Setting Up General Accounting for Multicurrency Processing

This chapter provides an overview of the multicurrency setup for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting and discusses how to:

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This table describes the general accounting information that you must set up for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing:


Setup Requirement

Multicurrency constants

Establish system basics, such as:

  • Activate multicurrency.

  • Allow multicurrency intercompany transactions.

  • Determine which method to use for intercompany settlements.

Currency codes

Set up currency codes for each currency in which you will transact business.

Automatic accounting instructions (AAIs)

Define which accounts the system updates for multicurrency accounting purposes, such as AAIs for unrealized gains and losses on monetary bank accounts and AAIs for posting balances by currency.

Multicurrency companies

For each company, assign a domestic currency code, determine whether to post account balances by currency, and specify a detailed currency restatement method.

Monetary accounts

Set up currency-specific accounts by assigning a currency code to each currency-specific (monetary) account.

Multicurrency ledger types

Review user-defined code (UDC) table 09/LT to ensure that the restatement ledger types are set up.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Multicurrency Constants

This section provides an overview of multicurrency constants and discusses how to set up multicurrency constants.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Multicurrency Constants Setup

Before you can use any of the multicurrency features, you must set up these system-wide constants in the General Accounting Constants program (P0000):

Use these constants to specify the default conversion method for multicurrency processing as well as to allow multicurrency intercompany transactions and to specify an intercompany settlement method. The system stores this multicurrency information in the General Constants table (F0009).

Multicurrency Conversion Constant

When the multicurrency conversion constant is activated, the system displays currency fields on various entry and inquiry forms. To activate JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing, you must set the constant in the Multicurrency Conversion field to Y (multiplier) or Z (divisor) depending on the default conversion method that you want to use:

You can override the default conversion method when you set up specific currency relationships.

Important! After you begin using JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing, do not change the multicurrency conversion constant or you will get unpredictable results, including:

Accounts receivable and accounts payable gains and losses will be incorrect.

Voids and reversing entries will be incorrect.

Monetary account valuations will be incorrect.

Restated amounts will be affected.

Multicurrency Intercompany Transactions and Settlements Constants

Typically, companies that work with different base currencies create transactions and balancing entries between their companies. These are called intercompany transactions. If the organization allows transactions between its companies, and those companies have different base currencies, the companies will be out of balance unless you create and post balancing entries. These balancing entries ensure that the net balance for each company equals zero; that is, debits equal credits. You can enter and distribute invoices, vouchers, and journal entries to multiple companies with different base currencies. The post program makes currency adjustments as well as automatic entries for the intercompany settlements.

For example, assume the organization consists of companies in France, Canada, and the United States with base currencies of the euro (EUR), Canadian dollar (CAD), and U.S. dollar (USD) respectively. You create a USD transaction that is distributed to general ledger accounts in the French company (EUR) and Canadian company (CAD). The journal entry distribution crosses company and currency boundaries and, therefore, balancing entries must be created for the multicurrency intercompany settlements.

To perform intercompany settlements between companies with different base currencies, you must assign a method in the Intercompany Settlements field in the General Accounting Constants program. The methods that are valid for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing are:

Intercompany settlement methods 1, *, and N are not valid for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing.

Note. Even if a company does not enter intercompany transactions, be aware that JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software was designed to allow multicurrency intercompany transactions and settlements. Regardless of whether you actually enter intercompany transactions, you must select the check box to allow multicurrency intercompany transactions and specify the intercompany settlement method 2 or 3 in the General Accounting Constants program. As long as you do not enter batches that contain transactions between companies, the system does not create intercompany transactions and settlements.

The intercompany settlement method that you specify in the General Accounting Constants program must be compatible with the offset method specified in the Accounts Receivable Constants and Accounts Payable Constants programs. If the methods are not compatible, the system issues an error message when you post transactions to the general ledger.

The AR receipts and AP payment programs do not support multicurrency intercompany settlements. If you enter a multicurrency intercompany receipt or payment, the system issues an error message. You cannot post the entry.

The post program uses the offset method to determine whether to create an offset entry for each detail record by batch, transaction, or pay item. For JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing, you cannot use the batch offset method (B) because the post programs cannot post batches of invoices, vouchers, receipts, and payments that contain one or more foreign or alternate currencies.

This table shows the intercompany settlement methods and their compatibility with the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable offset methods:

Intercompany Settlement Methods for Multicurrency

Offset Method B (one offset per batch)

Offset Method Y (one offset per transaction)

Offset Method S (one offset per pay item)

2 - detail




3 - configured hub




Note. If you use detailed currency restatement, you must specify offset method Y.

See Setting Up Detailed Currency Restatement.

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Form Name




System Setup


Multi-Currency Setup (G1141), Set Multi-Currency Option

Set up multicurrency constants.

General Accounting Constants


Select General Accounting Constants on System Setup.

Set up multicurrency constants.

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Access the General Accounting Constants form.

Multi-Currency Conversion (Y, N, Z)

Enter Y (multiplier) or Z (divisor) to specify the default conversion method and activate JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing. When JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing is activated, the system displays currency fields on entry and inquiry forms.

Do not change this value once you have entered transactions. You should place security on the General Accounting Constants program so that personnel do not inadvertently change the value in this field.

Allow Multi-Currency Intercompany Trans (allow multicurrency intercompany transactions)

Select this check box. Even if you do not perform intercompany settlements on multicurrency transactions, you must select the check box.

Intercompany Settlements

Enter 2 or 3 in this field depending on the method that you want to use to create intercompany settlements.

See Also

Setting Up Constants for General Accounting

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Currency Codes

This section provides an overview of currency codes and discusses how to set up a currency code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Currency Codes

For currency amounts to reflect the correct decimal positions, you must set up a currency code for each currency with which you work. For each currency code, you also assign a program that converts amounts to words when writing payments.

After you set up currency codes, you assign them to:

The system stores currency code information in the Currency Codes table (F0013).

The currency codes that are provided in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software are recognized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

How Currency Decimals Are Managed

The number of decimal positions that the system displays for an amount varies according to the currency code and the type of ledger used for the transaction. Review this table to understand how the system manages decimals in a multicurrency environment.



Decimals for amounts that appear without a company number.

Controlled by the value of the Display Decimals field (CDEC) in the data dictionary for the amount fields used.

Decimals for transaction amounts in ledger type AA (domestic currency).

Controlled by the base (company) currency code. The number of decimals for a currency is defined in the Currency Codes table (F0013).

Decimals for amounts in unit ledgers (ledger types ending in U).

Controlled by the value of the Display Decimals field (CDEC) in the data dictionary for the amount fields used.

Decimals for transaction amounts in ledger type CA (foreign currency).

The Post Account Balances by Currency check box is selected.

Controlled by the transaction currency code. The number of decimals for a currency is defined in the F0013 table.

Decimals for transaction amounts in ledger type CA (foreign currency)

The Post Account Balances by Currency check box is cleared.

Controlled by a general ledger account currency code, if applicable, or the transaction currency code associated with a specific total amount.

The system obtains the currency code from these tables in the order listed:

  • Account Balances (F0902) and Asset Account Balances File (F1202).

  • Account Ledger (F0911).

  • Customer Ledger (F03B11) and Accounts Payable Ledger (F0411).

Decimals for transaction amounts or balances that are not unit, AA, or CA ledger types.

Controlled by the base (company) currency code. The number of decimals for a currency is defined in the F0013 table.

Note. An exception to this rule occurs when a currency has been assigned to a ledger type in the Ledger Type Master File table (F0025). The decimals are controlled by the currency assigned to the ledger, not the company.

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Form Name




Work With Currency Codes and Rates


Multi-Currency Setup (G1141), Designate Currency Codes

Review a list of currency codes.

Set Up Currency Codes


Click Add on the Work With Currency Codes and Rates form.

Add currency codes and assign display decimals and check routines.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Currency Code

Access the Set Up Currency Codes form.

Display Decimals

Enter the number of decimals to be used in currency amount fields. For example, the number of decimals is 2 for U.S. dollars, 0 (zero) for Japanese yen, and 3 for Cameroon francs.

The default value for the number of decimals in the data dictionary is 2. By changing the data dictionary, you can change the appearance of forms and reports to display a zero decimal or 3 decimal currency.

After you specify the number of decimal positions for a currency in the Display Decimals field, do not change it. If you change it, transactions that are already processed will be adversely affected.

(TWN) Set up the Taiwan Dollar currency with zero display decimals.

Amount to Word Translator

Enter the translator program number used by the AP payment program to convert numeric values to words. The number that you enter must exist in UDC table 98/CT. Each translator program number is hard coded and converts numeric values to words on payments based on the language specified for the translator program, regardless of the language specified for the user profile. The number of decimal places is also hard coded in the translator program.

For example, translator program number X00500FR is a French program that would convert 2,454.25 EUR to DEUX MILLE QUATRE CENT CINQUANTE QUATRE ET 25/100*******************************.

You can override the translator program number assigned to a currency in the processing options for a print payment program such as R04572. If you leave the Amount to Word Translator field blank and do not assign a translator program number in the print payment program, the system converts numeric values to English words.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Companies for Multicurrency Processing

This section provides an overview of company setup for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing and discusses how to set up a company for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Company Setup for Multicurrency Processing

To set up the company to process multicurrency transactions you must complete these tasks:

The system stores company currency information in the Company Constants table (F0010).

Balances by Currency Versus Summarized Balances

The ability to review balance amounts in different currencies depends on whether you post amounts in the F0902 table by currency. If you post balances by currency, you can review account balance amounts by currency in the F0902 table instead of reviewing summarized totals, which are meaningless because of the different currencies. For each company, you choose whether to select the Post Balances by Currency check box in the Company Names & Numbers program (P0010). If you do not select this check box, the system summarizes all currency amounts in one total amount. The total amount is a hash total and is meaningless because of the different currencies.

The differences between posting balances by currency and not posting them by currency (also referred to as summarized balances) are described in this table:



Balances by Currency

Separates transaction amounts for the transaction currency in both the CA (foreign currency) and AA (actual amounts) ledgers. To review balances according to the currency in which transactions occurred, set up the system to post balances by currency.

For example, posting balances by currency enables you to review amounts that are posted to sales accounts in Canadian dollars, U.S. dollars, and British pounds and, by extension, to review the amounts sold in each country without using subsidiary accounts.

Summarized Balances

Does not separate transaction amounts by currency in the CA ledger. If you do not post balances by currency, the CA ledger contains numerous currencies, the totals in the ledger are meaningless, and the ledger does not balance.

Posting summarized balances creates fewer records in the F0902 table than posting balances by currency, and therefore requires less disk space. The system uses the transaction detail to calculate currency totals for most reports.

If you post balances by currency, you must also set up AAI items PBC xx for beginning and ending account ranges.

How the System Updates Currency Fields in the F0902 Table

When you post transactions in a multicurrency environment, the system updates two currency fields in the Account Balances table (F0902) for reporting purposes:

Depending on whether you have the check box selected to post account balances by currency, the system updates the CRCD and CRCX fields with different values. This table shows which fields the system updates based on the whether the check box is selected:

Post Account Balances by Currency Check Box

Ledger Type

Transaction Currency (CRCD)

Company (Denominated) Currency (CRCX)



Transaction Currency

Currency assigned to the company.



Transaction Currency

Transaction currency.




Currency assigned to the company.




Currency assigned to the company.


All other ledger types


Currency of ledger type, if specified; otherwise, currency assigned to the company.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up Companies for Multicurrency Processing

Form Name




Work With Companies


Organization & Account Setup (G09411), Company Names & Numbers

Review and select company records.

Company Setup


On the Work With Companies form, select a company.

Set up currency information for each company.

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Access the Company Setup form.


Select the Currency tab.

Domestic Currency

Enter the code that identifies the base currency of the company. After you assign a currency code to a company and enter transactions, do not change the currency code. Changing the currency code affects the integrity of the data.

Post Account Balances by Currency

Select this check box to post account balances by currency.

The Confirmation - AAI Setup form appears if you have not set up the required account ranges for AAI item PBCxx for the company or for default company 00000. If this form appears, click Yes to display the Set Up Multiple AAI Items form and add the ranges for PBCxx. Then click OK to return to the Company Setup form.

If you click No and do not set up the required AAI item ranges, be aware that the general ledger post program will post journal entries for the company as summarized balances with mixed currencies instead of detailed balances by currency. The post program sends a warning to the work center that the balances were not posted by currency because AAI item PBC was not found.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Multicurrency AAIs for General Accounting

This section provides an overview of the multicurrency AAIs for General Accounting and discusses how to:

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You set up AAIs to define accounts for multicurrency processing in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system for:

When the system calculates unrealized gains and losses on monetary accounts, posts account balances by currency, and restates amounts in a different currency, it uses AAIs to distribute the amounts to the correct general ledger accounts.

Some AAI items have a suffix of xxx to accommodate a three-character currency code. You use the xxx suffix to set up multiple currency-specific AAI items for each company. If you do not specify a currency code, the system uses the currency code of the company as the default.

You can set up AAIs for company 00000, or you can set up specific AAIs for an individual company. Each AAI item in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system has a hierarchical order by which the system locates an account number. This is an example of a hierarchical order:

  1. AAI item with xxx (currency code). If not found, the system searches for:

  2. AAI item for a specific company. If not found, the system searches for:

  3. AAI item for company 00000.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up AAIs for Unrealized Gains and Losses on Monetary Bank Accounts

If you work with monetary (currency-specific) bank accounts and foreign currencies, you need to periodically revalue the bank accounts to reflect current exchange rates. The system calculates the current domestic amount of a foreign currency balance to determine an unrealized gain or loss. In this way, it determines what the gain or loss would be if you converted the balance of the foreign currency bank account to the domestic currency.

These AAI items define the accounts that the system uses for unrealized gains and losses on monetary accounts:

These rules apply to AAI items GV, GW, and GR:

The sequence in which the system searches for GV, GW, and GR is:

  1. GV, GW, or GR xxx, where xxx is the currency of the company assigned to the monetary account.

  2. GV, GW, or GR for the company assigned to the monetary account.

  3. GV, GW, or GR for company 00000.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up AAIs for Posting Balances by Currency

AAI item PBCxx defines the account ranges that the system uses to track and post balances by currency in the Account Balances table (F0902). If you post balances by currency for a company, you must set up AAI item PBCxx as well as select the Post Balance by Currency check box in the Company Names & Numbers program (P0010).

When you set up account ranges for PBCxx, do not include the retained earnings account (AAI item GLG4) in any of the account ranges. If you include the retained earnings account, the Annual Close program (R098201) might create duplicate records for balance forward amounts in the F0902 table.

These rules apply to AAI item PBCxx:

Example: PBCxx Setup

Company 00070 posts balances by currency for all accounts. The retained earnings object account is 4980.

To exclude account 4980, set up four AAI items for PBCxx and two ranges as shown in this table:

AAI Item


Object Account



Post Balances by Currency - Beginning Account Range 1




Post Balances by Currency - Ending Account Range 1


99999999 or ZZZZZZZZ


Post Balances by Currency - Beginning Account Range 2




Post Balances by Currency - Ending Account Range 2


99999999 or ZZZZZZZZ

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up AAIs for Multicurrency Intercompany Settlements

AAI items ICCC and ICH are available for intercompany settlements. AAI item ICCC is the only AAI used by intercompany settlement methods 2 (detail) and 3 (configured hub), which are the methods allowed for multicurrency processing.

AAI item ICCC defines the accounts that the system uses to create automatic entries between companies with intercompany journal entries.

These rules apply to AAI item ICCC:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Monetary Accounts

This section provides an overview of monetary accounts and discusses how to assign currency codes to monetary accounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Monetary Accounts

For most general ledger accounts, you will want the system to accept transactions in any currency. This is accomplished by not assigning a currency code to the account. For those accounts in which you want to accept only transactions in a specific currency, you must assign a currency code to the account. These accounts are called monetary accounts. Monetary accounts are usually bank, or cash, accounts.

For example, a Japanese organization has a company with a currency that is Japanese yen, and that company has a bank account that is Canadian dollars (CAD). If you assign CAD as the currency of that account, it becomes a monetary account and the system accepts only transactions in that currency.

The system stores currency codes for monetary accounts in the Account Master table (F0901).

Important! Do not change an account from monetary to non-monetary, or vice versa, if any activity has been posted to the account. Changing the currency affects the integrity of the data.

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Form Name




Work With Accounts


Multi-Currency Setup (G1141), Designate Monetary Accounts

Review and select accounts.

Revise Single Account


On the Work With Accounts form, select an account.

Assign a currency code to an account to designate it as a monetary account.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Currency Codes to Monetary Accounts

Access the Revise Single Account form.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Multicurrency Ledger Types

When you work with multiple currencies, the system uses ledger types AA (actual amounts) and CA (foreign currency amounts) and, optionally, these restatement ledger types:

Review UDC table 09/LT to ensure that these ledger types are set up. Then determine whether your organization needs to maintain any other ledgers. If so, add the ledger type to UDC table 09/LT. Then use the Ledger Type Rules Setup form to define the financial rules for the ledger type and, if applicable, assign a currency code.

See Also

Setting Up Constants for General Accounting

Setting Up Balance Restatement and As If Restatement