
This package contains interfaces for the prototype notification subsystem.


Interface Summary
INotificationAction Interface for actions taken when a NotificationRule triggers.
INotificationConstraint Interface for general constraints that should be checked before a notification event is fired, for example a constraint could exist that ensures that a certain NotificationRule only triggers during working hours.
INotificationFactory Abstract factory for creating notifications and constraints.
INotificationTrigger Interface for triggers.
IValueEvaluator The interface for a value evaluator.

Class Summary
NotificationEvent Event sent to registered NotificationActions when a certain condition is met (after a constraint and value check).
NotificationRule A notification rule is the 3-tuple (NotificationTrigger, NotificationConstraint and NotificationAction) with a name.

Package Description

This package contains interfaces for the prototype notification subsystem.

This package will most likely be deprecated, or even removed, in 4.0. It is being exposed for evaluation purposes.

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