(RUS) Printing VAT Purchase and Sales Reports

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating the Purchase Book Report

This section provides an overview of the Purchase Book program and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Purchase Book Program

You use the Purchase Book program (R74R4000) to print a report with information about transactions that caused a fiscal credit for your company. You use this report to report the transactions to the government and as a basis for reclaiming VAT.

Transactions that cause a fiscal credit include:

The report prints one line in the report for each document that includes a fiscal-credit transaction. If a document has multiple lines, the system prints one summary line for each the transactions. For each document, the line includes:

The report includes a name and a signature line for the chief accountant.

Tables Used

The system reads information from these tables when you run the Purchase Book program:

Record Processing

You do not use Data Selection to specify the records to process. Instead the system uses values in processing options and UDC tables to determine which records in the F0411 and F0911 tables to process.

The criteria that the system uses to select records to process include:

Suspended VAT in the Purchase Book Report

The system uses only the amounts written to the F74R420 table that are for tax rate areas defined on the first line of the tax rate area setup. Taxes written for tax rate areas set up on other lines are not included in the Purchase Book report.

The system prints one detail line for each voucher. If the voucher was paid in one payment, that date of payment is shown in the report. If the voucher was partially paid on more than one date, the system prints the first payment date.

Voids of VAT releases and other changes to posted vouchers are also included for transactions processed within the period for which you generate the Purchase Book report.

Processing Suppliers' Invoices

The system processes standard vouchers, voucher corrections, tax vouchers, vouchers for sum differences, and customs declarations for imports. The system selects these records according to the dates and company that you identify in the processing options:

You must run the General Ledger Post program with the Update Tax File processing option set to 3 (For all Tax Explanation Codes).

Processing Customer Prepayments

At times, customers might make payments to you for goods or services that you have not yet shipped or provided to your customer. For example, you might require that a customer make payments on a manufactured good at specific times during the manufacturing process. Payments that customers make to you before they receive goods or services are prepayments.

VAT must be paid on the prepayments that you receive and reported in the VAT sales book. You run processes in the JD Edwards Accounts Receivable system to pay the VAT on the prepayments. When the final invoice is generated and the prepayments are applied to that invoice, you reverse the accounting entries that were made when the prepayment was received. These reversals are included in the Purchase Book report.

When you run the Purchase Book program, the system reads records in the Prepayment Detail Tax File (F74R311) table to determine which records to include in the Purchase Book report. The system selects records in the F74R311 table according to the dates and legal company specified in the processing options, and whether the Output Book field (data item R74BOK) in the F74R311 table includes the value AP.

Processing Journal Entries

The Purchase Book program processes journal entries with VAT for inclusion in the Purchase Book report. You identify the journal entries to include in the purchase book when you set up the Journal Entry Doc Ty Inclusion (74R/JE) UDC table.

The system processes the transactions in the F0411 table according to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Purchase Book Program (R74R4000)

Select Accounts Payable (G74R04), Purchase Book.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Purchase Book (R74R4000)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing values.


1. Date From and 2. Date To

Specify the first date of a range of dates, or the last date of a range of dates that the system uses for selecting records to process.

3. Legal Company

Specify the legal company for which you run the report.

Selection Date

1. Transactions Selection Date

Specify the date type that the system uses to select records to process. Values are:

Blank: GL date

1: Invoice date

2: Service/Tax date


1. Display Void

Specify where the system prints information about voided transactions. Values are:

Blank. Purchase Book

1: Adjustments List. If the void is for a document for a previous month, the system prints a new line in the adjustment list. If the void is for a document in the current reporting period, the system prints the void in the Purchase Book report. If the transaction involves a partial void, then the transaction will be displayed in Adjustment List.

2. Items Purchase Book

Specify whether the report includes transactions for stock items, nonstock items, or both.

Values are:

Blank: All items

0: Stock items.

1: Nonstock items.

If you select 0 or 1 and the transaction includes lines for both stock and nonstock items, the transaction is not included in the report.

Note. The system uses the Memo Lot 2 field in the Lot Master table (F4108) to determine whether an item is stock or nonstock. If the Memo Lot 2 field for an item is not blank or 0 (zero), the system considers the item to be a stock item.

3. Custom Declaration Number

Specify the field from which the system takes the customs declaration number. Values are:

Blank: The system uses the Custom Declaration Number field in the Lot Additional Information (F7464108) table.

1: The system uses the Lot/Serial Number field in the Purchase Order Receiver File (F43121) table.


1. Enter the % of the tax to inform corresponding to the first column.

Specify the percentage that you want the system to print in the heading for the first column of tax rates. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints 18%.

2. Enter the % of the tax to inform corresponding to the second column.

Specify the percentage that you want the system to print in the heading for the second column of tax rates. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints 10%.

3. Enter the % of the tax to inform corresponding to the third column.

Specify the percentage that you want the system to print in the heading for the first column of tax rates. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints 20%.


1. Chief Accountant

Specify the address book number of the chief accountant. The system prints the name of the chief accountant next to the signature line on the report.

2. Individual Businessman

Specify the address book number of an individual if the person who must sign the report is not set up in the address book system as a chief accountant. The system prints the name associated with the address book number that you specify next to a signature line on the report.


1. VAT Purchase Book Conversion Process

Specify whether the system runs the VAT Purchase Book Conversion (R74R4001) program. If you select to run the conversion program, the system processes records that exist in the Russian Tax File (F74R0018) table and writes records to the F74RUI41 and F74RUI42 tables. Records that are written to the F74RUI41 and F74RUI42 tables are written to the final report by the Purchase Book program.

Values are:

Y: (Yes) Run the conversion process.

N: (No) Do not run the conversion process.


Specify the version of the Purchase Book Conversion program that the system runs when you enter Y in the VAT Purchase Book Conversion Process processing option. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating the Sales Book Report

This section provides an overview of the Sales Book program and discusses how to: .

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Sales Book Program

You run the Sales Book program (R74R3000) to print a report with information about transactions that caused a fiscal debit. Transactions that cause a fiscal debit include:

The Sales Book report includes information about the transactions for fiscal debits. The report prints one line in the report for each document that includes a fiscal-debit transaction. If a document has multiple lines, the system prints one summary line for each the transactions. For each document, the line includes:

The report includes a name and a signature line for the chief accountant.

Tables Used

The system reads information from these tables when you run the Sales Book program:

Record Processing

You do not use Data Selection to specify the records to process. Instead the system uses values in processing options and UDC tables to determine which records in the F03B11 and F0911 tables to process. The criteria that the system uses to select records to process include:

Processing Buyers' Invoices and Sales Orders

The system processes customers' VAT invoices and corrections, tax agents' invoices, sales order dispatched, export realizations, and invoices for sum differences. This process selects these records according to the date and legal company processing options:

You must run the General Ledger Post program with the Update Tax File processing option set to 3 (For all Tax Explanation Codes).

Processing Export Realization Transactions

Transactions involving export realization are subject to a 0 percent VAT if the correct documentation is provided to the tax authorities within 180 days of the transactions. If you do not provide the required documentation within the established time frame, you must pay VAT on the transactions and report them in the Sales Book report. If you later submit the required documentation, you can reverse the VAT paid and report the reversal in the Purchase Book report.

If you need to include transactions in the Sales Book report that were initially tax-exempt, you can either:

You would reverse the entries if you later turned in the required documentation.

Processing Tax Agents' Invoices

When you provide the VAT tax invoice for a supplier, or provide the tax invoices to a customer who is not subject to VAT, you act as a tax agent for the payment of VAT. In these situations, you must calculate VAT, print the tax invoices, and report the VAT in your Sales Book report. Generally, you must process and pay this VAT for each transaction, not at the end of a period. You can use the invoice print process for Russia to print the tax invoice, and include that invoice in your Sales Book report.

Processing Receipt of Prepayments and Corrections

The system selects records from the Prepayment Detail Tax File table (F74R311) to process according to:

Processing Journal Entries

The system selects the journal entries with VAT to process for the Sales Book report. The system selects records from the F0911 table according when:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Sales Book Program (R74R3000)

Select Accounts Receivable (G74R03B), Sales Book (R74R3000).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Sales Book (R74R3000)

Processing options enable you to set default processing values.


1. Date From and 2. Date To

Specify the first date of a range of dates, or the last date of a range of dates that the system uses for selecting records to process.

3. Legal Company

Specify the legal company for which you run the report.

Selection Date

1. Transactions Selection Date

Specify the date type that the system uses to select records to process. Values are:

Blank: GL date

1: Invoice date

2: Service/Tax date


1. Display Void

Specify where the system prints information about voided transactions. Values are:

Blank. Sales Book

1: Adjustments List. If the void is for a document for a previous month, the system prints a new line in the adjustment list. If the void is for a document in the current reporting period, the system prints the void in the Sales Book report. If the transaction involves a partial void, then the transaction will be displayed in Adjustment List.


Address Number of Chief Accountant

Specify the address book number of the Chief Accountant of the company.

Address Number Individual Businessman

Specify the address book number of the person responsible for running the report.


1. Enter the % of the tax to inform corresponding to the first column.

Specify the percentage that you want the system to print in the heading for the first column of tax rates. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints 18%.

2. Enter the % of the tax to inform corresponding to the second column.

Specify the percentage that you want the system to print in the heading for the second column of tax rates. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints 10%.

3. Enter the % of the tax to inform corresponding to the third column.

Specify the percentage that you want the system to print in the heading for the first column of tax rates. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints 20%.


1. VAT Sales Book Conversion Process

Specify whether the system runs the VAT Sales Book Conversion (R74R3001) program. If you select to run the conversion program, the system processes records that exist in the Russian Tax File (F74R0018) table and writes records to the F74RUI41 and F74RUI42 tables. Records that are written to the F74RUI41 and F74RUI42 tables are written to the final report by the Sales Book program.

Values are:

Y: (Yes) Run the conversion process.

N: (No) Do not run the conversion process.


Specify the version of the VAT Sales Book Conversion program that the system runs when you enter Y in the VAT Sales Book Conversion Process processing option. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

Tax Accounting Policy

Specify whether the system uses the invoice GL date or the payment date when processing records.

Values are:

Blank or 0: Invoice GL date

1: Payment date

Unapplied Cash Document Type

Specify the document type that identifies transactions with unapplied cash. The value that you enter must exist in the Document Type (00/DT) UDC table.