Working with Configured Item Revisions

This chapter provides overviews of the Configured Item Revisions program, rules processing, and configured item price and cost adjustments using based-on effectivity dates, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Configured Item Revisions Program

After you set up the segments, cross-segment editing rules, assembly inclusion rules, configured tables, and media object attachments for a configured item, you can enter orders for the configured item.

Use the Configured Item Revisions program (P3210) to designate the features and options of a configured item on an order. You use Sales Order Entry (P4210), Purchase Orders (P4310), and Manufacturing Work Order Processing (P48013) to enter an order for a configured item. As with any order, you enter information in the order header and order detail areas. After you enter the item number and press Tab, or move off that order line, the system automatically calls and displays the Configure Item form. This process occurs because the item number of the configured item is coded as a C stocking type in the Item Master. Thus, the system is programmed to automatically call the Configured Item Revisions program so that the configured item can be defined for the order.

The processing options for the Configured Item Revisions program control the display of information on the Configure Item form. Within the order entry process, you use dynamic configuration entry or the validate configuration feature.

The Message Center displays configuration specific information such as the configuration state, hot spot values, weight, and error messages. The configuration state indicates if the configuration is valid, invalid, or if validation is required. You can display up to ten different hot spot values on the Configure Item form. The hot spots that appear after successful rules calculation are set by the processing options. To review detailed error messages, you click the error link.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Configurator system also calculates the weight of a configured item based on the multilevel items that make up the parent item. You can select to designate a base weight for the configured item. The weight is calculated as the item is entered within order entry. You must enter the same weight units of measure for each segment that makes up the configured parent item. Weight is calculated by using P rule components only.

The Item Filter field gives you access to the configured items and associated segments at various levels in the parent configured item when you click the item number that is in the Item Filter field.

The segments that represent the features and options of the configured item that is highlighted appear. Several fields appear to further define the segments. You enter a value for each segment in the Select Answer or Enter Answer field. The Select Answer field gives you access to any user-defined codes (UDCs) that might be defined for the segment. You enter a value in the Enter Answer field if no UDC is attached to the segment. The system edits each segment value using UDC tables, ranges, and numeric specifications.

Many line items on configured orders can share a common attribute. A common attribute that is used in a configured item can be set at the start of an order. The chosen value can be applied as the default to each subsequent line item that is entered. This feature is useful in a high attribute selection and high line item order environment. The feature can save time and labor during the order entry process. It also prevents unnecessary errors during order entry. The common attribute can then be revised in the middle of order entry to accommodate changes in customer specifications.

Processing options control the prompting for common attributes. The common attribute can be set to automatically appear at the beginning of order entry (between the order form and the Configure Item form). You can also access the Configurator Common Attributes form from the Configure Item form during configuration definition.

For example, the furniture industry can use common attributes to configure a sofa. In a configuration for a sofa, a common attribute might be Color. The Color common attribute is associated with the segments for the sofa frame, bottom sofa cushions, sofa arm covers, and decorative pillows. After the customer picks a color, you can enter that value in the Attribute field on the Configurator Common Attributes form. The color is then applied as the answer to all of the segments that are associated with that particular common attribute.

Media object attachments display in the lower region of the Configure Item form if the processing options are set and there is a media object attached to the configured item. You can enter nonstandard components and price adjustments to the configured item. You can also access configured item inventory and history information from the Configure Item form.

The Configured String History program (P3296) locates previously ordered configurations at any level of a configured item. The history includes information about customers, orders, order types, and branch/plant.

The Configured Item Inventory Search program (P3220) locates inventory that can be used to fulfill the order for the configured item.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Rules Processing

When a user enters an order for a configured item, the Sales Order Entry (P4210), Purchase Order Entry (P4310), and Manufacturing Work Order Processing (P48013) programs call the Configured Item Revisions program (P3210). You use the Configure Item form (W3210B) of the Configured Item Revisions program to configure an item and perform rules processing.

During order entry, rules for configured items can be processed dynamically or you can select to use the validate configuration feature. Dynamic configuration entry is enabled or disabled at the item level on the Configured Item Information form (W3291A). Child-configured items inherit the dynamic configuration entry setting of the parent-configured item.

Regardless of whether dynamic configuration is enabled or disabled, the system processes only the rules associated with a changed segment. Each time a segment answer is changed and is valid; all of the configuration rules that reference the segment are marked for processing. The rules are then processed based on the dynamic configuration entry setting.

When dynamic configuration entry is enabled, the system dynamically validates the item configuration as the order is entered. Any time that a segment answer is changed, the entire configuration reflects the impact of the new value. When a segment answer is changed, all allowed values for other segments are updated to include only valid values based on the processed cross-segment editing rules. If there are no valid values left for a segment after the cross-segment editing rules are processed, then the system removes the segment from the configuration.

The processed assembly inclusion rules update components, price adjustments, cost adjustments, and hot spots.

Dynamic configuration entry provides immediate feedback as the product is configured and lessens the possibility of selecting invalid segment values. The configuration is in a state that can immediately be committed to an order.

When dynamic configuration entry is disabled, the Validate Configuration button appears on the Configure Item form. To enter an order for a configured item, you enter values for segments and click the Validate Configuration button. The system validates the item configuration by processing the rules associated with the changed segments.

This method of order entry and rules processing provides visibility to cross-segment editing rule error messages. Viewing the error messages gives you the opportunity to learn the configuration of the configured item. You can also provide an explanation to the consumer as to why their segment selections do not generate a valid configuration.

Click the Add to Order button to accept the configuration if no cross-segment editing rule errors exist.

You enter an order for a configured item once the Configured Item form is rendered and the grid is loaded. As you enter an order, the system verifies JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Configurator processes level by level in this order:

  1. Change segment values or click the Add to Order button to accept all default values.

  2. Validate segment agreement.

    System processing includes UDC validation, range checking, alpha versus numeric checking, length checking, and required versus optional checking.

  3. Process assembly inclusion rules that are related to segments that have changed.

    1. Process C assembly inclusion rules and update C segments.

      The system processes C rules first because the calculated segment answer might be required to validate the configuration. The calculated segment answer might also be needed to perform additional calculations for the configured item.

    2. Process X assembly inclusion rules.

    3. Process H assembly inclusion rules.

    4. Process P assembly inclusion rules.

    5. Process Q assembly inclusion rules.

      The system processes Q assembly inclusion rules and stores the components in the Configurator Component table (F3215). The components are used by Sales Quotes (P4210) to establish cost and Order Processing (R31410) to create the parts list and establish cost.

    6. Process R assembly inclusion rules.

      The system processes R assembly inclusion rules and stores the routings in the Configurator Routings table (F3212). The routings are used by Sales Quotes (P4210) to establish cost and Order Processing (R31410) to create the routing and establish costs.

  4. Process cross-segment editing rules that are related to segments that have changed.

    If dynamic configuration entry is disabled, the system displays any error messages.

    If dynamic configuration entry is enabled, the system:

  5. Enable the Add to Order button if no cross-segment editing errors exist.

  6. Click the Add to Order button.

Note. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Configurator system supports upward and downward referencing within cross-segment editing and assembly inclusion rules. Upward or downward referencing has no limitations.

Work Order Processing

All components from both P and Q assembly inclusion rules are stored in the F3215 table. The routings, output of the R assembly inclusion rules, are stored in the F3212 table. When the Order Processing program (R31410) runs, the parts list and routing are retrieved from the F3215 and F3212 tables and passed back to the Parts List master business function (MBF) and the Routings MBF. Thus, the R31410 does not process configured item rules.

Error States

When entering orders for configured items, there are a few circumstances that can cause the Configured Item Revisions program (P3210) to display errors.

First, when a segment is not attached to a UDC table, it is possible to free-form type into the segment answer field. If there is a range of values assigned to that segment, then a violation creates an error.

Second, again assuming that a segment is not attached to a UDC, a cross-segment editing rule can be created that generates an error when violated.

Finally, although perhaps the first to be encountered, multiple errors can be present when first entering the Configured Item Revisions program if the default segment values create an error state.

To minimize error states, attach UDCs to segments when possible. Also, review the default segment answers for a configured item to ensure that the default values represent a valid configuration.

When setting up a configured item, you can design the segment questions in such a way as to avoid errors. For instance, ask the most important questions first. Thus the consumer will not have visibility to choices that make the configuration invalid. For example, the first question should be whether the consumer wants a car or truck and not the color of the vehicle.

You can also use warning messages. Warning messages provide information regarding a choice that may or may not work in the configuration. The system does not remove the selected value but the warning gives the user the opportunity to make a different selection.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Configured Item Price and Cost Adjustments Using Based-on Effectivity Dates

When you enter an order for a configured item and trigger validation of the configuration, the system calculates price and cost adjustments. During configuration validation, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Configurator system reads the based-on date code from the Configured Item Information (F3290) table.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Configurator system then retrieves the date corresponding to the based-on date code of the parent configured item from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Work Order Processing, or JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement systems for the order type of the original order. The value is retrieved and stored in the configurator data cache for use in processing. This date is the X rule based-on date.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Configurator system retrieves the X rule based-on date from the configurator data cache and validates each X rule setup in the Assembly Inclusion Rules (F3293) table. The system compares the X rule based-on date to the effective from and through dates of the X assembly inclusion rules.

If valid X assembly inclusion rules are found, the system applies the rules to calculate the price and cost of the configured item order. Once the validated X rules are processed, the system inserts a new record or updates an existing record in the Sales Order Detail File (F4211), Work Order Master (F4801), or Purchase Order Detail (F4311) table.

For example, a configured item is setup to use the order date as the sales order based-on date and requested date as the work order based-on date. If a sales order is entered for the item on August 15th, with a requested date of October 15th, the system searches for X assembly inclusion rules that are effective on August 15th. Valid X rules apply price adjustments to the sales order. If a work order is entered for the configured item, October 15th is used to validate X rules and apply cost adjustments to the work order.

If the X rule based-on date cannot be retrieved or a blank date is returned, the system uses the requested date to process the X assembly inclusion rules. The based-on date setting of the parent configured item is inherited by the child configured items.

The based-on effectivity date functionality in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Configurator system is similar to the functionality in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing enables the user to specify one or many dates, such as order and required, to use to include price adjustments. The based-on date code of Price Effective Date is used to sync with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing so that the system uses the same date as JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing when validating X rules. This applies to both sales and purchase orders.

During sales order entry, the Price Effective Date field may display a price but you can override the value. For purchase orders, only cost adjustments from X rules are applied to the order.

See Understanding Configured Item Pricing and Costing Using Based-on Effectivity Dates.

See Defining Configured Item Information.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section:

See Setting Processing Options for Sales Order Entry (P4210).

See Setting Processing Options for Purchase Orders (P4310).

See Setting Processing Options for the Enter/Change Order Program (P48013).

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Orders for Configured Items

This section provides an overview of order revisions for configured items and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Order Revisions for Configured Items

If a customer calls and needs to add or change information on an order, you can revise the order for a configured item. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Configurator system also enables you to revise the work order for a configured item.

This table describes types of revisions that could occur:



Changing quantity

The system changes the order quantity and, if you set a processing option, also changes the quantity on the work order.

Changing segment value

The system changes the segment values on the order and, if you set a processing option, also changes the segment values on the work order. Changing a segment value might produce new configured components or prices. You might need to run work order processing again.

Changing pick date

The system recalculates work order start dates, based on lead times. When you change the pick date for an order, the system supports multilevel back-scheduling for the associated work orders.

Changing order dates

The system recalculates the X assembly inclusion rule price and cost adjustments when the dates on an existing order are changed.

Changing an order that generated a purchase order

The system changes or cancels the purchase order for the component of a configured item when the configuration is changed.

Purging order lines

The system purges order lines for components that are no longer required after the change.

Calculating new order line numbers

The system uses the base line number for the configured item and increments by .001 for each configured component.

Canceling an order

When you cancel an order for a configured item, the system cancels the subassemblies and lower-level segments for the item.

Reassigning work order numbers

The system retains work orders that are still valid after a revision. The system might cancel work orders that are no longer required after the change by changing the status code of the work order.

Changing the work order cutoff status code

When you work with the Work Order Entry program (P48013), the system changes the work order if the work order status is less than the cutoff status. If the begin status code is not blank, the system updates the status to what is defined in the processing option.

If the work order status is greater than or equal to the cutoff status, the system does not change the work order. If the change status code is not blank, the work order status is updated to what you defined in the processing option.

Placing the order on hold (hold status code)

If the work order status in the Work Order Entry program is less than the cutoff status and the hold status code is not blank, the system updates the work order status to the hold status code that is defined in the processing option.

If the work order status is greater than or equal to the cutoff status, the system does not update the work order.

Canceling the order (cancel status code)

If the work order status is less than the cutoff status and the cancel status code is not blank, the Work Order Entry program updates the work order status to the cancel status code that is defined in the processing option.

If the work order status is greater than or equal to the cutoff status, the system does not update the work order.

Creating new work orders

The program creates a new work order, if required, after the change.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Enter Orders for Configured Items

Form Name




Sales Order Detail Revisions


Daily Processing (G32), Sales Order Entry

Click the Add button on the Customer Service Inquiry form.

Add information about the customer and the configured item.

Configure Item


  • Enter new sales order information and tab out of the current row.

  • Find a configured item order and select a row on the Customer Service Inquiry form and click Select.

    Select a row on the Sales Order Detail Revisions form and select Kits/Configurator from the Row menu.

    Revise the answers and click the Add to Order button on the Configure Item form.

Enter orders for a configured item or revise an order for an existing configured item.

Edit Item/Price/Cost


Select Edit Item / Price / Cost in the Actions drop-down list and click the Go To button on the Configure Item form.

Review the multilevel structure of the configured item on the order in a navigation tree structure.

Items in the tree were added by either a P assembly inclusion rule or by using the Add Item option. Prices in the tree were added by an X assembly inclusion rule or by using the Add Price/Cost option. The button next to each line in the tree designates whether the line was system-generated from an assembly inclusion rule or user-added.

Configurator Common Attributes


Select Common Attributes from the Actions drop-down list and click the Go To button on the Configure Item form.

Review and change common attribute values.

Configured Item Inventory Search


Select Configured Item Inventory from the Actions drop-down list and click the Go To button on the Configure Item form.

Review the inventory for a configured item.

Configured Item History


Select Configured Item History from the Actions drop-down list and click the Go To button on the Configure Item form.

Review the history of a configured item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Configured Item Revisions (P3210)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


These processing options control the default information that the system uses when you run the Configured Item Revisions program.

1. Default Action

Specify the default action that is preselected in the Actions drop-down list on the Configure Item form. Values are:

1: Edit Item/Cost

2: Common Attributes

3: Configured Item Inventory

4: Configured Item History

2. Configurator Print Flag

Specify whether configured parts print on sales orders and work orders. This processing option is used in the Pick Slip, Invoice Print, Bill of Lading, and Print Parts List programs. Values are:

Y: Print on the sales and work order. You can also use 1.

N: Do not print on the sales and work order. You can also use 0.

2: Sales order only.

3: Work order only.

3. Line Type

Specify how the system processes lines on a transaction. The line type controls the systems with which the transaction interacts (JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Ledger from Oracle, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost from Oracle , JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable from Oracle , JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable from Oracle, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management). It also specifies the conditions under which a line prints on reports and is included in calculations.

This processing option uses line type to group X rule prices. Values are:

S: Stock item

J: Job cost

N: Non-stock item

F: Freight

T: Text information

M: Miscellaneous charges and credits

W: Work order

Hot Spots

These processing options specify the hot spots that display in the Message Center on the Configure Item form.

1. Hot Spot Selection through 10. Hot Spot Selection

Specify a user-defined code from UDC 32/HS that indicates the type of information that appears for a hot spot, for example, the domestic price, foreign price, or weight.


This processing option specifies how the system processes orders with allowed lot status.

1. Enter Allowed Lot Status Group to validate

Specify the lot status group that you want the system to use when determining whether to process an item with a non-blank lot status. If the non-blank lot status codes exist in the Allowed Lot Status table (F41081), then the system treats the lot status codes as blank and the on hold item can continue through the sales order process.


These processing options control how the system processes and displays values.

1. Media Object Display

Specify whether to display media objects on the Configure Item form. This option controls context-sensitive display of media objects that are related to items, segments, and user-defined code values. Values are:

1: Display.

Blank: Do not display.

2. Media Object Display Order

Specify the order in which media objects appear on the Configured Item Revisions form if more than one media object type is attached to a configured item or segment. If more than one media object of the same type exists, the first attached object in the selected type will be displayed. Values are:

1: Text

2: Image

3: OLE

Blank: Image

3. Common Attribute Display

Specify whether the system displays common attributes among configured items. Values are:

1: Without automatic prompt.

2: With automatic prompt.

Blank: Do not display common attributes.

4. Common Attribute Display Scope

Specify whether to display common attributes that are specific to the configured item. Values are:

1: Display all common attributes.

Blank: Display only common attributes that are used in the configuration.

5. 'C' Rules Calculation

Specify whether to perform calculations using C rules for configured items upon entry. Values are:

Blank: Perform

1: Omit

6. Substitute Configured Item Text

Specify whether to substitute configured item text (which exists as a media object) or to append it. Values are:

Blank: Append

1: Substitute

Note. Store and Forward mode disregards this option (always replaces text)


These processing options specify the version that the Configured Item Revisions program uses when calling other programs.

1. Transfer Order Version

Specify the version of the Transfer Orders program (P4210) that the system uses if any related transfer orders are created during configured-item order entry. Based on the needs of the customers, you can create multiple versions of this program.

2. Purchase Order Version

Specify the version of the Purchase Order Entry program (P4310) that the system uses if any related purchase orders are created during configured-item order entry.

When you save an order for a parent configured item, the system uses this version to generate or update the purchase order for the component of a configured item whose transaction type is 4 (purchase order).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Orders for Configured Items Using Validate Configuration

Access the Configure Item form.

Important! The Dynamic Configuration Entry check box on the Configured Item Information form must be cleared to disable dynamic configuration.

Note. You cannot complete the order until all hard errors are corrected.

Message Center

Displays configuration specific information such as the configuration state, hot spot values, and error messages.

Additional Order Entry Elements

Item Filter

Select the item to display for a specific configured item in the assembly. If a specific configured item is not selected, all items will appear.

Select Answer

Select a value from the list of values if a user-defined code was set up for the segment.

Enter Answer

Enter a value for each segment when the segment does not have a user-defined code attached.

Validate Configuration

Click to process the configured answers you enter. The validation uses the cross-segment editing rules to validate feature and option compatibility.

Restore Defaults

Click to restore all segment values to the default value entered during system setup.

Add to Order

Click to create an order for the configured items. This button is enabled if no errors occurred during the validation and the configuration is valid.


Select an option in the Actions drop-down list and click the Go To button.

Edit Item / Price / Cost

Select to access the Edit Item/Price Cost form. You can review the multilevel structure of the configured item on the order in a navigation tree structure.

Items in the tree were added by either a P assembly inclusion rule or by using the Add Item option. Prices in the tree were added by an X assembly inclusion rule or by using the Add Price/Cost option. The button next to each line in the tree designates whether the line was system-generated from an assembly inclusion rule or user-added.

Common Attributes

Select to access the Configurator Common Attributes form.

This option is hidden if no common attributes are associated with the configured item.

Configured Item Inventory

Select to access the Configured Item Inventory Search form.

Configured Item History

Select to access the Configured Item History form.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Orders for Configured Items Using Dynamic Configuration

Access the Configure Item form.

Important! The Dynamic Configuration Entry check box on the Configured Item Information form must be set to enable dynamic configuration.

Note. The Validate Configuration button is not used during dynamic configuration entry.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering an Order Based on a Previously Ordered Configured Item

Access the Configure Item form.

To enter an order based on a previously ordered configured item:

  1. Select Configured Item History in the Actions drop-down list and click the Go To button.

  2. Complete the search fields and click Find on the Configured Item History form.

  3. Select a sales order and click Select.

    The configuration information is brought back to the new order. The values in the Select Answer field change to those of the order that you selected on the Configured Item History form. You can revise the order or use it as it is.

  4. Make any necessary changes on the Configure Item form.

    Note. If Dynamic Configuration Entry is disabled, click the Validate Configuration button.

  5. Click the Add to Order button if you do not receive any errors.

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning Common Attributes to Configured Items

This section provides an overview of common attributes of configured items, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to assign common attribute values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Common Attributes of Configured Items

To better organize the configured items and simplify configurations that are entered during order entry, you can assign common attributes to configured item segments. Common attributes are initially linked to a segment in the Configured Item Segments program (P3291). You assign common attribute values on the Configurator Common Attributes form.

Common attribute values operate as default answers for each configuration level. For example, a common attribute code that is defined as Color might have a value of Red. With common attributes activated, each configured level with the common attribute code of Color automatically returns the Red value.

You set a processing option to either view common attributes for all configured items or view them as they apply within the current configuration. Additionally, you can change common attribute values during order entry.

Even if you automatically display common attributes, you can access the Configurator Common Attributes form during order entry to change the value for all associated segments. On the Configurator Common Attributes form, when you click OK, the Configured Item Revisions form appears, and you can continue to enter the order.

You also can change a single segment value using the Select Answer field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Set the Common Attribute Display and Common Attribute Display Scope processing options on the Configured Item Revisions program (P3210) to define the appearance of the Configurator Common Attributes form.

See Setting Processing Options for Configured Item Revisions (P3210).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForm Used to Assign Common Attributes to Configured Items

Form Name




Configurator Common Attributes


Daily Processing (G32), Sales Order Entry

Click the Add button on the Customer Service Inquiry form.

Enter the required customer and configured item information on the Sales Order Detail Revisions form, and click OK.

Assign common attributes to configured items.

Note. Set the Common Attribute Display and Common Attribute Display Scope processing options on the Processing tab of the Configured Item Revisions program (P3210).

Also, set the Configured Items (P3210) processing option on the Versions tab of the Sales Order Entry program (P4210) to specify the version of P3210 that P4210 uses for a configured item order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Common Attribute Values

Access the Configurator Common Attributes form.

Common Attribute

Enter a code that specifies a common attribute. A common attribute is a trait or characteristic that is shared by several segments in a configured item. When you enter an attribute value for a common attribute during order entry, the system updates the Answer field for all segments that are associated with that common attribute.

Attribute Value

Enter a value for the selected common attribute.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Nonstandard Components and Price Adjustments

This section provides an overview of nonstandard components and price adjustments and discusses how to add nonstandard components and price adjustments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Nonstandard Components and Price Adjustments

When you need to add special parts or prices to further configure a configured item, you can enter nonstandard components and price adjustments. Entering nonstandard components and price adjustments enables you to configure the configured item without creating new assembly inclusion rules, tables, or smart parts.

Nonstandard components are priced according to the Kit/Configurator Pricing Method for the configured parent item. Price or cost adjustments are similar to the X assembly inclusion rules that are set up for the configured item. They affect only the sales order, not the work order.

Nonstandard components and price adjustments are added on the Edit Item/Price/Cost form. This form enables you to review all of the order components and prices before the line item is confirmed. Once an item or price/cost is entered, the tree display is refreshed by the system.

You can delete nonstandard components or price adjustments for the configured parent item. You cannot delete standard components and price adjustments. A nonstandard component or price adjustment can be distinguished from a standard component or price by the button that precedes it in the navigation tree on the Edit Item/Price/Cost form.

Note. On the Edit Item/Price/Cost form, items in the tree are added by the P assembly inclusion rule. Prices in the tree are added by an X assembly inclusion rule. The button next to each line in the tree designates whether the line was system-generated from an assembly inclusion rule or user-added.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForm Used to Enter Nonstandard Components and Price Adjustments

Form Name




Edit Item/Price/Cost


Daily Processing menu (G32), Sales Order Entry

Click the Add button on the Customer Service Inquiry form.

Enter the required customer and configured item information on the Sales Order Detail Revisions form and click OK.

Select Edit Item / Price / Cost in the Actions drop-down list and click the Go To button on the Configure Item form.

Add nonstandard components and price adjustments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Nonstandard Components and Price Adjustments

Access the Edit Item/Price/Cost form.

Add Item

Select the Add Item tab.

Print Flag

Enter a value from UDC 32/PF that indicates whether the system prints the configurator part on the sales order and work order. The system uses the value that you enter in this field to affect programs such as Print Pick Slips (R42520), Print Invoices (R42565), Bill of Lading (R42530), and parts list on Work Order Print (R31415). Values are:

0: Do not print the configurator part on the sales order or the work order.

1: Both the sales order and the work order.

2: Sales order only.

3: Work order only.

Add Item

Enter values in the fields on this tab and click the Add Item button to add the component.

Add Price/Cost

Select the Add Price/Cost tab.

Unit Price

Enter the list or base price to be charged for one unit of this item. In sales order entry, all prices must be set up in the Item Base Price File table (F4106).

Unit Cost

Enter the amount per unit, derived by dividing the total cost by the unit quantity.

Price Roll Up Flag

Enter a UDC (32/PP) that indicates whether the price or cost of an add-on is included in the price or cost of the parent configured item. Values are:

0: Separate the price or cost of the add-on.

1: Include the price or cost of the add-on in the price or cost of the parent item. When you select this value, the extended price or cost is zero.

Add Price/Cost

Enter values in the fields on this tab and click the Add Price/Cost button to add the price or cost.

Note. After you finish adding nonstandard components and price adjustments, click the Close button. If you do not receive any errors, click Add to Order on the Configure Item form. You cannot complete the order until you correct all hard errors.

Click to jump to parent topicCorrecting Error Messages for Configured Items

This section provides an overview of error messages for configured items and discusses how to correct error messages for configured items.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Error Messages for Configured Items

During the configuration process within order entry, the system verifies the segment values that you enter with the cross-segment editing rules and configured item segments. The system verifies that you have not entered any values that violate the editing rules. If a segment value violates an editing rule, either a hard or a soft error message appears.

Hard error messages indicate significant errors from cross-segment error checking. When you receive a hard error message, you cannot proceed with the order until you correct the error.

Soft error messages do not prevent you from completing the order, but they do provide error information. You can either correct the error or leave it as it is, and the order processes either way.

If the system finds errors in cross-segment editing rules, you receive notification that error messages exist during the dynamic configuration process or after the system performs validate configuration.

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Configure Item


Daily Processing menu (G32), Sales Order Entry

Click the Add button on the Customer Service Inquiry form.

Enter the required customer and configured item information on the Sales Order Detail Revisions form, and click OK.

Correct error messages for configured items.

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Access the Configure Item form.

  1. View the cross-segment editing error in the Message Center.

  2. Select a value from the drop-down list in the Select Answer column, or enter a value in the Enter Answer column to change values for the segments.

  3. Click the Validate Configuration button if dynamic configuration entry is disabled to verify that the error was corrected.

  4. Click the Add to Order button.

    You cannot complete the order until you correct all hard errors.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Configured Item Inventory

This section provides an overview of configured item inventory and discusses how to review configured item inventory.

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The Advanced Configured Item Inventory Search program (P3220) locates inventory that can be used to fulfill the order for the configured item. When you initially enter the Configured Item Inventory Search form (W3220B), the default configuration is the configuration from the Configure Item form. Use an * (asterisk) in the Answer field to perform an open search for a segment. When you select a configured item from inventory, the system hard commits it to the sales order.

See Configured Item Inventory.

See Configured Item Availability.

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Configured Item Inventory Search


On the Configure Item form, select Configured Item Inventory in the Actions drop-down list and click the Go To button.

Review configured item inventory.

Select a configured item in inventory to add to the order.

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Access the Configured Item Inventory Search form.


Click to search the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database for configured item inventory that matches the search criteria.

View Configuration

Click to access the View Configuration form (W32983B). Review the configuration tree, attributes, and segment answers for the configured item.


Click to add the selected record for the configured item in inventory to the order.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Configured Item History

This section provides an overview of configured item history and discusses how to review configured item history.

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The Configured String History program (P3296) locates previously ordered configurations at any level of a configured item. The history includes information about customers, orders, order types, and branch/plant.

If you select a configuration on the Configured Item History form, the system pushes the configuration values back to the configuration on the Configure Item form.

See Reviewing Configured Item History.

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Configured Item History


On the Configure Item form, select Configured Item History in the Actions drop-down list and click the Go To button.

Review configured item history.

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Access the Configured Item History form.

View Configuration

Click to access the View Configuration form (W32983B). Review the configuration tree, attributes, and segment answers for the configured item.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Configured Text

This section provides an overview of configured text and discusses how to review configured text.

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Configured or generic text for a configured item is displayed in a media object. The generic text that is generated for a configured item is based on the setup that is defined on Configured Item Segments (P3291).

Configured text can include:

During order entry, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Configurator system generates one copy of text for each configured item and attaches it to the Configurator Master Table (F3201). The generic text can be accessed from a Row menu on an inquiry form in an order entry program such as Sales Order Entry (P4210), Purchase Order Entry (P4310), or Manufacturing Work Order Processing (P48013).

Attaching the generic text to the F3201 table, rather than directly to an order, enables both greater control of the text and use of the text for each order.

The Substitute Configured Item Text processing option on the Processing tab of the Configured Item Revisions program (P3210) controls how the generic text is generated. The processing option enables you either to replace all of the text every time a change is made or to append the new text to the bottom of the existing text.

If the system generates purchase orders for components of configured items during order entry, the configuration specific information is sent to the supplier in the form of media objects.

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Customer Service Inquiry


Daily Processing menu (G32), Sales Order Entry

Select an order on the Customer Service Inquiry form, and select Order and then Confg Generic Text from the Row menu.

Review the text for a configured item. The information that appears in the media object is defined in the Configured Item Segments program.

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Access the Customer Service Inquiry form.

Review the generic text for the configured item.