Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Interface ComponentEditorContext

public interface ComponentEditorContext

A component editor context provides more contextual information a component editor might need.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void closeEditor()
          Callback method for notifying the component editor environment that the component editor should be closed due to a user action.
 java.util.List<java.lang.Object> getComponentData()
          This returns a read only list of data objects associated with the component.
 oracle.bali.xml.gui.XmlGui getGui()
          This returns the XmlGui that the component editor may be embedded into.
 oracle.bali.xml.metadata.XmlKey getKey()
          This returns the XmlKey of the component element and will never be null.
 org.w3c.dom.Element getNode()
          This returns the Element representing the component and will never be null.
 oracle.bali.xml.model.XmlView getView()
          This returns the XmlView that the component element belongs and will never be null.
 oracle.bali.xml.gui.GuiXmlContext getXmlContext()
          This returns the GuiXmlContext that the component editor works in, and will never be null.
 boolean requestNewComponentData()
          Requests new value of the component data from the component editor context.
 void updateEditorSize(java.awt.Dimension size)
          Callback method for notifying the component editor environment that the size of the component has changed.

Method Detail


oracle.bali.xml.gui.GuiXmlContext getXmlContext()
This returns the GuiXmlContext that the component editor works in, and will never be null.



oracle.bali.xml.gui.XmlGui getGui()
This returns the XmlGui that the component editor may be embedded into. The value may be null. Returned value is usually an instance of the ComponentXmlGui.

See Also:


oracle.bali.xml.model.XmlView getView()
This returns the XmlView that the component element belongs and will never be null.


org.w3c.dom.Element getNode()
This returns the Element representing the component and will never be null.


oracle.bali.xml.metadata.XmlKey getKey()
This returns the XmlKey of the component element and will never be null.


java.util.List<java.lang.Object> getComponentData()
This returns a read only list of data objects associated with the component. The way the data is associated with a component depends on the XmlGui the component editor is embedded into.


boolean requestNewComponentData()
Requests new value of the component data from the component editor context. Once the new component data is available the component editor will be notified by ContextualComponentEditor.componentDataChanged(). Component editor should not make assumption when will the new component data be available. It could be available immidiatly within this method call, or it could be available later, or in some cases component editor can be released before the new component data becomes available.

False if the request can not be serviced.


void closeEditor()
Callback method for notifying the component editor environment that the component editor should be closed due to a user action.


void updateEditorSize(java.awt.Dimension size)
Callback method for notifying the component editor environment that the size of the component has changed. As are result of this call the component editor environment will try to adjust itself to accomodate new size of the editor.

size -

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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