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Oracle Communications Service Broker
Module MBean Java API Reference
Release 5.0


Interface ImssfAinRuntimeMBean

public interface ImssfAinRuntimeMBean

ImssfAinRuntimeMBean is a root MBean for monitoring IM-SSF AIN.

Number of Instances: One

Object Name: com.convergin:Type=ImssfAinRuntime,Version=<version>,Location=<server-name>,Name=<module-instance-name>.ImssfAin

Method Summary getAinRuntimeMBean()
          Returns a reference to an instance of AinRuntimeMBean which is used to monitor the IM-SSF AIN interface
 long getFullControlCount()
          Returns the number of fully controlled sessions that the IM-SSF handled in the last measurement period.
 long getInitialControlCount()
          Returns the number of non-fully controlled sessions that the IM-SSF handled in the last measurement period.
 long getSessionCount()
          Returns the total number of sessions that IM-SSF handled in last measurement period getTcapRuntimeMBean()
          Returns a reference to an instance of TcapRuntimeMBean which is used to monitor the IM-SSF TCAP interface


Method Detail

getAinRuntimeMBean getAinRuntimeMBean()
Returns a reference to an instance of AinRuntimeMBean which is used to monitor the IM-SSF AIN interface

getTcapRuntimeMBean getTcapRuntimeMBean()
Returns a reference to an instance of TcapRuntimeMBean which is used to monitor the IM-SSF TCAP interface


long getFullControlCount()
Returns the number of fully controlled sessions that the IM-SSF handled in the last measurement period. Full control means that IM-SSF handled the session during the session setup and continues to handle this session after the session is established.


long getInitialControlCount()
Returns the number of non-fully controlled sessions that the IM-SSF handled in the last measurement period. Non-full control means that IM-SSF handled the session during the session setup only


long getSessionCount()
Returns the total number of sessions that IM-SSF handled in last measurement period

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Oracle Communications Service Broker
Module MBean Java API Reference
Release 5.0


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