Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1 MBean API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.1)

Part Number E13945-02
Interface SAMLPartnerRegistryMBean

All Superinterfaces:
ExportMBean, ImportMBean, ListerMBean, NameListerMBean, ProviderMBean
All Known Subinterfaces:
SAMLAssertingPartyRegistryMBean, SAMLCredentialMapperV2MBean, SAMLIdentityAsserterV2MBean, SAMLRelyingPartyRegistryMBean

public interface SAMLPartnerRegistryMBean
extends ProviderMBean, ImportMBean, ExportMBean, NameListerMBean

The SAMLPartnerRegistry is used manage a registry of SAML partners and associated trusted certificates that is stored in the embedded LDAP server.

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

This is a type-safe interface for a WebLogic Server MBean, which you can import into your client classes and access through As of 9.0, the MBeanHome interface and all type-safe interfaces for WebLogic Server MBeans are deprecated. Instead, client classes that interact with WebLogic Server MBeans should use standard JMX design patterns in which clients use the interface to discover MBeans, attributes, and attribute types at runtime.

Method Summary
 boolean certificateExists(String alias)
          Determines whether or not a certificate has been registered under the given alias.
 void copyToDER(String alias, String certificateFile)
          Writes a certificate in the registry to a file in DER binary format.
 void copyToPEM(String alias, String certificateFile)
          Writes a certificate in the registry to a file in PEM base64 encoded format.
 X509Certificate getCertificate(String alias)
          Retrieves a certificate from the registry.
 String getName()
          The name of this configuration.
 String[] getSupportedExportConstraints()
          A SAML Partner Registry can export all partners, no partners, only enabled partners, only disabled partners or a list of partners.
 String[] getSupportedExportFormats()
          A SAML Partner Registry may be exported as an XML document.
 String[] getSupportedImportConstraints()
          A SAML Partner Registry can import all partners, no partners, only enabled partners, only disabled partners or a list of partners.
 String[] getSupportedImportFormats()
          A SAML Partner Registry can import partner information and certificates from an XML document.
 String listCertificates(String aliasWildcard, int maxToReturn)
          Lists the registered certificate aliases that match a wild card.
 void registerCertificate(String alias, String certificateFile)
          Registers an end certificate in the registry under an alias.
 void unregisterCertificate(String alias)
          Unregisters an end certificate from the registry.
Methods inherited from interface
getDescription, getRealm, getVersion
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
advance, close, haveCurrent

Method Detail


String[] getSupportedImportFormats()

A SAML Partner Registry can import partner information and certificates from an XML document.

Specified by:
getSupportedImportFormats in interface ImportMBean
Default Value:
"XML Partner Registry","JKS KeyStore"


String[] getSupportedImportConstraints()

A SAML Partner Registry can import all partners, no partners, only enabled partners, only disabled partners or a list of partners. It can import all certificates, no certificates, only certificates referenced by partners, or a list of certificates. The import mode can be rename, replace or fail for conflict resolution.

Specified by:
getSupportedImportConstraints in interface ImportMBean
Default Value:


String[] getSupportedExportFormats()

A SAML Partner Registry may be exported as an XML document.

Specified by:
getSupportedExportFormats in interface ExportMBean
Default Value:
"XML Partner Registry","JKS KeyStore","LDIF Template"


String[] getSupportedExportConstraints()

A SAML Partner Registry can export all partners, no partners, only enabled partners, only disabled partners or a list of partners. It can export all certificates, no certificates, only certificates referenced by partners, or a list of certificates.

Specified by:
getSupportedExportConstraints in interface ExportMBean
Default Value:


void registerCertificate(String alias,
                         String certificateFile)
                         throws AlreadyExistsException,

Registers an end certificate in the registry under an alias. <p> Throws AlreadyExistsException if the alias is already in the registry or if another certificate with the same subject dn, or issuer dn + serial number, or subject key identifier is already in the registry. <p> Throws InvalidParameterException if the alias or certificateFile is empty or null or if the file does not exist or cannot be read.

alias - - The alias to register the certificate under. It must not be empty or null. Aliases are case-insensitive.
certificateFile - - The pathname (relative to the directory the admin server is booted from) of a PEM or DER file containing the certificate to be registered.


void unregisterCertificate(String alias)
                           throws NotFoundException,

Unregisters an end certificate from the registry. <p> Throws NotFoundException if alias does not exist in the registry. <p> Throws InvalidParameterException if alias is empty or null.

alias - - The alias the certificate is registered under. It must not be empty or null. Aliases are case-insensitive.


String listCertificates(String aliasWildcard,
                        int maxToReturn)
                        throws InvalidCursorException,

Lists the registered certificate aliases that match a wild card. <p> It follows the NameListerMBean cursor pattern. The results are not sorted. <p> Returns a String containing a cursor that may be passed into the NameListerMBean methods to read the list. The getCurrentName method returns the current alias on the list. <p> Throws InvalidParameterException if aliasWildcard is empty or null or if maxToReturn is less than zero.

aliasWildcard - - A wild card used to select aliases. It supports three formats: "*" matches all aliases. "foo*" matches all aliases starting with the string "foo". "foo" matches the alias "foo" only. The matches are case-insensitive.
maxToReturn - - The maximum number of aliases this method may return. If there are more matches than this maximum, then the returned results are arbitrary because this method does not sort the results. Set this parameter to zero to return all matching aliases.


X509Certificate getCertificate(String alias)
                               throws NotFoundException,

Retrieves a certificate from the registry. <p> Returns the certificate. <p> Throws NotFoundException if alias does not exist in the registry. <p> Throws InvalidParameterException if alias is empty or null.

alias - - The alias the certificate is registered under. It must not be empty or null. Aliases are case-insensitive.


boolean certificateExists(String alias)
                          throws InvalidParameterException

Determines whether or not a certificate has been registered under the given alias. <p> Returns true if a certificate is registered under that alias, false if not. <p> Throws InvalidParameterException if alias is empty or null.

alias - - The alias the certificate is registered under. It must not be empty or null. Aliases are case-insensitive.


void copyToPEM(String alias,
               String certificateFile)
               throws NotFoundException,

Writes a certificate in the registry to a file in PEM base64 encoded format. <p> Throws NotFoundException if the alias does not exist in the registry. <p> Throws InvalidParameterException if alias or certificateFile is empty or null or if the file cannot be written to.

alias - - The alias the certificate is registered under. It must not be empty or null. Aliases are case-insensitive.
certificateFile - - The pathname (relative to the directory the admin server is booted from) of the file to write the certificate to.


void copyToDER(String alias,
               String certificateFile)
               throws NotFoundException,

Writes a certificate in the registry to a file in DER binary format. <p> Throws NotFoundException if the alias does not exist in the registry. <p> Throws InvalidParameterException if alias or certificateFile is empty or null or if the file cannot be written to.

alias - - The alias the certificate is registered under. It must not be empty or null. Aliases are case-insensitive.
certificateFile - - The pathname (relative to the directory the admin server is booted from) of the file to write the certificate to.


String getName()
Description copied from interface: ProviderMBean
The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Specified by:
getName in interface ProviderMBean
Default Value:

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1 MBean API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.1)

Part Number E13945-02