Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Class

Packages that use Maps.AbstractCacheMap
oracle.javatools.util Provides general utilities. 

Uses of Maps.AbstractCacheMap in oracle.javatools.util

Subclasses of Maps.AbstractCacheMap in oracle.javatools.util
static class Maps.CacheMap<K,V>
static class Maps.ManagedCacheMap<K,V>
          A cache map which is an MBean and can be monitored by a JMX client (e.g., JConsole).

Methods in oracle.javatools.util with parameters of type Maps.AbstractCacheMap
protected  void Maps.CacheStrategy.entryAccessed(Maps.AbstractCacheMap<K,V,E> map, E entry)
          Invoked when the value of an existing entry is accessed by Maps.AbstractHashMap.get(java.lang.Object).
protected  void Maps.CacheStrategy.entryAdded(Maps.AbstractCacheMap<K,V,E> map, E entry)
          Invoked when a new entry is added to this map, when entries are added by Maps.AbstractHashMap.put(K, V).
protected  void Maps.CacheStrategy.entryChanged(Maps.AbstractCacheMap<K,V,E> map, E oldEntry, V oldValue, E newEntry)
          Invoked when the value of an existing entry is changed, when entries are changed by Maps.AbstractHashMap.put(K, V) or evicted but not removed by evictExistingEntry(E).
protected  void Maps.CacheStrategy.entryEvicted(Maps.AbstractCacheMap<K,V,E> map, E entry)
          Invoked when an existing entry is evicted by evictExistingEntry(E) (e.g., because Maps.CacheStrategy.evictEldest(oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractCacheMap, E) returned true) and the map is not canonical.
protected  void Maps.CacheStrategy.entryPurged(Maps.AbstractCacheMap<K,V,E> map, E entry)
          Invoked when an existing entry is purged after its value has been garbage collected.
protected  void Maps.CacheStrategy.entryRemoved(Maps.AbstractCacheMap<K,V,E> map, E entry)
          Invoked when an existing entry is removed by a remove method of this map, of a view collection of this map, or of an iterator of a view collection of this map

The Maps.AbstractCacheMap implementation never invokes Maps.CacheStrategy.entryRemoved(oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractCacheMap, E) when entries are removed by the Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap.clear() method of this map, or of a view collection of this map.

protected  boolean Maps.CacheStrategy.evictEldest(Maps.AbstractCacheMap<K,V,E> map, E eldest)
          Gets whether to evict the eldest entry from a cache.
protected  boolean Maps.BoundedLruCacheStrategy.evictEldest(Maps.AbstractCacheMap<K,V,E> map, E eldest)
          Gets whether to evict the eldest entry from a cache.
protected  void Maps.CacheStrategy.mapChanged(Maps.AbstractCacheMap<K,V,E> map)
          Invoked when the map has changed, when entries are added, removed, or accessed.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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