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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Class ClassificationOperationsInstance

  extended by oracle.irm.engine.core.classification.ClassificationOperationsInstance

public final class ClassificationOperationsInstance
extends Object

Operations relating to classification systems.

This class provides static methods for a set of procedural style methods. The methods can be made to appear as global methods by using import static. e.g.

import static oracle.irm.engine.core.classification.ClassificationOperationsInstance.*;

Method Summary
static Classification getClassification(ClassificationSystem system, Object cookie, Date classificationTime)
          Create a classification from a cookie.
static Collection<KeySet> getClassificationKeySets(Collection<Classification> classifications)
          Get a consolidated list of key sets referenced by a set of classifications.
static Collection listClassifications(Account account)
          List classifications that an account has rights to access.
static Collection<Classification> searchClassificationsByLabel(Collection<Classification> classifications, String name)
          Search classifications by label name.
static ClassificationBundle updateClassification(Classification classification)
          Update classification details.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public static Collection<Classification> searchClassificationsByLabel(Collection<Classification> classifications,
                                                                      String name)
Search classifications by label name. Classifications can include a set of human readable labels. This method allows a set of classifications to be searched on the label name.
classifications - the classifications to search. This parameter is optional, it is valid to pass null or an empty collection.
name - the label name. A classification will be matched if name is identical to any label Name present in the classification.
the matching classifications. The results will be empty if there are no matches. If applicable, this method will return an empty collection rather than null to indicate no results.


public static Classification getClassification(ClassificationSystem system,
                                               Object cookie,
                                               Date classificationTime)
                                        throws UnknownClassificationException,
Create a classification from a cookie. A classification has a number of properties, some of which will be known at seal time and some of which may not be known. For example, the classification Cookie must be known before sealing, but the KeySet and Labels may not (and can be inferred from the cookie). This method can be used to obtain a classification with the missing properties filled in.
system - the classification system.
cookie - classification cookie.
classificationTime - classification Time. The classification time signifies when content was classified. This is usually set to the time content is sealed, but does not have to be. It can represent when content is logically classified, for example, when a publication is released, rather than when it physically created. This parameter is optional, it is valid to pass null.
the classification. This method will never return null.
UnknownClassificationException - the classification details are not known or are not available.
UnsupportedClassificationSystemException - unsupported classification system. The classification system specified is not supported by the server.


public static Collection listClassifications(Account account)
List classifications that an account has rights to access. Given an account this method returns the list of classifications the account has rights to access. This information can be used to present the user with a pick list, or by the sealing tools when creating new sealed content.
account - the account.
the list of classifications and related information. If applicable, this method will return an empty collection rather than null to indicate no results.


public static ClassificationBundle updateClassification(Classification classification)
                                                 throws UnknownClassificationException
Update classification details. Over time a classification's labels or key set properties may change. This method provides the latest classification details.
classification - the classification.
the updated classification details and related information. This method will never return null.
UnknownClassificationException - the classification provided no longer exists, or the details cannot be updated.


public static Collection<KeySet> getClassificationKeySets(Collection<Classification> classifications)
Get a consolidated list of key sets referenced by a set of classifications.
classifications - classifications to examine. This parameter is optional, it is valid to pass null or an empty collection.
the set of key sets used by these classifications. If applicable, this method will return an empty collection rather than null to indicate no results.

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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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