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OracleVirtual Directory Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Class

Packages that use Entry


Uses of Entry in com.octetstring.vde


Methods in com.octetstring.vde that return Entry
 Entry EntryChanges.getFullEntry()
          Retrieve the Entry object for an added entry
 Entry EntrySet.getNext()
          Retrieves the next available entry from the Entry Set


Methods in com.octetstring.vde with parameters of type Entry
 void Entry.readFrom(Entry entry)
          Required for the new chain system to allow Entry objects to take the value of another Entry without creating a new reference


Constructors in com.octetstring.vde with parameters of type Entry
Entry(Entry entry)
          Creates a new Entry instance.
Entry(Entry entry, boolean recreateName)
          Creates a new Entry instance., re-creating the dn from scratch
EntryChanges(DirectoryString name, DirectoryString newname, Entry afterChange)
          Constructor that generates a rename change from old and new DN values.
EntryChanges(DirectoryString name, Entry beforeDelete)
          Constructor that generates a delete entry change from a DN
EntryChanges(DirectoryString name, EntryChange[] entryChanges, Entry afterChange)
          Constructor that generates a modification change from a DN and an EntryChange array.
EntryChanges(Entry fullEntry)
          Constructor that generates an add entry change from a full entry.


Uses of Entry in com.octetstring.vde.backend


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.backend that return Entry
 Entry AdapterServiceInterface.getByDN(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString normalizedDN)
          getByDN retrieves an entry by name from the most appropriate adapter.
 Entry AdapterServiceInterface.getByDN(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, java.lang.String adapterName, Credentials creds, DirectoryString normalizedDN)
          getByDN by adapter retrieves an entry by name from the adapter specified.
abstract  Entry Adapter.getByID(java.lang.Integer id)


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.backend with parameters of type Entry
abstract  Int8 Adapter.add(Credentials creds, Entry entry, Chain chain)
 Int8 AdapterServiceInterface.add(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, Entry entry)
          The add method checks schema, performs access control, locates an appropriate adapter for the change, and submits the add request to that backend adapter.
 Int8 AdapterServiceInterface.add(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, java.lang.String adapterName, Credentials creds, Entry entry)
          The add method checks schema, performs access control, locates an appropriate adapter for the change, and submits the add request to that backend adapter.


Uses of Entry in com.octetstring.vde.chain


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.chain that return Entry
 Entry VirtualServicesInterface.getByDn(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base)
          Moves through the "get" operation's chain
 Entry VirtualServicesInterface.getByDn(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, Plugin begin)
          Moves through the "get" operation's chain
 Entry ChainEntrySet.getNext()
          Retrieves the next available entry from the Entry Set
 Entry GlobalServicesInterface.runGetByDn(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base)


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.chain with parameters of type Entry
 void Plugin.add(Chain chain, Credentials creds, Entry entry, Int8 result)
          Moves Through the "add" operation's chain
 void BasePlugin.add(Chain chain, Credentials creds, Entry entry, Int8 result)
 void VirtualServicesInterface.add(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, Entry entry, Int8 result)
          Moves Through the "add" operation's chain
 void VirtualServicesInterface.add(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, Entry entry, Int8 result, Plugin begin)
          Moves Through the "add" operation's chain
 void Chain.nextAdd(Credentials creds, Entry entry, Int8 result)
          Moves Through the "add" operation's chain
 void Chain.nextPostSearchEntry(Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet)
          Run on each entry after a "get" is performed.
 void Plugin.postSearchEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet)
          Run on each entry after a "get" is performed
 void BasePlugin.postSearchEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet)
 void GlobalServicesInterface.runAdd(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, Entry entry, Int8 result)
 void GlobalServicesInterface.runPostSearchEntry(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet, int start)


Uses of Entry in com.octetstring.vde.join


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.join that return Entry
 Entry Joiner.joinByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> srchattrs)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target Entry in a joined adapter for a get operation.
 Entry Joiner.preAddOperation(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes an inbound entry and maps for insertion into joined adapter.
 Entry Joiner.preDeleteOperation(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes an inbound entry and performs any secondary manipulations.
 Entry Joiner.preRenameOperation(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes an inbound entry and performs any secondary manipulations.


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.join with parameters of type Entry
 Filter Joiner.createJoinFilter(Chain chain, Credentials creds, Entry entry)
          Creates a join search filter based on the entry provided.
 DirectoryString Joiner.getBindTarget(Chain chain, Credentials creds, Entry entry)
          This method returns the target binddn based on the Entry provided.
 Entry Joiner.joinByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> srchattrs)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target Entry in a joined adapter for a get operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapAddTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an add operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapDeleteTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an delete operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapModifyTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an modify operation.
 java.util.List<DirectoryString> Joiner.mapModifyTargetDNsByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attribs)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an modify operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapRenameTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for a rename operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapRenameTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, Entry oldentry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a * joined adapter for a rename operation.
 Entry Joiner.preAddOperation(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes an inbound entry and maps for insertion into joined adapter.
 Entry Joiner.preDeleteOperation(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes an inbound entry and performs any secondary manipulations.
 java.util.Vector<EntryChange> Joiner.preModifyOperation(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          This method takes an inbound entry and change request and performs all necessary manipulations in the context of the joined adapter.
 Entry Joiner.preRenameOperation(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes an inbound entry and performs any secondary manipulations.


Uses of Entry in com.octetstring.vde.router


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.router with parameters of type Entry
 boolean BaseRoutingPlugin.isEligible(Entry entry)
          Method isEligible is called by the routing engine whenever a decision needs to be made about whether an adapter is eligible for a particular add, bind, modify, or rename event.


Uses of Entry in com.octetstring.vde.util


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.util that return Entry
 Entry DNUtility.checkAndRepairEntryRDNOC(Entry entry)


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.util with parameters of type Entry
 void PluginUtil.appendAdd(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, Entry entry)
          Facilitates an "append" durring an inbound ADD request or and outbound GET request by adding all instances of the appended attributes to
target attribute
 void PluginUtil.appendAdd(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> appends, Entry entry)
          Facilitates a bulk "append" during an inbound ADD or an outbound GET request by adding all instances of the appended attributes to
the request's entry changes
 Entry DNUtility.checkAndRepairEntryRDNOC(Entry entry)
 void PluginUtil.converBaseEntry(Entry entry, DirectoryString attrib, DirectoryString oldBase, DirectoryString newBase)
          Converts the base of a DN to a new base
 void PluginUtil.converBaseEntry(Entry entry, java.util.Set<DirectoryString> attribs, DirectoryString oldBase, DirectoryString newBase)
          Converts the base of a DN to a new base
 void PluginUtil.copyAdd(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, Entry entry)
          Copies one attribute's values over another attributes values durring an inbound ADD operation
or an outbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.copyAdd(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> copies, Entry entry)
          Copies one attribute's values over another attributes values during an inbound ADD operation or
an outbound GET operation
static void FilterTools.entryFromFilter(Entry entry, Filter filter)
static boolean FilterTools.evalFilter(Entry entry, Filter filter)
static boolean FilterTools.isSubstringMatch(SubstringFilter filter, Entry entry)
 void PluginUtil.renameAdd(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, Entry entry)
          Renames one attribute's values over another attributes values during an inbound ADD or outbound GET operation,
overwriting the target attribute if it exists
 void PluginUtil.renameAdd(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> renames, Entry entry)
          Renames one attribute to another, overwriting the target attribute if it exists on an inbound ADD or outbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.revalueAdd(DirectoryString attrib, Syntax currValue, Syntax newValue, Entry entry)
          Revaules an attribute with a given value to a new value
 void PluginUtil.setRDNEntry(Entry entry, DirectoryString oldRDNAttrType, DirectoryString newRDNAttrType)
          Changes the attribute of the RDN for the given dn on the given entry


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OracleVirtual Directory Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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