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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use Context
oracle.irm.engine.classifications.context Context classification system. 
oracle.irm.engine.rights.context Content classification system rights provisioning. 


Uses of Context in oracle.irm.engine.classifications.context


Fields in oracle.irm.engine.classifications.context with type parameters of type Context
static Collection<Context> ContextCollectionFactory.EMPTY_CONTEXTS
          An empty Context collection.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.classifications.context that return Context
static Context ContextFactory.createContext(UUID uuid)
          Create a context.
 Context ContextCookie.getContext()
          The context.
static Context ContextCollectionFactory.getContextByUuid(Collection<Context> collection, UUID key)
          Get an element from a Context collection by Uuid.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.classifications.context that return types with arguments of type Context
static Map<UUID,Context> ContextCollectionFactory.contextsAsMap(Collection<Context> collection)
          Create a map keyed on Uuid from a collection of Context elements.
static Set<Context> ContextCollectionFactory.contextsAsSet(Collection<Context> collection)
          Create a set of Context elements from a collection.
static Collection<Context> ContextCollectionFactory.copyContexts(Collection<Context> collection)
          Create a shallow copy of a Context collection.
static Collection<Context> ContextCollectionFactory.createContexts(Context... elements)
          Create a Context collection containing zero or more elements.
static Collection<Context> ContextCollectionFactory.createContexts(int capacity)
          Create an empty Context collection with a capacity specified.
static Collection<Context> ContextCollectionFactory.unmodifiableContexts(Collection<Context> value)
          Create an immutable shallow copy of a Context collection.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.classifications.context with parameters of type Context
static ContextCookie ContextCookieFactory.createContextCookie(Context context, ItemCode itemCode)
          Create a context classification cookie.
static Collection<Context> ContextCollectionFactory.createContexts(Context... elements)
          Create a Context collection containing zero or more elements.


Method parameters in oracle.irm.engine.classifications.context with type arguments of type Context
static Map<UUID,Context> ContextCollectionFactory.contextsAsMap(Collection<Context> collection)
          Create a map keyed on Uuid from a collection of Context elements.
static Set<Context> ContextCollectionFactory.contextsAsSet(Collection<Context> collection)
          Create a set of Context elements from a collection.
static Collection<Context> ContextCollectionFactory.copyContexts(Collection<Context> collection)
          Create a shallow copy of a Context collection.
static Context ContextCollectionFactory.getContextByUuid(Collection<Context> collection, UUID key)
          Get an element from a Context collection by Uuid.
static Collection<Context> ContextCollectionFactory.unmodifiableContexts(Collection<Context> value)
          Create an immutable shallow copy of a Context collection.


Uses of Context in oracle.irm.engine.rights.context


Subinterfaces of Context in oracle.irm.engine.rights.context
 interface ContextInstance
          A context created from a template.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.rights.context with parameters of type Context
 Collection<DocumentRight> DocumentRightOperations.searchRightsByAccount(Account account, Context context)
          Search rights assigned to an account, optionally filtered on a context.
static Collection<DocumentRight> DocumentRightOperationsInstance.searchRightsByAccount(Account account, Context context)
          Search rights assigned to an account, optionally filtered on a context.
 Collection<DocumentRight> DocumentRightOperations.searchRightsByAccounts(Collection<Account> accounts, Context context)
          Search rights assigned to one or more accounts, optionally filtered by a context.
static Collection<DocumentRight> DocumentRightOperationsInstance.searchRightsByAccounts(Collection<Account> accounts, Context context)
          Search rights assigned to one or more accounts, optionally filtered by a context.


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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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