(RUS) Setting Up Functionality for Russia

This chapter provides an overview of address book information for Russia and discusses how to set up:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Additional Address Book Information for Russia

You enter address book records to create a database of information about your employees, customers, suppliers, and tax authorities. In addition to entering the standard address book information, you enter specific information for Russia for reporting purposes. For example, the system uses the information that you enter in the Address Book Localization Data program (P74R0102) for the information that it prints in the footer of the Goods Dispatch Note.

You use the Address Book Localization Data program to enter information that is specific to Russia. When you add an address book record for Russia, the system displays the Address Book Localization Data form after you click OK on the Address Book Revision form. Or, you can access the Address Book Localization Data form by selecting Regional Info from the Row menu on the Address Book Revisions form.

The system saves the data that you enter in the Address Book Tag File - RUS - 01 (F74R101T) table.

See (RUS) Entering Additional Address Book Information.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Russia

Setting up Russia-specific UDCs enables you to use country-specific functionality. You also set up some base software UDCs with country-specific values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Tax Processing

Set up these UDCs before processing taxes.

Average Cost Calculation (40/AV)

Set up codes for the average cost calculator to control which program is used for procurement taxation processing. This UDC links the base software for the JD Edwards Enterprise One Procurement system to the Russian localization. You must add the following code to the UDC table (40/AV):


Description 01

Description 02


Landed Cost


Adjustments Transaction Doc Ty (74R/AL)

Set up this UDC table to specify the document types for transactions that must appear in the adjustment list instead of the VAT purchase book or VAT sales book report. The adjustment list prints after the purchase book or sales book report and shows the transactions that were created to adjust other transactions.

Sales VAT Accrual Method (74R/AM)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. The system uses the values in this table when you set up sales order line and sales order line type combinations and specify whether the combinations use a concurrent or postponed method for accounting for the VAT on the transactions.

Values are:




Sales recognition postponed


Sales recognition concurs w/sh (with shipment)

See Understanding Setup for VAT for Sales Transactions.

Document Type Exclusion (74R/DE)

Set up this UDC table with values for the document types that you do not want to include in the VAT purchase book or VAT sales book reports. The values in this UDC table override the values that you might set up in other UDCs used to select records to include. For example, if a document type that exists in the Journal Entry Doc Ty Inclusion (74R/JE) UDC table specifies that a journal entry is included in the VAT purchase book and the same document type exists in this UDC table, the system does not include the journal entry.

Journal Entry Doc Ty Inclusion (74R/JE)

Set up values in this UDC table to identify the document types for journal entries that the system includes or excludes from the VAT purchase book or VAT sales book reports. The system uses the values in this UDC table, and whether the journal entry is a positive or negative amount, to determine if the journal entry is included in the VAT purchase book or VAT sales book report.

The system includes all journal entries with positive amounts in the VAT purchase book report and all journal entries with negative amounts in the VAT sales book even if you do not set up the document type in this UDC table. Therefore, you need only set up document types for these types of journal entries:

Enter the document type in the Codes field and use the Special Handling Code field to specify that a journal entry with the specified document type be included in the VAT purchase book or VAT sales book report. Enter PB in the Special Handling Code field to include the document type in the VAT purchase book report. Enter SB in the Special Handling Code field to include the document type in the VAT sales book report.

This table describes how the system uses the special handling code and whether the amount is positive or negative to determine whether to include the journal entry in the Sales Book or Purchase Book report:

Document Type Exists in 74R/JE

Special Handling Code

Positive or Negative Amount

Include in Sales or Purchase Book



If you leave this field blank, the system uses the sign (positive or negative) of the amount to determine the book in which to include the transaction.


Purchase book



If you leave this field blank, the system uses the sign (positive or negative) of the amount to determine the book in which to include the transaction.


Sales book




Purchase book




Sales book




Purchase book




Purchase book




Sales book




Sales book

Tax Areas Exclusion (74R/TE)

Set up this UDC table with values for the tax areas that you do not want to include in the VAT purchase book or VAT sales book reports. For example, you might set up a value for tax-exempt transactions.

Unapplied Cash Tax Code (74R/UT)

Generally, you must calculate VAT for unapplied cash. Set up codes in this UDC to apply VAT to unapplied cash.

Enter the class of the unapplied cash in the Codes field. Enter the tax area and the tax explanation code for the unapplied documents in the Description 02 field. The system uses the value in the Description 02 field to calculate the tax on the unapplied cash.

For example, you might set up the these unapplied cash classes for Russia:


Description 01

Description 02


Standard unapplied cash - 18 percent VAT should be calculated



VAT not assigned


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Cash Transactions

Set up this UDC before you process cash transactions.

Petty Cash Document Type (74R/CD)

Set up this UDC to identify the types of documents that you use for petty cash transactions. You specify whether the code is for an inbound or outbound transaction by completing the Special Handling Code field. Enter I for inbound transactions. Enter O for outbound transactions. For example, you might set up these codes:



Special Handling Code


Cash Receipt Note



Cash Issue Note


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Payment Processing for Russia

Set up these UDCs before processing payments.

Payment Instruments (00/PY)

You set up the Payment Instruments (00/PY) UDC table to identify each payment instrument that you use. You can associate payment instruments with documents so that you can process similar documents together.

The system prints the text that appears in the Description field as the transfer type on the Payment Order.

See Setting Up Payment Instruments and Print Programs.

Amount Difference Document Type (74R/AD)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. Additionally, you must add the code PD to this UDC table for returned goods for which payments have been received. You use these values when you set up amount difference accounting. Verify that these values exist in your system:

Budget Classification Code (74R/PB)

Set up this UDC table to specify the budget code that appears on payment orders. The system uses the values from this UDC table when you run the Automatic Payment Order program (R74R4520) or run the Payment Order Reprint program (R74R4530) to print a payment order manually. For example, you might set up this value:





Payment Type (74R/PC)

Set up the Payment Type UDC table to identify the type of payment included on a payment order. The system uses the values from this UDC when you run the Automatic Payment Order program (R74R4520) or run the Payment Order Reprint program (R74R4530) to print a payment order manually. For example, you might set up these values:




DGI (Direccion General Impositiva) Tax Payment


Federal Taxes Payment

Tax Period (74R/PP)

Set up the Tax Period UDC table to identify the tax period for which you issue a payment order. The system uses the values from this UDC table when you run the Automatic Payment Order program (R74R4520) or run the Payment Order Reprint program (R74R4530) to print a payment order manually. For example, you might set up these values:




Fiscal Year


Tax Period



Payment Reason (74R/PR)

Set up the Payment Reason UDC table to identify the reason for the payment included on a payment order. The system uses the values from this UDC table when you run the Automatic Payment Order program (R74R4520) or run the Payment Order Reprint program (R74R4530) to print a payment order manually. For example, you might set up these values:




Payment of Current Year


Deferred Debts Payment


Restructured Debts

Payment Status (74R/PS)

Set up the Payment Status UDC table to identify the type of payment included on a payment order. The system uses the values from this UDC table when you run the Automatic Payment Order program (R74R4520) or run the Payment Order Reprint program (R74R4530) to print a payment order manually. For example, you might set up these values:




Tax payment


Other payment

Unapplied Cash Tax Code (74R/UT)

Generally, you must calculate VAT for unapplied cash. Set up codes in this UDC table to apply VAT to unapplied cash.

Enter the class of the unapplied cash in the Codes field. Enter the tax area and the tax explanation code for the unapplied documents in the Description 02 field. The system uses the value in the Description 02 field to calculate the tax on the unapplied cash.

For example, you might set up the these unapplied cash classes for Russia:


Description 01

Description 02


Standard unapplied cash - 18 percent VAT should be calculated



VAT not assigned


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Correspondence of Accounts for Russia

Set up these UDCs before using correspondence of accounts.

Amount Correspondences (74R/AG)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values for this UDC. You use these values when you set up account correspondence in the Correspondence Account Setup (P74R9001) program. Verify that these values exist in your system:



Minus amount


Plus amount

Correspondence Batch Status (74R/CS)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values for this UDC. You use these values when you change batch statuses in the Review Correspondence Batches program (P74R0011). Verify that these values exist in your system:




Generating Correspondence Pending


Correspondence Generated Successfully


Correspondence Posted


Error Generating Correspondence

Correspondence Methods (74R/MH)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values for this UDC. You use these values when you associate batch types to correspondence methods in the Correspondence Account Setup program (P74R9001). Verify that these values exist in your system:  




Direct between two concurrent lines.


Direct between debit and credit.


One debit, multiple credits.


Several debits, several credits.

Correspondence Print Options (74R/PO)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system provides hard-coded values for this UDC. You use these values when you set up accounts in the Correspondence Account Setup (P74R9001) program. Verify that these values exist in your system:








Red void

Correspondence Result Code (74R/RC)

Use this UDC to set up values that the system displays in the Correspondence Batch Revision program (P74R0011) to specify the status of the correspondence record. For example, you might set up these values:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Financial Reports for Russia

Set up these UDCs before you generate financial reports.

Account Type (74R/AT)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values that the system uses when you set up general ledger report formats in the G/L Reports Setup program (P74R9020). The system uses the values in the 74R/AT UDC table to determine if the account is an object/subsidiary account, or if the account is set up in a category code.

Verify that these values exist in your system:




Category Code - G/L 021


Category Code - G/L 022


Category Code - G/L 023


Object / Subsidiary

Code Type (74R/CT)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values that the system uses when you set up general ledger report formats in the G/L Reports Setup program (P74R9020). The system uses these values to determine the type of row. Some row types determine the tables the system reads to obtain balances. Other row types specify whether the system calculates values or prints a title for the row.

Verify that these values exist in your system:




Correspondence - Account


Accounts Only


Accounts Group


Codes Formulate



Factor Row (74R/FA)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values that the system uses when you set up general ledger report formats in the G/L Reports Setup program (P74R9020). The system uses the values in the 74R/FA UDC table to determine whether the system changes the sign of the amount from positive to negative, negative to positive, or leaves the original sign.

Verify that these values exist in your system:






Change the amount sign


Do not change the sign amount

Formula Type (74R/FT)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values that the system uses when you set up Changes in Equity report formats by using the G/L Reports Setup program (P74R9020). The system uses the values in the 74R/FT UDC table to determine the time period for which to report.

Verify that these values exist in your system:




Audit Activity 13,14, Current


Audit Activity 13,14,Curr -01


Audit Activity 13,14,Curr- 02


Account Balance, Current Per


Account Balance, Curr - 01 Per


Account Balance, Curr - 02 Per


Period Activity, Current Per


Period Activity -Curr - 01 Per


Period Activity -Curr - 02 Per


Prior Year -end Bal, Current

Record Type (74R/RT)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values that the system uses when you set up general ledger reports by using the G/L Reports Setup program (P74R9020). The system uses these values to determine what types of rows, accounts, and other criteria are applicable for the reports you create.

Verify that these values exist in your system:




Balance Sheet


Changes in Equity


Cash Flow


Profit & Loss

Section Number (74R/SE)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values that the system uses when you set up general ledger reports by using the G/L Reports Setup program (P74R9020). The system uses these values to determine the section in which to print the rows.

Verify that these values exist in your system:




First section


Second section


Third section


Fourth section


Fifth section

Scale Factor (74R/SF)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. The system uses the Scale Factor UDC table to determine how to print numerical values on general ledger reports. You specify in a processing option the scaling factor, if any, that you want the system to use.

When you choose to scale numerical values, the system divides the numerical values on the report by the scaling amount that you specify. For example, suppose that the amount in an account is 23,929. If you choose to scale the amount by a factor of 1000, the system divides 23,929 by 1000, rounds to the nearest whole number, and prints 24 on the report.

Verify that these values exist in your system:




Amounts without changes


Amounts divided by 1000


Amounts divided by 1000000

Visible Row (74R/VI)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values that the system uses when you set up general ledger report formats by using the G/L Reports Setup program (P74R9020). The system uses the values in the 74R/VI UDC table to determine whether the row you define is printed on the report. Generally, you specify that rows that contain formulas do not print on the report.

Verify that these values exist in your system:




Not visible



Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Sales Order Processing in Russia

In addition to the standard UDCs for sales order processing, set up this Russian-specific UDC:

Signature Role (74R/RL)

You specify in a processing option for legal documents the text that appears by the signature line on the document. You select one of the values that you set up in this UDC for the processing option. For example, you might set up a signature role for the person approving the document, an attorney, the head accountant, and so on.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Fixed Assets for Russia

In addition to the standard UDCs for fixed asset processing, set up these Russian-specific UDCs:

Documents for Change (74R/CH)

Set up this UDC with values that reflect document types for actions that increase fixed assets costs. For example, you might set up values for reconstruction or modernization of the asset.

Documents for Maintenance (74R/MN)

Set up values in this UDC to reflect actions that incur costs for maintenance of fixed assets. The system uses the values in this UDC when you produce the Fixed Asset Card report (R74R5120).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Legal Documents

Set up these UDCs with Russian-specific values:

Document Types (00/DT)

In addition to the hard-coded document types that are used throughout JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software, you can set up document types that are based on your specific business needs. You must set up code PD in this UDC for returned goods for which payments have been received. The system searches for the PD code when it processes amount difference vouchers.

For example, you might set up these document types for Russia:




Petty Cash Book. This document type is used only for next numbers and should never be used to enter transactions.


Petty Cash Receipt. This document is used to track next numbers for Petty Cash receipts. Its use is optional, and you may use it for entering petty cash transactions.


Petty Cash Issue. This document is used to track next numbers for Petty Cash issues. Its use is optional, and you may use it for entering petty cash transactions.


Prepayment Voucher. This document may be used to distinguish between normal and prepayment vouchers.


Credit memo. Use for returned goods for which payments have been received.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Long Descriptions for Russia-Specific UDCs

This section provides an overview of the Regional User-Defined Codes program (P74R0005) and discusses how to enter long descriptions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Regional User-Defined Codes Program

The User-Defined Codes program (P0005) provides a field for entering a description of the codes that you define. However, the field length is not long enough for some of the descriptions needed for Russian localizations. The Regional User-Defined Codes program enables you to enter long descriptions for UDCs.

When the system accesses a user-defined code for which a long description exists, it uses the long description when printing the UDC description on reports.

Note. When you delete a UDC record from the F0005 table, the system does not delete the corresponding description from the F74R0005 table. You must use the Regional User-Defined Codes program to delete the descriptions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up Long Descriptions

Form Name




Work With Regional User-Defined Codes


  • Enter P74R0005 in the Fast Path

  • Access the Regional User-Defined Codes program by using the Interactive Versions program (P983051).

Select a user-defined code that exists in the User-Defined Codes table (F0005).

Regional User-Defined Codes


Complete the Product Code field and the User-Defined Code fields in the header area and click Find on the Work With Regional User-Defined Codes form. Then, select a record and click Select.

Add long descriptions to existing UDC values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Long Descriptions

Access the Regional User-Defined Codes form.

Regional Description 1 and Regional Description 2

Enter the description that the system prints on legal reports when the UDC description is printed on the report.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Next Numbers for Russia

You must set up next numbering schemes for legal documents and for cash transactions.

See Also

Setting Up Next Numbers for Legal Documents

Setting Up the System for Cash Desk Transactions in Russia

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Corresponding Versions for Russia

Some country-specific functionality requires that you create versions of the same name for a country-specific program and a base software program. For example, to have the system access the processing options for a country-specific voucher program, you might need to set up a version named XYZ for the country-specific voucher program, and a version named XYZ of the Standard Voucher Entry (P0411) program.

Set up corresponding versions for these programs:

Russian Program

Base Software Program

Sales Order - PO (P7424210)

See Understanding Invoice Processing.

See Understanding Sales Order Processes for Poland and Russia.

Sales Order Entry (P4210)

Print Invoice/Invoice Correction - PO (P7420565)

See (POL and RUS) Understanding the Print Process for Legal Documents.

Standard Invoice Print (R42565)

Add Invoice - PO (P7433B11)

See (POL and RUS) Working with Invoices for Poland and Russia.

Standard Invoice Entry (P03B11)

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Legal Companies for Russia

This section provides an overview of legal companies and discusses how to associate transactional companies with a legal company.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Legal Companies

Legal company and transactional company relationships enable many companies to be unified in one legal company and to produce combined accounts payable reports. You can associate the companies that you use for transaction processing (transactional companies) with companies that you use for legal reporting (legal companies) so that legal reports can contain data for more than one transactional company. At a minimum, a legal company and a transactional company relationship must exist for the default company.

To associate transaction companies with legal companies, you use the Company Localized Data form. The system stores information about the association in the Company Additional Information table (F7400010).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForm Used to Set Up a Legal Company

Form Name




Company Localized Data


Organization & Account Setup (G09411), Company Names & Numbers

On the Work With Companies form, select Regional Info from the Row menu.

Associate transactional companies with legal companies.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Transactional Companies with a Legal Company for Poland and Russia

Access the Company Localized Data form.


Enter the transactional company with which to associate a legal company.

Legal Company

Enter the legal company with which to associate a transactional company.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Amount Difference Accounting

Amount differences occur when sales or purchase transactions are contracted in a currency other than rubles, and there is a difference in the exchange rate between the purchase or sales date and the date on which the payment is made. For example, when the company agrees to purchase goods from a supplier, you might set the price in euros or in U.S. dollars. The payment for the goods must occur in rubles, and will likely occur at a date after the shipment of the goods, so there might be a difference in the contracted amount and the actual payment amount due to fluctuations in the exchange rate from the time the goods are purchased and the time the goods are paid for.

When an amount difference occurs in a transaction, you must issue a voucher for the difference in amounts. This difference is subject to VAT and is reported in the Sales Book or the Purchase Book report.

To set up the system for the amount differences caused by the use of two currencies:

See Also

Setting Up Multicurrency AAIs for General Accounting

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the System for Cash Desk Transactions in Russia

This section provides an overview of setup for cash transactions for Russia and discusses how to set up:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Setup for Cash Transactions in Russia

In Russia, you must generate documents that show information about cash transactions that increase or decrease the amounts in the general ledger accounts that are set up as cash accounts. When you set up your system to account for cash transactions, you must set up:

UDCs for Cash Transactions

Set up these UDCs for cash transactions and reports:

See Setting Up UDCs for Cash Transactions.

See Setting Up UDCs for Legal Documents.

Constants for Cash Desk Transactions

You use the Constants for Russian Localizations program (P74R0020) to set a constant that determines whether you number cash documents by account or by issue place.

Important! You set the value for the constant before you process any transactions. After you set the value, do not change it. Changing the value compromises your data integrity.

If you enter 0 (no) to number by account, the system:

If you enter 1 (yes) to number by issue place, the system:

Important! You cannot change or delete a numbering scheme after you have processed transactions. Therefore, you must determine whether to set up your numbering schemes by issue place or by account before you process any transactions. The numbering scheme for all document types must be the same because the constant applies to the entire system.

Next Numbers

You use the Cash Document Next Number Setup program to set up a numbering scheme for cash documents. You can set up a different numbering scheme for each document type that exists in the Petty Cash Document Type (74R/CD) UDC table. For example, you might set up a numbering scheme for a document type that represents cash receipts and a different numbering scheme for a document type that represents cash payments.

Note. You set a constant to determine whether the system numbers documents by issue place or by account. Because the constant applies to the entire Russian localization system, all numbering schemes must use the same numbering method.

Cash Accounts

If you want to number cash documents by issue place, you must set up an association between the issue place and the general ledger account that the system uses for the issue place. You use the Cash Account Setup program (P74R0013) to set up the associations.

The general ledger account that you associate to an issue place must be defined as a cash account. You use the Review and Revise Accounts program (P0901) to define the category code that defines accounts as cash accounts. You specify in a processing option in the Petty Cash Transactions program (P74R0101) the system 09 category code that defines accounts as cash accounts.

You can associate a general ledger account with only one issue place. You can change or delete an association between an account and an issue place only when no records exist in the transaction tables.

See Also

Understanding Cash Desk Documents

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up for Cash Desk Transactions

Form Name




Petty Cash Constants


Cash Desk Transaction (G74RCASH), Constants for Russian Localization

Set the constant to specify whether the system uses next numbering by issue place.

Work With Petty Cash Document Type


Cash Desk Transaction (G74RCASH), Cash Documents Next Number Setup

Review and select existing records.

Petty Cash Next Number


Click Add on the Work With Petty Cash Document Type form.

If you set the petty cash constant to 0 (number by account), specify the next number for a legal company, fiscal year, century, cash document type, account number, and currency code. If you set the petty cash constant to 1 (number by issue place), specify a legal company, fiscal year, century, cash document type, and issue place.

Work With Cash Account Setup


Cash Desk Transaction (G74RCASH), Cash Account Setup

Review and select existing records.

Cash Account Setup


Click Add on the Work With Cash Account Setup form.

Specify the issue place and account to associate to each other.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Constants for Cash Desk Documents

Access the Petty Cash Constants form.

Issue Place Constant

Enter a value that exists in UDC table 00/NY to specify whether the system uses next numbering by issue place. Values are:

0: No. Use next numbering by legal company.

1: Yes. Use next numbering by issue place.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Next Numbers by Issue Place for Cash Documents

Access the Petty Cash Next Number form.

Legal Company

Enter the legal company for which you set up the next numbering for cash transactions.

Doc Type Cash Desk (document type for cash desk)

Enter a value that exists in the Petty Cash Document Type (74R/CD) UDC table to specify the type of cash transaction for which you set up the legal numbering.


Enter the century for which you set up the next numbering.

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year for which you set up the next numbering.

Issue Place

Enter the issue place for which you set up the numbering scheme. If you set up your numbering scheme by issue place, you must enter an issue place that is associated with the legal company that you entered in the Legal Company field. You associate issue places to legal companies in the Issue Places program (P7400004).

Next Number

Enter the starting number for the next numbering scheme.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Next Numbers by Account for Cash Documents

Access the Petty Cash Next Number form.

Legal Company

Enter the legal company for which you set up the next numbering for cash transactions.

Doc Type Cash Desk (document type for cash desk)

Enter a value that exists in the Petty Cash Document Type (74R/CD) UDC table to specify the type of cash transaction for which you set up the legal numbering.


Enter the century for which you set up the next numbering.

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year for which you set up the next numbering.

Account Number

Enter the account number that the system uses when you process the type of cash document that you specified in the Document Type of Cash Desk field. To be a valid account for cash desk transactions, you must specify an account that is set up as a cash account in the Review and Revise Accounts program (P0901) and in the processing options for the Cash Desk Transactions program (P74R0101).

Currency Code

Enter the currency code of the cash account. This field is optional.

Next Number

Enter the starting number for the next numbering scheme.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Association Between Issue Places and Accounts

Access the Cash Account Setup form.

Cash Account

Specify the account to associate to the issue place. To be a valid account for cash desk transactions, you must specify an account that is set up as a cash account in the Review and Revise Accounts program (P0901) and in the processing options for the Cash Desk Transactions program (P74R0101).

Issue Place

Specify the issue place to associate to the cash account. You set up issue places in the Legal Documents Issue Places program (P7400004).

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up General Ledger Report Formats for Russia

This section provides an overview of general ledger report set up and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding General Ledger Report Setup

Before you run the general ledger reports, such as the Profit and Loss statement, you must set up the formats required for the reports. The system produces reports to the specifications that you set up. You use the reports generated to complete the general ledger reports that you send to the government.

When you use the G/L Reports Setup program (P74R9020) to set up general ledger reports, you:

You must set up a one or more report formats for these reports:

When you complete the setup for general ledger reports, the system populates the tables that are accessed as the system generates the reports. The tables populated are:

Table ID


Setup G/L Reports (F74R9020)

Includes data about the report format, such as the report name, type, and the source of the accounts. The system reads this table to determine the format of the report.

Report Detail Row Definition (F74R9021)

Includes data about the sequence of the rows, the row definitions that print on the report, and whether the rows are visible. The system reads this table to determine the sequence of rows and the row descriptions.

Accounts Group Definition (F74R9022)

Includes data about the accounts or range of accounts for which the system prints balances or calculates amounts. The system reads this table to determine the source of the amounts to print.

Report Column Description (F74R9023)

Includes data about columns for the Changes in Equity report. The system reads this table when you run the Changes in Equity program (R74R9030) to determine the report name, and row and column definitions.

To set up general ledger reports, complete these steps:



Add report formats.

You add report formats to identify the type of report and the source of the records that the system reads. For example, some reports might read records in the Account Balances (F0902) table, and some reports read records in the Correspondence Balance (F74R9002) table.

Add row details.

Select an existing format on the Setup G/L Reports form, then click Add to access the Report Row Detail Definition form. Click Add to access the Add/Update Detail row form, which is where you specify the type of rows for each section of the report, the sequence of the rows and the description for the row that prints on the report.

Associate accounts, or a range of accounts, to the rows.

After you define rows, you specify the account or range of accounts from which the system reads amounts.

Define columns for Changes in Equity reports.

After you define rows for Changes in Equity reports, you define the columns for the reports.

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Form Name




Setup G/L Reports


General Ledger (G74R09), G/L Reports Setup

Select existing reports.

Add/Update Setup G/L Reports


Click Add on the Setup G/L Reports form.

Add report formats to which you can add detail row definitions.

Add/Update Detail Row


Click Add on the Report Detail Row Definition form.

Select an existing row, or add a new detail row.

Report Detail Row Definition


After adding new rows, click OK on the Add/Update Detail Row form.

Select a record and click Select on the Setup G/L Reports form.

Add the row sequence numbers and descriptions that the system uses as it prints rows on the report, or select an existing row to add account information.

Accounts Groups Definition


Select a record on the Report Detail Row Definition form.

Select a record on the Report Detail Column Definition form.

Define the accounts for the row.

Add/Update Column Detail


Click Add on the Report Detail Column Definition form.

Add a new column definition.

Report Detail Column Definition


When working with a Changes in Equity report, select a record on the Report Detail Row Definition form.

Select an existing record or access the Add/Update Column Detail form.

Copy of Report Definition


Select a record and click Copy on the Add/Update Setup G/L Reports form.

Copy a report and all of its details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Report Formats

Access the Add/Update Setup G/L Reports form.

Report Name

Enter the name that the system will use to identify the report format. When you generate the general ledger reports, you will specify this name in the processing options to specify the format that the system uses to print the report.

Report Type

Enter the type of report for which you create a format. The Report Type determines the rows, accounts, and other criteria that are applicable to the format. The value that you enter must exist in the UDC table 74R/RT. The values in 74R/RT are hard-coded.

Account Type

Enter the source of the accounts, or groups of accounts, for which you set up the format. The value that you enter must exist in the Account Type (74R/AT) UDC table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Row Details for Sections

Access the Add/Update Detail Row form.

Report Section

Enter the section for which you specify row definitions. The value that you enter must exist in the UDC 74R/SE table.

You must research the sections that the government requires for each report. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software reads section one (01) for the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow, and sections one and two (01 and 02) for Profit and Loss Report and Changes in Equity. If you enter a different section number, the system will not show it on the reports.

Report Row Section

Enter a sequence in which the row appears in the section. You can enter up to four characters.

Each sequence number must be unique for the entire report, not just the section. Consider beginning your sequence numbers with the number of the section so that you do not repeat the sequence number. Additionally, consider leaving unused numbers in the sequencing so that you can add additional rows if needed. For example, consider sequencing rows in section one as: 1010, 1020, 1030, and so on, and sequence rows in section two as 2010, 2020, 2030, and so on.

Code Type

Enter the code that represents the type of row. The code that you enter must exist in the UDC table 74R/CT. Enter one of these codes:

AC2: Correspondence - Account

ACC: Accounts Only

AGR: Accounts Group

FRM: Codes Formulate

TLT: Title


Enter the code provided by the Russian government that corresponds to the information for the line. For example, if the code for a row for Other Income is 050, enter 050. This field is optional.

Visible Row

Enter Y to make the row visible. Enter N to hide the row. Generally, you enter N for rows that contain formula information.

Factor Row

Specify whether the system changes the sign of an account from positive to negative, or negative to positive. Enter 1 to leave the sign unchanged. Enter -1 to reverse the sign.

Correspondence Flag

This field appears for Cash Flow reports. The system completes the field with S if the system will read the F0902 table for the amounts, and completes the field with C if the system will read the F74R9002 table for the amounts.

The value that you enter in the Code Type field determines which table the system reads for amounts.

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Access the Add/Update Column Detail form.

Report Section Column

Enter the column number. For Section 01, you set up Column 3, Column 4, Column 5, and Column 6. For Section 02, you set up Columns 3, 4, and 5.

Formula Type

Enter the type of amounts that print on the report. The value that you enter must exist in the Formula Type (74R/FT) UDC table. Values are:

AA: Current audit activity from periods 13 and 14

AA1: Audit activity one year before the current period, from periods 13 and 14:

AA2: Audit activity two years before the current period, from periods 13 and 14

AB: Current account balance for the current period

AB1: Account balance for the period one year prior

AB2: Account balance for the period two years prior

PA: Current period activity months 01–12 of the current year

PA1: Period activity, months 01–12 of one year prior

PA2: Period activity, months 01–12 of two years prior

PY: Prior year end balance for the current period

PY1: Prior year end balance for the period one year prior

PY2: Prior year end balance for the period two years prior

Factor Row

Specify whether the system changes the sign of an account from positive to negative, or negative to positive. Enter 1 to leave the sign unchanged. Enter 1 to reverse the sign.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Accounts with Rows in the Reports

Access the Accounts Group Definition form.

The fields that appear on the Account Group Definition form differ depending on the value in the Code Type field on the Report Detail Row Definition form. If the value in the Code Type field is TLT (Title), the Account Group Definition form does not appear when you click Select on the Report Detail Row Definition form.

Account Number

Enter the account from which the system prints the amount on the report. This field appears when the Code Type is ACC (accounts only).

From Object/Subsidiary

Enter the beginning of a range of accounts from which the system prints the amount on the report. This field appears when the Code Type is AGR (Accounts Group).

Thru Object/Subsidiary

Enter the end of a range of accounts from which the system prints the amount on the report. This field appears when the Code Type is AGR (Accounts Group).

Codes Formula Description

Enter the formula that the system uses to calculate an amount that appears on the report. You enter the formula by entering the Code for the row inside of brackets. For example, to sum the amounts of rows with row Codes 010, 020, and 030, enter: [010] + [020] + [030]. This field appears when the Code Type is FRM (Code Formulate).

The rows that you use in the formula must be sequenced before the row that contains the formula.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Correspondence of Accounts for Russia

This section provides an overview of correspondence of accounts setup, and discusses how to:

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You set up the correspondence accounts, rules, and methods for all accounts in your chart of accounts for which you must have corresponding accounts.

Note. This document describes how to set up and use correspondence accounts within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. It does not provide legal advise on the legal requirements. You must verify the requirements for these accounts with the government office responsible for publishing the requirements.

To set up correspondence of accounts, you use the Correspondence Account Setup program (P74R9001) to:

When you set up your chart of accounts for correspondence, you:

Correspondence Accounts

You use the Account Setup option in the Correspondence Account Setup program to specify how the system generates correspondence accounts. For each account that you identify, you specify whether the system changes the sign of the amounts from the Account Ledger table (F0911) as it writes the amounts to the Correspondence Rules table (F74R9011). For example, you might specify that the system change negative amounts to positive amounts, and leave positive amounts as positive amounts. If you do not specify that the system change the sign, the sign remains unchanged.

You can specify the correspondence of accounts at various levels of detail. The system searches for the setup from the lowest level of detail to the highest level of detail.

Correspondence Processing Methods

You set up correspondence methods to associate batch types and document types with predefined methods by which the system processes account transactions. The predefined methods that you associate to batch types and document types are:

Method Number

Method Description



Direct correspondence between two concurrent lines in the F0911 table.

Assign this method for fixed asset transactions, such as depreciation records.


Direct correspondence between a debit line and a credit line in the F0911 table by amount.

Assign this method for inventory transactions when there is one debit line for each credit line with the same amount, but the lines are not necessarily concurrent.


Correspondence between one debit line and several credit lines, or between several debit lines and one credit line in the F0911 table.

Assign this method to have the system process transactions using the lowest level of detail. If a transaction to which you assign this method has multiple debits and credits, the system first matches debit and credits which have the same amount, and then applies a percentage to the remaining lines.


Correspondence between several debit lines and several credit lines

Assign this method to document types for which the system writes multiple debit and credit lines to the F0911 table. The system determines a percentage to apply to the credit and debit lines.

If the system cannot identify the correspondence method to use for a transaction because there is no association between a document type and a method, the system uses method 04 for the transaction.

Correspondence Rules

You set up correspondence rules to determine the allowed relations between debit and credit accounts. The system uses the rules that you define to determine how it searches for corresponding accounts when you run the Correspondence Transaction Generation program (R74R9801). To improve system performance, you can also specify the batch type and document type for the accounts.

You can set up or modify correspondence rules one at a time, or you can access a form that lets you enter or import multiple rules.

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Form Name




Correspondence Setup


Correspondence (G74R09COR), Correspondence Setup

Select to set up accounts, methods, or rules.

Work With Correspondence Account Setup


Click Account Setup on the Correspondence Setup form.

View, copy, or delete account setups.

Edit Correspondence Account Setup


Click Add on the Work With Correspondence Account Setup from, or choose a record and click Select

Add a new account setup or modify an existing account setup.

Work with Correspondence Rules


Click Correspondence Rules on the Correspondence Setup form.

View, copy, or delete account rules.

Work with Correspondence Method


Click Correspondence Method on the Correspondence Setup form.

View, copy, or delete account methods.

Edit Correspondence Method


Click Add on the Work with Correspondence Method form, or choose a record and click Select

Add a new correspondence method or modify an existing method.

Edit Correspondence Rules


Click Add on the Work with Correspondence Rules form, or choose a record and click Select.

Add a new account rule or modify an existing account rule.

Edit Correspondence Rules


Choose Form, Multiple Rules on the Work with Correspondence Rules form.

Add or modify multiple rules. For example, you can import rules from a spreadsheet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Correspondence Account Setup (P74R9001)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. Account Type

Specify the type of account that the system displays in the Edit Correspondence Account Setup form. Enter 21 to allow access to the values in the G/L Reporting Code 21 (09/21) UDC table in the Edit Correspondence Account Setup form. Enter 22 to allow access to the values in the G/L Reporting Code 22 (09/22) UDC table. Enter 23 to allow access to the values in the G/L Reporting Code 23 (09/23) UDC table. Enter OS or leave this processing option blank to allow entry of a specific object and subsidiary.

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Access the Edit Correspondence Account Setup form.

Category Code General

Enter the category code value that identifies the account for which you specify the account setup. The system displays this field only when you set the Account Type processing option to display category code 21, 22, or 23, and lets you choose a value from the corresponding UDC table, such as the G/L Reporting Code 21 (09/21) UDC table.

Object Account

Enter the object portion of the account for which you specify the account setup. The system displays this field only when you set the Account Type processing option to OS (object subsidiary).


Enter the subsidiary portion of the account for which you specify the account setup. The system displays this field only when you set the Account Type processing option to OS (object subsidiary).

Plus Amount

Enter a value from the Amount Correspondences (74R/AG) UDC table to specify the sign that the system assigns to the amounts that it writes to the F74R9011 table when it writes positive amounts from the F0911 table to the F74R9011 table.

Minus Amount

Enter a value from the Amount Correspondences (74R/AG) UDC table to specify the sign that the system assigns to the amounts that it writes to table F74R9011 when it writes negative amounts from table F0911 to table F74R9011.

Plus Void Amount

Enter a value from the Amount Correspondences (74R/AG) UDC table to specify the sign that the system assigns to the amounts that it writes to table F74R9011 when it writes positive amounts that have been voided in table F0911 to table F74R9011.

Minus Void Amount

Enter a value from the Amount Correspondences (74R/AG) UDC table to specify the sign that the system assigns to the amounts that it writes to table F74R9011 when it writes negative amounts that have been voided in table F0911 to table F74R9011.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Correspondence Methods

Access the Edit Correspondence Method form.

Batch Type

Enter the batch type to which you assign a correspondence method. The value that you enter must exist in the Batch Type (98/IT) UDC table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses all batch types.

Document Type

Enter the document type to which you assign a correspondence method. The value that you enter must exist in UDC table 00/DT. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses all document types.

Correspondence Method

Enter the correspondence method to associate with the batch and document types. The value that you enter must exist in the Correspondence Methods (74R/MH) UDC table.

Correspondence Print Options

Enter a code that the system writes to the F74R9011 table for the specified document type / batch type combination. The value that you enter must exist in the Correspondence Print Options (74R/PO) UDC table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Correspondence Rules

Access the Edit Correspondence Rules form.

Correspondence Rule ID

Enter a numeric value that identifies the correspondence rule. You can enter up to six characters.

Batch Type

Enter the batch type to which you assign a correspondence rule. The value that you enter must exist in the Batch Type (98/IT) UDC table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses all batch types.

Document Type

Enter the document type to which you assign a correspondence rule. The value that you enter must exist in the Document Type (00/DT) UDC table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses all batch types.

Debit Legal Account

Enter the portion of the debit account that you assign to the correspondence rule. You can enter up to 14 characters, but the system displays only 10 characters. The system does not validate that the account number that you enter is a valid account in your chart of accounts.

Credit Legal Account

Enter the portion of the credit account that you assign to the correspondence rule. You can enter up to 14 characters, but the system displays only 10 characters. The system does not validate that the account number that you enter is a valid account in your chart of accounts.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the System for Transfer Orders in Russia

This section provides an overview of the setup for transfer orders in Russia.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Setup for Transfer Orders in Russia

You print transfer orders when you transfer stock from one company branch to another branch of the company. When you complete a transfer order, the system creates a sales order for the transferring branch and creates a purchase order for the receiving branch.

In Russia, the purchase order created by the transfer must show the company as the supplier in the From Branch/Plant field so that the Purchase Book report for Russia shows the company as the supplier. For example, if Branch A of Company XYZ transfers stock to Branch B of Company XYZ, the purchase order and the records printed in the Purchase Book report must show Company XYZ as the supplier.

To set up your branches so that the company appears as the supplier when you print the Purchase Book:

To add a related address in the address book record for the transferring branch:

  1. Select Daily Processing (G0110), Address Book Revision.

  2. On the Work With Addresses form, select the address book record for Branch A.

    You can look up the address book number for a branch in the Branch/Plant Constants (P41001) program.

  3. On the Address Book Revisions form, select the Related Addresses tab.

  4. On the Related Addresses tab, enter the address book number of the company in one of the related address fields.

To set up billing information for the transferring branch:

  1. Select Customer Revisions (G4221), Customer Billing Instructions.

  2. On the Work With Customer Master form, select the address book record of the transferring branch.

  3. On the Customer Master Revisions form, select Billing Information from the Form menu.

  4. On the Billing Page 1 tab, enter a value in the Related Address Num field that corresponds to the field that you completed for the related address for the transferring branch.

    For example, if you completed the 2nd Address Number field on the Related Address tab of the Address Book Revisions form with the address book number of the company, enter 2 (Address Number 2 from the 40/RA UDC table) in the Related Address Num field on the Billing Page 1 tab of the Billing Information form.

See Also

(RUS) Understanding Transfer Orders in Russia