Uses of Class

Packages that use Field   

Uses of Field in

Subclasses of Field in
 class ConstantField
          Field that just returns a constant value.
 class DurationField
          Field that extract the duration from an event.
 class EndTimeField
          Field that extract the end time from an event.
 class EventTypeField
          Field that returns the event type for an event.
 class EventTypePathField
          Field that returns the path of the event type for an event.
 class ProducerField
          Field that return the producer for an event
 class ProducerURIField
          Field that returns the URI for the producer of the event.
 class ReferenceField
          Field that can reference a value in another event Typically used when creating aggregated events.
 class StartTimeField
          Field that extracts the start time from an event.

Methods in that return Field
 Field EventType.createNumericField(java.lang.String identifier)
          Creates a numeric field.
 Field EventType.createObjectField(java.lang.String identifier)
          Creates a object field.
 Field EventType.createStringField(java.lang.String identifier)
          Creates a String field.

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