5.3 Using Input Filing Commands

Input Agent gives users more control over the filing process by inserting special command sequences in the input file. An Input Definition applies to all files, but commands can be inserted by Input Agent in the input file as needed and can change from file to file, offering the flexibility of setting a specific behavior per file, such as the file locale for changing date formats or numeric display.

These commands can be used for processing the entire input file or just a single row of the file, depending on the command. The details of the individual commands are specified below.

5.3.1 Locale

The locale command changes the locale which the agent uses to parse the data. This command can only be used once at the beginning of the input file before any documents are specified. If the command is used after data has been processed then an error will occur and the filing will stop.






This command can only be used at the very beginning of the input file and applies to the whole file. If multiple locales need to be used then that data must be separated into different files. The delimiter must be the same as is used throughout the input file. The locale follows the format of ISO Language - ISO Country code.

5.3.2 New

The new command creates a new document in the Oracle I/PM system and behaves the same as leaving the index data on a line by itself. The command only applies to the line that is annotated and will reset on the next line.


@New[delimiter][line data]


@New|TestTiff.TIF|98.765|Good Company LTD|10/08/2003|0000|1.733,12|10/09/2003


The @New at the beginning of the line is not counted as one of the columns to be mapped.