Processing Cash Forecast Data

This chapter discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Cash Forecasting

Understanding Cash Forecasting in Multiple Currencies

Click to jump to parent topicRefreshing Cash Forecast Data

This section provides an overview of the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Refresh Cash Forecast Data Program

You must refresh the data in the Cash Forecast Data table (F09522) so that you have the most current information available when you analyze and forecast amounts for your cash accounts using the Cash Forecast Analysis program (P09522). You can refresh your data for a fiscal period, as well as daily or weekly.

When you run the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program (R00522), you specify in the processing options a based-on date and the future number of days in which to create cash forecast data. The system then calculates the ending date. To refresh data from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting systems in the F09522 table, you specify a version for each of these programs:

The extraction programs perform these tasks:

For each cash type, the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program refreshes the F09522 table with summarized amounts for active cash types by bank account and due date. If more than one bank account or due date meets the selection criteria for a cash type, the program produces multiple summarized amounts. For each unique bank account ID in the F09522 table, the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program creates a bank account record in the F09525 table. The system accesses information in the F09525 table if you use the Search button to locate a bank account number on the Cash Forecast Analysis form. If no bank accounts exist in the F09525 table, the system accesses account master information in the F0901 table instead.

You can set a processing option to purge existing cash forecast records for prior based-on dates. The system purges the data in the F09522 table before it refreshes the table with the new cash forecast data.

The Cash Forecast Data Refresh program refreshes the F09525 table with bank accounts from all GL cash type rules, and not only for cash type rules in the reporting structure.

Note. If you make changes to your data and need to run the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program more than one time in a given day, you must run the Purge Cash Forecast Data program (R09522B) from the menu only before you run the refresh program again.

See Understanding the Cash Forecast Purge.

Extract A/R Cash Forecast Data and Extract A/P Cash Forecast Data Programs

The Extract A/R Cash Forecast Data program extracts open invoices with amounts that are not equal to 0, pay status A (approved), and a posted code D (posted) for active AR cash type rules from the F03B11 table. The Extract A/P Cash Forecast Data program extracts open vouchers with amounts that are not equal to 0 and a pay status that is not equal to P (paid) for active AP cash type rules from the F0411 table.

To determine which open invoices and vouchers to include in your cash forecast data, you specify a based-on date and a future number of days in the processing options. Invoices and vouchers with due dates that are between the beginning and ending dates are included in your cash forecast data.

Depending on whether a cash type has the Past Due option selected, one of these situations applies:

Extract G/L Cash Forecast Data Program

The Extract G/L Cash Forecast Data program extracts posted account balances from the F0911 and F0902 tables for each account that is associated with an active GL cash type rule for the based-on date balance. It does not include non-posting accounts or inactive accounts. The program increases the based-on date in a processing option by one day to derive an adjusted date and then retrieves posted F0911 transactions for the cash type rules using that adjusted date. Then the program refreshes the F09522 table with new GL cash forecast records using the adjusted date.

The program repeats this process until it has written records for the bank accounts for all days greater than or equal to the based-on date and all days less than or equal to the ending date. Then, it resets the adjusted date to the based-on date and repeats the process for the next GL cash type. If the program finds an account with a zero balance, it writes the zero balance to the F09522 table for the based-on date.

The program always writes the based-on date balance for each bank account to the F09522 table. This balance is used as the beginning book balance for the bank account, even if it is zero. However, for subsequent adjusted dates after the based-on date, the program does not write records to the F09522 table for an adjusted date if the F0911 transactions are not posted. The program writes net F0911 amounts for adjusted dates to the F09522 table only if there are posted F0911 transactions for that specific date. When you access the Cash Forecast Analysis program, any F0911 net amounts on adjusted dates are accumulated and applied to one of these balances:

You specify the based-on date to use for the opening balance in a processing option for the Cash Forecast Analysis program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRefreshing Cash Forecast Data

Select Cash Forecasting (G09319), Refresh Cash Forecast Data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Refresh Cash Forecast Data (R00522)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. Based On Date

Specify the based-on date, or beginning date, for which to create cash forecast data in the F09522 table. If data for the based-on date already exists in the F09522 table, use the Purge Cash Forecast Data program (R09522B) to purge the existing data before you create new cash forecast data. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses today's date for the based-on date.

2. Future Number of Days

Specify the future number of days in which to create cash forecast data. For example, if you specify 10, the system creates cash forecast data from (and including) the based-on date through the next 9 calendar days. If you leave this processing option blank or specify 0, the system creates cash forecast data from (and including) the based-on date through the next 6 calendar days.


1. A/R Cash Forecast Data Extraction Version (R03B522), 2. A/P Cash Forecast Data Extraction Version (R04522), and 3. G/L Cash Forecast Data Extraction Version (R09522)

Specify the versions to use for the Extract A/R Cash Forecast Data, Extract A/P Cash Forecast Data, and Extract G/L Cash Forecast Data programs. If you leave any of these processing options blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.


1. Prior Number of Days

Specify the prior number of days in which to begin purging cash forecast records. If you specify 10, all cash forecast records with based-on dates prior to 10 days from the based-on date will be purged. For example, if the based-on date is June 14, all cash forecast records with based-on dates June 4 and before will be purged. If you specify 1, all records with based-on dates prior to today will be purged. If you leave this processing option blank or specify 0, no records will be purged.

Click to jump to parent topicAnalyzing Cash Forecast Information

This section provides overviews of cash forecast information and bank account opening balances, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Cash Forecast Information

After you refresh the F09522, you can view cash forecast amounts for one bank account or all bank accounts using the Cash Forecast Analysis program (P09522). This program provides both an online inquiry and a report that uses the refreshed data in the F09522 table, as well as this information:

The summarized amounts that appear on the Cash Forecast Analysis form and Cash Forecast Report (R095221) correspond to the based-on date that you refreshed your data. You can view the summarized amounts by day, week, or period.

If you set up cash type rules for past-due items, the system displays the past-due amounts in a separate column or combined with the amounts in the first date column, according to the rules. If you choose, you can hide the column and amounts. If you specify a weight factor for cash type rules, you can optionally view amounts with the weight factor adjustments applied to the actual amounts.

The contents of the Cash Forecast Analysis form and the Cash Forecast Report are basically the same. The report prints all detail information as if the tree structure on the Cash Forecast Analysis form is expanded at all levels, regardless of whether all levels are expanded. If the form is set to hide past due amounts, the report does not include past due cash types. You can print the report from the Cash Forecast Analysis form by selecting Print from the Report menu. The report retrieves information from the Cash Forecast Detail table (F09UI017). This table is not populated with cash forecast data until you actually select Print from the Report menu. Because of this, there might be a delay between the time you select Print and the time the report processes. The report prints data from the F09U1017 table and then subsequently deletes the table when the report finishes processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Bank Account Opening Balances

If you use the automatic bank statement process to process and reconcile your bank statements, you can use the ending balance from the statement as the opening balance for a bank account when you analyze cash forecast amounts on the Cash Forecast Analysis form.

To use the bank statement balance as the opening balance for the cash forecast amount for an account, you must:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForm Used to Analyze Cash Forecast Information

Form Name




Cash Forecast Analysis


Cash Forecasting (G09319), Cash Forecast Analysis

To print the Cash Forecast Analysis report, select Print from the Report menu.

Review and analyze cash forecast amounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Cash Forecast Analysis (P09522)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs.


1. Reporting Structure

Specify the reporting structure that the system uses to display information in the Cash Forecast Analysis program. The reporting structure must exist in the F09523 table. A value for this processing option is required; do not leave it blank.

2. Number of Columns

Specify the number of date period columns (up to a maximum of seven, the default) to display on the Cash Forecast Analysis form. If specified in the Setup Cash Type Rules program, the system displays a Past Due column for past due items.

3. Revaluation Currency

Specify the revaluation currency to use to display amounts on the Cash Forecast Analysis form. The currency code must exist in the F0013 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the currency code for company 00000 from the F0010 table.

4. Company for Fiscal Date Patterns

Specify the company to use to retrieve the fiscal date pattern to calculate cash forecast amounts when the Time Period option in the Cash Forecast Analysis program is set to accounting period. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the fiscal date pattern and the fiscal year beginning date of company 00000.


1. Bank Acct Opening Balance Method (bank account opening balance method)

Specify the method to use for the opening balance of a bank account:

Blank: Book balance.

The system uses the book balance from the F0911 and F0902 tables for the opening balance.

1: Bank statement balance.

The system uses the bank statement balance from the F09616 table for the opening balance.


1. Cash Forecast Reporting Structures (P09523) and 2. Cash Forecast Report (R095221)

Specify the version to use for the Setup Cash Forecast Reporting Structures program and the Cash Forecast Report. If you leave these processing options blank, the system uses ZJDE0001.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAnalyzing Cash Forecast Information

Access the Cash Forecast Analysis form.

The processing time required to display information on this form depends on the amount of data in the F09522 table.

Based On Date

Enter the date on which cash forecasting data was refreshed.

Bank Acct No (bank account number)

Enter a value that identifies the bank account number (not the account ID) in the general ledger.

If you use the Search button to locate an account, the system accesses the bank accounts associated with all GL cash type rules in the F09252 table. If no bank accounts exist in the F09525 table, the system accesses the account information in the F0901 table instead.

Beginning Date and Ending Date

Enter the beginning and ending dates in which to display cash forecast information.

Apply Weight Factors

If this option is selected, the weight factors defined in the F09521 table are applied to the actual amounts you view on the Cash Forecast Analysis form.

Hide Past Due Column

If this option is selected, the past due column does not appear on the Cash Forecast Analysis form. If this option is not selected, a separate past due column appears on the form.

Day, Week, and Period

Specify the segment or interval of time during which to view cash forecast amounts.

Error Message: G/L Cash Type Rule Not Found for [Account]

If a bank account is not assigned to an active GL cash type rule and you refresh the F09522 table, you will receive the warning message on the Cash Forecast Analysis form: G/L Cash Type Rule Not Found for [Account]. The net operating carryover amount for that cash type will not include the bank account, and subsequent opening balances on the Cash Forecast Analysis form will be incorrect.

To correct the problem, use the Cash Type Rules Setup program and either add the bank account to the account range for an existing GL cash type rule or set up a new GL cash type rule for the bank account. Then rerun the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program. Access the Cash Forecast Analysis form again. The net operating carryover amount will include the bank account, and subsequent opening balances will be correct.

Click to jump to parent topicPurging Forecast Data

This section provides an overview of the Cash Forecast Purge program and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Cash Forecast Purge

You can run the Purge Cash Forecast Data program (R09522B) in one of two ways:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPurging Cash Forecast Data

Select Cash Forecasting (G09319), Purge Cash Forecast Data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Purge Cash Forecast Data (R09522B)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. Beginning Date to Purge

Specify the beginning based-on date in which to purge records in the F09522 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system purges all records with a based-on date prior to the date that you specify in the Ending Date processing option.

2. Ending Date to Purge

Specify the ending based-on date in which to purge records in the F09522 table. If you leave both this processing option and the Beginning Date processing option blank, the system purges all records with a based-on date through yesterday.