Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1 MBean API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.1)

Part Number E13945-02

Uses of Interface

Packages that use JoltConnectionPoolMBean   

Uses of JoltConnectionPoolMBean in

Methods in that return JoltConnectionPoolMBean
 JoltConnectionPoolMBean DomainMBean.createJoltConnectionPool(String name)
          Factory to create a JoltConnectionPool instance in the domain
 JoltConnectionPoolMBean[] DomainMBean.getJoltConnectionPools()
          Return the JoltConnectionPools for this Domain.
 JoltConnectionPoolMBean DomainMBean.lookupJoltConnectionPool(String name)
          Find a JoltConnectionPool object with this name

Methods in with parameters of type JoltConnectionPoolMBean
 void DomainMBean.destroyJoltConnectionPool(JoltConnectionPoolMBean joltConnectionPool)
          deletes a JoltConnectionPool object

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1 MBean API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.1)

Part Number E13945-02