Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class PatternsPublicUtil

  extended by oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.patterns.util.PatternsPublicUtil

public class PatternsPublicUtil
extends java.lang.Object

Patterns Utility class for public use.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void hideDynamicGlobalPopup(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent actionEvent)
          Hides the global dynamic popup, and releases the resource of the task flow.
static void hidePopup( popup)
          Hides the specified popup.
static void hidePopup(java.lang.String popupId)
          Hides the specified popup.
static void invokePopup( popup, hints)
          Shows the specified popup and uses the specified hints to align the popup.
static void invokePopup(java.lang.String popupId)
          Deprecated. As of Drop 8 Build 4, replaced by invokePopup(RichPopup, RichPopup.PopupHints) Shows the specified popup component and its contents
static void invokePopup(java.lang.String popupId, java.lang.String align, java.lang.String alignId)
          Deprecated. As of Drop 8 Build 4, replaced by invokePopup(RichPopup, RichPopup.PopupHints) Shows the specified popup and uses the specified hints to align the popup.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PatternsPublicUtil()
Method Detail


public static void invokePopup(java.lang.String popupId)
Deprecated. As of Drop 8 Build 4, replaced by invokePopup(RichPopup, RichPopup.PopupHints) Shows the specified popup component and its contents

popupId - is the clientId of the popup to be shown clientId is derived from backing bean for the af:popup using getClientId method


public static void invokePopup(java.lang.String popupId,
                               java.lang.String align,
                               java.lang.String alignId)
Deprecated. As of Drop 8 Build 4, replaced by invokePopup(RichPopup, RichPopup.PopupHints) Shows the specified popup and uses the specified hints to align the popup.

popupId - is the clientId of the popup to be shown - clientId is derived from backing bean for the af:popup using getClientId method
align - is a hint for the popup display. Check AdfRichPopup js javadoc for valid values. Supported value includes: "AdfRichPopup.ALIGN_START_AFTER", "AdfRichPopup.ALIGN_BEFORE_START" and "AdfRichPopup.ALIGN_END_BEFORE"
alignId - is the clientId of the component the popup should align to - clientId is derived from backing bean for the component using getClientId method align and alignId need to be specified together - specifying null for either of them will have no effect.


public static void hidePopup(java.lang.String popupId)
Hides the specified popup.

popupId - is the clientId of the popup to be hidden clientId is derived from backing bean for the af:popup using getClientId method


public static void hideDynamicGlobalPopup(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent actionEvent)
Hides the global dynamic popup, and releases the resource of the task flow.

actionEvent - ActionEvent object that's passed into the button action listener.


public static void invokePopup( popup,
Shows the specified popup and uses the specified hints to align the popup.

popup - the RichPopup component that needs to be shown
hints - popup hints for aligning the popup.


public static void hidePopup( popup)
Hides the specified popup.

RichPopup - component

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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