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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Class LegendArea

  extended by
      extended by

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LegendArea
extends BIComplexAttributeBase

Field Summary
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey ALONG_EDGE_KEY
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey AUTO_PLACEMENT_KEY
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey BORDER_COLOR_KEY
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey BORDER_TRANSPARENT_KEY
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey FILL_COLOR_KEY
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey FILL_TRANSPARENT_KEY
protected  boolean m_defaultAlongGraphEdge
protected  int m_defaultAutomaticPlacement
protected  java.awt.Color m_defaultBorderColor
protected  boolean m_defaultBorderTransparent
protected  java.awt.Color m_defaultFillColor
protected  boolean m_defaultFillTransparent
protected  java.lang.String m_defaultLegendScrolling
protected  int m_defaultPosition
protected  boolean m_defaultRendered
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey POSITION_KEY
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey RENDERED_KEY
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey SCROLLING_KEY
static java.lang.String SCROLLING_KEY_NAME
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey SFX_KEY
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBean.Type TYPE


Fields inherited from class


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 int getAutomaticPlacement()
          Indicates when the legend position is automatically determined when automatic layout is enabled (when the AutoLayout property of the graph is set to AL_ALWAYS or AL_AS_NEEDED).
protected  org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
 java.awt.Color getBorderColor()
          Retrieves the color of the border for this legend area.
 java.awt.Color getFillColor()
          Retrieves the fill color of this legend area.
 int getPosition()
          Retrieves the position that was set for this legend area on the graph.
 java.lang.String getScrolling()
          Retrieves the legend scrolling behavior.
 SpecialEffects getSpecialEffects()
 boolean isAlongGraphEdge()
          Indicates whether the legend is along the entire edge of the graph, or if there is space between the legend and the graph edge.
 boolean isBorderTransparent()
          Indicates whether the border of this legend area is transparent.
 boolean isFillTransparent()
          Indicates whether the fill color of this legend area is transparent.
 boolean isRendered()
          Indicates whether this legend area is rendered.
protected  void resetStyleProperties()
 void restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, java.lang.Object stateObj)
 void setAlongGraphEdge(boolean alongEdge)
          Specifies whether to place the legend along the edge of the graph or away from the edge.
 void setAutomaticPlacement(int placement)
          Specifies whether or not the legend should be automatically positioned as a part of automatic graph layout.
 void setBorderColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
          Specifies the color of the border for this legend area.
 void setBorderTransparent(boolean yesNo)
          Specifies whether the border of this legend area is transparent.
 void setFillColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
          Specifies the fill color of this legend area.
 void setFillTransparent(boolean yesNo)
          Specifies whether the fill color of this legend area is transparent.
 void setPosition(int position)
          Specifies the position of the rectangle for this legend area on the graph.
 void setRendered(boolean rendered)
          Specifies whether this legend area is rendered.
 void setScrolling(java.lang.String scrolling)
          Specifies the legend scrolling behavior.
 void setSpecialEffects(SpecialEffects sfx)


Methods inherited from class
applyProperties, getBooleanProperty, getFacesBean, getId, getParent, getProperty, getPropertyKey, getSetAttributeIndex, isTransient, isUpdated, processSetAttribute, processSetAttributeAndAdd, saveState, setBooleanProperty, setId, setParent, setProperty, setTransient, setUpdated


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


protected int m_defaultPosition


protected boolean m_defaultAlongGraphEdge


protected int m_defaultAutomaticPlacement


protected boolean m_defaultBorderTransparent


protected boolean m_defaultFillTransparent


protected java.awt.Color m_defaultBorderColor


protected java.awt.Color m_defaultFillColor


protected boolean m_defaultRendered


protected java.lang.String m_defaultLegendScrolling


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBean.Type TYPE


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey FILL_COLOR_KEY


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey BORDER_COLOR_KEY


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey FILL_TRANSPARENT_KEY


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey BORDER_TRANSPARENT_KEY


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey RENDERED_KEY


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey POSITION_KEY


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey ALONG_EDGE_KEY


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey AUTO_PLACEMENT_KEY


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey SFX_KEY


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey SCROLLING_KEY


public static final java.lang.String SCROLLING_KEY_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public LegendArea()

Method Detail


public java.awt.Color getBorderColor()
Retrieves the color of the border for this legend area.

Automatic graph layout respects this property.

The color of the border for this legend area.


public void setBorderColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
Specifies the color of the border for this legend area.

Automatic graph layout respects this property.

newColor - The color of the border for this legend area.


public boolean isBorderTransparent()
Indicates whether the border of this legend area is transparent. To make the legend area transparent, set both the setBorderTransparent and setFillTransparent methods to false. When an attribute or an object is transparent, it is not rendered, but you can select it.

Automatic graph layout respects this property.

true if it is transparent, false if it is rendered.


public void setBorderTransparent(boolean yesNo)
Specifies whether the border of this legend area is transparent. To make the legend area transparent, set both the setBorderTransparent and setFillTransparent methods to false. When an attribute or an object is transparent, it is not rendered, but you can select it.

Automatic graph layout respects this property.

yesNo - true to make it transparent, false to make it rendered.


public boolean isFillTransparent()
Indicates whether the fill color of this legend area is transparent. To make the legend area transparent, set both the setBorderTransparent and setFillTransparent methods to false. When an attribute or an object is transparent, it is not rendered, but you can select it.

Automatic graph layout respects this property.

true if it is transparent, false if it is rendered.


public void setFillTransparent(boolean yesNo)
Specifies whether the fill color of this legend area is transparent. To make the legend area transparent, set both the setBorderTransparent and setFillTransparent methods to false. When an attribute or an object is transparent, it is not rendered, but you can select it.

Automatic graph layout respects this property.

yesNo - true to make it transparent, false to make it rendered.


public java.awt.Color getFillColor()
Retrieves the fill color of this legend area.

Automatic graph layout respects this property.

The fill color of this legend area.


public void setFillColor(java.awt.Color newColor)
Specifies the fill color of this legend area.

Automatic graph layout respects this property.

newColor - The fill color of this legend area.


public boolean isRendered()
Indicates whether this legend area is rendered. Automatic graph layout respects this property.
true if it is rendered, false if it is not rendered.


public void setRendered(boolean rendered)
Specifies whether this legend area is rendered. Automatic graph layout respects this property.
yesNo - true to make it rendered, false to make it not rendered.


public int getPosition()
Retrieves the position that was set for this legend area on the graph. This method returns the setting that was specified through the user interface panel or through the API. This method does not account for changes that the user might make through direct manipulation of the Java-client graph, when graph automatic layout is disabled. For example, if you call setPosition to LAP_TOP, and a user later drags the legend to the right of the graph, this method still returns LAP_TOP, even though the legend appears at the right of the graph.

Automatic graph layout respects this property if the AutomaticPlacement property is set to AP_NEVER. If AutomaticPlacement is set to AP_ALWAYS, then automatic graph layout ignores this property, and doAutoLayout sets this property either to LAP_BOTTOM or to LAP_RIGHT.

A constant that represents the position of this legend area on the graph. The constants are listed in the See Also section.
See Also:
setAutomaticPlacement(int), BaseGraphComponent.LAP_BOTTOM, BaseGraphComponent.LAP_LEFT, BaseGraphComponent.LAP_RIGHT, BaseGraphComponent.LAP_TOP, Graph#setAutoLayout, Graph#doAutoLayout


public void setPosition(int position)
Specifies the position of the rectangle for this legend area on the graph.

Automatic graph layout respects this property if the AutomaticPlacement property is set to AP_NEVER. If AutomaticPlacement is set to AP_ALWAYS, then automatic graph layout ignores this property, and doAutoLayout sets this property either to LAP_BOTTOM or to LAP_RIGHT.

position - A constant that represents the position of the rectangle for this legend area on the graph. Valid constants are listed in the See Also section.
See Also:
setAutomaticPlacement(int), BaseGraphComponent.LAP_BOTTOM, BaseGraphComponent.LAP_LEFT, BaseGraphComponent.LAP_RIGHT, BaseGraphComponent.LAP_TOP, Graph#setAutoLayout, Graph#doAutoLayout


public void setAlongGraphEdge(boolean alongEdge)
Specifies whether to place the legend along the edge of the graph or away from the edge. When this property is set to true, then the legend area covers the entire edge of the graph. When this property is false, then the legend has a variable size, and white space, and possibly graph titles, appear between the legend and the edge of the graph.

When you set AlongGraphEdge to true, then any visible graph titles are moved, so that they do not overlap the legend area:

When AlongGraphEdge to false, then the graph does not generally move the visible titles. If you set AlongGraphEdge to false after it has been set to true, then the titles move back to default positions. For example, if the legend is along the top edge of the graph and you set AlongGraphEdge to false, then the title and subtitle move back above the legend area.

The default value of AlongGraphEdge is false.

Note: If AlongGraphEdge and AutomaticPlacement are both set to true, then the title, subtitle and footnote cannot be moved by direct manipulation.

Automatic graph layout respects this property. You should enable automatic graph layout when you set this property to true.

alongEdge - true to place the legend along the entire edge of the graph, false to leave space around the legend.
See Also:
setAutomaticPlacement(int), setPosition(int), Graph#setAutoLayout


public boolean isAlongGraphEdge()
Indicates whether the legend is along the entire edge of the graph, or if there is space between the legend and the graph edge.

Automatic graph layout respects this property.

true if the legend is along the entire edge of the graph, false if there is some space around the edge.


public void setAutomaticPlacement(int placement)
Specifies whether or not the legend should be automatically positioned as a part of automatic graph layout.

When automatic graph layout is disabled, this property setting has effect only when you call the doAutoLayout method of the graph.

The doAutoLayout method sets this property to AP_NEVER so you can adjust the placement. doAutoLayout(Graph.HONOR_PROPERTIES) honors this property. doAutoLayout(Graph.RESET_PROPERTIES) treats this property as AP_ALWAYS.

placement - A constant that represents whether to include the legend position as part of automatic graph layout. Valid constants are listed in the See Also section.
See Also:
BaseGraphComponent.AP_ALWAYS, BaseGraphComponent.AP_NEVER, Graph#setAutoLayout, Graph#doAutoLayout


public int getAutomaticPlacement()
Indicates when the legend position is automatically determined when automatic layout is enabled (when the AutoLayout property of the graph is set to AL_ALWAYS or AL_AS_NEEDED).

When AutomaticPlacement is set to AP_ALWAYS, automatic layout places the legend area at the bottom of the graph or to the right of the plot area.

The doAutoLayout method sets this property to AP_NEVER so you can adjust the placement. doAutoLayout(Graph.HONOR_PROPERTIES) honors this property. doAutoLayout(Graph.RESET_PROPERTIES) treats this property as AP_ALWAYS.

A constant that represents when the legend position is automatic. Possible constants are listed in the See Also section.
See Also:
BaseGraphComponent.AP_ALWAYS, BaseGraphComponent.AP_NEVER, Graph#setAutoLayout, Graph#doAutoLayout


public void setScrolling(java.lang.String scrolling)
Specifies the legend scrolling behavior.

"off" - Legend scrolling is always off.
"asNeeded" - Legend scrolling will be turned on if the required legend space exceeds the available space.
scrolling - The legend scrolling behavior.


public java.lang.String getScrolling()
Retrieves the legend scrolling behavior.
"off" - Legend scrolling is always off.
"asNeeded" - Legend scrolling will be turned on if the required legend space exceeds the available space.
The legend scrolling behavior.


public void restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context,
                         java.lang.Object stateObj)
Specified by:
restoreState in interface javax.faces.component.StateHolder
restoreState in class BIComplexAttributeBase


public SpecialEffects getSpecialEffects()


public void setSpecialEffects(SpecialEffects sfx)


protected void resetStyleProperties()


protected org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
Specified by:
getBeanType in class BIComplexAttributeBase

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Copyright © 1997, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.