Setting Up Data Relationships

This chapter provides an overview of data relationships rules and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Data Relationships Rules

These rules apply to data relationships:

The data relationships functionality can also be used by customers who conduct business with the government. You can set up data relationships rules for government contracts.

See Understanding Data Relationships Setup for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne PGCA.

Click to jump to parent topicActivating Data Relationships Functionality

This section discusses how to activate data relationships functionality for tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Activate Data Relationships Functionality

Form Name




Work With EnterpriseOne System Control


Data Relationships (G09415), Activate Data Relationships

Review a list of data items.

EnterpriseOne System Control - Revisions


On the Work With EnterpriseOne System Control form, select the data item for DRF0006 or DRF5201.

Activate data relationships for a table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating Data Relationships Functionality for a Table

You must activate data relationships before you can use the data relationships functionality that is available for the F0006 and F5201 tables.

Warning! Activating data relationships is like activating a constant setting. After the initial activation, you should not change the setting. The results will be unpredictable and will cause data integrity issues.

Access the EnterpriseOne System Control - Revisions form.

To activate the data relationships functionality for the associated tables, select the Yes option for these data items:

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Supported Data Relationships Columns

This section provides an overview of supported data relationship columns and discusses how to review supported relationship columns for a table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Supported Data Relationship Columns

You can use the Register Relationship Columns program (P00424) to review a list of the columns in the F0006 and F5201 tables that are supported for data relationships. For each column (data item), the system displays the column type, which identifies whether the column can be used for both basis and destination values or for basis values only.

The program logic in the data relationship programs is dependent on the column type. The column type for AN8O (Owner Address) in the F0006 and F5201 tables is hard-coded to be basis only. The value in the AN8O column can be dependent on columns that are not supported by data relationships. If you set up a data relationship with AN8O as a destination column, the system would override the original value in AN8O, which could cause severe data integrity issues. For that reason, the AN8O should be designated as a basis column only.

If you try to change the column type for AN8O to basis and destination, the system issues a hard error message and you are prevented from changing the column type.

The system does not prevent you from changing basis and destination column types to basis only; however, you should do this during setup to prevent data integrity issues and not after you begin using the data relationships functionality. If you change a column type to basis only for any data item other than AN8O and then change the column type back to basis and destination, the system does not issue an error message. To prevent users from changing column types from basis only back to basis and destination, you should add logic in the P00424 program or place security on column types.

Although the software allows you to add new columns to a table, that work should be performed by a software developer or a field consultant because program logic must also be added to accommodate the new columns. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne does not support changes made to column types after the initial setup or the addition of columns to a table.

The data relationships functionality can also be used by customers who conduct business with the government. The F0006 and F5201 tables support additional columns for government contracting functionality.

See Additional Data Relationships Columns for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne PGCA.

F0006 Table

This table discusses the supported data relationship columns in the F0006 table and whether the column can be used both as a basis column and destination column or a basis column only:

Column (Data Item)


Column Type





Adjustment Entry






Address Number



Address Number 1–5



Owner Address

Basis Only


Contract Type



Category Codes 1–50



BU Type


F5201 Table

This table discusses the supported data relationship columns in the F5201 table and whether the column can be used both as a basis column and destination column or a basis column only:

Column (Data Item)


Column Type


Contract Category Code 1–15



Address Number–Owner Billing



Job A/R

Basis Only


Address Number–Architect



Contract Type



Contract Status



Invoice Format Code



User Address Number 1–5


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Review Supported Data Relationships Columns

Form Name




Register Relationship Columns


Data Relationships (G09415), Register Relationship Columns

Review the list of tables that support data relationships.

Revise Relationship Columns


On the Register Relationship Columns form, select a table and click Select.

Review the supported columns for a table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Supported Data Relationships Columns for a Table

Access the Revise Relationship Columns form.

This form example shows a sample of the supported columns for the F0006 table.

Column Type

The system displays the column type that is valid for a column. Values are:

1: Basis and destination.

2: Basis only.

You cannot change the column type for AN8O from basis only (2) to both basis and destination (1); the system issues a hard error message. AN8O is the only column in the F0006 and F5201 tables that is hard-coded to be basis only.

You can, however, change other column types to be basis only. Be aware if you change the column type from basis and destination (1) to basis only (2) and then back to basis and destination (1), the system does not issue a warning or error message. Consider adding program logic to the P00424 program or place security on column types to prevent users from doing this.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Column Relationships

This section provides overviews of column relationships, the Enforce Rule and Blanks Allowed check boxes, and destination columns that are check boxes, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Column Relationships

For each data relationship, you must define the column pairs that relate to each other in the column set. You use the Column Relationships program (P00421) to define the basis and destination columns by effective date for each column set, as well as specify:

The columns for value relationships must have edits at the data dictionary level. For example, assume that the basis column in a data relationship contains the data item RP12 and the destination column contains RP13. When you define basis and destination values for that relationship, you must enter values from UDC table 00/12 and UDC table 00/13, respectively. The basis and destination columns are edited based on the data dictionary rules for the respective data item. If you use the visual assist, the system displays valid codes from those UDC tables only.

Column Relationships Rules

These rules apply when you define column relationships for a column set:

Warning! The Business Unit Master (P0006) and Job Cost Master (P51006) programs both write records to the F0006 table. Not all columns are used by both programs when writing to the F0006 table; therefore, you should use caution when you define column relationships. Otherwise, you might get unexpected results or have integrity issues. The same caution applies to the Contract Master (P5201) and Create/Edit Project and Government Contracts (P52G01M) programs, which both write records to the F5201 table. Ensure that you define column relationships only for columns that are used by the corresponding entry program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Enforce Rule and Blanks Allowed Check Boxes

The Column Relationships program (P00421) has two check boxes:

These check boxes control the default rules that apply to the destination columns that you define for a column set. The system uses the rules to update the destination values in the F0006 and F5201 tables. This table discusses the check boxes and default rules:

Check Boxes

Default Rule

Enforce Rule

If the Enforce Rule check box is selected, the destination column is protected from input in the entry program. (The destination column is protected from input even if it later becomes a basis column in the column set.) If a value for the destination column exists in the table, in update mode the system overrides that value with the value defined in the Value Relationships table (F00422). If a blank value is valid and the Blanks Allowed check box is selected for the destination column, the system overrides the existing value in the table.

If the Enforce Rule check box is not selected, the destination column allows you to enter non-blank values. If a value for the destination column exists, the system does not override that value because the Enforce Rule check box is not selected. Instead, the system skips the destination column and the default rules continue with the first destination column that is either blank or has the Enforce Rule selected.

Blanks Allowed

If the Blanks Allowed check box is selected, blank values are valid for the destination column. This check box is valid only for strings and characters, and not for math numeric values.

Note. The Blanks Allowed check box is only valid if the Enforce Rule check box is selected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Destination Columns That Are Check Boxes

Most destination columns are fields in the F0006 or F5201 tables, but some are check boxes. For example, the destination column for ADJENT (Adjustment Entry) in the F0006 is a check box. Columns that are check boxes function differently than columns that are fields.

Unlike a field, a check box value cannot be blank. The value is either 1 (the check box is selected in the entry program) or 0 (the check box is not selected in the entry program). So a check box that is unchecked has a value of 0, and not blank.

In update mode, the system overwrites a destination column value with the check box value from the value relationship only if the Enforce Rule flag is activated for the column relationship. In add mode, the system updates the check box with the value from value relationships, regardless of the Enforce Rule flag.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must remove any default values that exist at the data dictionary level For data items that are check boxes and are used as destination columns. Data Relationships will not function properly if default values exist.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Define Column Relationships

Form Name




Data Relationships Setup


Data Relationships (G09415), Data Relationships Setup

Navigate to the setup programs for data relationships.

Work With Column Relationships


  • On the Data Relationships Setup form, select Column Relationships.

  • Data Relationships (G09415), Column Relationships

Review a list of existing column relationships.

Revise Column Relationships


On the Work With Column Relationships form, click Add or Select.

Define column relationships.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Column Relationships for a Column Set

Access the Revise Column Relationships form.

You can navigate between the programs for column relationships and value relationships by selecting Value Relationships from the Form menu or Revise Values from the Row menu on the Revise Column Relationships form.


Enter F0006 or F52001 in this field, depending on whether you want to define column set relationships for the Business Unit Master or the Contract Master table.

Column Set Description

Enter a description to further define the column set.

Effective As Of

Enter the date that the column set will be effective.

Sequence Number

Enter a unique number that identifies the sequence of the columns. The sequence determines the order in which the column pairs in the column set are read for default values when you run the Update Data Relationships program (R00422).

Note. If you leave the Sequence Number field blank, the system increments the last active sequence number by 10. For example, if the last active sequence number is 20, the system enters 30 as the default value.

Using the example, if you add the sequence number 25 (to insert between 20 and 30), the system increments that number (25) by 10 if you leave the next Sequence Number field blank. So the default sequence number would be 35, which might not be the desired result if, for example, sequence number 40 already exists.

For this reason, you should be careful when mixing the system default values with manual numbering.

Basis Column

Enter the data item of the column that is the basis of the data relationship.

You can define one basis column with multiple different destination columns. For example, you could enter multiple column pairs with RP01 in the Basis Column field and different destination columns (RP02, RP03, and RP04) in the Destination Column fields.

After you define a basis column for a column pair, you cannot define the same basis column as a destination column with a higher sequence number. Using the previous example, if sequence number 10 = RP01 (basis) —> RP02 (destination), you cannot enter sequence number 20 = RP03 (basis) —> RP01 (destination).

Destination Column

Enter the data item of the column that is populated when the basis column and value are entered for the data relationship.

Enforce Rule

Select this check box to enforce the data relationship rules for the destination column. If selected, the destination column is disabled in the entry program and the system prevents you from revising the corresponding destination value. If a destination value already exists, the system overwrites the value in the F0006 or F5201 table.

If not selected, the destination column is input capable and the system does not overwrite the existing value.

See Understanding the Enforce Rule and Blanks Allowed Check Boxes.

Blanks Allowed

Select this check box if blank can be a valid value for the destination column in the Value Relationships program (P00422). You can select this check box only for strings and characters, and not for math numeric values. If you select this check box, the Enforce Rule check box must also be selected for the column pair.

See Understanding the Enforce Rule and Blanks Allowed Check Boxes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRevising a Column Set

If, after you define relationships for a column set, you later revise the values for the check boxes for Enforce Rule or Blanks Allowed, the system displays a warning message that unpredictable results could occur for existing records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting a Column Set

To delete a column set, you must first delete the corresponding values in the Value Relationship program (P00422) if values exist. The system issues an error message on the Revise Column Relationships form if you try to delete a column set with existing values. After you delete the values for the column set, you can delete the column set on the Revise Column Relationships form. (You can easily navigate between the Revise Value Relationships and Revise Column Relationships forms by selecting exits from the Form and Row menus.) Select the record on the Revise Column Relationships form and click Delete. Confirm the deletion. The system no longer displays the records. Click OK to permanently delete the records from the F00422 table.

You can delete only one column set at a time.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Value Relationships

This section provides an overview of value relationships, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to define value relationships for a column set.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Value Relationships

After you define column relationships for a column set, you must define basis and default destination values for the column relationships. You use the Value Relationships program (P00422) to define the basis and destination values by effective date. You can define basis and destination values only if the parent record for the column set exists in the Column Relationships table (F00421). The parent record contains the column relationships, whereas the child record (which is a subset of the parent record) contains the basis and destination values. The basis and destination value are stored in the Value Relationships table (F00422).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must define column relationships for a column set.

See Defining Column Relationships for a Column Set.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Define Value Relationships

Form Name




Work With Value Relationships


  • On the Data Relationships Setup form, select Value Relationships.

  • Data Relationships (G09415), Value Relationships

Click Find to review a list of column sets and column relationships.

Revise Value Relationships


On the Work With Value Relationships form, click Find. Select the column set and do one of the following:

To add a new record, click Add.

To add values to an existing record, click Select.

Define value relationships for a column set.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Value Relationships for a Column Set

Access the Revise Value Relationships form.

You can navigate between the programs for value relationships and column relationships by selecting Column Relationships from the Form menu or Revise Columns from the Row menu on the Revise Value Relationships form.

Column Set

The fields in the Column Set group box are disabled and are based on the column pairs that you defined in the Column Relationships program. The values for these fields are stored in the Column Relationships table (F00421).

Value Set — Date Selection

Enter values in the Date Selection fields to review existing basis and destination values for a specific date or range of dates; otherwise, leave the fields blank to review all records and effective dates for the column set.

Show Current Values

To display records that are current as of today, select this check box and click Find. If this check box is selected, the Effective On and To Date fields are disabled.

To display records that are effective for other dates, do not select this check box and enter values in the Effective On and To Date fields.

Effective On

If you selected the Show Current Values check box, the system enters today's date in this field and the field is not input capable.

If you did not select the Show Current Values check box, enter a date in this field.

To Date

If you selected the Show Current Values check box, the system enters today's date in this field and the field is not input capable.

If you did not select the Show Current Values check box, enter a date in this field and click Find.

If you entered a date range, the system displays all records that are current as of the date in the Effective On field, as well as all records with effective dates after the Effective On date and through the To Date.

Value Set — Defaults

Enter values in the Defaults fields only if you are entering new records for basis and destination values.

Default Effective As Of

Enter a default date to use in the Effective As Of field. The default date appears in the detail area after you enter the destination value and exit the row.

If you leave this field blank, you can manually enter the date in the Effective As Of field in the detail area for each record or let the system enter the Column Set Date as the default date.

Pre-Load Unmatched Basis Values

This check box appears on the Revise Value Relationships form only if the basis column value in the Column Set group box has a UDC edit.

Note. If you have entered records in the detail area of this form, click OK to write those records to the F00422 table before you select this check box and click Find. Otherwise, the system will write over the newly entered records.

Select this check box to display the unmatched UDC values for the basis column in the detail area. A UDC value is unmatched if it has not been previously selected for the column set. For example, if you select this check box and the Basis Column (in the header area) contains the data item RP12, the system will display the values for UDC table 00/12 that have not been previously selected for the column set. To add a basis value from the UDC table, enter a value in the Destination Value field of the record and click OK. Then click Find to review the records. If you do not add a basis value, the system does not write a record to the F00422 table if the Destination Value column is blank.

Note. If blanks are allowed for the column set (the Blanks Allowed check box in the header area is selected), select each of the records that you do not want to include in the column set and click Delete.You must delete the records manually; otherwise, the system includes them in the column set (because they are blank) and writes the records to the F00422 table.

With the remaining basis values displayed, enter dates in the Effective As Of field. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the date in the Default Effective As Of field as the default when you click OK. If that field is blank, the system uses the date in the Column Set Date field as the default when you click OK.

Detail Area

Basis Value

If you did not pre-load unmatched basis values, you must manually enter the basis values.

Enter the value that is the basis for the default destination value. The value that you enter in this field must be valid for the Basis Column field in the header area. For example, if the Basis Column field contains the data item RP12, you must enter a value from UDC table 00/12. The visual assist shows a list of values that are valid for the basis column.

A value of blank is not valid in this field, even if blank represents a value in a UDC table. Because basis columns and values trigger the destination default values in the F0006 and F5201 tables, you must enter a value other than blank in this field for defaults to occur.

If the basis column is a check box instead of a field, the basis value can be an unselected check box. An unselected check box is valid for a basis column. While the unselected check box might appear to have a blank value, it actually has a value of 0 in the database.

The basis value is the trigger that creates default destination values in the F0006 and F5201 tables when data relationship functionality is used.

Destination Value

Enter the default value of the destination value associated with the basis value. The value that you enter in this field must be valid for the Destination Column field in the header area. For example, if the Destination Column field contains the data item RP13, you must enter a value from UDC table 00/13. The visual assist shows a list of values that are valid for the destination column.

A value of blank is valid in this field only if the Enforce Rule and Blanks Allowed check boxes are selected for the column set.

If you leave this field blank and blanks are not allowed for the column set (the Blanks Allowed check box is not selected), the system does not write the record to the database.

The destination value is a default value that appears in certain entry programs when data relationship functionality is used.

Effective As Of

Enter the date in which the values for the basis and destination are effective. If you entered a value in the Default Effective As Of field, leave this field blank to accept the default date.

See Also

Updating F0006 and F5201 Records with Data Relationships Rules