Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use SQLFragment
oracle.ide.db.panels.sql UI classes for declaratively editing a SQL query. 
oracle.ide.db.util Utility classes for dealing with database objects in UI in the IDE. 
oracle.javatools.db Contains a metadata API for describing database objects, and retrieving them from a provider of database objects - for example a database. 
oracle.javatools.db.ora Contains the database api implementation for Oracle databases, and additional DBObject implementations for objects specific to Oracle. 
oracle.javatools.db.sql Contains an API for declaratively parsing SQL queries (SELECT statements). 

Uses of SQLFragment in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql

Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql that return SQLFragment
 SQLFragment[] GroupByToPicker.getExpressions()
 SQLFragment[] ExpressionPanel.getExpressions()
          Returns the SQLFragments that have been created by the panel.
 SQLFragment SelectObjectsPanel.newFragment()
 SQLFragment OrderByPanel.newFragment()
 SQLFragment ExpressionPanel.FragmentProvider.newFragment()
          Requests a new fragment from the provider.

Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql with parameters of type SQLFragment
 void ExpressionPanel.addTemplate(SQLFragment frag, boolean includeChildren)
 void SelectObjectsPanel.edit(SQLFragment frag)
 void OrderByPanel.edit(SQLFragment frag)
 void ExpressionPanel.FragmentProvider.edit(SQLFragment frag)
          Edits the given fragment.
 SQLQuery SQLQueryEditDialog.editQuery(SQLQuery query, SQLFragment defaultObject, DBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema)
          Edits the given query.
 void ExpressionPanel.entered(SQLFragment[] exps, SQLFragment defaultObject)
          Sets up the panel with the given expressions and activates the list selection listener.
 void ExpressionPanel.entered(SQLFragment[] exps, SQLFragment defaultObject)
          Sets up the panel with the given expressions and activates the list selection listener.
static java.lang.String[] SQLQueryEditDialog.getStartPage(SQLFragment child, boolean incMaster)
          Returns the appropriate start page path for editing the given child of a query.
 void SelectObjectsPanel.moveFragment(SQLFragment frag, int newIndex)
 void OrderByPanel.moveFragment(SQLFragment frag, int newIndex)
 void ExpressionPanel.FragmentProvider.moveFragment(SQLFragment frag, int newIndex)
          Moves the fragment within it's section of the query.
 boolean SelectObjectsPanel.removeFragment(SQLFragment frag)
 boolean OrderByPanel.removeFragment(SQLFragment frag)
 boolean ExpressionPanel.FragmentProvider.removeFragment(SQLFragment frag)
          Removes the given fragment from the query.

Uses of SQLFragment in oracle.ide.db.util

Methods in oracle.ide.db.util with parameters of type SQLFragment
 javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode TreeNodeMaker.createTreeNode(SQLFragment obj)
          Creates a TreeNode using the defaults set on this TreeNodeMaker for child nodes for the given SQLFragment.
static javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode DBObjectRenderer.createTreeNode(SQLFragment obj, boolean showChildren)
          Deprecated. - use a TreeNodeMaker.
 javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode TreeNodeMaker.createTreeNode(SQLFragment obj, boolean showAvailKids)
          Creates a TreeNode using the defaults set on this TreeNodeMaker but gives an extra customisation - the ability to show available children - e.g.

Uses of SQLFragment in oracle.javatools.db

Methods in oracle.javatools.db that return SQLFragment
 SQLFragment CheckConstraint.getCheckConditionFragment()
          Retrieves the conditional expression represented by this constraint.

Methods in oracle.javatools.db with parameters of type SQLFragment
 void CheckConstraint.setCheckConditionFragment(SQLFragment condition)
          Sets the conditional expression represented by this constraint.

Uses of SQLFragment in oracle.javatools.db.ora

Classes in oracle.javatools.db.ora that implement SQLFragment
 class OracleSQLQuery
          Object that represents a complete SQL query.

Uses of SQLFragment in oracle.javatools.db.sql

Subinterfaces of SQLFragment in oracle.javatools.db.sql
 interface AliasFragment
          SQLFragment that consists of an expression and an alias.
 interface DBObjectUsage
          Interface implemented by fragments that use a DBObjectID to refer to another DBObject.
 interface DeclarativeSQLQuery
          Extension of the SQLQuery interface that allows the query to edited.
 interface FromObjectUsage
          Interface implemented by any object that directly depends on a FromObject (e.g.
 interface JoinCondition
 interface SQLQuery
          Object that represents a basic SQL query.

Classes in oracle.javatools.db.sql that implement SQLFragment
 class AbstractAliasFragment
          SQLFragment that consists of an expression and an alias.
 class AbstractDBObjectUsage
          Abstract implementation for a SQLFragment that uses another DBObject (e.g a Column) through a FromObject in the query.
 class AbstractFromObjectUsage
          Abstract SQLFragment implementation of FromObjectUsage.
 class AbstractSchemaObjectUsage
          Abstract class for usages that reference a SchemaObject (e.g.
 class AbstractSQLFragment
          Abstract superclass for SQLFragment implementations.
 class AbstractSQLQuery
          Abstract implementation of a SQLQuery.
 class ArithmeticOperation
          Concrete subclass of Operation for arithmetic operations - ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY and DIVIDE.
 class AsteriskUsage
          Deprecated. - use ColumnKeywordUsage
 class CaseStatement
          Class to represent a case statement in a sql query.
CASE [expression]
WHEN condition THEN thenExpression
WHEN condition THEN thenExpression ...
static class CaseStatement.WhenThen
 class ColumnKeywordUsage
          A FromObjectUsage that has a keyword for the Column name, rather than an actual column.
 class ColumnUsage
          SQL fragment that is a use of a Column.
 class Comparison
          Subclass of Operation for comparisons.
 class DataMiningFunction
          Subclass of Operation for data mining functions.
static class DataMiningFunction.DataMiningArguments
          These are the arguments that come before the USING keyword
eg FEATURE_VALUE - feature_id,
PREDICTION_SET - bestN, cutoff
 class ExpressionList
          List of expressions.
 class FKUsage
          SQLFragment for the usage of a FKConstraint.
 class FromObject
          Object that represents a clause in the FROM statement of a SQL query.
 class Function
          Subclass of Operation for functions.
 class FunctionUsage
 class GroupByExpression
          Expression for a part of a group by that isn't a simple column (e.g.
 class GroupByObject
          SQLFragment for the GROUP BY ...
 class HierarchicalQueryObject
          SQLFragment for the Hierarchical Query clause in a SQLQuery.
 class IndexObject
          Object to wrap each column eaxpression of the Index statement
 class JoinObject
          Object that represent the JOIN clause of a SELECT statement (part of the FROM clause).
 class NonDeclarativeSQLQuery
          Dummy SQLQuery that just contains a String representing the SQLQuery.
 class OnJoinCondition
          Object to represent the ON condition of a JOIN clause.
 class Operation
          Abstract class for operations.
 class OrderByObject
          Object to wrap each part of the ORDER BY clause of a SQLQuery.
 class PlSqlUsage
          Fragment that represents a usage of a piece of PlSql.
 class RelationUsage
          SQL fragment that is a use of a Relation.
 class SelectObject
          Object that represents a clause in the SELECT statement of a SQL query.
 class SelectObjectUsage
          Class that represents the usage of a SelectObject.
 class SetOperation
          SQLFragment for dealing with operations to do with sets and ranges like IN and BETWEEN.
 class SimpleSQLFragment
          SQLFragment that we can't break down any more.
 class SynonymUsage
          SQLFragment for using a Synonym in a SQL query.
 class UsingJoinCondition
          Object to represent the condition part of a JOIN that has a USING clause.
 class WhereObject
          Object that represents a clause in the WHERE statement of a SQL query.
 class WindowFunction
          Subclass of Function for windowing functions (using the OVER syntax).
static class WindowFunction.WindowFunctionBound

Fields in oracle.javatools.db.sql declared as SQLFragment
protected static SQLFragment[] AbstractSQLFragment.EMPTY_ARRAY
protected static SQLFragment[] AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.EMPTY_ARRAY

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.sql that return SQLFragment
 SQLFragment[] Comparison.getArguments()
 SQLFragment[] DataMiningFunction.DataMiningArguments.getArguments()
 SQLFragment[] PlSqlUsage.getArguments()
 SQLFragment[] Operation.getArguments()
          Returns the arguments stored in this function.
 SQLFragment[] WindowFunction.WindowFunctionBound.getBoundExpr()
 SQLFragment[] WindowFunction.getBounds()
 SQLFragment HierarchicalQueryObject.getConnectBy()
 SQLFragment[] AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.getDependentObjects(FromObject from)
          Gets the objects in the query that are dependent on the given from object.
 SQLFragment[] SQLQueryBuilder.getDependentObjects(FromObject from)
          Returns all objects that are dependent on the given FromObject.
 SQLFragment[] AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.getDependentObjects(SelectObject select)
          Gets the objects in the query that are dependent on the given select object.
 SQLFragment[] SQLQueryBuilder.getDependentObjects(SelectObject select)
          Returns all objects that are dependent on the given SelectObject.
 SQLFragment[] DataMiningFunction.getDmSpecificArgs()
          Deprecated. - use DataMiningFunction.getDataMiningArguments()
 SQLFragment CaseStatement.getElseExpression()
 SQLFragment IndexObject.getExpression()
          Gets the expression for this Index object.
 SQLFragment OrderByObject.getExpression()
          Gets the expression for this ORDER BY object.
 SQLFragment CaseStatement.getExpression()
 SQLFragment AbstractAliasFragment.getExpression()
          Returns the expression portion of this SQLFragment.
 SQLFragment AliasFragment.getExpression()
          Returns the expression portion of this SQLFragment.
static SQLFragment SQLFragmentExpressionBuilder.getExpression(DBObjectProvider provider, Relation relation, SQLFragmentExpressionBuilder.ExpressionType type, java.lang.String expression)
          For the given relation in the given provider, creates a SQLFragment condition representing the condition (such as a where clause predicate or check constraint)
 SQLFragment[] GroupByObject.getExpressions()
 SQLFragment Comparison.getLeftExpression()
          Gets the left expression.
 SQLFragment SQLQueryBuilder.SQLQueryObjectSet.getObject()
 SQLFragment[] WindowFunction.getPartitionBy()
 SQLFragment Comparison.getRightExpression()
          Gets the right expression.
 SQLFragment HierarchicalQueryObject.getStartWith()
 SQLFragment CaseStatement.WhenThen.getThenExpression()
 SQLFragment CaseStatement.WhenThen.getWhenExpression()
 SQLFragment AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.parseFromExpression(java.lang.String expression)
 SQLFragment SQLQueryBuilder.parseFromExpression(java.lang.String expression)
          Parses an expression to see if it is a valid expression for a From object.
protected abstract  SQLFragment AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.parseFromExpression(java.lang.String expression, FromObject creating)
 SQLFragment AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.parseHavingExpression(java.lang.String expression)
          By default this calls parseWhereExpression().
 SQLFragment SQLQueryBuilder.parseHavingExpression(java.lang.String expression)
          Parses an expression to see if it is a valid expression for a Having object.
 SQLFragment AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.parseOrderByExpression(java.lang.String expression)
          By default this calls parseSelectExpression().
 SQLFragment SQLQueryBuilder.parseOrderByExpression(java.lang.String expression)
          Parses an expression to see if it is a valid expression for a Order By object.
 SQLFragment AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.parseSelectExpression(java.lang.String expression)
 SQLFragment SQLQueryBuilder.parseSelectExpression(java.lang.String expression)
          Parses an expression to see if it is a valid expression for a Select object.
protected abstract  SQLFragment AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.parseSelectExpression(java.lang.String expression, SelectObject creating)
 SQLFragment AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.parseWhereExpression(java.lang.String expression)
 SQLFragment SQLQueryBuilder.parseWhereExpression(java.lang.String expression)
          Parses an expression to see if it is a valid expression for a Where object.
abstract  SQLFragment AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.parseWhereExpression(java.lang.String expression, WhereObject creating)

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.sql with parameters of type SQLFragment
 void Comparison.addArgument(int index, SQLFragment expression)
 void Operation.addArgument(int index, SQLFragment expression)
 void Comparison.addArgument(SQLFragment expression)
 void Operation.addArgument(SQLFragment expression)
 void Comparison.addArguments(SQLFragment[] expressions)
 void Operation.addArguments(SQLFragment[] expressions)
 void GroupByObject.addExpression(int index, SQLFragment s)
 void GroupByObject.addExpression(SQLFragment s)
protected  void Operation.checkArgument(java.util.List<SQLFragment> existing, SQLFragment add)
          If this returns true the Operation checks that the type of all arguments is the same.
protected  void AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.ensureIDs(SQLFragment... frags)
protected  FromObjectUsage AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.findColumnInFromExpression(java.lang.String colName, SQLFragment exp, boolean allowDuplicates, FromObject from, SQLFragment creating)
protected  FromObjectUsage AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.findColumnInFromObjects(java.lang.String colName, FromObject[] froms, boolean allowDuplicates, boolean enforceInAll, SQLFragment creating)
          Finds a Column of given name amongst the given FromObjects.
protected  FromObjectUsage AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.findColumnInFromObjects(java.lang.String colName, SQLFragment creating, FromObject... extraFroms)
          Finds a Column of given name amongst the RelationUsages in the query.
protected  FromObjectUsage AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.findColumnInJoin(java.lang.String colName, JoinObject join, boolean allowDuplicates, SQLFragment creating)
protected  java.lang.String AbstractSQLFragment.getTextOrNull(SQLFragment frag)
          Returns the SQLText for the given fragment, or null if the fragment itself is null.
protected  java.lang.String AbstractSQLFragment.getTextOrNull(SQLFragment frag, boolean surroundWithBrackets)
          Returns the SQLText for the given fragment, or null if the fragment itself is null.
 void GroupByObject.moveExpression(SQLFragment s, int newIndex)
 boolean Comparison.removeArgument(SQLFragment expression)
 boolean Operation.removeArgument(SQLFragment expression)
 boolean GroupByObject.removeExpression(SQLFragment s)
protected  boolean AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.removeWhereObject(SQLFragment obj)
          Removes a top level WhereObject from the WHERE clause.
 void Comparison.setArguments(SQLFragment[] arguments)
 void DataMiningFunction.DataMiningArguments.setArguments(SQLFragment[] args)
 void PlSqlUsage.setArguments(SQLFragment[] arguments)
 void Operation.setArguments(SQLFragment[] arguments)
          Sets the arguments for this function.
 void WindowFunction.WindowFunctionBound.setBoundExpr(SQLFragment[] boundExpr)
 void WindowFunction.setBounds(SQLFragment[] bounds)
 void HierarchicalQueryObject.setConnectBy(SQLFragment connectBy)
 void DataMiningFunction.setDmSpecificArgs(SQLFragment[] arguments)
          Deprecated. - use DataMiningFunction.setDataMiningArguments(oracle.javatools.db.sql.DataMiningFunction.DataMiningArguments)
 void CaseStatement.setElseExpression(SQLFragment exp)
 void IndexObject.setExpression(SQLFragment exp)
          Sets the expression for this Index object.
 void OrderByObject.setExpression(SQLFragment exp)
          Sets the expression for this ORDER BY object.
 void FromObject.setExpression(SQLFragment exp)
 void CaseStatement.setExpression(SQLFragment exp)
 void AbstractAliasFragment.setExpression(SQLFragment exp)
          Sets the expression part of the fragment.
 void AliasFragment.setExpression(SQLFragment exp)
          Sets the expression portion of this SQLFragment.
 void GroupByObject.setExpressions(SQLFragment[] exps)
 void Comparison.setLeftExpression(SQLFragment left)
          Sets the left expression.
 void DataMiningFunction.setModel(SQLFragment model)
          Sets the datamodel for this function
 void WindowFunction.setPartitionBy(SQLFragment[] frags)
 void Comparison.setRightExpression(SQLFragment right)
          Sets the right expression.
 void HierarchicalQueryObject.setStartWith(SQLFragment startWith)
 void CaseStatement.WhenThen.setThenExpression(SQLFragment then)
 void CaseStatement.WhenThen.setWhenExpression(SQLFragment when)

Method parameters in oracle.javatools.db.sql with type arguments of type SQLFragment
protected  void AbstractSQLFragment.appendToBuffer(java.lang.StringBuilder query, java.util.Collection<? extends SQLFragment> objs, java.lang.String indent)
          Adds to the given buffer the list of SQLFragments, comma and newline (with indent) seperated.
protected  java.lang.String AbstractSQLFragment.argsToString(java.util.Collection<? extends SQLFragment> args, boolean commutative, java.lang.String sep, int start)
          Returns the arguments as a String, each separated by the given separator.
protected  void Operation.checkArgument(java.util.List<SQLFragment> existing, SQLFragment add)
          If this returns true the Operation checks that the type of all arguments is the same.

Constructors in oracle.javatools.db.sql with parameters of type SQLFragment
AbstractAliasFragment(SQLFragment exp, java.lang.String alias)
          Creates a fragment with given expression and alias.
AmbiguousColumnException(SQLFragment fou, java.lang.String name)
ArithmeticOperation(int operator, SQLFragment[] args)
CaseStatement.WhenThen(SQLFragment condition, SQLFragment result)
CaseStatement(CaseStatement.WhenThen[] whenThens, SQLFragment elseExpression)
          CASE WHEN condition THEN thenExpression ...
CaseStatement(SQLFragment expression, CaseStatement.WhenThen[] whenThens)
          CASE expression WHEN condition THEN thenExpression ...
CaseStatement(SQLFragment expression, CaseStatement.WhenThen[] whenThens, SQLFragment elseExpression)
          CASE expression WHEN condition THEN thenExpression ...
Comparison(SQLFragment left, int comparator)
          Left argument only constructor - used for IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, EXISTS and NOT EXISTS.
Comparison(SQLFragment left, int comparator, SQLFragment right)
          Constructs a new comparison fragment with the given expressions and comparator.
DataMiningFunction.DataMiningArguments(SQLFragment[] args)
DataMiningFunction(java.lang.String function, SQLFragment model, boolean cost, SQLFragment[] dmSpecificArgs, SQLFragment[] usingArgs)
          Creates a the given function with arguments.
DataMiningFunction(java.lang.String function, SQLFragment model, boolean cost, SQLFragment[] dmSpecificArgs, SQLFragment[] usingArgs)
          Creates a the given function with arguments.
DataMiningFunction(java.lang.String function, SQLFragment model, boolean cost, SQLFragment[] dmSpecificArgs, SQLFragment[] usingArgs)
          Creates a the given function with arguments.
ExpressionList(SQLFragment... exps)
FromObject(SQLFragment expression, java.lang.String alias)
          Create a FROM object with the given expression and alias.
Function(java.lang.String function, SQLFragment[] arguments)
          Creates a the given function with arguments.
Function(java.lang.String function, SQLFragment[] arguments, boolean grouping)
          Creates a the given function with arguments, and boolean to mark whether the function is a grouping function or not.
Function(java.lang.String function, SQLFragment[] arguments, java.lang.String separator)
          Creates a the given function with arguments and separator.
Function(java.lang.String function, SQLFragment[] arguments, java.lang.String separator, boolean grouping)
          Creates a the given function with arguments, and boolean to mark whether the function is a grouping function or not.
GroupByObject(SQLFragment[] exps)
GroupByObject(SQLFragment[] exps, WhereObject having)
HierarchicalQueryObject(SQLFragment connectBy, SQLFragment startWith, boolean startWithFirst, boolean noCycle)
IndexObject(SQLFragment exp)
          Constructs an Index object with the given expression and no ordering.
IndexObject(SQLFragment exp, java.lang.String ordering)
          Constructs an Index object with the given expression and ordering constraint (either IndexObject.DESC or IndexObject.ASC)
OnJoinCondition(SQLFragment frag)
Operation(SQLFragment[] args)
OrderByObject(SQLFragment exp)
          Constructs an ORDER BY object with the given expression and no ordering.
OrderByObject(SQLFragment exp, java.lang.String ordering)
          Constructs an ORDER BY object with the given expression and ordering constraint (either OrderByObject.DESC or OrderByObject.ASC)
OrderByObject(SQLFragment exp, java.lang.String ordering, java.lang.String nullsOrder)
          Constructs an ORDER BY object with the given expression, ordering and null ordering.
SelectObject(SQLFragment expression, java.lang.String alias)
          Create a select object with the given expression and alias.
SelectObject(SQLFragment expression, java.lang.String alias, boolean useAs)
          Create a select object with the given expression and alias.
SetOperation(int operator, SQLFragment[] args)
SQLFragmentID(SQLFragment fragment, DBObjectID parent)
          Deprecated. SQLFragments now use IndentifierBasedIDs. See bug 7173075.
SQLQueryClauseException(SQLFragment obj, java.lang.String message)
SQLQueryException(SQLFragment obj, java.lang.String message)
SQLQueryException(SQLFragment obj, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Exception cause)
WhereObject(SQLFragment exp)
          Where object with only one clause.
WhereObject(SQLFragment[] expressions, int logic)
          Creates a WhereObject with the given expressions.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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