Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1 MBean API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.1)

Part Number E13945-02
Interface ActiveDirectoryAuthenticatorMBean

All Superinterfaces:
AuthenticationProviderMBean, AuthenticatorMBean, GroupMemberListerMBean, GroupMembershipHierarchyCacheMBean, GroupReaderMBean, LDAPAuthenticatorMBean, LDAPServerMBean, ListerMBean, LoginExceptionPropagatorMBean, MemberGroupListerMBean, NameListerMBean, ProviderMBean, UserPasswordEditorMBean, UserReaderMBean

public interface ActiveDirectoryAuthenticatorMBean
extends LDAPAuthenticatorMBean

The MBean that represents LDAP schema definitions for the Active Directory LDAP Authentication provider.

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

This is a type-safe interface for a WebLogic Server MBean, which you can import into your client classes and access through As of 9.0, the MBeanHome interface and all type-safe interfaces for WebLogic Server MBeans are deprecated. Instead, client classes that interact with WebLogic Server MBeans should use standard JMX design patterns in which clients use the interface to discover MBeans, attributes, and attribute types at runtime.

Method Summary
 Boolean getEnableSIDtoGroupLookupCaching()
          Boolean value that indicates whether SID to group name lookup results are cached or not.
 String getGroupBaseDN()
          The attribute of an LDAP user object that specifies the Distinguished Names (DNs) of dynamic groups to which the user belongs.
 String getGroupFromNameFilter()
          LDAP search filter for finding a group given the name of the group.
 String getGuidAttribute()
          Specifies the name of the GUID attribute defined in the Active Directory LDAP server.
 Integer getMaxSIDToGroupLookupsInCache()
          The maximum size of the LRU cache for holding SID to group lookups if caching of SID to group name mappings is enabled and if the tokenGroups group membership lookup is enabled.
 String getName()
          The name of this configuration.
 String getStaticGroupDNsfromMemberDNFilter()
          An LDAP search filter that, given the distinguished name (DN) of a member of a group, returns the DNs of the static LDAP groups that contain that member.
 String getStaticGroupObjectClass()
          The name of the LDAP object class that stores static groups.
 String getStaticMemberDNAttribute()
          The attribute of the LDAP static group object that specifies the distinguished names (DNs) of the members of the group.
 String getUserBaseDN()
          The base Distinguished Name (DN) of the tree in the LDAP directory that contains users.
 String getUserFromNameFilter()
          LDAP search filter for finding a user given the name of the user.
 String getUserNameAttribute()
          The attribute of the LDAP User object that specifies the name of the user.
 String getUserObjectClass()
          The name of the LDAP object class that stores users.
 Boolean getUseTokenGroupsForGroupMembershipLookup()
          Boolean value that indicates whether to use TokenGroups attribute lookup algorithm instead of the standard recursive group membership lookup algorithm.
 void setEnableSIDtoGroupLookupCaching(Boolean newValue)
          Boolean value that indicates whether SID to group name lookup results are cached or not.
 void setGroupBaseDN(String newValue)
          The attribute of an LDAP user object that specifies the Distinguished Names (DNs) of dynamic groups to which the user belongs.
 void setGroupFromNameFilter(String newValue)
          LDAP search filter for finding a group given the name of the group.
 void setGuidAttribute(String newValue)
          Specifies the name of the GUID attribute defined in the Active Directory LDAP server.
 void setMaxSIDToGroupLookupsInCache(Integer newValue)
          The maximum size of the LRU cache for holding SID to group lookups if caching of SID to group name mappings is enabled and if the tokenGroups group membership lookup is enabled.
 void setStaticGroupDNsfromMemberDNFilter(String newValue)
          An LDAP search filter that, given the distinguished name (DN) of a member of a group, returns the DNs of the static LDAP groups that contain that member.
 void setStaticGroupObjectClass(String newValue)
          The name of the LDAP object class that stores static groups.
 void setStaticMemberDNAttribute(String newValue)
          The attribute of the LDAP static group object that specifies the distinguished names (DNs) of the members of the group.
 void setUserBaseDN(String newValue)
          The base Distinguished Name (DN) of the tree in the LDAP directory that contains users.
 void setUserFromNameFilter(String newValue)
          LDAP search filter for finding a user given the name of the user.
 void setUserNameAttribute(String newValue)
          The attribute of the LDAP User object that specifies the name of the user.
 void setUserObjectClass(String newValue)
          The name of the LDAP object class that stores users.
 void setUseTokenGroupsForGroupMembershipLookup(Boolean newValue)
          Boolean value that indicates whether to use TokenGroups attribute lookup algorithm instead of the standard recursive group membership lookup algorithm.
Methods inherited from interface
getAllGroupsFilter, getAllUsersFilter, getCredential, getCredentialEncrypted, getDescription, getDynamicGroupNameAttribute, getDynamicGroupObjectClass, getDynamicMemberURLAttribute, getEnableGroupMembershipLookupHierarchyCaching, getGroupMembershipSearching, getGroupSearchScope, getIgnoreDuplicateMembership, getMaxGroupMembershipSearchLevel, getProviderClassName, getStaticGroupNameAttribute, getUserDynamicGroupDNAttribute, getUseRetrievedUserNameAsPrincipal, getUserSearchScope, getVersion, isKeepAliveEnabled, setAllGroupsFilter, setAllUsersFilter, setCredential, setCredentialEncrypted, setDynamicGroupNameAttribute, setDynamicGroupObjectClass, setDynamicMemberURLAttribute, setEnableGroupMembershipLookupHierarchyCaching, setGroupMembershipSearching, setGroupSearchScope, setIgnoreDuplicateMembership, setKeepAliveEnabled, setMaxGroupMembershipSearchLevel, setStaticGroupNameAttribute, setUserDynamicGroupDNAttribute, setUseRetrievedUserNameAsPrincipal, setUserSearchScope
Methods inherited from interface
getPropagateCauseForLoginException, setPropagateCauseForLoginException
Methods inherited from interface
getControlFlag, setControlFlag
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
getCacheSize, getCacheTTL, getConnectionPoolSize, getConnectionRetryLimit, getConnectTimeout, getHost, getParallelConnectDelay, getPort, getPrincipal, getResultsTimeLimit, isBindAnonymouslyOnReferrals, isCacheEnabled, isFollowReferrals, isSSLEnabled, setBindAnonymouslyOnReferrals, setCacheEnabled, setCacheSize, setCacheTTL, setConnectionPoolSize, setConnectionRetryLimit, setConnectTimeout, setFollowReferrals, setHost, setParallelConnectDelay, setPort, setPrincipal, setResultsTimeLimit, setSSLEnabled
Methods inherited from interface
getUserDescription, listUsers, userExists
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
advance, close, haveCurrent
Methods inherited from interface
getGroupDescription, groupExists, isMember, listGroups
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
advance, close, haveCurrent
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
getGroupDescription, groupExists, isMember, listGroups
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
advance, close, haveCurrent
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
getGroupDescription, groupExists, isMember, listGroups
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
advance, close, haveCurrent
Methods inherited from interface
changeUserPassword, resetUserPassword
Methods inherited from interface
getGroupHierarchyCacheTTL, getMaxGroupHierarchiesInCache, setGroupHierarchyCacheTTL, setMaxGroupHierarchiesInCache

Method Detail


String getUserObjectClass()

The name of the LDAP object class that stores users.

Specified by:
getUserObjectClass in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
Default Value:


void setUserObjectClass(String newValue)
                        throws InvalidAttributeValueException

The name of the LDAP object class that stores users.

Specified by:
setUserObjectClass in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
newValue - - new value for attribute UserObjectClass
Default Value:


String getUserNameAttribute()

The attribute of the LDAP User object that specifies the name of the user. The default value is "cn". In Active Directory, generally, cn stores a string that is a combination of the user's first name and last name, and sAMAccountName stores the user's login name. So it is recommended that you set "sAMAccountName" to this property before using the Active Directory LDAP Authentication provider. It is for backward compatibility purpose that the default value is "cn" instead of "sAMAccountName".

Specified by:
getUserNameAttribute in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
Default Value:


void setUserNameAttribute(String newValue)
                          throws InvalidAttributeValueException

The attribute of the LDAP User object that specifies the name of the user. The default value is "cn". In Active Directory, generally, cn stores a string that is a combination of the user's first name and last name, and sAMAccountName stores the user's login name. So it is recommended that you set "sAMAccountName" to this property before using the Active Directory LDAP Authentication provider. It is for backward compatibility purpose that the default value is "cn" instead of "sAMAccountName".

Specified by:
setUserNameAttribute in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
newValue - - new value for attribute UserNameAttribute
Default Value:


String getUserBaseDN()

The base Distinguished Name (DN) of the tree in the LDAP directory that contains users.

Specified by:
getUserBaseDN in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
Default Value:


void setUserBaseDN(String newValue)
                   throws InvalidAttributeValueException

The base Distinguished Name (DN) of the tree in the LDAP directory that contains users.

Specified by:
setUserBaseDN in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
newValue - - new value for attribute UserBaseDN
Default Value:


String getUserFromNameFilter()

LDAP search filter for finding a user given the name of the user. The default value is "(&(cn=%u)(objectclass=user))". In Active Directory, generally, cn stores a string that is a combination of the user's first name and last name, and sAMAccountName stores the user's login name. So it is recommended that you set "(&(sAMAccountName=%u)(objectclass=user))" to this property before using the Active Directory LDAP Authentication provider. It is for backward compatibility purpose that the default value is "(&(cn=%u)(objectclass=user))" instead of "(&(sAMAccountName=%u)(objectclass=user))".

Specified by:
getUserFromNameFilter in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
Default Value:


void setUserFromNameFilter(String newValue)
                           throws InvalidAttributeValueException

LDAP search filter for finding a user given the name of the user. The default value is "(&(cn=%u)(objectclass=user))". In Active Directory, generally, cn stores a string that is a combination of the user's first name and last name, and sAMAccountName stores the user's login name. So it is recommended that you set "(&(sAMAccountName=%u)(objectclass=user))" to this property before using the Active Directory LDAP Authentication provider. It is for backward compatibility purpose that the default value is "(&(cn=%u)(objectclass=user))" instead of "(&(sAMAccountName=%u)(objectclass=user))".

Specified by:
setUserFromNameFilter in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
newValue - - new value for attribute UserFromNameFilter
Default Value:


String getGroupBaseDN()

The attribute of an LDAP user object that specifies the Distinguished Names (DNs) of dynamic groups to which the user belongs.

Specified by:
getGroupBaseDN in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
Default Value:


void setGroupBaseDN(String newValue)
                    throws InvalidAttributeValueException

The attribute of an LDAP user object that specifies the Distinguished Names (DNs) of dynamic groups to which the user belongs.

Specified by:
setGroupBaseDN in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
newValue - - new value for attribute GroupBaseDN
Default Value:


String getGroupFromNameFilter()

LDAP search filter for finding a group given the name of the group. If the attribute is not specified (that is, if the attribute is null or empty), a default search filter is created based on the group schema.

Specified by:
getGroupFromNameFilter in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
Default Value:


void setGroupFromNameFilter(String newValue)
                            throws InvalidAttributeValueException

LDAP search filter for finding a group given the name of the group. If the attribute is not specified (that is, if the attribute is null or empty), a default search filter is created based on the group schema.

Specified by:
setGroupFromNameFilter in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
newValue - - new value for attribute GroupFromNameFilter
Default Value:


String getStaticGroupDNsfromMemberDNFilter()

An LDAP search filter that, given the distinguished name (DN) of a member of a group, returns the DNs of the static LDAP groups that contain that member.

Specified by:
getStaticGroupDNsfromMemberDNFilter in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
Default Value:


void setStaticGroupDNsfromMemberDNFilter(String newValue)
                                         throws InvalidAttributeValueException

An LDAP search filter that, given the distinguished name (DN) of a member of a group, returns the DNs of the static LDAP groups that contain that member.

Specified by:
setStaticGroupDNsfromMemberDNFilter in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
newValue - - new value for attribute StaticGroupDNsfromMemberDNFilter
Default Value:


String getStaticGroupObjectClass()

The name of the LDAP object class that stores static groups.

Specified by:
getStaticGroupObjectClass in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
Default Value:


void setStaticGroupObjectClass(String newValue)
                               throws InvalidAttributeValueException

The name of the LDAP object class that stores static groups.

Specified by:
setStaticGroupObjectClass in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
newValue - - new value for attribute StaticGroupObjectClass
Default Value:


String getStaticMemberDNAttribute()

The attribute of the LDAP static group object that specifies the distinguished names (DNs) of the members of the group.

Specified by:
getStaticMemberDNAttribute in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
Default Value:


void setStaticMemberDNAttribute(String newValue)
                                throws InvalidAttributeValueException

The attribute of the LDAP static group object that specifies the distinguished names (DNs) of the members of the group.

Specified by:
setStaticMemberDNAttribute in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
newValue - - new value for attribute StaticMemberDNAttribute
Default Value:


Boolean getUseTokenGroupsForGroupMembershipLookup()

Boolean value that indicates whether to use TokenGroups attribute lookup algorithm instead of the standard recursive group membership lookup algorithm.

Default Value:
new java.lang.Boolean(false)


void setUseTokenGroupsForGroupMembershipLookup(Boolean newValue)
                                               throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Boolean value that indicates whether to use TokenGroups attribute lookup algorithm instead of the standard recursive group membership lookup algorithm.

newValue - - new value for attribute UseTokenGroupsForGroupMembershipLookup
Default Value:
new java.lang.Boolean(false)


Boolean getEnableSIDtoGroupLookupCaching()

Boolean value that indicates whether SID to group name lookup results are cached or not. This is only used if the token group membership lookup algorithm is enabled.

Default Value:
new java.lang.Boolean(false)


void setEnableSIDtoGroupLookupCaching(Boolean newValue)
                                      throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Boolean value that indicates whether SID to group name lookup results are cached or not. This is only used if the token group membership lookup algorithm is enabled.

newValue - - new value for attribute EnableSIDtoGroupLookupCaching
Default Value:
new java.lang.Boolean(false)


Integer getMaxSIDToGroupLookupsInCache()

The maximum size of the LRU cache for holding SID to group lookups if caching of SID to group name mappings is enabled and if the tokenGroups group membership lookup is enabled. The default is 500.

Default Value:
new Integer(500)


void setMaxSIDToGroupLookupsInCache(Integer newValue)
                                    throws InvalidAttributeValueException

The maximum size of the LRU cache for holding SID to group lookups if caching of SID to group name mappings is enabled and if the tokenGroups group membership lookup is enabled. The default is 500.

newValue - - new value for attribute MaxSIDToGroupLookupsInCache
Default Value:
new Integer(500)


String getGuidAttribute()

Specifies the name of the GUID attribute defined in the Active Directory LDAP server. The default value is objectguid.

Specified by:
getGuidAttribute in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
Default Value:


void setGuidAttribute(String newValue)
                      throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Specifies the name of the GUID attribute defined in the Active Directory LDAP server. The default value is objectguid.

Specified by:
setGuidAttribute in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
newValue - - new value for attribute GuidAttribute
Default Value:


String getName()
Description copied from interface: ProviderMBean
The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Specified by:
getName in interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
Specified by:
getName in interface LoginExceptionPropagatorMBean
Specified by:
getName in interface ProviderMBean
Default Value:

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1 MBean API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.1)

Part Number E13945-02