Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class LevelPickerUtils

  extended by oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.customization.utils.LevelPickerUtils

public class LevelPickerUtils
extends java.lang.Object

Utility Class providing the customization layers either from the LevelPicker or the CustomizeUIShell Task-flow for the ApplCoreSessionOptionsFactoryImpl.

drop8 build 4.

Method Summary
static oracle.mds.cust.CustClassList getCustClassList(oracle.mds.config.CustClassListMapping[] mappings)
          This method returns the applcore cust class list from the mds instance by checking for "/" name pattern in the adf-config.xml.
static oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass[] getCustomizationClassList()
          This method is used to return a list of cc's for customizations by the LevelPickerDialog.
static oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass[] getUIShellCustLayers()
          Get the array of CustomizationClasses required for UIShell customization.
static java.lang.String getUIShellCustPolicy()
          Get the CustomizationPolicy String required for UIShell Customization.
static oracle.mds.versioning.VersionContext getVersionContext(oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions sessionOptions)
          This method is used to return a long running sandbox version to an SOF.
static boolean isPersonalizationFlag()
          This method returns a boolean flag indicating if we came from the Personalization - Edit Current Page option in UIShell.
static void setPersonalizationFlag(boolean flag)
          This method returns a boolean indicating if we came from the Personalization - Edit Current Page option in UIShell.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass[] getCustomizationClassList()
This method is used to return a list of cc's for customizations by the LevelPickerDialog. The method would be used by teams creating their own session options factory for use with customization.



public static oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass[] getUIShellCustLayers()
Get the array of CustomizationClasses required for UIShell customization. The customization classes will be set in the ApplSession via a call to the CustomizeUIShellFlow task-flow.

A list of customization classes required for UIShell customization


public static java.lang.String getUIShellCustPolicy()
Get the CustomizationPolicy String required for UIShell Customization.

The String which if set as a CustomizationPolicy on MDSSession will allow customization of the UIShell template


public static oracle.mds.versioning.VersionContext getVersionContext(oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions sessionOptions)
This method is used to return a long running sandbox version to an SOF. Teams implementing their own SOF would use this method if they applcore sandboxLabel support.



public static void setPersonalizationFlag(boolean flag)
This method returns a boolean indicating if we came from the Personalization - Edit Current Page option in UIShell.

flag -


public static boolean isPersonalizationFlag()
This method returns a boolean flag indicating if we came from the Personalization - Edit Current Page option in UIShell.

boolean flag


public static oracle.mds.cust.CustClassList getCustClassList(oracle.mds.config.CustClassListMapping[] mappings)
This method returns the applcore cust class list from the mds instance by checking for "/" name pattern in the adf-config.xml.

boolean flag

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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