Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Interface DynamicPropertySet

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
AliasFragment, BinaryObject, ChildDBObject, DataType, DBObject, DBObjectUsage, DeclarativePlSql, DeclarativeSQLQuery, FromObjectUsage, JoinCondition, SchemaObject, SourceObject, SQLFragment, SQLQuery, SQLQueryOwner, SystemObject
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAliasFragment, AbstractBuildableObject, AbstractChildDBObject, AbstractDBObject, AbstractDBObjectUsage, AbstractFromObjectUsage, AbstractSchemaObject, AbstractSchemaObjectUsage, AbstractSQLFragment, AbstractSQLQuery, ArithmeticOperation, AsteriskUsage, AutoExtendProperties, BaseDateTimeDataType, BinaryDataType, CaseStatement, CaseStatement.WhenThen, CharacterDataType, CheckConstraint, Column, ColumnConstraint, ColumnKeywordUsage, ColumnUsage, Comparison, ComplexType, Constraint, DatabaseLink, DataMiningFunction, DataMiningFunction.DataMiningArguments, DataTypeAttribute, DataTypeSynonym, DataTypeUsage, DateDataType, Difference, Directory, DynamicPropertySetImpl, ExpressionList, FileSpecification, FKConstraint, FKUsage, FromObject, Function, Function, FunctionUsage, GenerateDescriptor, GroupByExpression, GroupByObject, HierarchicalQueryObject, Index, IndexObject, IndexPartition, Indextype, Java, JavaClass, JavaResource, JavaSource, JoinObject, LOBDescriptor, MaterializedView, MaterializedViewLog, NonDeclarativeSQLQuery, NumericDataType, ObjectType, ObjectTypeUsage, OnJoinCondition, Operation, OracleColumnProperties, OracleExternalTableProperties, OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier, OracleIndexOrganizedTableProperties, OracleIndexPartitions, OracleNumberDataType, OracleSQLQuery, OracleStorageProperties, OracleTablePartitions, OracleTablespaceProperties, OrderByObject, Package, PKConstraint, PlSql, PlSqlAttribute, PlSqlMethod, PlSqlParameter, PlSqlSubprogram, PlSqlUsage, PredefinedDataType, PredefinedDataTypeUsage, Procedure, RecycledObject, Relation, RelationUsage, ResultSet, Schema, SelectObject, SelectObjectUsage, Sequence, SetOperation, SimpleSQLFragment, SpecPlSql, Synonym, SynonymUsage, Table, TablePartition, Tablespace, TimeStampTZDataType, Trigger, UniqueConstraint, UserDataType, UsingJoinCondition, View, ViewColumn, WhereObject, WindowFunction, WindowFunction.WindowFunctionBound, XMLSchema, XMLSchemaElement, XMLTypeColumnProperties

public interface DynamicPropertySet
extends Copyable

This class can be used by objects that need to manage a dynamic set of properties.

Method Summary
 java.util.Map getProperties()
          Retrieves a map holding the property-value pairs.
 java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves the value associated with a property.
 java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object defaultValue)
          Retrieves the value associated with a property.
 void setProperties(java.util.Map properties)
          Sets the map holding the property-value pairs.
 void setProperty(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the value for a property.
Methods inherited from interface oracle.javatools.util.Copyable

Method Detail


java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String key)
Retrieves the value associated with a property.

key - the property key for which a value is desired. exists.
the value of the requested property, or a null value if the property does not exist or is not set.


java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String key,
                             java.lang.Object defaultValue)
Retrieves the value associated with a property. If no value exists for the requested property, the specified default value is returned.

key - the property key for which a value is desired.
defaultValue - the value to return if no value currently exists.
the value of the requested property, or the default value if the property does not exist.


void setProperty(java.lang.String key,
                 java.lang.Object value)
Sets the value for a property. Setting a value to null removes that property.

key - the property key to set
value - the value to set


java.util.Map getProperties()
Retrieves a map holding the property-value pairs.


void setProperties(java.util.Map properties)
Sets the map holding the property-value pairs.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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