/domains/integration directory.
When a WLI process accesses a service via the Service control, and the "Show in Service Assembly Modeler" option is selected, the Service Assembly Model does not show a reference to the service in the IDE.
Workaround: Copy the WSDL to the same folder as the service control and edit the schema location in the WSDL to point to the absolute path of the schema.
Unable to see JPD configuration pane in default Process perspective.
Properties view and JPD Configuration view can not be used together in the Process perspective.
Workaround: To modify values in the JPD Configuration pane, you need to first close the Properties pane and then open the JPD Configuration pane (in Oracle Workshop for WebLogic IDE, select Windows menu > Show View > Other > General > JPD Configuration) and reload the JPD. To return to the Properties pane, close the JPD Configuration pane, open the Properties pane and reload the JPD.
When a WSDL is generated from a WLI JPD that references XmlBeans whose schema reside in another WSDL file, then the generated WSDL only refers the namespace, but does not include the schema types from the original WSDL. This can for example happen when an ALDSP WSDL is imported into the WLI project.
Workaround: This problem has two workaround solutions as follows:
Approach 1 - after generating the WSDL from JPD
After generating the JPD WSDL, copy the schema from the types section in original WSDL and insert that schema to the generated JPD WSDL's types section.
Approach 2 - when consuming the ALDSP WSDL
Segregate the types section from the original WSDL into an separate XML schema and reference that XML schema from within the original WSDL before importing it into the project.
When a JpdProxy ant task is used for creating a JpdProxy jar file, it throws the following exception stack trace:
[jpd-proxy-client-jar] Unmarshaller failed: com.bea.xml.XmlException: failed to load java type corresponding to t=applicationType@ xml/ns/j2ee.
If you import a WSDL for a service in Workshop Studio by using the URI Service Resource and the system fails to download the WSDL for any reason (including invalid URL), no error message is displayed.
Workaround: If a WSDL is not downloaded, you must confirm that the URI is valid by attempting to download the WSDL using a web browser.
Compile time error appears, when you create a process from a Service control or ALSB control, using the XMLBeans option.
Workaround: Do the following:
  • If the WSDL has types, and there is no corresponding schema for those types, then copy the WSDL in to Schemas folder of the process project before generating Service Control or ALSB Control.
  • If the WSDL has types and there is a corresponding schema for those types, then copy that schema in to the schemas folder of the process project before generating the Service Control/ALSB Control.
Deployment of the process application fails in windows based OS environment if both the XMLBeans and JAX-RPC types are present for the same schema in the project. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError for the type class is displayed on the WLS console, even though the class exists in one of the jar files existing in the project. This happens when using the Service control/ALSB control.
Workaround: When generating the service control for the given WSDL, it is recommended either to use XML Beans or JAX-RPC types. Do not use them at the same time.
For example, if the WSDL has types section, or if the WSDL is placed in the schemas folder of the web/util project and we generate service control out of that WSDL with JAX-RPC types, then both XMLBeans and JAX-RPC types will present in the application and as a result the deployment would fail.
If you create a WSDL from a WLI JPD (right-click on JPD -> Generate -> WSDL) and you validate that WSDL (right-click on WSDL -> Validate), the validation might throw an error.
Workaround: Don't validate the WSDL by right-click -> Validate. The build handles the WSDL validation.
When using the BEA Workspace Studio Internal Web Browser to test a WLI JPD (Run As > Run on Server) and clicking on the Process Graph tab, an empty screen is displayed. This only happens if the Adobe SVG viewer is not installed.
Workaround: The Process Graph view works with all other external browsers. You can set the external web browser in Workshop Studio as follows:
  1. Click on the main menu in BEA Workshop Studio.
  2. Go to the web browser sub menu.
  3. Select an external browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox. You will now be able to view the process graph.
A PersistenceException occurs when passing ebXML messages
A PersistenceException occurs when passing ebXML messages with binary attachments between two B2B applications, if the documentmaxinlinesize parameter in the file is set to the default value.
Workaround: Set the documentmaxinlinesize value to 2.5 times higher than the data size.
Endless timeout events getting displayed in Test console.
Workaround: The feature works as designed. This is a general expected behavior of all non WLI controls. The external controls are not frozen or suspended with the JPD.
The browsing feature does not work for JPDs.
Workaround: In the EAR deployment mode, the test browser allows you to browse inside the war file. However, you cannot open or read the actual files. In the split source mode, no files are displayed as the war is empty. It is not possible to reset the status of a process from within the test browser.
When trying to print a WLI JPD from the Process Perspective design view on a Linux platform, the Print dialog box is not displayed.
Workaround: None, this problem occurs due to an Eclipse platform limitation.
In WLI 10.2, while generating a Process Control and Fronting JWS, empty conversation finish method is generated.
Workaround: Works as designed. The reason, the conversation is seen when the Process Control is generated is due to the fact that there is additional node (perform) after the clientRequestWithReturn node. It is recommended to create other client visible nodes (conversation continue) after the clientRequestWithReturn node and then start the conversation annotation on the process control. Remove the perform node after the clientRequestWithReturn and the conversation start annotation on the process control is not seen. When the process control has a conversation annotation, the generated JWS will have a place holder conversationFinish method giving the client ability to finish the conversation. In this case, the client must call the conversationFinish to finish the conversation. This restriction will not be present once the JWS front end feature is enhanced so that the conversation on the JWS is finished implicitly when the JPD conversation completes.
The package names of MFL xbean types are derived from MFL file paths, relative to the schemas directory.
For example, types for an MFL file foo/BAR.mfl would live in a package
But, if the MFL file contains an alphabet which occurs after a number, the case of the alphabet changes to upper case. Also, the letter after a hyphen character changes to upper case. Examples:
  • a file /foo/foo2bar.mfl will result in a package name of foo.foo2Bar
  • a file /foo/foo-bar.mfl will result in a package name of
This affects upgrade scenarios where the user has:
  • MFL files named in such a manner and
  • files (e.g. processes) which reference xbean types generated from the MFL files.
Workaround: You need to update the references to use the 10.2 style package names.
Test console Displays Comments in the JPD
When you use the test console to test an application that you have upgraded from 8.1 to 10.2, you may see comments annotated as follows in the Test console:
"/** * @jpd:process process:: ....."
You can ignore these comments—the upgraded JPD contains the original (8.1) process annotations as comments and these are displayed in 10.2.
Dynamically Propagate Changes in a JPD to the Control and WSDL files
Unlike in 8.1, changes made to a JPD in 10.2 are not automatically reflected in its corresponding Control or WSDL files.
Workaround: If any changes are made in a JPD, you must regenerate the Control and WSDL files to reflect these changes.
Renaming the default Web Content folder (Webcontent) in a Web Project.
Renaming the default "Webcontent" folder in a Web Project would cause problems when the project is compiled or run. This is because the new name does not reflect in all the settings files that references it.
Workaround: To successfully change the Webcontent folder name, you have to ensure that the new name is updated in the following documents:
  • {webProject}/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component
  • {webProject}/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.prefs
Open the Navigator view by clicking Window ->Show View -> Navigator. You will see a File explorer view that shows all the folders, including the hidden folders. In the Navigator view, expand the Web Project. You will see the .settings folder. Under the .settings folder, you will see the org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.prefs file and the org.eclipse.wst.common.component file. Make sure that the new Web Content folder name is set correctly in those two files.
Eclipse problems viewer which lists all the diagnostics in a JPD is displayed in the Design view.
You can use the Design view to find the source of the error.
ProcessRuntimeMBean Failing to Retrieve Stateless Business Process Instance Information in Development Mode
The ProcessRuntimeMBean is not normally used for stateless business processes. It is usually used for stateful processes. In development mode, not production mode, on some processes, it may return the wrong information.
Uncommitted Local Transaction when Connection Returned to Connection Pool
The local transaction is left open. To close it, in the JDBCConnectionPoolMBean, set the property RollbackLocalTxUponConnClose="true".


Cluster Configurations

Problem ID
After performing JTA and JMS migrations from a failed managed server, a process instance may remain in running mode.
A repeating set of error messages similar to the following appears in db2diag.log:
Instance:DB2 Node:000
PID:3888(db2syscs.exe) TID:5400 Appid:/1721616.3366.00090031001F
data protection sqlpxTEntrySwitchIn Probe:300 Database:DBNAME

DIA8036C XA error with request type of "". Transaction was not found.
Deploying an EAR in Cluster Configurations Causes Certain Warnings That Can Be Ignored
Specifying a cluster name as the target when you deploy an EAR file causes BEA-149055 warnings to appear in the WebLogic Server console window for the WebLogic Server that hosts the WebLogic Server Administration console (WebLogic Administration Server). These warnings include the following text:
Having multiple individual servers of a cluster as targets instead of having the entire cluster as the target can result in non-optimal load balancing and scalability.
You can ignore these messages.



Problem ID
Bug ID 8393336
Validation error occurs while importing a schema file (.xsd file) generated for XML Gateway in JDeveloper into Oracle WebLogic Integration.
Using JRockit 5.0 R27.3.1 and dynamic selectors in a Service Broker Control might cause problems.
Workaround: Use JRockit 5.0 R27.4.0 and higher releases with the Dynamic control selector.
Note: The (Dynamic) Selector has been deprecated. Please use the XML Meta Data Cache Control instead.
The XML Meta Data Cache can be used to store configuration information to be retrieved at run-time and set to a control dynamically. For more information, see XML Meta Data Cache control.
When an ALSB Transport Control/EJB control with transaction propagation is used in the exception path of a WLI JPD, the exception path is configured with “execute on rollback” and when that transaction is marked for rollback by the external entity (the ALSB server or the EJB), the process aborts.
Workaround: The transaction must not be marked for rollback, but it must allow to throw an exception that can be handled by the process.
A BindingsCheckException is thrown from the ALSB Transport control wizard when a WSDL is used to create a ALSB Transport control.
Workaround: Update the patch profile in the IDE. For details, see Enabling Runtime (Server) Patches.
After the patch update, use the WSDL to successfully create the ALSB Transport control. You must restart Workspace Studio after updating the patch profile.
The change in the Workshop Time control behavior from 8.1 to 10.2 causes problem when the control is used from JPD.
Workaround: WliTimerControl is the default WebLogic Integration timer control for JPDs. There is limited support for the WLW Timer Control when used from a JPD.


Event Generators

Problem ID
Bug 9116486
When multibyte characters are used in a adapter WSDL file, which is used to create JCA event generators, messages are not enqueued in the event generator channels.
You may encounter some of the following errors if your domain's cgDataSource is configured to use Oracle's Driver (Thin XA):
  • Exception when you create a channel rule for a Timer event generator : com.bea.wli.calendar.api.BusinessCalendarException: [WLI-Calendar:492000] An error occurred during business calendar operation"
  • “Exception encountered" error when you delete the Timer event generator
  • Timer event generator may be running but it may not deliver events to the channels
In all the above cases, you will see the following exception in the server log:
java.sql.SQLException: XA error: XAResource.XAER_PROTO start() failed on resource 'cgDataSource': XAER_PROTO : Routine was invoked in an inproper context
Workaround: Set the value of the test-connections-on-reserve data source property to true in the DOMAIN_HOME\config\jdbc\cgDataSource-jdbc.xml file as shown below:
To set the property value to true from Oracle WebLogic Server Console, in the Domain Structure pane, click Services > JDBC > Data Sources. In the Summary of JDBC Data Sources page, click cgDataSource. In the Settings for cgDataSource page, click Connection Pool and click Advanced. Select the Test Connections On Reserve check box and set the value of Seconds to Trust an Idle Pool Connection to 0 and save the configuration for the data source's connection pool.
If the WLI database goes offline and is brought online again, Event Generators might not function as expected anymore. Suspending and resuming the Event Generators using the Administration Console will most likely not be enough.
Workaround: After restarting the domain and the server, the Event Generators will work as expected again.
TIBCO anticipated listeners are not supported in WLI. When a WLI JPD with a TIBCO RV Control uses anticipated listeners to send the message to a destination, and a TIBCO RV event generator for that listener is only deployed afterwards, the event generator is not able to receive the messages in the configured timeout for Certified Messaging.
Workaround: Deploy the event generator before the process, and then let the process send the messages to the required destinations.
A SQL Exception can occur when you create an RDBMS Event Generator on a table that has LONG column(s) (Oracle Database).
Workaround: Change the table to use LOB instead of LONG.
Creating a New TIBCORV Event Generator with a blank space through WebLogic Integration Administration Console throws javax.servlet.ServletException: jndi lookup failure for TIBCO Event Generator.
Workaround: Event Generator names should not have any spaces in between.
Slow Down of Sybase Database Table or Microsoft SQL Table When Using RDBMS Event Generator
When a Trigger Type event is created on a Sybase Table or Microsoft SQL Table, the RDBMS Event Generator creates a Shadow table that is a replica or subset of the User’s Table. The Trigger copies the Inserted, Deleted, and Updated rows from the User Table into the Shadow Table. As the rate at which rows are inserted, deleted, or updated into the User table increase beyond the rate at which the event generator can poll and process rows, the new rows become backlogged and cause the Poll query to slow down.
Workaround: The Shadow table gets created with the same name as the Channel Rule Definition name with an _BEA_SDW suffix. To speed up polling and hence processing, a Unique Index must be created on a particular column. For example, if the Trigger Event name (Channel Rule Definition name) is hello123, the Shadow Table gets created as hello123_BEA_SDW. To workaround this problem, create a Unique Index as follows:


Timer Event Generator May Not Reflect Changes in Business Calendar
After making a change to the Business Calendar, the Timer Event Generator may not pick up the change in the calendar.
Workaround: In the WebLogic Integration Administration ConsoleArrow symbolEvent GeneratorsArrow symbolView All File Event Generators window, select the appropriate Timer Event Generator, click Suspend, and then click Resume.
RDBMS Event Generator Trigger Not Deleted For Certain Trigger Type Events created on Microsoft SQL Server
When creating a Trigger Type Event on a schema other than with the DBO username, the SQL Server creates the Trigger in the same schema as the User Table on which it was created. If there is an attempt to insert rows after the Event has been deleted, errors are thrown because the Trigger still exists. Creating the Trigger does not require a schema name prefix but dropping the Trigger requires a schema to be prefixed to the statement.
Workaround: After the Event is deleted, the Trigger must be dropped manually using a simple command DROP TRIGGER <user_table_schema_name>.<trigger_name>.
Enabling Auto Commit for RDBMS Event Generators when Working with Informix Databases
If you are working with an Informix database, you should always enable the auto commit mode during an Insert, Update, or Delete event.
Automatic Delete for Query or Post Query Events in RDBMS Events
In the case of an Query or Post Query Events query with automatic delete (nothing specified in Post Query), the Max Rows Per Poll value is ignored. This was tried with values of 1 and 10 for Max Rows per poll. But in each case, all the rows were published and deleted in one single poll instead of 1 or 10 per poll as specified in the Channel rule definition.
This case is specific to the Sybase database when using the Data Direct driver.
In Oracle 9i DB with Oracle's 9i Thin Driver, the behavior was as expected and only 1 or 10 rows were published as specified in the channel rule definition.
In DB2 and Informix, the automatic delete option is not supported.
Creating Triggers on a Sybase Database Table
If you are working with a Sybase database, when a Trigger Event is created on a Sybase table that already has one Trigger Event of the same type, such as Insert, configured, the older Trigger is replaced. This means that the older Trigger Event stops working.
You can have one Insert, one Delete and one Update Trigger Event per Sybase Table.
Correct Data Not Published for Informix Database Triggers with Different Data Types
Due to the fact that Informix databases have peculiar ways of retrieving the Precision and Scale of DECIMAL and MONEY data types, it is recommended that you specify the Precision and Scale in the User Table - DECIMAL(p,s).
Restrictions on Trigger Type Events Created on Informix Databases
Trigger type events created on Informix databases have some restrictions. The value specified in the No. of Threads field and Max Rows Per Poll field must always be 1 and the value specified in the Polling Interval field must be greater than the total time it takes to publish the rows picked up in every poll.
Creating New RDBMS Event Generator Channel Rule Definitions in Informix Databases
If you are working with an Informix database and you want to delete an existing channel rule and create a new channel rule with the same name as the one you just deleted, you must set the Statement Cache size to zero.
File Event Generator FTP Supports Only Windows and UNIX Type FTP Servers
Only Windows and UNIX type FTP servers are supported by the File Event Generator FTP. VMS is not supported.
Using the RDBMS Event Generator in a Cluster

To use the RDBMS Event Generator in a cluster, the managed nodes must be created with specific IP addresses and port numbers. By default, the IP addresses of the managed nodes are null. If the default settings are used, events cannot be created in RDBMS Event Generator. IP Addresses and Port Numbers of the Managed Nodes must be provided.

Additionally, the Administration server sends messages to the distributed queue, Because the distributed queue is available only on the managed nodes, the JNDI-scoped security for wli.internal.egrdbms.queue must have lookup access to the default group: Everyone. BEA recommends always using the default security policies for administrative and server resources.

Setting Event Generator Polling Interval for Configuration Changes
The polling interval of the Event Generators may be set to a user-defined interval by using the following Java system properties:
  • Email:
  • File: wli.eventgen.file.checkConfigDelay
  • Timer: wli.eventgen.timer.checkConfigDelay
These properties may be set on the Java command that starts the server. Each property sets the number of milliseconds between polls. For example:


This sets the Timer Event Generator polling for configuration changes every 30 seconds.
If not specified, the default polling interval of 10 seconds is used.
Retrieving or Filtering on Timer Event Generator Metadata with Channel Type of XML is Not Supported
Events published by the Timer event generator with channel type of XML do not contain metadata headers, consequently, filtering or retrieving events based on metadata is not supported at this time.
Using the RDBMS Event Generator to Publish String or XML Type Channels
If you configure events to publish to a String or XML type channel, the published results will contain a RowState attribute similar to the following: <TableRow wId:RowId="2" wld:RowState="Inserted">. The RowState attribute will always be “Inserted”, even if the event type is “Deleted” or “Update”. You should ignore this attribute as it does not indicate that the Row was inserted.
RDBMS Event Generator Data Loss
If the WebLogic Workshop application containing the channels to which the RDBMS Event Generator is publishing events is undeployed while the event is publishing data, or if the JDBC Store/Database used for JMS fails, but the database on which the event is configured is still running, there is a possibility of some data being lost. To minimize this possibility, the Rows allocated Per Poll to each Processing Thread should be a small number (around 50 or lesser). This number can be calculated as follows; Max Rows Per Poll/No. Of Processing Threads = Rows Per Processing Thread.
RDBMS Event Generator Channel Rule Definition
When you are creating channel rule definitions in the WebLogic Integration Administration Console, it is recommended that you do not use the Back button if you want to resubmit the details on a page. You should always use the navigation links provided and create a new channel rule definition.


Data Transformation

Problem ID
Testing of a transformation involving multiple non-XML source schemas requires source data to be available for even unmapped schemas.
In a transformation file that has multiple non-XML source types (MFL), testing of the transformation requires data for all of the source types, even if some of them are not mapped to output types.
If data is not provided in the Test view for one or more of the source types, the following error message is displayed: The non XML data for parameter <parameter_name> could not be transformed into the appropriate XML data. Missing non optional data.
XQuery mapping to <any> type target element is not retained.
When you create a link to an <any> type target element in the Design view of an XQuery transformation, the mapping is not reflected in the Source view. When you save and close the XQuery file, the mapping is also not retained in the Design view.
Workaround: Write the code for the transformation in the Source view.
Nested for expression variables are not available for selection in the Design view for the peer and child clauses of the for expression.
When you create a nested for expression in an XQuery transformation, the corresponding for variable is not available for selection (in the Design view) for the peer and child clauses of that for expression. If you try to use the for variable by typing the variable name, an error message (Variable used but not declared) is displayed. You cannot use nested for variables while creating expressions in the Design view.
Workaround: You can use nested for variables expressions in the Source view and also execute the queries in the Test view. Note that after you create expressions that use nested for variables in the Source view, if you make any changes in the Design view, the error described above might occur again, requiring you to correct or rewrite the expression in the Source view.
While working with nested FLWOR expressions, Workshop might run out of resources.
While working with nested FLWOR expressions in XQuery transformations, when the For...Return pane of the Target Expression view is refreshed repeatedly (for example, when you switch continually between the Design and Source views), the SWTError:No more handle error might occur, indicating that Workshop has run out of resources.
Workaround: Close and restart Workshop.
DND of Expression functions do not work on Linux.
If you open an XQ file, select a target element in the Design view, select a function in the Expression Functions view, and attempt to DND a function to a valid location, the function is not applied.
Workaround: You can drag and drop the function only when the mouse pointer icon changes to indicate a droppable mouse pointer.
Intermittent problems with mapping a source element to a target element.
Drag and Drop in the Linux IDE sometimes does not function when you try to map a source element to a target element.
Workaround: Drag and drop the source element to the target element only when the mouse pointer icon changes to indicate a droppable mouse pointer.
Strings that include spaces are not allowed in the XQuery Condition Editors
In 8.1, you could create a condition in an XQuery Condition Editor that included a space in string values for the condition. However in 9.2, you must enclose such strings in single or double quotes.
For example, in 8.1, a Decision Node with the following variable and string selected on the left and right hand sides of the builder, respectively, created a valid condition:
(left hand side) variable: '$requestXML/ns0:shipAddress/@state'
(right-hand side) string: New Jersey
Condition Generated: data($requestXML/ns0:shipAddress/@state) = “New Jersey”
Workaround: For 9.2, the XQuery Condition Editor requires that you enclose such strings in single or double quotes—use the following syntax for a string such as the one in the right-hand side of the condition builder example above.
‘New Jersey’ or “New Jersey”
It is not possible to create a copy link in non-XML to XML and XML to non-XML data transformation.
The copy link is not created when mapping the source to the target element.
Workaround: Create a link between the parent source and target elements. Right-click on this link and select the Induce Map option.
In the XQuery Transformation Test view, source data is not generated properly for recursive elements.
The generated data for a recursive element is empty in the Test view.
Workaround: Correct the generated data manually and then test the XQuery.
Transformation Exception for In-Flight Processes when Shutting Down and Restarting Server
If the server is shutdown while a business process transformation is running and restarted, a transformation exception is thrown.

Workaround: Restart the business process.

Message Format Error While Using MFL Non-XML to XML Transformation Method in Format Builder
The delimiter of Group level causes the exception in Format Builder or run time.
Workaround: Remove this delimiter.
Casting is Limited or Unsupported Between Some XML Schema Types and Java Types in Transformations
During run time, the casting in transformations between the following types can be limited or unsupported:
  • Between different XML Schema types
  • Between Java types and XML Schema types
For example, the casting is limited between the XML Schema type xs:double and XML Schema type xs:integer. The casting from a source xs:double to a target xs:integer in a transformation will be successful during run time if the source double value is equal to 8 but will fail if the source double value is equal to 8.5 or even 8.0. The casting between these XML Schema types is unlike the casting done between types in the Java or C language.
The casting between the XML Schema type xs:date and the java.util.Date is unsupported and will fail during runtime because these two types are not equivalent. The XML Schema type xs:date contains only a date component and does not contain a time component while the java.util.Date Java class contains both a time and date component.


Trading Partner Integration

Problem ID
Bulk Loader Utility is Not Compatible with XA Database Drivers
Attempting to load data in the TPM repository with the Bulk Loader configured to use an XA database driver fails with the following error: No suitable driver.
Workaround: Configure the Bulk Loader to use a non-XA driver, or load the data interactively using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.
For information about how to configure the Bulk Loader, see “Configuring the Bulk Loader Configuration File” in Using the Trading Partner Bulk Loader in Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions.
For information about how to load TPM data using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console, see “Importing Management Data” in Trading Partner Management in Using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.
Extraneous Error When Deleting a Certificate
When deleting a certificate from the WebLogic Integration Administration Console, if you encounter the following error message, click Continue to dismiss it:

Certificate with name cert_name does not exist for partner partner_name.

Despite the error, when you click Continue, the certificate is deleted.
Workaround: The error message can be disregarded.
WebLogic Administration Console Generated Client Certificates May Not Work for Two Way SSL Testing
The “self-signed” client certificates that you can generate for testing purposes through the WebLogic Integration Console may not work for two way SSL configurations when client certificates are enforced on the server-side.
Workaround: When you are testing two way SSL configurations, generate your test certificates by using other tools, such as OpenSSL.
DOCTYPE is Not Preserved in XQuery Transformations
XQuery transformation does not preserve the DOCTYPE element.
Workaround: If you need the DOCTYPE element in further processing, add it back into your message by using the obj.documentProperties().setDoctypeSystemId in a Perform node following the transformation. An example of this is shown in the “Walkthrough of the Failure Notifier Business Process” section of the “Step 2: Open the PIP0A1: Notification of Failure Example” example under the “Tutorial Steps” heading of the Tutorial: Building RosettaNet Solutions
Update Older Bulkloader XML Files when Using Signature Configurations
This version of WebLogic Integration supports MD5, in addition to SHA1, as a digest algorithm option for RosettaNet. If you want to use signature configuration with older versions of bulkloader XML files, you need to add the following attribute to these files:
  • signature-digest-algorithm="MD5" valid values are MD5, SHA-1 or NONE.
The signature-digest-algorithm attribute is optional. Its representation is a character string in the DBMS. If you do not specify a value when you import the older version of the XML file, the value is set to NONE.
Trading Partner Integration API Changes
The following APIs have changed:
  • retrieveAllTradingPartner is now retrieveAllTradingPartners
  • retrieveAllAuthentication is now retrieveAllAuthentications
  • retrieveRosettaNetServiceBinding is now retrieveRosettaNetServiceDefaults
The ebXML Protocol Uses the Remote Trading Partner’s Values for Retry Number, Retry Interval, and Persist Duration
When you are using the ebXML protocol for Trading Partner messaging, the values used for Retry Number, Retry Interval, and Persist Duration are always the values of the remote trading partner, not the local Trading Partner.
Using Controls to Send Messages from Participant Business Processes is Not Recommended
In WebLogic Integration, you use Trading Partner Integration controls to send messages from the initiator business process to the participant business process. However, in the participant business process it is recommended that you use Client Response nodes to handle outgoing business messages to the initiator.
If you use controls in a participant business process, you may lose the message response signals, such as acknowledgments and error messages. If you need to use a control to send messages instead of using the recommended design pattern, place the control in a subprocess and invoke the subprocess from the participant process.


Upgrading Oracle WebLogic Integration

Problem ID
Bug ID 8486003
After upgrading an WLI 8.x or a 9.x domain created with Oracle JRockit to WLI 10.3.1, the server starts with Sun JVM rather than the JRockit JVM.
Workaround: Update the BEA_JAVA_HOME variable in the file with the JRockit path.
Bug ID 8485648
Although the current version number of Oracle WebLogic Integration is, during upgrade, panel information may sometimes display the version number as instead of This occurs because the version number of the underlying Oracle WebLogic Server is
Unable to connect to WLI Administration Console and Worklist Console after upgrading a 10.2 WLI and WebLogic Portal domain to Oracle WebLogic Integration 10g Release 3 (10.3.1)
Workaround: Increase memory setting in setDomainEnv file as follows:
set MEM_ARGS=-Xms256m -Xmx768m
set MEM_PERM_SIZE=-XX:PermSize=128m
set MEM_MAX_PERM_SIZE=-XX:MaxPermSize=192m
When creating a dynamic web project and trying to reference it to an existing EAR project that was upgraded from an 8.x application, this EAR project is not listed in the "EAR project name:" drop-down list.
Workaround: When you add a dynamic web project to an upgraded application, select “WebLogic Web Project Facets with Beehive (10.3)” in the “Configurations” drop-down list.
Unable to upgrade 9.2 WebLogic Portal domain or WebLogic integration and WebLogic Portal domain to Oracle WebLogic Integration 10g Release 3 (10.3)
Workaround: Use the upgrade script located in WLPORTAL_HOME/common/bin
A WLI 9.2 production domain that uses Sun JDK will use BEA JRockit when upgraded to WLI 10.2
Workaround: Before starting the server, set JAVA_VENDOR=Sun (or edit the setDomainEnv.cmd to add PRODUCTION_MODE=true after the set WL_HOME=.... line.).
The logic of selecting jrockit/sun jdk in production mode is defined in ~wlserver_10.0\common\bin\commEnv.cmd.
Deployment of a WLI application with Web Service controls fails
Deployment of a WLI application fails after upgrading the WLI application with Web Service controls from 8.1.x to 10.2.
Workaround: Re-create the Web Service controls migrated to 10.2 and reference the newly created 10.2 controls in their upgraded processes to successfully deploy the upgraded application.
com.bea.control.annotations.MessageBuffer must not be used on the callback operations of a Process control that is used to invoke a JPD from a JWS. Using the com.bea.control.annotations.MessageBuffer annotation will not work reliably in a cluster environment.
After application source upgrade, MFL Transformation failed with XQuery Exception (XQRLUserException).
In 10.2, MFL-derived XMLBeans belong to a namespace. In 8.x, XQuery transformations that use MFL-derived XMLBeans as output types must be manually updated to yield XML with elements in the appropriate namespace. The namespace used is determined by the path of the MFL file, relative to the schema source directory.
For example, an MFL file located at project/schemas/dir/purchase.mfl will yield XMLBeans that belong to the XML namespace: dir/purchase.
The Upgraded Work List Application throws a ControlException in the upgraded Integration domain.
Workaround: The upgrade does not set the security policy when the default authenticator is used. If you use an authorization provider other than the default LDAP provider, you need to either check or set this security policy.
After you upgrade a WebLogic Integration 8.1 domain, you must set the security policies on the Compatibility 8.1.x Task Plan and allow the 'Anonymous' role in the Create Policy. Use the Worklist Administration Console (the default authorization provider) to set the Create Policy for the Compatibility 8.1.x task plan. If you are using a third-party authorizer, use the related third-party client tools to set the policy.
The Platform application upgrade from 8.1 SP5 to 10.2 failed while building the Schemas (XML Beans).
Workaround: None
Inlined XQuery expressions that occur within process annotations are not updated after selecting the "Upgrade XQ2002 to XQ2004" option.
Even if the "Upgrade XQ2002 to XQ2004" option is selected in the Upgrade Wizard, some inlined XQuery expressions that occur within process annotations are not updated. Like, the usage of the xf: function prefix is supposed to be replaced by the fn: function prefix. So, for example:
<case name=\"Case\" value=\"xf:string($x)\"/>
should be:
<case name=\"Case\" value=\"fn:string($x)\"/>
Workaround: Manually change the function prefix in the source view.
The upgrade process allows the receive node 'method' to have a non-void return type.
In WLI 8.1, it was possible to have a synchronous JPD where the receive node method can have a non-void return type. If such a JPD is upgraded to WLI 10.2, the upgrade process does not check the return type, which leads to a compilation error.
Workaround: You can detect this error by parsing the process XML and checking the return type of the message. WebLogic Integration issues a warning/error message that the 8.x source is invalid.
Workshop Web Service Control generated in 8.1 SP4 with types selected to Java for a complex type array with rpc/encoded mapped the complex type array to anyType[ ] instead of the concrete type array. For example:
<schema targetNamespace="urn:serviciosAdminNE" xmlns="";;>
   <import namespace="";;/>
    <complexType name="Aplicacion">
         <element name="certificado" type="xsd:base64Binary"/>
         <element name="descripcion" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
         <element name="idAplicacion" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
         <element name="nombre" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
         <element name="organismo" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
      <complexType name="AplicacionArray">
         <element name="abonadoArray" nillable="true" type="impl:ArrayOf_tns1_Aplicacion"/>
         <element name="aplicacionArray" nillable="true" type="impl:ArrayOf_tns1_Aplicacion"/>
<schema targetNamespace="http://notanot/jboss-net/services/ServicioWEBAdminNE";; xmlns="";;>
   <import namespace="";;/>
   <complexType name="ArrayOf_tns1_Aplicacion">
         <restriction base="soapenc:Array">
            <attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="tns1:Aplicacion[]"/>
The generated Workshop Web Service Control has:
public static class AplicacionArray implements
      public anyType[] abonadoArray;
      public anyType[] aplicacionArray;
public static class anyType implements
      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
      public XmlObject[] t;
anyType[] is not supported by 10.2 Workshop Web Service Control. Therefore, the above Service Control after upgrade will cause errors during deployment or application archive.
Workaround: After upgrade change the types in the service control to point to the concrete type. For example:
public static class Aplicacion implements
      public byte[] certificado;
      public java.lang.String descripcion;
      public java.lang.String idAplicacion;
      public java.lang.String nombre;
      public java.lang.String organismo;
public static class AplicacionArray implements
      public Aplicacion[] abonadoArray;
      public Aplicacion[] aplicacionArray;
ebXML application using ebXMLControl within java custom control results in a Null Pointer Exception when ControlHandle.sendEvent is not used.
Workaround: Read the note and example to JPD and Control Callback section of the WebLogic Integration 10.2 Upgrade Guide.
Upgraded XQuery files corresponding to transform functions returning XMLObject may fail to execute at runtime.
Workaround: Modify the XQuery function signature to specify a return value with multiple occurrence.
Interface WSDLs are not supported by Workshop for WebLogic Platform 10.2 Web Service Control.
This will result in an application deployment error if BPEL Import results in the generation of Workshop Web Service Control for an interface WSDL.
Workaround: Add dummy implementation elements - <service> and <binding> - to the WSDL after BPEL Import.
BPEL Import generates Workshop Web Service Control for external services specified as partnerlinks. Workshop Web Service Control does not successfully resolve external schemas imported using relative URIs into the WSDL (associated with the Service Control).
Workaround: Copy the external schemas from the utility project to the web project. Subsequently, place the external schemas relative to the location of the WSDL in the web project.
Upgraded 8.1 applications display compilation errors in JPDs’ and transformation classes.
Applications which use log4j classes, especially in an EJB project, require the log4j.jar file to build. The location of the log4j.jar file has changed from 8.x to the 10.2 release and needs to be specified manually.
Workaround: After upgrading the project, manually add the log4j.jar file to the project build path.
XmlObject[ ] is not supported as a parameter for a JWS callback operation.
In 10.2, weblogic.jws.Types annotation for JWS does not support array types.
8.x JWS/Workshop Web Service Control with jws:parameter-xml/jws:return-xml annotation's include-java-types having an array type defined as a value will not upgrade successfully to 10.2.
Workaround: Re-design the JWS/Workshop Web Service control before you begin to upgrade.
JAX-RPC (Tylar) binding does not support schemas that reference xsd:schema element.
As shown in the following code sample, this lack of support effects generation of Workshop Web Service Control/JWS (using JAX-RPC binding) from a WSDL with references to xsd:schema element.
      <xsd:element ref="
Workaround: Assign a name to the element and use the xsd:anyType, as shown below.
      <xsd:element name="schema" type="
weblogic.jws.Types annotation is not supported on Callback operations of a
Workaround: Refactor the service to not use the weblogic.jws.Types annotation.
A JWS with w3c.dom.* (Document, Element and DocumentFragment) as parameter or return type is not supported.
Workaround: Operation signature and return types of JWS that used w3c.dom types will have to be changed to use SAAJ types. The internal implementation of the operations will have to be updated to translate to or from SAAJ and w3c.dom types.
An upgraded JWS that returned an XMLBean type will not compile.
All operations on an upgraded JWS that returned an XMLBean type will have a compile error post upgrade. The message indicates that the return type doesn't match the element name defined by the XMLBean's schema.
Workaround: Remove the @WebResult annotation or change the name to match the schema type.
There are two known issues in wftracking/ file and Remove throws Exception from helloDelay_onTimeout methods.
After the issues were resolved the issues, the following errors were seen in the Problem window.
  1. The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for weblogic.xml.xmlnode.XMLNode. Fix the build path then try building this project (wfTrackingWeb) .
  2. The type weblogic.xml.xmlnode.XMLNode cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files.
Workaround: Add weblogic.jar to the external jars list in the build path to resolve the above issues.
While executing an 8.x application in WebLogic Integration, comment strings are displayed in the test browser console.
Workaround: Works as designed. The Upgraded JPD will have comments so they are shown on test browser. Remove the comments after you the upgrade.
Upgrade required for Clients that use SOAP 1.2 messaging format.
Workaround: The WSDL for the Web Service changes during the upgrade to WebLogic Integration 10.2. To conform to the new specification, you need to regenerate the clients of Web Services that use the SOAP 1.2 messaging format.
JMS control does not process incoming messages asynchronously in 10.2
In 8.x, a JPD could use a JMS Control to process incoming messages asynchronously. This is not supported in 10.2 and will cause the JPD to fail.
Workaround: Replace the JMS Control with the WebLogic Integration JMS Control to process incoming messages asynchronously.
Use of non-SOAP XML message format over HTTP or JMS protocol is not supported.
In 8.x releases, the non-SOAP XML message format was supported over the HTTP or JMS protocol for JWS. In Workshop for WebLogic Platform 10.2, only the SOAP protocol is supported. So, an upgraded JWS front ending JPD will not function.
Workaround: Remove the JWS front ending JPD and create a HTTP or a JMS event generator to receive the non-SOAP XML message. Subsequently, create a message broker subscription in the JPD to receive non-SOAP XML messages, from the recently created HTTP or JMS event generator.


Install Oracle WebLogic Integration

Problem ID
Bug ID 9282600
While installing Oracle WebLogic Integration 10gRelease 3 (10.3.1) in Windows x64 machine with JRockit JDK 1.6.0_05, you will get a message that Oracle Workshop for WebLogic and Oracle WebLogic Server will be installed with uncertified JVM. At the prompt, select Yes to ignore this message and continue with the installation.
Bug ID 9313192
While installing Oracle WebLogic Integration 10gRelease 3 (10.3.1) in HP-UX 11i v2 and HP-UX 11iv3, you will get a message that Oracle Workshop for WebLogic and Oracle WebLogic Server will be installed with uncertified JVM. At the prompt, select Yes to ignore this message and continue with the installation.

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