4.1 The AccountRef Type

This section contains the following topics:

4.1.1 About the AccountRef Type

The AccountRef type contains all the information needed to identify a user or group. Typically this type contains a GUID value, but also allows the user or group name to be used. The following code snippets show how to create an AccountRef using a GUID or a user name or a group name.

4.1.2 Creating an AccountRef Using a GUID

AccountRef accountReference = new AccountReference();

The GUID format may differ depending on the identity store used.

4.1.3 Creating an AccountRef Using a User Name

The user name must be URL encoded. For example, 'John Smith' could be encoded as 'John+Smith'.

AccountRef accountReference = new AccountReference();

4.1.4 Creating an AccountRef Using a Group Name

The group name must be URL encoded.

AccountRef accountReference = new AccountReference();