Annotation Type TargetNamespace

public @interface TargetNamespace

TargetNamespace annotation specifies the XML namespace used for outgoing XML messages and generated WSDL files. This annotation may optionally be present on a Jpd or a Service Broker Control. If no target namespace is specified (this annotation is not present), the namespace used is Note: Before deploying web services, you should define a unique default namespace for your organization. If multiple organizations were to leave the default namespace as, it could result in namespace conflicts. The TargetNamespace annotation affects the behavior of the following XML generation actions: If there is no XML mapping specified for an incoming or outgoing message, a default map is used (the natural mapping). The elements of the resulting XML message must be specified in some namespace. The value of TargetNamespace annotation is used. <br> If a custom XML mapping is present for an incoming or outgoing message but no namespace is specified, the value of TargetNamespace annotation is used. <br> WSDL files generated from Jpd files specify a namespace for the elements in the WSDL file. The value of the TargetNamespace annotaion is used.

Required Element Summary
 String value
          Value of the target namespace

Element Detail


public abstract String value
Value of the target namespace