Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use PlsqlNode
oracle.javatools.db.datatypes Classes related to datatypes in the database API. 
oracle.javatools.db.plsql Utility classes for working with (for example parsing) PL/SQL. 
oracle.javatools.db.sql Contains an API for declaratively parsing SQL queries (SELECT statements).   

Uses of PlsqlNode in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes that return PlsqlNode
protected static PlsqlNode PredefinedDataType.parseDefaultValue(java.lang.String strDefaultValue, DataType dataType, DBObject dbObject)
          Parse the default value.

Uses of PlsqlNode in oracle.javatools.db.plsql

Classes in oracle.javatools.db.plsql that implement PlsqlNode
 class PlSqlFragment

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.plsql that return PlsqlNode
 PlsqlNode PlSqlDeclarator.getKid(int type, java.lang.String name)
 PlsqlNode[] PlSqlDeclarator.getKids(int type)
 PlsqlNode[] PlSqlFragment.getUnits()

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.plsql with parameters of type PlsqlNode
 java.lang.String PlSqlDeclarator.getName(PlsqlNode node)
          Returns the name of the given PlsqlNode, if it has one.
static java.lang.String PlSqlDeclarator.getReturnType(PlsqlNode node)
          Returns the return type of the given PL/SQL node.
static java.lang.String PlSqlDeclarator.getType(PlsqlNode node)
          Returns the type of the given plsql node.

Uses of PlsqlNode in oracle.javatools.db.sql

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.sql with parameters of type PlsqlNode
static java.lang.String ParserUtils.getConstant(PlsqlNode node)
          Returns the value of a string constant node(STRTCONS), or null if node isn't an instanceof SqlStrdef.
static java.lang.String ParserUtils.getHexToRawString(PlsqlNode node)
          Get hextoraw String.
static java.lang.String ParserUtils.getString(PlsqlNode node)
          Get a String constant.
static boolean ParserUtils.isAllowedExpression(PlsqlNode node, java.util.List validOperators)
          Is this one of the allowed expression nodes
static boolean ParserUtils.isAllowedStringType(PlsqlNode node, java.util.List validStringTypes)
          Is this one of the allowed String nodes
static boolean ParserUtils.isConstant(PlsqlNode node)
          Is this a non null string or numeric constant
static boolean ParserUtils.isDbObjectName(PlsqlNode node)
          Is this a database object name.
static boolean ParserUtils.isNull(PlsqlNode node)
          Is this the value NULL

Uses of PlsqlNode in

Subinterfaces of PlsqlNode in
 interface PlsqlAdt
          A plsql adt declaration.
 interface PlsqlAdtBody
          A plsql adt body.
 interface PlsqlBlock
          This plsql element is either a plsql block or may declare a plsql block.
 interface PlsqlCursor
          A plsql cursor declaration.
 interface PlsqlError
          An error found during parsing.
 interface PlsqlHasFormals
          This plsql element has a list of formal parameters and may have a return type.
 interface PlsqlHasName
          This plsql element has a name.
 interface PlsqlName
          This is a name in the Plsql tree.
 interface PlsqlPkg
          A plsql package declaration or package body.
 interface PlsqlRoot
          The root of the Plsql Tree NODe hierarchy.
 interface PlsqlSubprg
          A plsql subprogram.
 interface PlsqlType
          A plsql type.
 interface PlsqlTypedef
          A Plsql type definition, which is characterized by "TYPE id IS ...".
 interface PlsqlVariable
          This is a plsql variable.
 interface SqlExpression
          A SQL expression.

Methods in that return PlsqlNode
 PlsqlNode[] PlsqlAdtBody.getComponents()
 PlsqlNode[] PlsqlAdt.getComponents()
 PlsqlNode[] PlsqlBlock.getDeclarations()
 PlsqlNode[] PlsqlRoot.getUnits()

Uses of PlsqlNode in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab

Classes in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab that implement PlsqlNode
 class Ptnod
 class PtnodAdt
 class PtnodAdtBody
 class PtnodCursor
 class PtnodError
 class PtnodFormals
 class PtnodName
          This plsql element may be an identifier, schema qualified name, name with a dblink, a numeric literal, or a character literal.
 class PtnodPkg
 class PtnodRoot
 class PtnodSubprg
 class PtnodType
 class PtnodTypedef
 class PtnodVariable
 class SqlAjndef
 class SqlColdef
 class SqlFrodef
 class SqlGbydef
 class SqlHqcdef
          Describes the Hierarchical Query Clause in a SQL query
 class SqlLogdef
 class SqlOdmCost
          DMQ Compile-time/execute-time COst matrix definition
 class SqlOdmdef
 class SqlOdmModel
          DMQ Compile-time MOdel definition
 class SqlOpndef
 class SqlOptdef
 class SqlOrddef
 class SqlQbcdef
 class SqlSeldef
 class SqlStrdef
 class SqlTypdef
 class SqlXmtdef

Methods in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab that return PlsqlNode
 PlsqlNode[] PtnodAdt.getComponents()
 PlsqlNode[] PtnodAdtBody.getComponents()
 PlsqlNode[] Ptnod.getDeclarations()
 PlsqlNode[] PtnodRoot.getUnits()

Uses of PlsqlNode in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.syntax

Classes in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.syntax that implement PlsqlNode
 class AST
          Not thread-safe implementation of a base AST class.

Fields in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.syntax declared as PlsqlNode
          The children of this AST.

Methods in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.syntax with parameters of type PlsqlNode
 void AST.addKid(PlsqlNode kid)

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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