(BRA) Working with Vouchers and Payments for Brazil

This section provides overviews of voucher entry and voucher match, voucher processing, and automatic payment processing, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Voucher Entry and Voucher Match for Brazil

In Brazil, you must use a three-way voucher match to create a voucher from a nota fiscal. You must locate the receipt records that correspond to the nota fiscal and match them to the nota fiscal. For example, if a supplier sends a nota fiscal for 100.00, you must locate and match the receipt records for the 100.00 worth of items that correspond to the nota fiscal. You can select multiple receipt records to match on a single voucher. When you complete the match process, the system creates two batches if any of the transactions are subject to IPI or ICMS recoverable or to ICMS payable.

The total amount of the receipt records that you match to a nota fiscal must equal the amount on the nota fiscal. For example, if two receipt records correspond to a nota fiscal and each receipt record is for 200.00, the nota fiscal amount must equal 400.00 to perform a match. If a nota fiscal reflects a partial order, you can change the quantity or amount of a receipt record to match the nota fiscal. The system leaves the remaining balance of the receipt record open. For example, if a receipt record reflects 100 items but the nota fiscal amount reflects 50 items, you can change the receipt record quantity to 50. You can create a voucher for the remaining 50 items at a later time.

Before creating vouchers:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Voucher Processing for Brazil

The system enables some functions for voucher entry for Brazil differently than for the standard voucher entry process:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Automatic Payment Processing for Brazil

The system processes records differently for Brazilian transactions than for standard transactions.

Note. Where a difference exists between how Imposto de Renda (IR) taxes for individuals and legal entities are processed, this document refers to IR taxes for individuals as IRPF (Imposto de Renda de Pessoa Física) and refers to IR taxes for legal entities as IRPJ (Imposto de Renda de Pessoa Jurídica). Where no difference exists between how the system processes IR taxes for individuals and legal entities, this document uses the acronym IR.

Note. Run the Create Payment Groups program to calculate IRPF withholdings. You can run either the Tax Calculation ISS, INSS, FUNRURAL and IRPJ program or the Create Payment Groups program to calculate IRPJ withholdings.

Considerations for Creating Payment Groups for Brazil

When you create a payment for Brazil, the system validates these conditions:

Additionally, the system ignores vouchers with a document type that exists in the Doc. Types Unaffected Withhold (76B/UW) UDC table. This UDC table includes the document types for which you do not calculate withholding.

When the payment is updated, the system accumulates by month, tax ID of the supplier, tax ID of the company, and tax type (IR, PIS/PASEP, COFINS, CSLL, and INSS) the gross amounts and contributions amounts that were paid. The system saves this information in the Tax Accumulates by AN8, Company table (F76B4017).

When you create payment groups for Brazil, the system calculates withholding amounts for IR, PIS/PASEP, COFINS, and CSLL contributions and creates records for the contributions in the temporary tables A/P Payment Detail (F04573) and F04573 Brazilian Temp WH File (F76B473T). After you write and update the payment, the system copies the records from the temporary tables to the Accounts Payable Matching Document (F0413) and Accounts Payable Matching Document Detail (F0414) tables. The system also updates the F76B4017, F76B0411, and F0411 tables.

Before you run the Create Payment Control Groups program (R04570), set the processing options in the Brazilian Payment Process - PO program (P76B470). Access the Brazilian Payment Process - PO program from the A/P Tax Processing - Brazil (G76B0414) menu. The system uses the values in these processing options to define the Brazil tax information that the system uses to calculate the withholdings for each voucher of the payment. The Create Payment and the Brazilian Payment Process - PO programs must have matching versions. For example, if you use version ZJDE0010 for the Create Payment Control Groups program to create payments for Brazil, you must set the processing options for the payment process in the ZJDE0010 version of the Brazilian Payment Process - PO program.

Review these processing option tabs before running the Create Payment Control Groups program:

Processing Option Tab



Use the Print Attachments processing option to specify whether to print attachments.

  • For standard checks (R04572DB1), enter 1 to print an attachment or 0 for no attachment.

  • For Bordero (R04572DB, R04572CB1, R04572RB), you must indicate that you want a special attachment by entering 1.

Process By

Set the Payee processing option to specify whether to create payments based on payee, regardless of the supplier.

For the Print Automatic Payments - Check - Brazil program (R04572DB1), you cannot create one payment per payee, regardless of supplier. You must leave the Payee field blank for this processing option.

Writing Payments and IRPF Taxes

When you write the payment, the system verifies that the month and year of the write operation is equal to the month and year of the create payment operation.

Considerations for Voiding Payments

The ability to void or delete a line on a voucher is disabled if the voucher has been processed by using the Tax Calculation ISS, INSS, FUNRURAL and IRPJ program (R76B4310) and records exist for the voucher in the Voucher Tax Processed table (F76B4012).

Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS) tax is assessed by voucher. If a voucher line and the INSS tax line is in the payment being voided, the system verifies that no payments were made for the voucher after the payment being voided was made.

If a payment being voided has PIS/PASEP, COFINS, or CSLL contributions that exceed the minimum, the system verifies that no payments were made for that supplier after the payment being voided was made.

To void a payment other than the last payment, you must void all intervening payments. For example, if on January 10 you need to void a payment to a supplier that was processed on January 8, you must first void any payments made to the supplier on January 9.

When you void a payment, the system:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTax Calculations for IRPJ

If a transaction is subject to IRPJ tax, the system performs these actions when you run the Create Payment Group program:

  1. Verifies that the supplier is a Brazilian supplier.

  2. For payments to suppliers, checks whether the negative withholding lines for ISS, INSS, and FUNRURAL are included in the payment.

  3. Checks whether the supplier does not have another payment in process because the system uses accumulated amounts that might be affected by another payment.

  4. Verifies the existence of a tax code in the F76011 table.

  5. Creates a line in the F76B0411 table for IRPJ withholding.

  6. Writes two lines to the F0411 table; one that is a positive amount and that is paid to the fiscal authority and one that is a negative amount and that is paid with the voucher.

  7. Updates the Tax Accumulates by AN8, Company table (F76B4017).

The system accumulates by month, tax ID of the supplier, tax ID of the company, and tax type (IR, INSS) the gross amounts and contributions amounts paid.

Note. The system does not calculate IRPJ when you run the Create Payment Groups program for vouchers for which IRPJ was previously calculated. For example, if you calculated IRPJ for a voucher by running the Tax Calculation ISS, INSS, FUNRURAL and IRPJ program and the data selection for Create Payment Groups includes that voucher, the system does not recalculate the IRPJ when you run the Create Payment Groups program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTax Calculations for IRPF

Pessoa Física is IR tax levied on individuals. For most services, the taxable income is the value of the service that is provided. Before you calculate this tax, you must:

If a voucher is subject to IRPF tax, the system performs these actions when you run the Create Payment Groups program:

  1. Checks the Voucher Tax Processed table (F76B4012) to verify that ISS, INSS, and FUNRURAL taxes were calculated.

  2. For payments to suppliers, checks whether the negative withholding lines for ISS, INSS, and FUNRURAL are included in the payment.

  3. Checks whether the supplier does not have another payment in process because the system uses accumulated amounts that might be affected by another payment

  4. Verifies the existence of a tax code in the Address Book Brazilian Tag File table (F76011).

  5. Uses the INSS maximum amount for the month to determine the applicable amount.

    The system saves the INSS maximum amount to the F76B4012 table when the system calculates INSS tax for this voucher.

  6. Reduces the IR tax base by the amount of the INSS tax withheld.

  7. Calculates the withholding amount based on the percentage of the reduction of the basis of calculation, the number of dependents, whether the individual is retired, and the tax rate.

    The system calculates IR tax for each line on the voucher and pays the voucher line and the withholding line in the same payment.

  8. Creates a line in the Voucher Additional Information Brazil table (F76B0411) for IR withholding.

  9. Writes two lines to the F0411 table: one that is a positive amount that is paid to the fiscal authority and one that is a negative amount that is paid with the voucher.

  10. Updates the Tax Accumulates by AN8, Company table (F76B4017).

The system accumulates by month, tax ID of the supplier, tax ID of the company, and tax type (IRPF or INSS) the gross amounts and contribution amounts paid.

Click to jump to parent topicAdding Bar Code Information to Vouchers for Brazil

This section provides an overview of bar code information for vouchers and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Bar Code Information for Vouchers

You can add bar code information to domestic currency vouchers that you process for payment. You add bar code information after you enter voucher information and before you create payment groups. Adding bar code information to your vouchers is optional unless you use the outbound automatic payment process. If you use the outbound automatic payment process, you must add bar code information to your vouchers.

A standard bar code contains 44 digits. When you use an optical reader to scan a bar code, the system:

  1. Validates the 44 digits.

  2. Populates the Bar Code Brazil field (data item BBRCD) in the F76B04BC table with the 44 digits.

You enter 47 digits when you manually enter a bar code. The 10th, 22nd, and 33rd digits are check digits that the validation routine uses to verify that the code that you enter is a valid bar code number. When you manually enter a bar code number, the system:

  1. Validates each segment of the bar code number.

  2. Translates the 47 digits that you entered into the 44-digit machine-entered format.

  3. Populates the Bar Code Brazil field in the F76B04BC table with 44 digits.

You can override a machine-entered bar code number with a manually entered bar code number. When you manually enter a bar code for a voucher for which a bar code already exists and then click OK on the Work With Vouchers Bar Code - Brazil form in the Voucher Additional Information - Brazil program (P76B04BC), the system:

  1. Validates each segment of the manually entered 47-digit bar code number.

  2. Translates the 47 digits that you entered into the 44-digit machine-entered format.

  3. Replaces the value for data item BBRCD in the F76B04BC table with the new value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForm Used to Add Bar Code Information to Vouchers

Form Name




Work with Voucher Bar Code - Brazil


Bank Tape Processing (G76B415), Voucher Additional Information - Brazil

On the Work with voucher additional information - Brazil form, select a record and then select Bar Code from the Row menu.

Select or clear the Unique Payment option. You can enable or disable this option only if the Enable Unique Payment Flag processing option is blank.

Enter bar code information for Brazil.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Voucher Additional Information - Brazil (P76B04BC)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Pay Status Code

Enter a value that exists in the Pay Status Code (00/PS) UDC table to specify the pay status code of the vouchers that the system processes.

Bar Code

Enable unique payment flag

Enter 1 to disable the Unique Payment option on the Work with Voucher Bar Code - Brazil form. Leave this processing option blank to enable the option.

Create unique payment on bar code entry

Specify whether to process payments for vouchers for which the bar code number has already been processed and paid. The value that you enter here overrides the Unique Payment option on the Work with Voucher Bar Code - Brazil form. Values are:

Blank: Create

1: Do not create

Enable bar code entry mode

Specify whether to enable the Manual and Machine options on the Work with Voucher Bar Code - Brazil form. Values are:

Blank: Enable

1: Disable

Bar code entry mode

Specify whether you enter bar code information manually. The value that you enter here overrides the Manual and Machine options on the Work with Voucher Bar Code - Brazil form. Values are:

Blank: Machine (default value)

1: Manual


Update Status

Enter 1 to update the pay status code for the vouchers processed.

New Pay Status

Specify the pay status code to which the system updates vouchers when the Update Status processing option is set to 1.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bar Code Information for Vouchers

Access the Work with Voucher Bar Code - Brazil form.


Select to enable the entry of bar codes by scanning.

You can select this option only if the Enable Bar Code Entry Mode processing option is blank.


Select to enable the manual entry of a bar code. If you select this mode, the system enables the eight segments of the Manual Bar Code field.

You can select this option only if the Enable Bar Code Entry Mode processing option is blank.

Unique payment

Select to prohibit the entry of a duplicate bar code.

Bar Code

Enter this code by scanning a bar code with an optical reader or by manually entering the code.

When you use an optical reader to scan a bar code, the reader discards the three check digits and populates the appropriate fields in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system with 44 digits.

When you manually enter a bar code, you enter the entire 47-digit number. The 10th, 22nd, and 33rd digits are check digits. Although the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system does not use the check digits to validate the bar code, you should enter all 47 digits. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system populates the appropriate fields with 44 digits after discarding the 3 check digits.

The system displays an error message for each segment of the Manual Bar Code field if the digits that you enter are not valid or if you do not enter the appropriate number of digits for the segment.

The system does not display the bar code in the Machine Bar Code field when you add a bar code to a voucher. The system displays bar codes in the Machine Bar Code field only when the bar code already exists in the F76B04BC table, such as when you view an existing voucher that has an associated bar code.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Inbound and Outbound Payments for Brazil

This section provides an overview of the process for inbound and outbound payments for Brazil, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Inbound and Outbound Payments for Brazil

You use automatic payment processing to pay vouchers during your usual payment cycle. To process automatic payments, you assign formats to payment instruments. Then you create payment groups. After you create payment groups, you process automatic payments in the group. When you select the Write function for your payment group, the system determines which payment formats to generate, based on the payment formatting programs that you assign to your payment instruments.

When you set up your system to use the Dynamic Formatter program (P76B474) for electronic payments, you write the outbound flat file in a layout that your bank wants to use, and you write the information that you receive in an inbound flat file in the layout that you want to use.

The outbound process for automatic payments sends records from the following tables to the specified bank:

The inbound process for automatic payments uploads incoming flat files to the File Upload for Bank Transaction Inbound Process table (F76B474I), and then to tables F04571, F04572, and F04573. You then continue processing the inbound records according to your usual procedures.

To use automatic banking for payment processing for Brazil:

For inbound payment records, complete these tasks:

Processing Outbound Automatic Payments

Before you process outbound bank records, you must set up bank layouts and associate the layouts with outbound transactions for each payment instrument for each bank with which you work. You then run the Create A/P Electronic Bank Diskette - Dynamic Formatter batch program (R76B047SE) to write records to the F0457 and F04572OW tables.

You use the Bank Transaction Outbound Process program (P76B474O) to write records from the F40457 and F04572OW tables to the text file. When you create the text file, the system writes the file in the correct layout as determined by the transaction type, payment instrument, and bank code that you specified in the Bank Information for Dynamic Formatter program.

This process flow illustrates the outbound automatic payment process:

Outbound automatic payment process flow

Writing Automatic Payments to the A/P Payment Tape Table (F04572OW)

The system automatically runs the Create A/P Electronic Bank Diskette - Dynamic Formatter program when you run the print process for payment groups. You must set the processing options for the Create A/P Electronic Bank Diskette - Dynamic Formatter program before you run the print process for payment groups. The Create A/P Electronic Bank Diskette - Dynamic Formatter program creates the text file and sets the status for the payment group to Update (UPD).

You can also run the Create A/P Electronic Bank Diskette - Dynamic Formatter program from a menu option.

The Create A/P Electronic Bank Diskette - Dynamic Formatter program:

Creating the Outbound Text File

You create outbound text files for automatic payments and for automatic receipts. The system writes the text file in the appropriate layout based on the bank code, payment instrument, and transaction type.

For automatic payments, the system writes records from the F0457 and F04572OW tables to a text file.

For automatic receipts, the system writes records from the F04572OW table to a text file.

Processing Inbound Automatic Payments

Before you process inbound bank records, you must set up bank layouts and associate the layouts with inbound transactions for each payment instrument for each bank with which you work. You then run the Bank Information for Dynamic Formatter program (P76B474I) to write records from the flat file that you received from the bank to the F76B474I table.

You run the Process Return A/P Electronic Bank Diskette - Dynamic Formatter program to write records from the F76B474I table to the F0457 table. You can launch the Process Return A/P Electronic Bank Diskette Dynamic Formatter program from a menu option or by clicking Process in the File Upload for Bank Transaction Inbound program.

You process the records in table F0457 according to your usual procedures.

This process flow illustrates the inbound automatic payments process:

Inbound automatic payment process flow

Importing Flat Files from Your Bank

Before you can use the automatic receipts or automatic payments data that your bank sends to you, you must upload the flat file from the location where it is stored to the F76B474I table. A layout that is associated with the bank code and transaction type for the file that you want to upload must exist in your system.

You can set default values for the bank code and transaction type in the processing options, and you can set a processing option to enable changes to the location where the system searches for the flat file.

See Also

Adding Bar Code Information to Vouchers for Brazil

Setting Up Bank Layouts Using the Dynamic Formatter

Processing Inbound Automatic Receipts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before completing the tasks in this chapter:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Process Inbound and Outbound Payments

Form Name




Tape Creation for Outbound Process


  • Bank Tape Processing (G76B413), Bank Transaction Outbound Process

  • Bank Tape Processing (G76B415), Bank Transaction Outbound Process

    On the Work with Outbound Bank Process Files form, select a record and click Select.

Create the outbound text file.

Upload File for Bank Inbound Transaction


  • Bank Tape Processing (G76B413), File Upload for Bank Transaction Inbound

  • Bank Tape Processing ( G76B415), File Upload for Bank Transaction Inbound

    On the Work with Inbound Bank Transactions Files form, select a record and click Add.

Upload the flat file.

You can complete the fields only if the processing options are set to enable you to override the values.

The Layout tab displays information about the layout. It does not contain input fields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Create A/P Electronic Bank Diskette - Dynamic Formatter (R76B047SE)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Tape Payment Detail

Specify the tape payment detail description.


Device Name

Specify the machine model where the flat file was created. The system prints this information on a label that you can attach to a diskette.

Tape Density

Specify the media recording density. The system prints this information on a label that you can attach to a diskette.

Label Name

Specify the label name.

Block Size

Specify the size of the block that you are copying.

New Volume

Specify the name of the new volume.

New Owner ID

Specify the name of the new owner.

File Name

Enter the name of the text file.

Pmt. Inst. (payment instrument)

Payment Instrument - DOC

Specify the code for the payment instrument that you assign to payments that were made by a direct deposit to the supplier's account in a bank, other than the bank that is sending the payment. The code that you specify must exist in the Payment Instruments UDC table (00/PY).

Payment Instrument - Check

Specify the code for the payment instrument that you assign to payments that are made by check. The code that you specify must exist in the Payment Instruments UDC table (00/PY).

Payment Instrument - Account Deposit

Specify the code for the payment instrument that you assign to payments that are made by a direct deposit to the supplier's account in the same bank as the bank that is sending the payment. The code that you specify must exist in the Payment Instruments UDC table (00/PY).

Payment Instrument - Boleto same Bank

Specify the code for the payment instrument that you assign to payments that are made by using a boleto, and for which the supplier's account is at the bank that is processing the payment. The code that you specify must exist in the Payment Instruments UDC table (00/PY).

Payment Instrument - Boleto other Bank

Specify the code for the payment instrument that you assign to payments that are made by using a boleto, and for which the supplier's account is at a bank other than the bank that is processing the payment. The code that you specify must exist in the Payment Instruments UDC table (00/PY).


Use single Company Payment

Enter 1 to create one payment for each invoice. Leave this processing option blank to create separate payments.

Structure Type

Enter a value that exists in the Parent/Child Structure Type UDC table (01/TS) to specify the type of organizational structure that is set up in the address book record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Bank Transaction Outbound Process (P76B474O)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Display created files

Enter 1 to specify that the system displays on the Work with Outbound Process Files form only records for which files have been written. If you leave this processing option blank, the system displays records for which files have not been written.

Type - Transaction

Specify the transaction type code that the system displays in the Work with Outbound Process Files form. You select a code from the Transaction Type (00/TT) UDC table. Use only these values:

BRPAGEL: Electronic Payments Brazil

BRCOBES: Electronic Receipts Brazil

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating the Outbound Text File

Access the Tape Creation for Outbound Process form.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImporting Flat Files from Your Bank

Access the Upload File for Bank Inbound Transaction form.

Bank Code

Specify the bank to which the system sends the outbound statement. The code that you enter must exist in the Bank Codes (76/BC) UDC table.

Transaction Type

Enter the qualifier that identifies a specific type of transaction.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Manual Payments for Brazil

This section provides an overview of the manual payment process for Brazil, lists a prerequisite, and lists the forms used to enter withholding amounts for manual payments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Manual Payments for Brazil

When you enter manual payments for Brazil using the Payment With Voucher Match program, the system launches the Manual Payment Withholding Registration program (P76B4900).

The Manual Payment Withholding Registration program enables you to enter tax amounts for IR, PIS/PASEP, COFINS, and CSLL withholding amounts when you process manual payments. After you complete the Manual Payment Entry form in the Manual Payment program, the system displays the Manual Payment Withholding Registration form. The form includes the withholding amount, the withholding due date, and the tax formula.

The system updates these tables:

The system accumulates by month, tax ID of the supplier, tax ID of the company, and tax type (IR, Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social [INSS], PIS/PASEP, COFINS, and CSLL) the gross amounts and contribution amounts paid.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

You must process INSS, ISS (Imposto sobre Serviços), and FUNRURAL (Fundo de Assistência e Previdência do Trabalhador Rural) taxes before you process manual payments with IR, PIS/PASEP, COFINS, and CSLL taxes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Enter Manual Payments

Form Name




Work with Payments


Manual Payment Processing (G0412), Payment with Voucher Match

Select existing manual payments.

Manual Payment Entry


Click Add on the Work with Payments form.

Enter manual payment information.

Manual Payment Withholding Registration


Click OK on the Manual Payment Entry form.

Enter withholding amounts, due dates, and the tax code.