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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle TopLink
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Class AbstractDirectMapping

  extended by oracle.toplink.mappings.DatabaseMapping
      extended by

All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
DirectToFieldMapping, EISDirectMapping, XMLDirectMapping

public abstract class AbstractDirectMapping
extends DatabaseMapping

Purpose: Maps an attribute to the corresponding database field type. The list of field types that are supported by TopLink's direct to field mapping is dependent on the relational database being used. A converter can be used to convert between the object and data type if they do not match.

TopLink/Java 1.0
See Also:
Converter, ObjectTypeConverter, TypeConversionConverter, SerializedObjectConverter, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.


Method Summary
 java.lang.Class getAttributeClassification()
          Some databases do not properly support all of the base data types.
 Converter getConverter()
          Return the converter on the mapping.
 java.lang.Class getFieldClassification()
          ADVANCED: Return the class type of the field value.
 java.lang.String getFieldName()
          Name of the field this mapping represents.
 java.lang.Object getNullValue()
          Allow for the value used for null to be specified.
 boolean hasConverter()
          Indicates if the mapping has a converter set on it.
 boolean isMutable()
          Return true if the attribute for this mapping is a simple atomic value that cannot be modified, only replaced.
 void setAttributeClassification(java.lang.Class attributeClassification)
          Some databases do not properly support all of the base data types.
 void setConverter(Converter converter)
          Set the converter on the mapping.
 void setConverterClassName(java.lang.String converterClassName)
          Guy Set the converter class name on the mapping.
 void setField(DatabaseField theField)
          ADVANCED: Set the field in the mapping.
 void setFieldClassification(java.lang.Class fieldType)
          ADVANCED: Set the class type of the field value.
 void setFieldType(int jdbcType)
          ADVANCED: Set the JDBC type of the field value.
 void setIsMutable(boolean isMutable)
          Return true if the attribute for this mapping is a simple atomic value that cannot be modified, only replaced.
 void setNullValue(java.lang.Object nullValue)
          Allow for the value used for null to be specified.


Methods inherited from class oracle.toplink.mappings.DatabaseMapping
getAttributeAccessor, getAttributeName, getGetMethodName, getProperty, getReferenceDescriptor, getSetMethodName, isLazy, isOptional, isUsingMethodAccess, readOnly, readWrite, setAttributeAccessor, setAttributeName, setGetMethodName, setIsLazy, setIsOptional, setIsReadOnly, setProperty, setSetMethodName, setWeight, simpleAddToCollectionChangeRecord, simpleRemoveFromCollectionChangeRecord


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public AbstractDirectMapping()
Default constructor.

Method Detail


public Converter getConverter()
Return the converter on the mapping. A converter can be used to convert between the object's value and database value of the attribute.


public void setConverter(Converter converter)
Set the converter on the mapping. A converter can be used to convert between the object's value and database value of the attribute.


public void setConverterClassName(java.lang.String converterClassName)
Guy Set the converter class name on the mapping. It will be instantiated during the convertClassNamesToClasses. A converter can be used to convert between the object's value and database value of the attribute.


public boolean isMutable()
Return true if the attribute for this mapping is a simple atomic value that cannot be modified, only replaced. This is false by default unless a mutable converter is used such as the SerializedObjectConverter. This can be set to false in this case, or if a Calendar or byte[] is desired to be used as a mutable value it can be set to true.


public void setIsMutable(boolean isMutable)
Return true if the attribute for this mapping is a simple atomic value that cannot be modified, only replaced. This is false by default unless a mutable converter is used such as the SerializedObjectConverter. This can be set to false in this case, or if a Calendar or byte[] is desired to be used as a mutable value it can be set to true.


public java.lang.Class getAttributeClassification()
Some databases do not properly support all of the base data types. For these databases, the base data type must be explicitly specified in the mapping to tell TopLink to force the instance variable value to that data type
getAttributeClassification in class DatabaseMapping


public java.lang.Class getFieldClassification()
ADVANCED: Return the class type of the field value. This can be used if field value differs from the object value, has specific typing requirements such as usage of java.sql.Blob or NChar.


public void setFieldClassification(java.lang.Class fieldType)
ADVANCED: Set the class type of the field value. This can be used if field value differs from the object value, has specific typing requirements such as usage of java.sql.Blob or NChar. This must be called after the field name has been set.


public void setFieldType(int jdbcType)
ADVANCED: Set the JDBC type of the field value. This can be used if field type does not corespond directly to a Java class type, such as MONEY. This is used for binding.


public java.lang.String getFieldName()
Name of the field this mapping represents.


public java.lang.Object getNullValue()
Allow for the value used for null to be specified. This can be used to convert database null values to application specific values, when null values are not allowed by the application (such as in primitives). Note: the default value for NULL is used on reads, writes, and query SQL generation


public boolean hasConverter()
Indicates if the mapping has a converter set on it.
true if there is a converter set on the mapping, null otherwise.


public void setAttributeClassification(java.lang.Class attributeClassification)
Some databases do not properly support all of the base data types. For these databases, the base data type must be explicitly specified in the mapping to tell TopLink to force the instance variable value to that data type


public void setField(DatabaseField theField)
ADVANCED: Set the field in the mapping. This can be used for advanced field types, such as XML nodes, or to set the field type.


public void setNullValue(java.lang.Object nullValue)
Allow for the value used for null to be specified. This can be used to convert database null values to application specific values, when null values are not allowed by the application (such as in primitives). Note: the default value for NULL is used on reads, writes, and query SQL generation

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