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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
Class ExecutionContextProvider.ExecutionContext

  extended by

Enclosing class:

public abstract class ExecutionContextProvider.ExecutionContext
extends java.lang.Object

The ExecutionContext provides the interface to associate a unique context with each thread, and to propagate the contents of the context amongst threads and processes. Each Execution Context in the system is identified by a unique iedntifier which distinguishes it from every other context on the AS.

Constructor Summary


Method Summary
abstract  ExecutionContextProvider.ExecutionContext createChildExecutionContext()
          Creates a child context and activates it on the current thread.
abstract  java.lang.String getExecutionContextId()
          Returns the identifier for the current ExecutionContext.
abstract  java.lang.String getMarshalledExecutionContext()
          Then serializes the contents of the newly created context in a compact String.
abstract  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getPropertyMap()
          Returns a map associated with the ExecutionContext instance.
abstract  java.lang.String getRequestParameterName()
          Retrieves the key to be used to propagate the serialized context between processes.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public ExecutionContextProvider.ExecutionContext()

Method Detail


public abstract java.lang.String getExecutionContextId()
Returns the identifier for the current ExecutionContext. The exact format of the identifier is left to the discretion of subclasses.
The contextId is used to correlate contextual information for a primary request and between a primary and its child (or secondary requests). For e.g., for End User Monitoring, the contextId is used to log information for a particular request at various points in time. This way logs associated with a specific request can be correlated using it's contextId. In cases where a primary request spawns one or more secondary (child) requests, it is recommended that the contextId for the secondary, contain as part of its identifier the
a String a full version of the identifier.


public abstract java.lang.String getMarshalledExecutionContext()
Then serializes the contents of the newly created context in a compact String. The format of this String is left to the discretion of subclass implementations.
This method is typically called when its required to propagate the context across requests & a (marshaled) ExecutionContext sent to the browser client, to be passed back as a request parameter on the subsequent request. The serialized context can be appended to the request URL as a query param, or be set in the HTTP header (as a key/value pair). The parameter name to use as the key, can be retrieved from a call to getRequestParameterName. The parsing of the request URL or the HTTP request header (on the server), to unmarshal the ExecutionContext and set up the context on the secondary request, is beyond the scope of this documentation.
a String that is a compact (128 byte) version of the current ExecutionContext


public abstract ExecutionContextProvider.ExecutionContext createChildExecutionContext()
Creates a child context and activates it on the current thread. A child context is a direct descendent of it's parent context. It is recommended that the relationship of a child context with it's parent and ancestors be encoded in it's identifier (for correlation purposes).


public abstract java.lang.String getRequestParameterName()
Retrieves the key to be used to propagate the serialized context between processes.
a String parameter name. used to propagate the serialized context.


public abstract java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getPropertyMap()
Returns a map associated with the ExecutionContext instance. The only supported methods on the property map are get(String), put(String, String) and containsKey(String)
property map associated with the ExecutionContext.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

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