9 Configuring Logging and Debugging for Oracle CEP

This section contains information on the following subjects:

9.1 Overview of Logging and Debugging Configuration

System administrators and developers configure logging output and filter log messages to troubleshoot errors or to receive notification for specific events.

The following tasks describe some logging configuration scenarios:

  • Stop DEBUG and INFO messages from going to the log file.

  • Allow INFO level messages from the HTTP subsystem to be published to the log file, but not to standard out.

  • Specify that a handler publishes messages that are WARNING severity level or higher.

  • Specify a default logging level for the entire Oracle CEP server, and then have a specific Oracle CEP module override the default logging level. For example, the default logging level of the server could be WARNING while the logging level of the CEP module is DEBUG.

  • Configure a logging level for a user-application deployed to Oracle CEP. In this case, the application must use the Commons Apache Logging Framework if the application is required to output log messages into the single server-wide log file to which the modules of the server itself also log their messages.

Oracle CEP supports the following logging systems:

Oracle CEP also provides a variety of debugging options that you can enable and disable to help diagnose your Oracle CEP applications. See Section 9.5, "Configuring Oracle CEP Debugging Options".


For information on Oracle CEP security audtior logging, see Section 4.9, "Configuring the Oracle CEP Security Auditor".

9.1.1 Commons Apache Logging Framework

Oracle CEP provides a commons-logging interface. The interface provides commons.logging.LogFactory and Log interface implementations. It includes an extension of the org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory class that acts as a factory to create an implementation of the org.apache.commons.logging.Log that delegates to the LoggingService in the logging module. The name of this default implementation is weblogic.logging.commons.LogFactoryImpl.

This section describes the following:

For more information, see http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging/apidocs/index.html. Setting the Log Factory

The following provides information on setting the log factory using system properties:

  • The highest priority is given to the system property org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.

  • You can set logging from the command line using:

  • You can programmatically implement the logging by:

    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
  • The weblogic.logging.commons.LogFactoryImpl is the default log factory, if not explicitly set.

  • To use another logging implementation, you must use the standard commons logging factory implementation. The org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl implementation is available in the commons logging jar. For example:


    or the equivalent programming would be:

    ); Using Log Severity Levels

Each log message has an associated severity level. The level gives a rough guide to the importance and urgency of a log message. Predefined severities, ranging from TRACE to EMERGENCY, are converted to a log level when dispatching a log request to the logger. A log level object can specify any of the following values, from lowest (left-most) to highest (right-most) impact:


You can set a log severity level on the logger, the handler, and a user application. When set on the logger, none of the handlers receive an event which is rejected by the logger. For example, if you set the log level to NOTICE on the logger, none of the handlers will receive INFO level events. When you set a log level on the handler, the restriction only applies to that handler and not the others. For example, turning DEBUG off for the File Handler means no DEBUG messages will be written to the log file, however, DEBUG messages will be written to standard out.

Users (Oracle CEP module owners or owners of user applications) are free to define the names that represent the logging category type used by the Apache commons logging for individual modules. However if the category names are defined as package names then based on the naming convention, a logging level hierarchy is assumed by default. For example, if two modules name their logging category names com.oracle.foo and com.oracle.foo.bar, then com.oracle.foo becomes the root node of com.oracle.foo.bar. This way any logging level applied to parent node (com.oracle.foo) automatically applies to com.oracle.foo.bar, unless the child node overrides the parent.

In other words, if the logging severity is specified for a node, it is effective unless the severity is inherited from the nearest parent whose severity is explicitly configured. The root node is always explicitly configured, so if nothing else if set, then all the nodes inherit the severity from the root.

Table 9-1 lists the severity levels of log messages.

Table 9-1 Log Message Severity

Severity Meaning

Used for messages from the Diagnostic Action Library. Upon enabling diagnostic instrumentation of server and application classes, TRACE messages follow the request path of a method.


A debug message was generated.


Used for reporting normal operations, a low-level informational message.


An informational message with a higher level of importance.


A suspicious operation or configuration has occurred but it might not affect normal operation.


A user error has occurred. The system or application can handle the error with no interruption and limited degradation of service.


A system or service error has occurred. The system can recover but there might be a momentary loss or permanent degradation of service.


A particular service is in an unusable state while other parts of the system continue to function. Automatic recovery is not possible; the immediate attention of the administrator is needed to resolve the problem.


The server is in an unusable state. This severity indicates a severe system failure or panic.

The system generates many messages of lower severity and fewer messages of higher severity. For example, under normal circumstances, they generate many INFO messages and no EMERGENCY messages. Log Files

By default, Oracle CEP server writes log messages to the server.log and consoleoutput.log files in the ORACLE_CEP_HOME/user_projects/domains/DOMAIN_DIR/servername directory, where ORACLE_CEP_HOME refers to the Oracle CEP installation directory (such as d:/oracle_cep), DOMAIN_DIR refers to the domain directory (such as my_domain), and servername refers to the server instance directory (such as server1).

For information on configuring log file attributes, see Section 9.2.2, "log-file".

For information on server.log file message format, see Section, "Format of Output to a Log File".

For information on consoleoutput.log file message format, see Section, "Format of Output to Console, Standard Out, and Standard Error". Log Message Format

Oracle CEP server writes log messages in different formats depending on the type of log file it is writing to:

For more information on log files, see Section, "Log Files". Format of Output to a Log File

The system writes a message to the specified log file consisting of a #### prefix, Timestamp, Severity, Subsystem, Server Name, Connection, Thread ID or User ID or Transaction ID, Message ID, and the Message, along with a stacktrace if any. Each attribute is contained between angle brackets.

The following is an example of a message in the server log file:

####<Feb 25, 2009 10:23:32 AM EST> <Notice> <Deployment> <> <myServer> <RMI TCP Connection(4)-> <> <> <> <1235575412801> <BEA-2045000> <The application bundle "Hello" was deployed successfully to file [C:\OracleCEP\user_projects\domains\ocep_domain\defaultserver\applications\Hello\Hello.jar] with version 1235575412708> Format of Output to Console, Standard Out, and Standard Error

The system writes a message to the console, standard out, or standard error consisting of Locale-formatted Timestamp, Severity, Subsystem, Message ID, and Message.

The following is an example of how the message from the previous section would be printed to standard out:

<Feb 25, 2009 10:23:32 AM EST> <Notice> <Deployment> <BEA-2045000> <The application bundle "Hello" was deployed successfully to file [C:\OracleCEP\user_projects\domains\ocep_domain\defaultserver\applications\Hello\Hello.jar] with version 1235575412708>

9.1.2 OSGi Framework Logger

Oracle CEP has a low-level framework logger that is started before the OSGi framework. It is used to report logging event deep inside the OSGi framework and function as a custom default for the logging subsystem before it is configured.

For example, a user may see some log message, which has lower level or severity than what is set in the config.xml but higher or equal to what is set on the Launcher command line on the console or in the log file. Until the logging subsystem has started, log messages come from the framework logger and use the framework logging level to filter messages.

9.1.3 Log4j Logger

Log4j is an open source tool developed for putting log statements in your application. Log4j has three main components:

The Log4j Java logging facility was developed by the Jakarta Project of the Apache Foundation. See:

For more information, see Section 9.3, "Configuring Log4j Logging" Loggers

Log4j defines a Logger class. An application can create multiple loggers, each with a unique name. In a typical usage of Log4j, an application creates a Logger instance for each application class that will emit log messages. Loggers exist in a namespace hierarchy and inherit behavior from their ancestors in the hierarchy. Appenders

Log4j defines appenders (handlers) to represent destinations for logging output. Multiple appenders can be defined. For example, an application might define an appender that sends log messages to standard out, and another appender that writes log messages to a file. Individual loggers might be configured to write to zero or more appenders. One example usage would be to send all logging messages (all levels) to a log file, but only ERROR level messages to standard out. Layouts

Log4j defines layouts to control the format of log messages. Each layout specifies a particular message format. A specific layout is associated with each appender. This lets you specify a different log message format for standard out than for file output, for example.

9.2 Configuring the Oracle CEP Logging Service

You configure Oracle CEP logging service attributes using Oracle CEP Visualizer or by editing the Oracle CEP server config.xml file.

For more information on configuring logging using Oracle CEP Visualizer, see "Managing Logs" in the Oracle CEP Visualizer User's Guide.

The config.xml file is located in the ORACLE_CEP_HOME/user_projects/domains/DOMAIN_DIR/servername/config directory, where ORACLE_CEP_HOME refers to the Oracle CEP installation directory (such as d:/oracle_cep), DOMAIN_DIR refers to the domain directory (such as my_domain), and servername refers to the server instance directory (such as server1).

Example 9-1 shows a typical Oracle CEP server config.xml file with logging elements.

Example 9-1 Oracle CEP Server config.xml File With Logging Configuration

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--Sample XML file generated by XMLSpy v2007 sp2 (http://www.altova.com)--><n1:config xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/config/server wlevs_server_config.xsd" xmlns:n1="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/config/server" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">


The following sections provide information on configuring Oracle CEP logging:

9.2.1 logging-service

This section provides information on the logging-service element:

Table 9-2 Configuration Parameters for logging-service

Parameter Type Description

The name of this configuration object.


The configuration of the log file and its rotation policies.

See Section 9.2.2, "log-file."


The name of the stdout configuration object used to configure stdout output. See Section 9.2.3, "log-stdout."


Defines the threshold importance of the messages that are propagated to the handlers.

The default value is Info.

To see Debug and Trace messages, configure the logger-severity to either Debug or Trace.

Valid values are: Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Info, Debug, and Trace.


One or more <entry> child elements.

List of name-value pairs, enclosed in an <entry> element, that list individual modules (package name, application name, class name, or component such as CQLProcessor) and their logging severity. These severities override the default severity of the Oracle CEP server.

See Section 9.2.4, "Configuring Severity for an Individual Module."

9.2.2 log-file

This section provides information on the log-file element:

Table 9-3 Configuration Parameters for log-file

Parameter Type Description

The name of this configuration object.


The log file name. Default value is server.log.


Specifies the least important severity of messages written to the log file. Default value is Trace.

Valid values are:

  • Emergency

  • Alert

  • Critical

  • Error

  • Warning

  • Notice

  • Info

  • Debug

  • Trace


Specifies the directory where old rotated files are stored.

If not set, the old files are stored in the same directory as the base log file.


Specifies how rotation is performed based on size, time, or not at all.

Valid values are:

  • bySize

  • byTime

  • none


The time in k:mm format, where k is the hour specified in 24 hour notation and mm is the minutes.

Default is 00:00


Factor applied to the timespan to determine the number of milliseconds that becomes the frequency of time based log rotations. Default is 3600000.


Specifies the number of old rotated files to keep if number-of-files-limited is true. Default value is 7.


The size threshold, in KB, at which the log file is rotated. Default is 500.


Specifies the interval for every time-based log rotation. Default value is 24.


If true, the log file is rotated on startup. Default value is true.


If true, old rotated files are deleted. Default is false.

9.2.3 log-stdout

This section provides information on the log-stdout element:

Table 9-4 Configuration Parameters for log-stdout

Parameter Type Description

The name of this configuration object.


The threshold severity for messages sent to stdout. Default value is Notice.

Valid values are:

  • Emergency

  • Alert

  • Critical

  • Error

  • Warning

  • Notice

  • Info

  • Debug

  • Trace


The number of stack trace frames to display on stdout.

A default value of -1 means all frames are displayed.


If true, stack traces are dumped to the console when included in logged messages. Default value is true.

9.2.4 Configuring Severity for an Individual Module

Individual modules of Oracle CEP can specify their logging severity. This severity overrides the default logging severity of Oracle CEP server.

You do this by specifying an entry child element in the logger-severity-properties element in the Oracle CEP server config.xml file. You may specify multiple entry child elements for any number of modules.

To configure severity for an individual module:

  1. Edit the Oracle CEP server config.xml file.

  2. Add an entry child element to the logger-severity-properties element as Example 9-2 shows.

    Example 9-2 entry Child Element of the logger-severity-properties Element

  3. Set the key element to any of the following:

    • Component name: a component name constant exactly as Table 9-5 lists.

      Table 9-5 Logging Component Name Constants

      Component Name Constant Description


      Applies to log messages from adapter instances running on the Oracle CEP server.


      Applies to log messages from caching systems and cache instances running on the Oracle CEP server.


      Applies to log messages from channels running on the Oracle CEP server.


      Applies to log messages from Oracle CQL processors running on the Oracle CEP server.


      Applies to log messages from EPL processors running on the Oracle CEP server.


      Applies to log messages from the Event-Driven Environment, the Oracle CEP server event-dispatching infrastructure.


      When set to Info or Debug, allows you to trace events as they flow through the EPN for all applications. You can dynamically change the severity of this log key using Oracle CEP Visualizer.

      At the Info severity, you see log messages like:

      <May 26, 2009 5:53:49 PM PDT> <Info> <EventTrace> <BEA-000000> <Application [helloworld], Stage [helloworldOutputChannel] received insert event>

      At the Debug severity, the log messages include details of the event:

      <May 26, 2009 6:02:34 PM PDT> <Debug> <EventTrace> <BEA-000000> <Application [helloworld], Stage [helloworldOutputChannel] received insert event [HelloWorldEvent: HelloWorld - the current time is: 6:02:34 PM]>


      Applies to log messages from Oracle CEP server and application lifecycle operations.


      Applies to log messages from Oracle CEP server general JMX-related management API operations.


      Applies to log messages from the Oracle CEP server monitoring service.


      Applies to log messages from Oracle CEP server event recording and playback operations.


      Applies to log messages from Spring container operations.


      Applies to log messages from stream instances running on the Oracle CEP server.

      For example:

    • Application name: the module name of any Oracle CEP server or user-defined application. For example:

    • Package name: the name of any Oracle CEP server or user-supplied Java package. For example:


      For more information on Oracle CEP server packages, see the Oracle CEP Java API Reference.

    • Class name: the fully qualified name of any Oracle CEP server or user-defined class. For example:


      For more information on Oracle CEP server classes, see the Oracle CEP Java API Reference.

  4. Set the value element to a severity level.

    See Section, "Using Log Severity Levels".

    For example:


    This severity level applies to the module you specified in the key element and overrides the default Oracle CEP server logging severity level set in the logger-severity element that Example 9-2 shows.

  5. Repeat from step 2 for any other modules.

  6. Save and close the config.xml file.

9.3 Configuring Log4j Logging

Oracle CEP supports the open-source log4j logging system.

This section describes the following tasks:

For more information, see Section 9.1.3, "Log4j Logger".

9.3.1 Configuring log4j Properties

The default configuration file is log4j.properties. It can be overridden by using the log4j.configuration system property. See https://www.qos.ch/shop/products/log4j/log4j-Manual.jsp.

The following is an example of a log4j.properties file:

Example 9-3 Example log4j.properties File

   log4j.rootLogger=debug, R 
   log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %t %c - %m%n 
   log4j.logger=DEBUG, R

9.3.2 Configuring Application Manifest

Update the MANIFEST.MF file of your application to import the following required Log4j packages.


9.3.3 Enabling Log4j Logging

To specify logging to a Log4j Logger, set the following system properties on the command line:


Another very useful command line property is -Dlog4j.debug=true. Use this property when log4j output fails to appear or you get cryptic error messages.

9.3.4 Debugging Log4j Logging

If log4j output fails to appear or you get cryptic error messages, consider using the command line property -Dlog4j.debug=true on the command line.

For more information, see Section 9.3.3, "Enabling Log4j Logging".

9.4 Using the Apache Commons Logging API

You can use Apache Commons logging API in your Oracle CEP applications to log application-specific messages to the Oracle CEP server.log and consoleoutput.log files.

To use the commons logging API:

  1. Set the system property org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory to weblogic.logging.commons.LogFactoryImpl.

    This LogFactory creates instances of weblogic.logging.commons.LogFactoryImpl that implement the org.apache.commons.logging.Log interface.

  2. From the LogFactory, get a reference to the Commons Log object by name.

    This name appears as the subsystem name in the log file.

  3. Use the Log object to issue log requests to logging services.

    The Commons Log interface methods accept an object. In most cases, this will be a string containing the message text.

    The Commons LogObject takes a message ID, subsystem name, and a string message argument in its constructor. See org.apache.commons.logging at http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging/api/index.html.

  4. The weblogic.logging.commons.LogImpl log methods direct the message to the server log.

Example 9-4 Commons Code Example

import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

public class MyCommonsTest {
  public void testCommonsLogging() {
    Log clog = LogFactory.getFactory().getInstance("MyCommonsLogger");
    // Log String objects
    clog.debug("Hey this is common debug");
    clog.fatal("Hey this is common fatal", new Exception());
    clog.error("Hey this is common error", new Exception());
    clog.trace("Dont leave your footprints on the sands of time");

9.5 Configuring Oracle CEP Debugging Options

Table 9-6 lists the debugging options that Oracle CEP provides. You can enable and disable these debugging options to help diagnose problems with your Oracle CEP applications.

Table 9-6 Debug Flags

Debug Flag Description

Boot Debugging


Boot Debugging debug strings go to stdout


Configuration Manager


Configuration Manager debug strings go to stdout


Runtime information from the Runtime MBeans




CSS debug strings go to stdout


CSS Services


CSS Services debug strings go to stdout


JDBC Connection


JDBC Internal








JTA 2PCDetail


JTA 2PCStackTrace


JTA Gateway


JTA GatewayStackTrace


JTA Health




JTA Lifecycle




JTA Migration


JTA Naming


JTA NamingStackTrace




JTA Propagate


JTA Recovery


JTA ResourceHealth






JTA XAStackTrace




OSGi to JMX (OX)


OSGi to JMX (OX), debug goes to standard out.


Simple Configuration Provider


Simple Configuration Provider debug strings go to stdout


Simple Declarative Services


SDS debug strings go to stdout


Service Helper


Service Helper debug strings go to stdout


Store Administration


Store IOLogical


Store IOLogicalBoot


Store IOPhysical


Store IOPhysicalVerbose


Store XA


Store XAVerbose


Dump stack traces when Service Helper times out.

The following sections provide information on how to use these Oracle CEP debugging options:

If you are using Log4j logging, see also Section 9.3.4, "Debugging Log4j Logging".

9.5.1 How to Configure Oracle CEP Debugging Options Using System Properties

Use the following steps to configure debugging using system properties.

In this procedure, you will turn on Simple Declarative Services (SDS) debugging (com.bea.core.debug.DebugSDS from Table 9-6) using the Oracle CEP server startwlevs.sh file.

To configure Oracle CEP debugging options using system properties:

  1. Locate the DebugSDS flag in Table 9-6:

  2. Create a property by prepending -D to the flag:

  3. Enable this debug flag by setting the property to true:

  4. Start the Oracle CEP server using the startwlevs.sh with this property:

    ./startwlevs.sh -Dcom.bea.core.debug.DebugSDS=true

9.5.2 How to Configure Oracle CEP Debugging Options Using a Configuration File

Use the following steps to configure debugging from a configuration file.

In this procedure, you will turn on Simple Declarative Services (SDS) debugging (com.bea.core.debug.DebugSDS from Table 9-6) in the Oracle CEP server config.xml file.

To configure Oracle CEP debugging options using a configuration file:

  1. Locate the DebugSDS flag in Table 9-6:

  2. Create an XML tag by omitting the com.bea.core.debug. package name from the flag name:

  3. Edit the Oracle CEP server config.xml file and add a debug element with a debug-properties child element as Example 9-5 shows.

  4. Add your DebugSDS element to the debug-properties element as Example 9-5 shows.

  5. Enable this debug flag by setting the DebugSDS element to true as Example 9-5 shows.

    Example 9-5 Creating a debug-properties Element for the Debug Flag

  6. Set logger-severity to Debug in the logging-service element as Example 9-6 shows.

  7. Set stdout-severity to Debug in the log-stdout element as Example 9-6 shows.

    Example 9-6 Enabling Debug Logging
