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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle TopLink
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Class SessionBroker

  extended by oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession
      extended by oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.DatabaseSessionImpl
          extended by oracle.toplink.sessionbroker.SessionBroker

All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, CommandProcessor, DatabaseSession, Session

public class SessionBroker
extends oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.DatabaseSessionImpl

Purpose: Provide a single view to a TopLink session that transparently accesses multple databases.


See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary


Fields inherited from interface oracle.toplink.remotecommand.CommandProcessor


Constructor Summary
          Create and return a session broker.


Method Summary
 SessionBroker acquireClientSessionBroker()
          Return a session broker that behaves as a client session broker.
 oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl acquireUnitOfWork()
          Return a unit of work for this session broker.
 void addDescriptor(ClassDescriptor descriptor)
          You cannot add a descriptor to a session broker, you must add it to its session.
 void addDescriptors(Project project)
          You cannot add a project to a session broker, you must add it to its session.
 void addDescriptors(java.util.Vector descriptors)
          You cannot add descriptors to a session broker, you must add them to its session.
 boolean containsQuery(java.lang.String queryName)
          Return true if the pre-defined query is defined on the session.
 AsOfClause getAsOfClause()
          ADVANCED: Answers the past time this session is as of.
 DatabaseQuery getQuery(java.lang.String name)
          Return the query from the session pre-defined queries with the given name.
 DatabaseQuery getQuery(java.lang.String name, java.util.Vector arguments)
          Return the query from the session pre-defined queries with the given name and argument types.
 oracle.toplink.internal.sequencing.Sequencing getSequencing()
          Return the Sequencing object used by the session.
 void initializeSequencing()
          ADVANCED: Creates sequencing object for the session broker.
 boolean isClientSessionBroker()
          Return if this session is a client session broker.
 boolean isConnected()
          Return if all sessions are still connected to the database.
 boolean isServerSessionBroker()
          Return if this session is a server session broker.
 void login()
          Connect to the database using the predefined login.
 void login(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
          Connect to the database using the predefined login.
 void logout()
          Disconnect from all databases.
 void registerSession(java.lang.String name, oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
          Register the session under its name.
 void registerSession(java.lang.String name, Session session)
          Register the session under its name.
 void release()
          Release the session.
 void releaseClientSessionBroker()
          Deprecated. Since OracleAS TopLink 10g (10.0.3). Use release().
 void setIntegrityChecker(IntegrityChecker integrityChecker)
          set the integrityChecker.
 void setLog( log)
          Set the message log.
 void setProfiler(SessionProfiler profiler)
          Set the profiler for the session.
 void setSessionLog(SessionLog log)
          Set the session log.
 void setShouldLogMessages(boolean shouldLog)


Methods inherited from class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.DatabaseSessionImpl
getConnectedTime, getSequencingControl, getServerPlatform, initializeConnectedTime, login, loginAndDetectDatasource, setServerPlatform, writeAllObjects, writeAllObjects


Methods inherited from class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession
addAlias, addQuery, beginTransaction, clearIntegrityChecker, clearProfile, commitTransaction, compareObjectsDontMatch, config, containsObjectInIdentityMap, containsObjectInIdentityMap, copyObject, copyObject, deleteAllObjects, deleteAllObjects, deleteObject, doesObjectExist, dontLogMessages, executeNonSelectingCall, executeNonSelectingSQL, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeSelectingCall, executeSQL, fine, finer, finest, getActiveSession, getActiveUnitOfWork, getAllFromIdentityMap, getAllFromIdentityMap, getAllFromIdentityMap, getAllQueries, getCacheSynchronizationManager, getClassDescriptor, getClassDescriptor, getClassDescriptorForAlias, getCommandManager, getDatasourceLogin, getDescriptor, getDescriptor, getDescriptorForAlias, getEjbqlPlaceHolderQueries, getEventManager, getExceptionHandler, getExternalTransactionController, getFromIdentityMap, getFromIdentityMap, getFromIdentityMap, getFromIdentityMap, getFromIdentityMap, getIdentityMapAccessor, getIntegrityChecker, getLog, getLogin, getLogLevel, getLogLevel, getName, getNextSequenceNumberValue, getProfiler, getProject, getProperties, getProperty, getQueries, getSessionLog, getWriteLockValue, getWriteLockValue, handleException, handleSevere, hasCacheSynchronizationManager, hasDescriptor, hasExceptionHandler, hasExternalTransactionController, info, initializeAllIdentityMaps, initializeIdentityMap, initializeIdentityMaps, insertObject, isClassReadOnly, isClientSession, isDistributedSession, isFinalizersEnabled, isInProfile, isInTransaction, isRemoteSession, isRemoteUnitOfWork, isServerSession, isUnitOfWork, keyFromObject, keyFromObject, log, log, log, log, log, log, log, log, log, log, log, logDebug, logDebug, logException, logMessage, logMessage, logMessages, logThrowable, printIdentityMap, printIdentityMaps, putInIdentityMap, putInIdentityMap, putInIdentityMap, putInIdentityMap, readAllObjects, readAllObjects, readAllObjects, readAllObjects, readObject, readObject, readObject, readObject, readObject, refreshAndLockObject, refreshAndLockObject, refreshObject, removeFromIdentityMap, removeFromIdentityMap, removeProperty, removeQuery, removeQuery, rollbackTransaction, setCacheSynchronizationManager, setCommandManager, setDatasourceLogin, setExceptionHandler, setExternalTransactionController, setIsFinalizersEnabled, setIsInProfile, setLogin, setLogin, setLogLevel, setName, setProperty, setSessionLog, setShouldPropagateChanges, setUseOldCommit, severe, shouldLog, shouldLogMessages, shouldPropagateChanges, toString, updateObject, updateWriteLockValue, updateWriteLockValue, usesExternalTransactionController, usesOldCommit, validateCache, verifyDelete, warning, writeObject


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface oracle.toplink.sessions.DatabaseSession
beginTransaction, commitTransaction, deleteAllObjects, deleteAllObjects, deleteObject, getCommandManager, insertObject, isInTransaction, refreshAndLockObject, refreshAndLockObject, rollbackTransaction, setCommandManager, setDatasourceLogin, setExternalTransactionController, setLogin, setShouldPropagateChanges, shouldPropagateChanges, updateObject, writeObject


Methods inherited from interface oracle.toplink.sessions.Session
addEjbqlPlaceHolderQuery, addQuery, clearIntegrityChecker, clearProfile, containsObjectInIdentityMap, containsObjectInIdentityMap, copyObject, copyObject, doesObjectExist, dontLogMessages, executeNonSelectingCall, executeNonSelectingSQL, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeQuery, executeSelectingCall, executeSQL, getActiveSession, getActiveUnitOfWork, getAllFromIdentityMap, getAllFromIdentityMap, getCacheSynchronizationManager, getClassDescriptor, getClassDescriptor, getClassDescriptorForAlias, getDatasourceLogin, getDescriptor, getDescriptor, getDescriptorForAlias, getEjbqlPlaceHolderQueries, getEventManager, getExceptionHandler, getExternalTransactionController, getFromIdentityMap, getFromIdentityMap, getFromIdentityMap, getFromIdentityMap, getIdentityMapAccessor, getIntegrityChecker, getLog, getLogin, getLogLevel, getLogLevel, getName, getNextSequenceNumberValue, getProfiler, getProject, getProperties, getProperty, getQueries, getSessionLog, getWriteLockValue, getWriteLockValue, handleException, handleSevere, hasCacheSynchronizationManager, hasDescriptor, hasExceptionHandler, hasExternalTransactionController, initializeAllIdentityMaps, initializeIdentityMap, initializeIdentityMaps, isClientSession, isDistributedSession, isFinalizersEnabled, isInProfile, isRemoteSession, isRemoteUnitOfWork, isServerSession, isUnitOfWork, keyFromObject, log, log, logDebug, logDebug, logException, logMessage, logMessage, logMessages, printIdentityMap, printIdentityMaps, putInIdentityMap, putInIdentityMap, putInIdentityMap, readAllObjects, readAllObjects, readAllObjects, readAllObjects, readObject, readObject, readObject, readObject, readObject, refreshObject, removeFromIdentityMap, removeFromIdentityMap, removeProperty, removeQuery, setCacheSynchronizationManager, setExceptionHandler, setIsFinalizersEnabled, setLogLevel, setName, setProperty, setSessionLog, shouldLog, shouldLogMessages, updateWriteLockValue, updateWriteLockValue, usesExternalTransactionController, validateCache


Constructor Detail


public SessionBroker()
Create and return a session broker. Because a session broker has multiple sessions it does not used a login.

Method Detail


public SessionBroker acquireClientSessionBroker()
Return a session broker that behaves as a client session broker. An aquire session broker is done under the covers on each session inside the session broker, and a new broker is returned. NOTE: when finished with the client broker, it should be releases. See releaseClientSessionBroker.


public oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl acquireUnitOfWork()
Return a unit of work for this session broker. Acquire a client session broker if is a server session broker.
Specified by:
acquireUnitOfWork in interface Session
acquireUnitOfWork in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession
See Also:


public void addDescriptor(ClassDescriptor descriptor)
You cannot add a descriptor to a session broker, you must add it to its session.
Specified by:
addDescriptor in interface DatabaseSession
addDescriptor in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.DatabaseSessionImpl
See Also:
DatabaseSessionImpl.addDescriptors(Vector), DatabaseSessionImpl.addDescriptors(oracle.toplink.sessions.Project)


public void addDescriptors(java.util.Vector descriptors)
                    throws ValidationException
You cannot add descriptors to a session broker, you must add them to its session.
Specified by:
addDescriptors in interface DatabaseSession
addDescriptors in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.DatabaseSessionImpl


public void addDescriptors(Project project)
                    throws ValidationException
You cannot add a project to a session broker, you must add it to its session.
Specified by:
addDescriptors in interface DatabaseSession
addDescriptors in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.DatabaseSessionImpl


public boolean containsQuery(java.lang.String queryName)
Return true if the pre-defined query is defined on the session.
Specified by:
containsQuery in interface Session
containsQuery in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession


public AsOfClause getAsOfClause()
ADVANCED: Answers the past time this session is as of. Only meaningfull for special historical sessions.
Specified by:
getAsOfClause in interface Session
getAsOfClause in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession
An immutable object representation of the past time. null if no clause set, or this a regular session.
See Also:
oracle.toplink.expressions.AsOfClause, #acquireSessionAsOf(java.lang.Number), #acquireSessionAsOf(java.util.Date), #hasAsOfClause


public DatabaseQuery getQuery(java.lang.String name)
Return the query from the session pre-defined queries with the given name. This allows for common queries to be pre-defined, reused and executed by name.
Specified by:
getQuery in interface Session
getQuery in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession


public DatabaseQuery getQuery(java.lang.String name,
                              java.util.Vector arguments)
Return the query from the session pre-defined queries with the given name and argument types. This allows for common queries to be pre-defined, reused and executed by name. This method should be used if the Session has multiple queries with the same name but different arguments.
Specified by:
getQuery in interface Session
getQuery in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession
See Also:


public boolean isClientSessionBroker()
Return if this session is a client session broker.


public boolean isConnected()
Return if all sessions are still connected to the database.
Specified by:
isConnected in interface Session
isConnected in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession


public boolean isServerSessionBroker()
Return if this session is a server session broker.


public void login()
           throws DatabaseException
Connect to the database using the predefined login. This connects all of the child sessions and expects that they are in a valid state to be connected.
Specified by:
login in interface DatabaseSession
login in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.DatabaseSessionImpl
See Also:


public void login(java.lang.String userName,
                  java.lang.String password)
           throws DatabaseException
Connect to the database using the predefined login. This connects all of the child sessions and expects that they are in a valid state to be connected.
Specified by:
login in interface DatabaseSession
login in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.DatabaseSessionImpl


public void logout()
            throws DatabaseException
Disconnect from all databases.
Specified by:
logout in interface DatabaseSession
logout in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.DatabaseSessionImpl
TopLinkException - if a transaction is active, you must rollback any active transaction before logout.
DatabaseException - the database will also raise an error if their is an active transaction, or a general error occurs.


public void registerSession(java.lang.String name,
                            oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
Register the session under its name. All of the session's descriptors must have already been registered. The session should not be connected and descriptors should not be initialized.


public void registerSession(java.lang.String name,
                            Session session)
Register the session under its name. All of the session's descriptors must have already been registered. The session should not be connected and descriptors should not be initialized.


public void release()
Release the session. This does nothing by default, but allows for other sessions such as the ClientSession to do something.
Specified by:
release in interface Session
release in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession


public void releaseClientSessionBroker()
Deprecated. Since OracleAS TopLink 10g (10.0.3). Use release().
Called on a client Session Broker. Releases all the client sessions held in this broker. Should be used in conjunction with acquireClientSessionBroker()


public void setIntegrityChecker(IntegrityChecker integrityChecker)
set the integrityChecker. IntegrityChecker holds all the ClassDescriptor Exceptions.
Specified by:
setIntegrityChecker in interface Session
setIntegrityChecker in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession


public void setSessionLog(SessionLog log)
Set the session log.
Specified by:
setSessionLog in interface Session
setSessionLog in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession
See Also:


public void setLog( log)
Set the message log.
Specified by:
setLog in interface Session
setLog in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession
See Also:


public void setProfiler(SessionProfiler profiler)
Set the profiler for the session. This allows for performance operations to be profiled.
Specified by:
setProfiler in interface Session
setProfiler in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession


public void setShouldLogMessages(boolean shouldLog)
Obsolete: Replaced by setLogLevel(int level, String category)
Specified by:
setShouldLogMessages in interface Session
setShouldLogMessages in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession
See Also:
#setLogLevel(int level, String category)


public void initializeSequencing()
ADVANCED: Creates sequencing object for the session broker. Typically there is no need for the user to call this method - it is called by login() and acquireClientSessionBroker.
initializeSequencing in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.DatabaseSessionImpl


public oracle.toplink.internal.sequencing.Sequencing getSequencing()
Return the Sequencing object used by the session.
getSequencing in class oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.DatabaseSessionImpl

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