Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Package oracle.jdeveloper.db

Classes for accessing database connections in JDeveloper (and other FCP products).


Interface Summary
Connections Interface for a store of connection information.
ConnectionsListener Listener interface for those interested in knowing when connections are added and removed from a Connections store.
ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.ConnectionTooltipProvider Interface for an object which will return the required tooltip when the mouse is held over a connection in the list of connections in the editor.
DatabaseConnectionEditor.ConnectionEditor Interface used to delegate the launching of the connection editor to.
DisconnectListener Interface for a listener interested in connection disconnect events.
StoreListener Listener interface for notification of DatabaseConnectionStores events.

Class Summary
AppDatabaseConnectionEditor Launcher for the database connection editor on an application's connections.
AppDatabaseConnections Extension to the DatabaseConnections API that gets the database connections defined for an Application (Workspace).
ConnectionInfo Wrapper for information about a chosen connection.
ConnectionsEvent Event used by the ConnectionsListener class.
ConnectionTypeUIRegistry Registry for recording the UI requirements for Connect Types maintained by the Connection Editor.
DatabaseActions Actions specific to databases for use in the IDE.
DatabaseConnectionEditor Launcher for the database connection editor.
DatabaseConnectionEditorLauncher Class for launching a Database Connection Editor.
DatabaseConnections API to retrieve information about the database connections available in a given connection store in JDeveloper (or related FCP product).
DatabaseConnectionStores Central API to access the available database connection stores in JDeveloper (or equivalent FCP product).
DatabaseTechnologies The DatabaseTechnologies class defines the technology keys for database features.
StoreProvider Class for store providers to extend.

Enum Summary
ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk A set of values which indicate what value a particular property should have.
DatabaseConnectionEditorLauncher.StoreChoice This governs what choice the user has over where new connections are created from the create connection dialog.

Exception Summary
ConnectionException Exception thrown by a Connections instance when there is an error creating a connection.

Package oracle.jdeveloper.db Description

Classes for accessing database connections in JDeveloper (and other FCP products). Multiple connection store can exist in the IDE, these are accessed through the DatabaseConnectionStores class. A given store of connections is represented by the DatabaseConnections class.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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