4 Performing Common Installation Tasks

This chapter describes tasks that are common to most Oracle Identity Management installations and configurations. It includes the following topics:

4.1 Starting an Installation

This topic explains the steps that are common to starting most Oracle Identity Management installations and configurations. It begins with starting the Installer and ends after you complete the steps on the Prerequisites Check screen.


Starting the Installer as the root user is not supported.

Perform the following steps to start an Oracle Identity Management installation:

  1. Start the Installer by executing one of the following commands:

    UNIX: ./runInstaller

    Windows: DRIVE:\setup.exe

    After the Installer starts, the Welcome screen appears.

  2. Click Next on the Welcome screen. The Select Installation Type screen appears.

  3. Select Install and Configure and click Next. The Prerequisites Check screen appears.

  4. Monitor the prerequisites checking.

    • If there is an issue, an error or warning message will appear. Investigate the issue and resolve it. After resolving the issue, click Retry to restart the prerequisite checks.


      You can proceed with the installation without resolving the issue by clicking Continue. However, failing to resolve the issue during the prerequisites checking may cause additional issues later in the installation.
    • If all prerequisite checks pass inspection, click Next.

    The Select Domain screen appears. Continue by referring to the appropriate procedure in this document for the installation you want to perform.

4.2 Creating the Inventory Directory (UNIX Only)

If you are installing on a UNIX system, and if this is the first time any Oracle product is being installed on your system with the Oracle Universal Installer, you will be asked to provide the location of an inventory directory. This is where the installer will set up subdirectories and maintain inventory data for each Oracle product that is installed on this system.

Follow the instructions in Table 4-1 to configure the inventory directory information:

Table 4-1 Inventory Directory and Group Screens

Screen Description

Specify Inventory Directory

Specify the Oracle inventory directory and group permissions for that directory. The group must have write permissions to the Oracle inventory directory.

Click OK to continue.

Inventory Location Confirmation

Run the createCentralInventory.sh script as root.

Click OK to continue.

4.3 Identifying Installation Directories

This topic describes directories you must identify in most Oracle Identity Management installations and configurations—it does not describe one particular Installer screen. During installation, you will have to identify other component-specific directories not described in this topic.

The common directories described in this section include the following:

4.3.1 Oracle Middleware Home Location

Identify the location of your Oracle Middleware Home directory. The Installer creates an Oracle Home directory for the component you are installing under the Oracle Middleware Home that you identify in this field. The Installer also creates an Oracle Common Home directory under the Oracle Middleware Home. The Oracle Common Home contains the binary and library files required for Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control and Java Required Files (JRF). There can be only one Oracle Common Home within each Oracle Middleware Home.

The Oracle Middleware Home directory is commonly referred to as MW_HOME.


To install Oracle Identity Management components in an existing Oracle WebLogic Server administration domain, each Oracle Middleware Home directory in the domain must have identical directory paths and names.

4.3.2 Oracle Home Directory

Enter a name for the component's Oracle Home directory. The Installer uses the name you enter in this field to create the Oracle Home directory under the location you enter in the Oracle Middleware Home Location field. The Installer installs the files (such as binaries and libraries) required to host the component in the Oracle Home directory.

The Oracle Home directory is commonly referred to as ORACLE_HOME.


To install Oracle Identity Management components in an existing Oracle WebLogic Server administration domain, each Oracle Home directory in the domain must have identical directory paths and names.

4.3.3 WebLogic Server Directory

Enter the path to your Oracle WebLogic Server Home directory. This directory contains the files required to host the Oracle WebLogic Server. It is commonly referred to as WL_HOME.


To install Oracle Identity Management components in an existing Oracle WebLogic Server administration domain, each Oracle WebLogic Server Home directory in the domain must have identical directory paths and names.

4.3.4 Oracle Instance Location

Enter the path to the location where you want to create the Oracle Instance directory. The Installer creates the Oracle Instance directory using the location you enter in this field and using the name you enter in the Oracle Instance Name field. Do not enter a path to an existing directory that contains files—if you enter a path to an existing directory, that directory must be empty.

The Installer installs the component's configuration files and runtime processes in the Oracle Instance directory. Runtime components will write only to this directory. You can identify any location on your system for the Oracle Instance directory—it does not have to reside inside the Oracle Middleware Home directory.

4.3.5 Oracle Instance Name

Enter a name for the Oracle Instance directory. The Installer uses the name you enter in this field to create the Oracle Instance directory at the location you specify in the Oracle Instance Location field. This directory is commonly referred to as ORACLE_INSTANCE.

Instance names are important because Oracle Fusion Middleware uses them to uniquely identify instances. If you install multiple Oracle Fusion Middleware instances on the same computer, for example, an Oracle Identity Management instance and an Oracle WebLogic Server instance, you must give them different names.

The name you enter for the Oracle Instance directory must:

  • Contain only alphanumeric and underscore (_) characters

  • Begin with an alphabetic character (a-z or A-Z)

  • Consist of 4-30 characters

  • Not contain the hostname or IP address of the computer


You cannot change the Oracle Instance name after installation.

4.4 Determining Port Numbers

If you want to install an Oracle Identity Management 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) component against an existing Oracle Identity Management 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) component, you may need to identify the ports for the existing component. For example, if you want to install Oracle Directory Integration Platform 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) against an existing Oracle Internet Directory 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) component, you must identify its port when you install Oracle Directory Integration Platform.

You can get information about ports using the following:

  • Fusion Middleware Control.

    Click Ports on the Fusion Middleware Control home page. This takes you to a page that lists all ports in use and the suggested port ranges for different components.

  • $ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/OPMN/opmn/ports.prop


    If you change a component's port number after installation, the ports.prop file is not updated.
  • The $ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl status -l command to see port numbers of components managed by OPMN.

4.5 Completing an Installation

This topic explains the steps that are common to completing most Oracle Identity Management installations and configurations. It begins with the steps on the Installation Summary screen and ends after the Installation Complete screen.

When the Installation Summary screen appears, perform the following steps to complete the installation:

  1. Verify the installation and configuration information on the Installation Summary screen.

    • Click Save to save the installation response file, which contains your responses to the Installer prompts and fields. You can use this response file to perform silent installations. Refer to Appendix B, "Performing Silent Installations" for more information.


      The installation response file is not saved by default—you must click Save to retain it.
    • Click Install. The Installation Progress screen appears.

  2. Monitor the progress of your installation. The location of the installation log file is listed for reference. After the installation progress reaches 100%, the Configuration Progress screen appears.


    On Unix systems, after the installation progress reaches 100%, a confirmation dialog box appears with information about the oracleRoot.sh script. Execute the script in different terminal as described in "Executing the oracleRoot.sh Script on UNIX Platforms" and continue to the Configuration Progress screen.
  3. Monitor the progress of the configuration. The location of the configuration log file is listed for reference. After the configuration progress reaches 100%, the Installation Complete screen appears.

  4. By default the installation summary file, which can help you get started with administration, is saved to the OUI_INVENTORY/logs/ directory. The filename is of the form: installSummaryDATE.txt. This file contains information about the configuration, such as locations of install directories and URLs for management components.

    If desired, you can click the Save button on the Installation Complete screen and choose a different name and location for the file.

    Click Finish to close and exit the Installer.

4.6 Optional: Configuring the Minimum Amount for Oracle WebLogic Server's Maximum Heap Size

After installing Oracle Identity Management 11g Release 1 (11.1.1), if you want to configure the minimum (lowest) level of maximum heap size (-Xmx) required for Oracle WebLogic Server to host Oracle Identity Management components, perform the steps in this section.


This is an optional step, typically performed only for test, development, or demonstration environments.

The minimum (lowest) levels for maximum heap size are:

  • Oracle WebLogic Administration Server: 512 MB

  • Oracle WebLogic Managed Server: 256 MB

Perform the following steps to configure the heap size for Oracle WebLogic Administration Servers and Oracle WebLogic Managed Servers:

  1. Open the setDomainEnv script (.sh or .bat) in the MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/DOMAIN_NAME/bin/ directory.

  2. Locate the last occurrence of the EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES entry.

  3. In the last occurrence of the EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES entry, locate the last occurrence of heap size parameters: -Xmx, -Xms, and so on.


    These are the heap size parameters for the Oracle WebLogic Administration Server.
  4. Set the heap size parameters (-Xms and -Xmx) for the Oracle WebLogic Administration Server as desired, for example: -Xms256m and -Xmx512m

  5. To set the heap size parameters for the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server, enter the text in Example 4-1 immediately below the last occurrence of the EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES entry and:

    • Set the heap size parameters (-Xms and -Xmx) as desired, for example: -Xms256m -Xmx256m

    • Replace wls_ods1 with the name of the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server hosting Oracle Directory Services Manager.

    • Replace wls_oif1 with the name the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server hosting Oracle Identity Federation.

    Example 4-1 Heap Size Parameters for Oracle WebLogic Managed Server

    if [ "${SERVER_NAME}" = "wls_ods1" -o  "${SERVER_NAME}" = "wls_oif1" ] ; then
            EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES=" ${EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES} -Xms256m -Xmx256m "
            export EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES
  6. Save and close the setDomainEnv script.

  7. Restart the Oracle WebLogic Administration Server and the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server by referring to Appendix A, "Starting and Stopping the Oracle Stack."


On UNIX systems, if you execute the ps -ef command and grep for AdminServer or the name of the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server (for example, ps -ef | grep AdminServer or ps -ef | grep wls_oif1), the output contains multiple occurrences of heap size parameters (-Xmx and -Xms).

Be aware that the last occurrence of the heap size parameters in the output are effective and have precedence over the preceding occurrences.

4.7 Locating Installation Log Files

The Installer writes log files to the ORACLE_INVENTORY_LOCATION/logs directory on UNIX systems and to the ORACLE_INVENTORY_LOCATION\logs directory on Windows systems.

On UNIX systems, if you do not know the location of your Oracle Inventory directory, you can find it in the ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc file.

On Microsoft Windows systems, the default location for the inventory directory is C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs.

The following install log files are written to the log directory:

  • installDATE-TIME_STAMP.log

  • installDATE-TIME_STAMP.out

  • installActionsDATE-TIME_STAMP.log

  • installProfileDATE-TIME_STAMP.log

  • oraInstallDATE-TIME_STAMP.err

  • oraInstallDATE-TIME_STAMP.log