Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.oaext.model

Interface Summary
FlexfieldSdoSupport A helper interface for flexfield Service Data Objects.
FlexfieldSegmentValue A flexfield segment value.
FlexfieldSegmentValue.ValueAttributeValue A value attribute value of a flexfield segment value.
KFFCombinationAttributes An interface for managing combination attributes.
KFFCombinationCreator A combination creator is an application module that is capable of creating a key flexfield combination.
KFFCombinationCreatorProxy A proxy interface for KFFCombinationCreator.
KFFCombinationCreatorProxy.Context Information relevant to the creation of a key flexfield combination.
OASeedDataService Seed Data Service Interface.
UTF8NameConverter.IdentifierEncoder Encoder for encoding parts of the an identifier.

Class Summary
DFFApplicationModuleImpl Component class for descriptive flexfield application modules.
DFFViewDefImpl Definition class for descriptive flexfield view objects.
DFFViewObjectImpl Component class for descriptive flexfield view objects.
DFFViewRowImpl Row calss for descriptive flexfield view objects.
FlexfieldApplicationModuleDefImpl Definition class for flexfield application modules.
FlexfieldApplicationModuleDefImpl.DefImportsHierarchy The hierarchy of definition imports.
FlexfieldApplicationModuleImpl Component class for flexfield application modules.
FlexfieldBaseViewDefImpl A ViewDef implementation optimized for view definitions that contain one and only one discriminator.
FlexfieldLVViewDefImpl Definition class for flexfield custom LOV view objects.
FlexfieldLVViewObjectImpl Component class for flexfield custom LOV view objects.
FlexfieldLVViewRowImpl Row class for flexfield custom LOV view objects.
FlexfieldProperty Class that defines properties used for flexfield implementation.
FlexfieldQueryContext Context for a flexfield view object in a query component.
FlexfieldValueViewObjectImpl A component class for view objects that lists flexfield values.
FlexfieldViewDefImpl Definition class for flexfield view objects.
FlexfieldViewObjectImpl Component class for flexfield view objects.
FlexfieldViewRowImpl Row class for flexfield view objects.
KFFApplicationModuleImpl Component class for key flexfield application modules.
KFFBaseViewRowImpl The base implementation for a key flexfield view row.
KFFCombinationCreatorImpl A simple implementation of KFFCombinationCreator.
KFFMApplicationModuleImpl Component class for key flexfield application modules.
KFFMEntityDefImpl Definition class for key flexfield combination-maintenance entity.
KFFMEntityImpl A key flexfield combination-maintenance entity.
KFFMViewDefImpl Definition class for key flexfield view objects.
KFFMViewObjectImpl Component class for key flexfield view objects.
KFFMViewRowImpl Row class for key flexfield view objects.
KFFPApplicationModuleImpl Component class for partial key flexfield application modules.
KFFPViewDefImpl Definition class for partial key flexfield view objects.
KFFPViewObjectImpl Component class for partial key flexfield view objects.
KFFPViewRowImpl Row class for partial key flexfield view objects.
KFFReadOnlyEntityImpl A key-flexfield entity that prevents data changes from being committed to the database.
KFFViewDefImpl Definition class for key flexfield view objects.
KFFViewDefImpl.ComboKey The key that represents a combination.
KFFViewObjectImpl Component class for key flexfield view objects.
KFFViewRowImpl Row class for key flexfield view objects.
OAApplicationModuleImpl A logical container of coordinated objects related to a particular task.
OAConstants Generic (utility) constants and functions such as comparing Dates and checking if two objects are equal.
OAEntityDefImpl Defines the metadata of an entity object which describes that object's structure.
OAEntityImpl Represent a database row in middle-tier.
OAExceptionUtils Provides API covers over several Oracle Applications E-Business Suite error facilities.
OASeedStatus Class provides Seed Data related information.
OAStaticListViewObjectImpl The component class for a view object that provides a list of values from its custom properties.
OATemporaryKeyFactory used to generate Temporary Keys for an OAEntityImpl. these temporary keys are unique within a transaction, and are used as the key for newly-created entities until a permanent key is set on them.
OATranslatedEntityStaticInfo This class is reserved for OA Framework internal use only.
OAUtility Generic (utility) constants and functions such as comparing Dates and checking if two objects are equal.
OAViewDefImpl A common implementation of the view object definition class.
OAViewObjectImpl Accesses the result set of a SQL statement.
OAViewRowImpl Provides access to a view object row.
UTF8NameConverter Utility class for conversion between a UTF-8 string and the encoded string that conforms to the naming scheme specified by ISO 9660.

Enum Summary
KFFCombinationCreatorProxy.Context.Property The property names.

Exception Summary
FlexfieldCombinationException An exception indicating a problem associated with a flexfield combination.
FlexfieldJboException Exception thrown by flexfield business components.
FlexfieldViewDefNotFoundException Thrown when a flexfield view definition is not found.
KFFBaseViewRowImpl.DuplicateValueException Indicates that a flexfield vaule set contains duplicate values.
KFFBaseViewRowImpl.InvalidValueException Indicates that a flexfield value is not in the list.
KFFMEntityImpl.CombinationExistsException Thrown when the combination to be inserted or updated already exists in the combination table.
KFFMEntityImpl.CombinationLockedException Thrown when the combination to be inserted or updated is already locked.

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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