A.32 Input Basic Information Page

An input is a configuration that maps an input file to an application when documents are uploaded in the background by the Input Agent.

Access the Create Input Basic Information page by clicking the Create Input icon on the Manage Inputs panel of the navigation pane.

Surrounding text describes create_input_basic.gif.

The following table describes the elements available on the page.

Element Description
Name The name of the input.
Description A brief description of the input.
Online Select this field when you want the input agent to start its search for work. You can leave this field unselected until after you test the file.
Auto-detect input file character set When enabled, the input file character set of the application is automatically detected. When this field is not selected, you can manually specify the input file character set and override the default character set of the application used in the input.
Sample File A path to a sample text file that illustrates the content of an input for this input definition. Input Identify and Parse File Parameters Page and will be used when mapping columns in the file to application fields.
Upload Click to upload a sample file on a local or shared drive to the samples directory on the server.
Browse Click to select from a list of sample files in the samples directory of the server.