Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Interface ElementContext

All Known Subinterfaces:
ElementEndContext, ElementStartContext

public interface ElementContext

ElementContext provides information about the current element being visited and provides utilities for processing child elements, reporting logging messages and storing information for use by other visitors.

Method Summary
 ElementName getElementName()
          Gets the name of the current element.
 Extension getExtension()
          Gets the extension currently being processed. getExtensionSourceURI()
          Gets the URI of the source of the extension.
 java.util.logging.Logger getLogger()
          Gets the logger to which warning, error and information messages should be sent by the visitor.
 java.util.Map getScopeData()
          Gets scope data for the current context.
 void registerChildVisitor(ElementName name, ElementVisitor visitor)
          Registers a visitor that will visit specific direct children of the current element.
 void registerVisitorFactory(ElementVisitorFactory factory)
          Registers a factory that can dynamically retrieve visitors for named elements.

Method Detail


void registerChildVisitor(ElementName name,
                          ElementVisitor visitor)
Registers a visitor that will visit specific direct children of the current element.

name - the qualified name of child elements to visit.
visitor - the visitor to register.


void registerVisitorFactory(ElementVisitorFactory factory)
Registers a factory that can dynamically retrieve visitors for named elements.

factory - a factory used to create visitors for specific elements.


ElementName getElementName()
Gets the name of the current element.

the name of the current element.


java.util.Map getScopeData()
Gets scope data for the current context. The returned map is scoped: values put into the map can only be retrieved by the current visitor or visitors of descendent elements of the current element.

a scoped map.


java.util.logging.Logger getLogger()
Gets the logger to which warning, error and information messages should be sent by the visitor.

an object used to report messages about processing of xml.


Extension getExtension()
Gets the extension currently being processed.

the extension currently being processed.

getExtensionSourceURI getExtensionSourceURI()
Gets the URI of the source of the extension. For extensions packaged in JAR files, this is the URI of the JAR file.

the URI of the exension source.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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