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Java API Reference for Oracle Infrastructure Web Services
Release 1 (11.1.1)


Deprecated API


Deprecated Classes


Deprecated Annotation Types
          use CallbackInterface or ResponseWebService instead The Callback annotation provides the details of the callback interface for the asynchronous service of the annotated class. Its attributes are used to create the wsdl:portType for the callback in the wsdl for the asynchronous service. It also has policy attributes that can be enforced while sending the reply back to the client using client's callback web service. 
          use CallbackInterface instead This annotation specifies the list of callback interfaces that a class/interface may need to interact with. The annotated class expects the client of that class to provide all these callbacks. 
          use oracle.webservices.annotations.async.CallbackRef instead This is a dependency injection (DI) style marker annotation that applies to a member field or setter method of the service endpoint implementation . When the system finds this annotation on a service implementation it will inject the appropriate outgoing addressing headers into the annotated field. The values of the outgoing addressing headers is based off of the incoming addressing headers as described in the ws-addressing specification ( in section 3.2 Formulating a Reply Message If the service endpoint implementation is a SEI implementation or JSR-181 annotated endpoint implementation bean class, the callback to be injected could be of the type specified in the CallbackAssociate annotation. For example : 


Deprecated Fields
          This property has been deprecated, please use oracle.webservices.ClientConstants.CLIENT_CONFIG. 


Deprecated Methods
oracle.webservices.async.Requestor.invoke(MessageContext, SOAPMessage)
          use Map<String,Object> instead of MessageContext 


Deprecated Annotation Type Elements
          Please use @WebService.portName instead. The port name that is used to reference the web service endpoint in a url. The portName is appended to the uriPath to form a complete URL for the service endpoint. 
          Please use @BindingType( instead. An optional flag to determine if this web service supports REST. 


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