Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class ActionMap

  extended by oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.dataSecurity.uiModel.util.ActionMap
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ActionMap
extends java.lang.Object

This class contains complete definition of an action against which grants are to be made in the security UIs.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class ActionMap.ACTION_TYPE
          Enumeration to indicate Action Type.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAction()
          Get Action Display Name.
static ActionMap getActionMapForInstanceUI(java.lang.String actionDisplay, java.lang.String aggregatePrivilegeName)
          This api is to be used in conjunction with the instance level UI.
static ActionMap getActionMapForObjectUI(java.lang.String actionDisplay, java.lang.String aggregatePrivilegeName, java.lang.String permissionSetName, boolean isFSOnly, java.util.List<java.lang.String> instanceSetNames)
          This api is to be used in conjunction with the Object level UI.
static ActionMap getActionMapForProfileUI(java.lang.String actionDisplay, java.util.List<ProfileActionObject> profileActionObjects)
          This api is to be used in conjunction with the Profile UI.
 ActionMap.ACTION_TYPE getActionType()
          Get Type of the Action Map.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getInstanceSetNames()
          Gets the instance set Name.(for type OBJECT only)
 java.lang.Long getMenuId()
          Getter for menu ID (used for internal validation).
 java.lang.String getPermissionSetName()
          Get permission set name for action.
 java.lang.String getPrivilegeName()
          Privielge name will be returned for given action .
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ProfileActionObject> getProfileActionObjectMap()
          Gets the map of Object Name and ProfileActionObject.
 java.util.List<ProfileActionObject> getProfileActionObjects()
          Gets the Profile Action Object list .(Will be used for action type PROFILE).
 boolean isIsFSOnly()
          Returns the value for FSOnly flag.(Primarliy for type OBJECT only)
 void setMenuId(java.lang.Long menuId)
          Setter for menu Id.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public java.util.List<ProfileActionObject> getProfileActionObjects()
Gets the Profile Action Object list .(Will be used for action type PROFILE).

List of ProfileActionObject
See Also:


public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ProfileActionObject> getProfileActionObjectMap()
Gets the map of Object Name and ProfileActionObject. (Will be used for action type PROFILE).

Map of object Name,ProfileActionObject
See Also:


public static ActionMap getActionMapForProfileUI(java.lang.String actionDisplay,
                                                 java.util.List<ProfileActionObject> profileActionObjects)
This api is to be used in conjunction with the Profile UI. The taskflow for profile UI requires list of actions to be passed as a parameter, each element in this list is an ActionMap and inorder to get an instance of ActionMap with desired properties that are relevant to the Profile UI, this api can be used with appropriate values passed in for the desired properties that are relevant for the Profile UI. The properties that are desirable for an action (ActionMap) in the Profile UI are as below:

actionDisplay - : display name of the action to be shown in the UI.
profileActionObjects - :List of Profile Specifc Object Details
: an instance of ActionMap with above properties set to the passed in values.
See Also:


public static ActionMap getActionMapForInstanceUI(java.lang.String actionDisplay,
                                                  java.lang.String aggregatePrivilegeName)
This api is to be used in conjunction with the instance level UI. The taskflow for instance level UI requires list of actions to be passed as a parameter, each element in this list is an ActionMap and inorder to get an instance of ActionMap with desired properties that are relevant to the instance level UI, this api can be used with appropriate values passed in for the desired properties that are relevant for the instance level UI. The properties that are desirable for an action (ActionMap) in the instance level UI are as below:

actionDisplay - : display name of the action to be shown in the UI.
aggregatePrivilegeName - : menu name as per the FND_MENUS table
: an instance of ActionMap with above properties set to the passed in values.


public static ActionMap getActionMapForObjectUI(java.lang.String actionDisplay,
                                                java.lang.String aggregatePrivilegeName,
                                                java.lang.String permissionSetName,
                                                boolean isFSOnly,
                                                java.util.List<java.lang.String> instanceSetNames)
This api is to be used in conjunction with the Object level UI. The taskflow for Object level UI requires list of actions to be passed as a parameter, each element in this list is an ActionMap and inorder to get an instance of ActionMap with desired properties that are relevant to the Object level UI, this api can be used with appropriate values passed in for the desired properties that are relevant for the Object level UI. The properties that are desirable for an action (ActionMap) in the Object level UI are as below:

actionDisplay - : display name of the action to be shown in the UI.
aggregatePrivilegeName - : menu name as per the FND_MENUS table
permissionSetName - : name of the permission set in the policy store
isFSOnly - : determines whether the action is applicable for function security only
instanceSetNames - : the list of instance sets for which the action is applicable and a checkbox is required to be shown in the child table (instance sets table) of the Object level UI.
: an instance of ActionMap with above properties set to the passed in values.


public java.lang.String getAction()
Get Action Display Name.

String as action display name


public ActionMap.ACTION_TYPE getActionType()
Get Type of the Action Map.



public java.lang.String getPrivilegeName()
Privielge name will be returned for given action . (for type OBJECT and INSTANCE Only)

privilege name


public java.lang.String getPermissionSetName()
Get permission set name for action. (for type OBJECT Only)

permission set name


public boolean isIsFSOnly()
Returns the value for FSOnly flag.(Primarliy for type OBJECT only)

ture if action is FSOnly


public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getInstanceSetNames()
Gets the instance set Name.(for type OBJECT only)

instance names list applicable to given action.


public void setMenuId(java.lang.Long menuId)
Setter for menu Id. (used for internal validation)

menuId - Long


public java.lang.Long getMenuId()
Getter for menu ID (used for internal validation).

menu Id as Long

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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