Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use GutterMark
oracle.ide.ceditor The Code Editor package contains the code editing implementation of the JDeveloper IDE. 
oracle.javatools.editor.gutter The Line Gutter package is a subset of the Editor package, and contains API for working with a Gutter associated with an editor pane. 

Uses of GutterMark in oracle.ide.ceditor

Methods in oracle.ide.ceditor that return GutterMark
static GutterMark CodeEditorGutter.getMarkForContext(Context context)
          Gets the line number from a context associated with the code editor gutter context menu popping up.

Methods in oracle.ide.ceditor with parameters of type GutterMark
protected  void CodeEditorGutter.CEColumn.fireMarkClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event, GutterMark gutterMark, int line)
          Utility routine to fire a mark clicked notification for the given mark.
static CodeEditorGutter CodeEditorGutter.getGutterFor(GutterMark mark)
          Utility routine to fetch the CodeEditorGutter instance from the given mark.
protected  boolean CodeEditorGutter.CEColumn.isOptionSet(GutterMark gutterMark, int optionFlag)
          Check whether the given option is set on the mark.
protected  java.awt.Rectangle CodeEditorGutter.paintRollover(java.awt.Graphics graphics, GutterMark mark, int iconX, int columnWidth, int rowY)
          Utility routine to paint the rollover effect for the given mark.
protected  void CodeEditorGutter.processMousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event, int line, GutterMark mark)
          Utility routine to handle firing a gutter click notification for the given mouse event.
protected  void CodeEditorGutter.showGutterContextMenu(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event, int line, GutterMark mark)
          Utility routine to show the context menu for the clicked line.
 void CodeEditorGutter.showMarkDropdownMenu(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event, GutterMark mark, int line)
          Utility routine to show the context menu for a specific mark.

Uses of GutterMark in oracle.javatools.editor.gutter

Classes in oracle.javatools.editor.gutter that implement GutterMark
 class LineGutterPlugin.Column.Mark
          This is our implementation of the GutterMark interface.

Fields in oracle.javatools.editor.gutter declared as GutterMark
protected  GutterMark LineGutterPlugin._mouseInMark
          The mark that the mouse is highlighting (on).

Fields in oracle.javatools.editor.gutter with type parameters of type GutterMark
protected static java.util.Comparator<GutterMark> LineGutterPlugin.MARK_COMPARATOR
          Singleton comparator for marks.

Methods in oracle.javatools.editor.gutter that return GutterMark
 GutterMark LineGutterPlugin.Column.addGutterMark(int line, javax.swing.Icon icon, HighlightStyle highlightStyle, int markOrder, int markOptions)
          Adds a new GutterMark to this column for the given line.
 GutterMark GutterColumn.addGutterMark(int line, javax.swing.Icon icon, HighlightStyle highlightStyle, int markOrder, int markOptions)
          Adds a new GutterMark to this column for the given line.
 GutterMark LineGutterPlugin.getMarkAtLocation(int mouseY, int mouseX)
          Return the mark at the given location or null if there is no mark.
 GutterMark[] LineGutterPlugin.Column.lookupGutterMarks(int line)
          Fetch the GutterMark instances contained within this column for the specified line (if any).
 GutterMark[] GutterColumn.lookupGutterMarks(int line)
          Fetch the GutterMark instances contained within this column for the specified line (if any).

Methods in oracle.javatools.editor.gutter with parameters of type GutterMark
 int m1, GutterMark m2)
protected  void LineGutterPlugin.Column.fireMarkClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event, GutterMark mark, int line)
          Utility routine to fire the click notification for the given mark.
protected  boolean LineGutterPlugin.Column.getMarkSupportsClicks(GutterMark gutterMark)
          Fetch whether the specified GutterMark supports click behavior.
 java.lang.String GutterColumnListener.getMarkToolTip(GutterMark mark, java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)
          Fetch the tooltip associated with the given GutterMark.
 java.lang.String LineGutterPlugin.Column.getMarkToolTip(GutterMark mark, java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)
          Fetch the tooltip associated with the given GutterMark.
 java.awt.Rectangle LineGutterPlugin.getRolloverRectFor(GutterMark markToFind)
          Utility routine to fetch the paint rect for the given gutter mark.
 void GutterColumnListener.markClicked(GutterMark gutterMark, int clickedLine, java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)
          Notification that the user clicked on the mark.
 void GutterColumnListener.markMoved(GutterMark gutterMark, int oldLine, int newLine)
          Notification that the user modified the document in such a way as to cause the line to move.
 void GutterColumnListener.markRemoved(GutterMark gutterMark, int deletedLine)
          Notification that the user modified the document in such a way that a line for which a GutterMark was set was removed.
protected  int LineGutterPlugin.markWidth(GutterMark mark)
          Gets the width required by a gutter mark (excluding margins).
protected  java.awt.Rectangle LineGutterPlugin.paintRollover(java.awt.Graphics graphics, GutterMark mark, int columnX, int columnWidth, int rowY)
          Utility routine to paint the rollover effect for the given mark.
protected  void LineGutterPlugin.processMousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event, int line, GutterMark mark)
 void LineGutterPlugin.Column.removeGutterMark(GutterMark mark)
          Removes the mark from this column.
 void GutterColumn.removeGutterMark(GutterMark mark)
          Removes the mark from this column.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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