2.2 Configuring E-Business Suite Solution Components

Installation of the E-Business Suite portion of AXF requires an active connection to the E-Business Suite database, general database experience, and knowledge of E-Business Suite Forms Builder. Consult your local DBA for assistance with these tasks. The instructions in this section assume the use of SQL*PLUS, but you can use any tool capable of querying the Oracle Database.

This section describes how to configure E-Business Suite components for the solution. It covers the following topics:

2.2.1 Creating the AXF E-Business Suite Configuration Schema User (AXF)

The adapter uses an E-Business Suite database to store PL/SQL procedures and E-Business Suite configuration information. Follow these steps to create a database user for use by AXF within the E-Business Suite database.

  1. Create a user named AXF.

    A system account username and password is required to create the user. For assistance creating the user, contact your DBA.

  2. Assign the configuration schema user the following access privileges:

    • Create table

    • Create sequences

    • Create public synonyms

    • Create session

    • Create procedure

    • Unlimited tablespace

2.2.2 Configuring the E-Business Suite Database

Follow these steps:

  1. Using SQL*PLUS, log in to the E-Business Suite database as the AXF E-Business Suite configuration schema user.

    This user was previously created, as described in "Creating the AXF E-Business Suite Configuration Schema User (AXF)".

  2. As AXF, execute the AXF_CREATE_TABLES_SYNONYM script for your E-Business Suite version, from the applicable location listed below. This script creates the tables and synonyms used by AXF.

    E-Business Suite 12: AXF_INSTALL_DIR/ebs/R12/AXF_CREATE_TABLES_SYNONYM.sql

    E-Business Suite 11: AXF_INSTALL_DIR/ebs/R11/AXF_CREATE_TABLES_SYNONYM.sql

    To execute the script, enter:


    Verify that the following tables were created: AXF_COMMAND_PARAMETERS, AXF_COMMANDS, AXF_CONFIGS, AXF_PROPERTIES, and AXF_FND_MAP.

  3. As the APPS user, execute the AXF_SOAP_CALL_PROC script for your E-Business Suite version, from the applicable location listed below. This script creates a stored procedure to make SOAP calls from PL/SQL.

    E-Business Suite 12: AXF_INSTALL_DIR/ebs/R12/AXF_SOAP_CALL_PROC.sql

    E-Business Suite 11: AXF_INSTALL_DIR/ebs/R11/AXF_SOAP_CALL_PROC.sql

    Execute the script by entering:


  4. As the APPS user, execute the following scripts for your E-Business Suite version, from the applicable location listed below.





    Execute the script by entering:

    • @AXF_APPS_INIT.sql




  5. As AXF, execute the AXF_EBS_PROPERTIES_DATA.sql script for your E-Business Suite version, from the location listed below.


    To execute the script, enter:


  6. As the APPS user, execute the AXF_ADD_EBS_ATTACHMENT_PROC sql script for your E-Business Suite version, from the applicable location listed below. This script creates a stored procedure for inserting attachments to the transaction record.

    E-Business Suite 12: AXF_INSTALL_DIR/ebs/R12/AXF_ADD_EBS_ATTACHMENT_PROC_R12.sql

    E-Business Suite 11: AXF_INSTALL_DIR/ebs/R11/AXF_ADD_EBS_ATTACHMENT_PROC_R11.sql

    Execute the script by entering the command appropriate for your version:




    This compilation may result in warnings, which can be ignored.

2.2.3 Compiling E-Business Suite Forms

AXF installation requires certain files to be uploaded to the E-Business Suite system, which enables a seamless integration of custom actions with existing E-Business Suite Forms.


For information on using Oracle Forms Builder, see the following E-Business Suite documentation:


Follow these steps to copy the AXF_CUSTOM.pld file, convert it to an AXF_CUSTOM.pll file, make modifications, and then compile it to an AXF_CUSTOM.plx file.

  1. For the applicable version listed below, copy the AXF_CUSTOM.pld file to the E-Business Server (to FORMS_PATH for E-Business Suite 12, or FORMS60_PATH for E-Business Suite 11).

    E-Business Suite 12: AXF_INSTALL_DIR/ebs/R12/AXF_CUSTOM.pld

    E-Business Suite 11: AXF_INSTALL_DIR/ebs/R11/AXF_CUSTOM.pld


    If you are using a Linux/UNIX system and copied the .PLDs from a Windows system, issue the dos2unix command before converting it below.
  2. Open Oracle Forms Builder and connect to the E-Business Suite database as the APPS user. Forms Builder is typically located in the /bin/ subdirectory of your database's Oracle home.


    If you fail to connect, verify the tnslistener.ora file.
  3. In Forms Builder, open and convert AXF_CUSTOM.pld to AXF_CUSTOM.pll, by selecting File > Administration > Convert. Select PL/SQL libraries and Text to binary while converting the file.


    If the following error is displayed during conversion of AXF_CUSTOM.PLD to AXF_CUSTOM.PLL, repeat this step until the file successfully converts.

    PDE-PL1038 - Can not open file as a PL/SQL Library

  4. From the File menu, open AXF_CUSTOM.pll. Select Program > Compile pl/sql > All (E-Business Suite 12) or Program > Compile > All (E-Business Suite 11).

  5. Compile AXF_CUSTOM into a module (.plx) by selecting Program > Compile Module (E-Business Suite 12) or File > Administration > Compile File (E-Business Suite 11).

  6. Select File > Connect and ensure that you are connected to the database as an APPS user.

  7. Open CUSTOM.pll by selecting File > Open and selecting PL/SQL Libraries (*.pll) in the Files of Type field. After opening the file and expanding Program Units, right-click the custom package body of CUSTOM.pll and select pl/sql editor.


    Modifications to CUSTOM.pll are modifications to the E-Business Suite infrastructure. Ensure that this file is appropriately backed up before making changes.

  8. Modify CUSTOM.pll by including the modifications formatted in bold italics in the following text. If the file contains other customizations, place these modifications after the existing code inside each function/procedure.

    function zoom_available return boolean is
    -- Required for ALL integrations
    return AXF_CUSTOM.zoom_available();
    end zoom_available;
    procedure event(event_name varchar2) is
    -- Required for AXF integrations
    end event;


    If implementing the UCM Managed Attachments solution, replace this line:

    return AXF_CUSTOM.zoom_available();

    with the following line:

    return true;

  9. With CUSTOM.pll open, verify that AXF_CUSTOM is listed as an Attached Library. If not, add it by highlighting Attached Libraries under CUSTOM and clicking the plus (+) symbol; browse to AXF_CUSTOM.pll and select it. Confirm the path warning if prompted.

  10. Select Program > Compile pl/sql < All (E-Business Suite 12) or Program > Compile > All (E-Business Suite 11).

  11. Compile CUSTOM into a module (.plx), by selecting Program > Compile Module (E-Business Suite 12) or File > Administration > Compile File (E-Business Suite 11).


    • AXF_CUSTOM must be compiled using the APPS schema user ID.

    • If you encounter the following identifier or other errors referencing objects in APPCORE.pll while compiling, this indicates that the APPCORE.pll file must be attached to your form:

      'APP_SPECIAL.ENABLE' must be declared (a).

  12. Save all before exiting Forms Builder. Verify that the Zoom menu command is displayed in the appropriate E-Business Suite forms.

2.2.4 Setting User Locales

To prevent issues with different locales when invoking AXF, E-Business Suite users should set the same values for their user locale preference and their browser locale.

2.2.5 Configuring and Viewing Log Files

When troubleshooting, you may want to examine the following AXF-related logs:

  • AXF logs

  • E-Business Suite logs Configuring AXF Logging

Use the AXF logs to isolate issues in solution configuration. By default, some AXF logging automatically occurs as part of Application Server logging. Follow these steps to configure more detailed and separate AXF logging.

  1. Add a log handler to the Application Server configuration. Add the handler inside the <log_handlers> tag in the logging.xml file, at the following location:


    <log_handler name='axf-handler'class='oracle.core.ojdl.logging.ODLHandlerFactory' level='ALL'>
       <property name='path' value='${domain.home}/servers/${weblogic.Name}/logs/axf.log'/>
       <property name='maxFileSize' value='5485760'/>
       <property name='maxLogSize' value='54857600'/> 
  2. Add a logger and set the level from the Log Levels (ODL Message Types) listed in Table 2-1. You can set the logging level in the XML file or via Enterprise Manager.

    <logger name='oracle.imaging.axf' level='TRACE:32' useParentHandlers='false'>
         <handler name='axf-handler'/>
         <handler name='console-handler'/>


    Remove the console-handler tag to omit logging on the console.
  3. Table 2-1 Available Logging Levels

    Log Type Description Log Level (ODL Message Type)


    The logger inherits the log level set for its parent.



    Log system errors requiring attention from the system administrator.



    Log actions or conditions discovered that should be reviewed and may require action before an error occurs.



    Log normal actions or events. This could be a user operation, such as login completed, or an automatic operation, such as a log file rotation.



    Log configuration-related messages or problems.



    Log trace or debug messages used for debugging or performance monitoring. Typically contains detailed event data.



    Log fairly detailed trace or debug messages.



    Log highly detailed trace or debug messages.


  4. Restart oc4j if it is running. The logger is displayed in Enterprise Manager. You can change the logging level at run time. Configuring E-Business Suite Logging

You enable logging for specific forms in the AXF_CONFIGS Table. For details, see "Enabling E-Business Suite Logging".