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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Platform Security Services
11g Release 1 (

Interface JpsUtilBackupRestorePolicyIfc

public interface JpsUtilBackupRestorePolicyIfc

This interface exposes methods for backup and restore of Policy related information

Field Summary
static byte LDAP_FARM


Method Summary
 void backupAllPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName, java.lang.String backupFileName)
          This method backs-up all the policies, application level as well as Global policies defined in a policy store to a given file.
 void backupApplicationPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName, java.lang.String backupFileName, java.lang.String appName)
          This method backs-up all application specific policy, defined in a policy store to a given file.
 void backupGlobalPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName, java.lang.String backupFileName)
          This method backs-up all the Global policies, defined in a policy store to a given file.
 java.lang.String getDN(byte component)
          This method returns DN for the farm or credential store based on the parameter passed.
 void restoreAllPolicyData(java.lang.String restoreFileName, java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName)
          This method restores all the policies defined in a backup repository, to a policy store defined in the Jps Context.
 void restoreApplicationPolicyData(java.lang.String restoreFileName, java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName, java.lang.String appName)
          This method stores all the policies defined for a given application, stored in a backup repository, defined by the file name, to a policy store.
 void restoreGlobalPolicyData(java.lang.String restoreFileName, java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName)
          This method restores all Global policies defined in a backup repository, to a policy store defined in the Jps Context.


Field Detail


static final byte LDAP_CREDENTIAL_STORE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final byte LDAP_FARM
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Method Detail


void backupAllPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName,
                         java.lang.String backupFileName)
                         throws JpsException
This method backs-up all the policies, application level as well as Global policies defined in a policy store to a given file. The policy Store is addressed using JPSContext.
srcJpsCtxName - The JPS Context (defined in the jps-config.xml) which holds the Policy Store to be backed up.
backupFileName - The file name of the backup repository.
JpsException - Exception thrown if the policies are not copied properly.


void restoreAllPolicyData(java.lang.String restoreFileName,
                          java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName)
                          throws JpsException
This method restores all the policies defined in a backup repository, to a policy store defined in the Jps Context.
restoreFileName - The file name of the backup repository.
dstJpsCtxName - The JPS Context (defined in the jps-config.xml) which holds the Policy Store to which the data should be restored.
JpsException - Exception thrown if the policies are not copied properly.


void backupGlobalPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName,
                            java.lang.String backupFileName)
                            throws JpsException
This method backs-up all the Global policies, defined in a policy store to a given file. The policy Store is addressed using JPSContext.
srcJpsCtxName - The JPS Context (defined in the jps-config.xml) which holds the Policy Store who's Global Policies are to be backed up.
backupFileName - The file name of the backup repository
JpsException - Exception thrown if the policies are not copied properly.


void restoreGlobalPolicyData(java.lang.String restoreFileName,
                             java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName)
                             throws JpsException
This method restores all Global policies defined in a backup repository, to a policy store defined in the Jps Context.
restoreFileName - The file name of the backup repository.
dstJpsCtxName - The JPS Context (defined in the jps-config.xml) which holds the Policy Store to which the data should be restored
JpsException - Exception thrown if the policies are not copied properly.


void backupApplicationPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName,
                                 java.lang.String backupFileName,
                                 java.lang.String appName)
                                 throws JpsException,
This method backs-up all application specific policy, defined in a policy store to a given file. The policy Store is addressed using JPSContext.
srcJpsCtxName - The JPS Context (defined in the jps-config.xml) which holds the Policy Store who's Application Policies are to be backed up.
backupFileName - The file name of the backup repository
appName - The name(ID) of the application whose policies are being backed up.
JpsException - Exception thrown if the policies are not copied properly.
PolicyObjectNotFoundException - Exception thrown if application not present in the source store.


void restoreApplicationPolicyData(java.lang.String restoreFileName,
                                  java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName,
                                  java.lang.String appName)
                                  throws JpsException,
This method stores all the policies defined for a given application, stored in a backup repository, defined by the file name, to a policy store. The policy Store is addressed using the JPSContext.
restoreFileName - The file name of the backup repository. The file should be a valid xml file conforming to policy store schema
dstJpsCtxName - The JPS Context (defined in the jps-config.xml) which holds the Policy Store to which the data should be restored
appName - The name(ID) of the application whose policies are being backed up.
JpsException - Exception thrown if the policies are not copied properly.
PolicyObjectNotFoundException - Exception thrown if application not present in the backup repository.


java.lang.String getDN(byte component)
This method returns DN for the farm or credential store based on the parameter passed.
component - the component whose DN is being queried. It can take one of following possible values: LDAP_CREDENTIAL_STORE, LDAP_FARM
String DN If the required information is missing in the configuration file null is returned.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Platform Security Services
11g Release 1 (


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