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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications
11g Release (11.1.1)

Part Number E16814-01
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C Dialog Reference for Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager

This section contains reference information for the User Interface for Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, and contains the following topics:

C.1 Add Warehouse Domain Member/Add Target Domain Member button

Use the Add Warehouse Domain Member or Add Target Domain Member button to display the "Add Warehouse Domain Member/Add Target Domain Member dialog", which enables you to add a Domain member. For example, you might want to create a salary category called 'Range 5' so that you can map a range of values in the Source Instance to 'Range 5'.

Note: If this button is disabled, then the Domain is non-extensible (for more information, see Section 7.4.7, "Why are some domains non-extensible?").

C.2 Add Warehouse Domain Member/Add Target Domain Member dialog

Use this dialog to create a new Domain member in the data warehouse. For example, you might want to create a band category called 'Range 5' so that you can map a range of values in the Source Instance to the band category 'Range 5'.

Element Description
Code User this field to specify a unique value that identifies the new Domain member. For example 'Range_5'.
Name Use this field to specify a short name up to 255 characters long for the new Domain member. For example, 'Range_100,000_Plus'.
Description (Optional) Use this field to provide additional information up to 2000 characters long about the Domain Member, to assist Functional Developers.

C.3 Define Business Intelligence Applications Instance: Source System tab

Use this tab to register a Source Instance, edit a registered Source Instance, or disable a Source Instance (for a definition of Source System, see Chapter 5, "Terminology"). An Oracle BI Applications Instance is an Oracle BI Applications environment consisting of one Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse and one or more Source Instances.

In a new Oracle Business Intelligence Applications installation, you need to specify at least one Source Instance.

Note: For information about using icons and menu options, Section 5.8.3, "About the Icons".

Element Description
Source Systems A list of currently registered Source Instances for the current deployment.

In a new installation of Oracle BI Applications, this table is empty. To register a new Source Instance, click the Add icon to display the "Register Source dialog". For more information about the Add icon, see Section 5.8.3, "About the Icons".

Use the Edit icon to edit an existing Source Instance using the "Edit Source dialog". You can only edit 'enabled' Source Instances. To enable or disable a Source Instance, use the options on the Actions menu.


  • Source Instance Name - the name given by the BI Applications System Administrator to a transactional system that serves as a source of data for BI Applications data load. The Source Instance is important because functional setup tasks, and setting of values of objects such as Parameters and Domain Maps are performed in relation to a source instance. If you have more than one Source Instance (not supported in Version, this allows you to support heterogeneous sources and multiple instances of the same source.) A source instance has a unique Data Source Number.

  • Description - additional information specified by the BI Applications System Administrator about the Source Instance.

  • (Read-only) Product Line - a value that is assigned automatically when you register a Source Instance.

  • Data Source Number - the unique ID used to identify the Source Instance.

    Note: The Data Source Number that you enter here must exactly match the value of the Data Source Number specified in DAC for this source.

  • Enabled - specifies whether the Source Instance is enabled or disabled. When you register a Source Instance, it is enabled by default.

    Note: If you make a mistake in the Source Instance definition that you are not able to correct, you must disable that Source Instance and register a new Source Instance. For example, if the Data Source Number is incorrect, then you cannot edit a Source Instance and correct the Data Source Number. In this scenario, you must disable the incorrect Source Instance and register a new Source Instance.

    Note: To enable a Source Instance, select the Source Instance, then choose Enable from the Actions menu. To disable a Source Instance, select the Source Instance and select Disable from the Actions menu.

Fusion Applications for: <Source Instance Name> Displays the Fusion Applications (Customer Relationship Management, Financials and Supply Chain Management, or Human Capital Management) that are part of the selected Source Instance.


  • Fusion Applications - the name of the Fusion application.

  • Product Line Version - product line version of Fusion applications.

Note: This table is read-only. You select Fusion Applications when you register a Source Instance using the Add icon or Register New Source Instance menu option.

Common Options For information about using common options in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, refer to the following:

C.4 Define Business Intelligence Applications Instance: Target Warehouse tab

Use this tab to specify a Name and Description for the Business Analytics Warehouse.

Element Description
Name The Name of the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. To update this value, click Edit.
Product Line Version The product version used to verify the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications version that is deployed.
Description Use this field to specify additional information about the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. To update this value, click Edit.
Data Source Number The Warehouse Data Set Name (DSN) number, which is always 999.
J2EE Data Source Name The unique ID to identify the source data in the target data warehouse.
Edit Use this option to display the "Edit Business Analytics Warehouse dialog", which enables you to change the Name and Description.

C.5 Edit Business Analytics Warehouse dialog

Use this dialog to specify a name and description for the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse in your Oracle BI Applications instance.

Element Description
Name (Mandatory) Use this field to specify a short name to identify the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.
Data Source Number (Read-only) The Warehouse Data Source Number (DSN), which is always 999.
Description (Optional) Use this field to provide additional information about your Business Analytics Warehouse. The Description field supports xxx characters in length.

C.6 Edit Domain Member Mappings dialog

Use this dialog to map any user-defined unmapped source domain members to Warehouse domain members. You can also use this dialog to change the default member mappings for out-of-the-box members to meet your business requirements. For example, in a Country source domain, you might want 'AE United Arab Emirates' to map to the code value 'AE' in the data warehouse.

You can also edit domain mappings and domain ranges. For domains with ranges specified, you use this dialog to edit and create ranges and categories. For example, you might want to increase an existing performance range from 1 - 100 to 1 - 200. Or, you might want to create a new performance category (or Range) called Performance_Range_6 and map a new range to this performance category.

For more information about how to edit domain mappings and domain ranges, see Section 7.4.5, "About Setting Up Domain Member Mappings".


If you start to add a new Range Member Mapping then click Cancel, before you can cancel the dialog you must specify a value in every field. In other words, if you specify a value in the Range Start field and Range End field but not the Code field, an error message is displayed when you click Cancel. To cancel the dialog, you must first specify a value in every field, then click Cancel again.
Element Description
Add Range Member Mapping (+ icon). Note: This option is only available for Domains for which you can specify ranges. For example, a Performance Percentile domain in a HR application might have the ranges: 0 - 100 as Performance Range 1, and 101 - 200 as Performance Range 2.

Use this option to add a new Domain Member Mapping. Click the + icon to display a new row in the table, containing blank fields, which you use to specify the details of the new range. For example, you might specify a start range value, end range value, and the Code of the category or Range to which to map the range in the target table.

If this option is disabled, then this domain is non-extensible (for more information, see Section 7.4.7, "Why are some domains non-extensible?").

Note: If you start to add a new Range Member Mapping then click Cancel, before you can cancel the dialog you must specify a value in every field. In other words, if you specify a value in the Range Start field and Range End field but not the Code field, an error message is displayed when you click Cancel. To cancel the dialog, you must first specify a value in every field, then click Cancel again.

If you want to assign a new range to a new category (for example, to Performance Range 3), then before you create the new range you must first use the Add Warehouse Member option to create the new category.

Source Members Note: This option is not available for Domains for which you can specify ranges. Use this drop down list to change the type of domains displayed. For example, select 'Unmapped' to locate source domains that are not mapped to target domains.

Select 'Unmapped' to display only source domains that are not mapped to target domains. Select 'Mapped' to display only source domains that are mapped to target domains. The default value 'All' displays both mapped and unmapped domains.

Note: If you selected a value in the Source Members field on the "Manage Domains and Mappings: Domain Mappings tab", then that selection does not persist to this field. For example, if you selected Not Mapped in the Source Members field on the "Manage Domains and Mappings: Domain Mappings tab", then by default Configuration Manager displays both Mapped and Unmapped values on this dialog. In other words, if you only want to edit Unmapped values on this dialog, select Unmapped from this field.

Add Target Domain Member Use this option to display the "Add Warehouse Domain Member/Add Target Domain Member dialog", which enables you to create a new target mapping value. The "Add Warehouse Domain Member/Add Target Domain Member dialog" prompts you to specify a Code, Name, and Description (optional) for the new target mapping.

For example, if you have a Performance Percentile domain in a HR application with the ranges: 0 - 100 as Performance Range 1, and 101 - 200 as Performance Range 2, then you might want to create a category (or Range) called Performance Range 3, to which you can map a new range. Or, you might want to create a new domain called Payment Method in a Financial application.

If this option is disabled, then this domain is non-extensible (for more information, see Section 7.4.7, "Why are some domains non-extensible?").

Source Domain Member The list of Source Domain Members for the Source Domain.
Target Domain Member This column value displays the mapped Warehouse or Target member value for the Source Domain Member displayed in the Source Domain Member column.

Use the lists in the Code column to change the target domain member to which the adjacent Source Domain Member value is mapped.

For example, if you have used the Add Warehouse Member button to create a new target category (or Range) called '> 2000', you might want to select '> 2000' for the range that is specified with Range Start = 2000 and Range End =10,000.

Common Options For information about using common options in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, refer to the following:

Related Topics

Section 5.8.1, "About the Work Area"

Section 5.8.2, "About the Menu Options"

Section 5.8.3, "About the Icons"

Section 7.4, "About Working With Domains and Domain Mappings"

C.7 Edit Parameter Value dialog (for Data Load Parameters)

Use this dialog to specify a value or set of values for the selected Data Load Parameter. For example, you might set the value of the global currency parameter GBL_CURRENCY to 'USD'.

The fields that are displayed on this dialog are different depending on the type of parameter being edited (for example, boolean, date, multi-value select list of values, number, single-value select list of values, string).

This dialog is uses the following selection field types:

Related Topics

Section 5.8.1, "About the Work Area"

Section 5.8.2, "About the Menu Options"

Section 5.8.3, "About the Icons"

C.8 Edit Parameter Value dialog (for Reporting Parameters)

Use this dialog to specify a value or set of values for the selected Reporting Parameter.

The fields that are displayed on this dialog are different depending on the type of parameter being edited (for example, boolean, date, multi-value select list of values, number, single-value select list of values, string).

This dialog is uses the following selection field types:

Related Topics

Section 5.8.1, "About the Work Area"

Section 5.8.2, "About the Menu Options"

Section 5.8.3, "About the Icons"

C.9 Edit Preferred Currency Name dialog

Use this dialog to edit the Preferred Currency names that are displayed on BI dashboards in the Currency dropdown on the My Account dialog > Preferences tab for a user logged into Oracle Business Intelligence. You can either use the out-of-the-box currency display names or if required you can specify different currency display names.

Element Description
Preferred Currency Code A read-only code that identifies a preferred currency type.
Preferred Currency Name The currency label that is displayed in the Currency dropdown on the My Account dialog > Preferences tab for a user logged into Oracle Business Intelligence. If required, you can change the out-of-the-box values. For example, if your organization prefers to use the term 'Local Currency' instead of 'Ledger Currency', then you might use this field to change the value 'Ledger Currency' to 'Local Currency'.

Related Topics

Section 5.8.1, "About the Work Area"

Section 5.8.2, "About the Menu Options"

Section 5.8.3, "About the Icons"

C.10 Export Data dialog

Use this dialog to specify the objects that you want to export. For example, you might want to export only changes to Data Load Parameters.

Element Description
Export File Name Use this field to specify a name for the export (for example, June_1_setup_data). This name is displayed in the <Export List> on the Export Setup Data dialog, and is used as the default ZIP file name that is generated by Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager. Alternatively, you can also use the default export file name that is displayed.

The name that you specify in this field can be different to the ZIP file name that you specify when the export is complete. For example, you might specify 'ExportSetupData' in this field, but when the export is complete and you are prompted to specify a file name you might change the file name to

Note: Do not specify a ZIP file extension or a file location in this field. A ZIP file extension is appended automatically during the export. You are prompted for a file location later if you choose to save the ZIP that is generated.

Setup Objects to Export Use these check boxes to specify the objects that you want to export. For more information about what data is exported, see Section 7.12.1, "What Data is Exported?".
Export Use this button to start the data export using the specified details to create a ZIP file.

When the File Download dialog is displayed, either click Open to open the ZIP file in your default ZIP file tool or click Save to save the ZIP file to a location that you specify.

Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager creates a default ZIP file name using the value that you specified in the Export File Name field appended with '.zip'.

Tip: If you Save the ZIP file, Oracle recommends that do not change the ZIP file name. If you change the ZIP file name, then the ZIP file name will be out of sync with the file name that is displayed in the Name field in the Export List on the "Export Setup Data dialog".

C.11 Export Setup Data dialog

Use this dialog to view details of previous exports of setup data, and to export your setup data to a ZIP file for data migration. For example, you might want to view recent exports, or migrate your setup data from a test environment to a production environment.

Note: When you export setup data, Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager does not record the location of ZIP files that are created. In other words, you need to manually keep a note of ZIP file locations for each export.

Element Description
Export Data Use this button to display the "Export Data dialog", which enables you to export the setup data from the current environment to a ZIP file.
<Export List> Use this list to view and manage previous exports. Use the Status column to make sure that an export was a Success. If the Status column reports an Error, repeat the export process and make sure that you specify a name only in the Export File Name field. Do not specify a ZIP extension or a file location.
Export Details Use this area to view the Setup Objects, Table Names, and Row Count values for currently selected export in the Export Setup Data list above.

Related Topics

Section 7.12, "About Exporting and Importing Setup Data for Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager"

Section 7.12.1, "What Data is Exported?"

C.12 Edit Source dialog

Use the Edit Source dialog to edit the details for the currently selected Source Instance.

You need to specify one Source Instance for the database instance in your Oracle Fusion Applications deployment. In a new Oracle Business Intelligence Applications installation, you need to specify one Source Instance.

For example, if you are deploying Oracle Fusion Applications in one Fusion Applications instance, you might specify a Source Instance called 'Oracle Fusion Applications', specify a unique data source number, and select all three Fusion Applications in the Fusion Applications list.

Element Description
Product Line (Read-only) A value that is assigned automatically when you register a Source Instance.
Data Source Number (Read-only) A unique ID for the Data Source that identifies data in the Business Analytics Warehouse. The Data Source Number specified here must match the Data Source Number specified in the Physical Data Source connection in DAC for the Source with the Connection Type of 'Warehouse'.

Note: If the Data Source Number is incorrect, then you must disable this incorrect Source Instance and register a new Source Instance with a corrected Data Source Number.

Source Instance Name Specify a Source Instance name to identify the database instance.

For example, if you are deploying all three Oracle Fusion Applications in a Fusion Applications instance, then you need to register one Source Instance. In this case, you might create a Source Instance named 'Oracle Fusion Applications'.

Description (Optional) Additional information about the Source Instance, to assist BI Implementors.
Fusion Applications Select the Select check box for each application that is deployed in the Oracle Fusion Applications database instance.

For example, if you have all three Fusion Applications deployed in a Fusion Applications instance, select all three check boxes.

Common Options For information about using common options in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, refer to the following:

Related Topics

Section 5.8.1, "About the Work Area"

Section 5.8.2, "About the Menu Options"

Section 5.8.3, "About the Icons"

C.13 Import Data dialog

Use this dialog to specify the name and location of the ZIP file that you want to import. For example, if you have previously exported data to a file called 'C:\temp\ExportSetupData_2010-02-01 07:43:15.0.ZIP', use this dialog to specify 'C:\temp\ExportSetupData_2010-02-01 07:43:15.0.ZIP'.

Element Description
Import File Location Use this field to specify the name and location of the ZIP file to import. Type in a file location and file name or use the Browse button to locate and select a file using the Choose File dialog.
OK Use this button to import the specified file. When the import is complete, use the <Import List> on the Import Setup Data dialog to monitor the progress.

Related Topics

Section 7.12, "About Exporting and Importing Setup Data for Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager"

Section 7.12.1, "What Data is Exported?"

C.14 Import Setup Data dialog

Use this dialog to view details of previous imports of setup data, and to import setup data from a ZIP file. For example, you might want to view recent imports, or migrate your Setup Data from a test environment to a production environment.

Element Description
Import Data Use this button to display the "Import Data dialog", which enables you to import setup data from a ZIP file located on a local or network drive.
<Import List> Use this list to view and manage previous imports.
Import Details Use this area to view the Setup Objects, Status, Table Name, and Import Start Date of the currently selected import in the <Import List> above.

Related Topics

Section 7.12, "About Exporting and Importing Setup Data for Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager"

Section 7.12.2, "What Data is Imported?"

C.15 Manage BI Applications: BI Applications Offerings tab

Use this tab to enable and disable BI Applications Offerings. Before you can deploy BI Applications Offerings, you must enable the Offerings that you have purchased. When a BI Application Offering is enabled, the Setup Data relating to that Offering is made visible in Configuration Manager.

Note: For information about using icons and menu options, Section 5.8.3, "About the Icons".

Element Description
BI Applications Offerings Use this list to view available Offerings.

Use the Enabled check box to enable or disable an Offering.

Associated BI Application Modules and Functional Areas This read-only list shows the modules that make up the currently selected Offering in the BI Applications Offering list above.
Common Options For information about using common options in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, refer to the following:

Related Topics

Section 5.1, "Terminology" (for more information about Offerings).

C.16 Manage BI Applications: Warehouse Languages tab

Use this tab to specify the languages for which data will be loaded into the Business Analytics Warehouse during the ETL process. When you install Oracle Business Intelligence Applications, the American English Language is enabled by default. You must enable the languages that you want to deploy.

You can also specify a Base Language. The Base Language is used if the ETL process cannot located data in the installed language. For example, if the French is the installed language and American English is the Base Language, then if only ninety percent of your source data is in French, the ETL process will extract French data where available and extract American English data for the other ten percent.

Note: For information about using icons and menu options, Section 5.8.3, "About the Icons".

Element Description
Manage Business Analytics Warehouse Languages Use this area to view the available languages and enable the languages that you want to support.

Use the Installed column to change the default value of 'Disabled' to 'Installed', which enables the selected language.

The other table columns display read-only data.

Set Base Language Use this option to specify the Base Language, which is then marked with a blue dot. You can only specify one Base Language.

If the current Base Language record is selected, then this icon is disabled. To select a different Base Language, select a different language, then click the Set Base Language icon.

Common Options For information about using common options in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, refer to the following:

C.17 Manage Data Load Parameters dialog

Use this dialog to verify that your Data Load Parameter values have been set correctly, and edit values where necessary. For example, you might want to change a Global Currency Code value.

The Data Load Parameters list at the top shows Data Load Parameters. The Group Specific Parameter Values for list at the bottom shows Data Load Parameters that are associated with specific Fact Groups or Dimension Groups. For more information about Global and Application Specific parameters, see Section 7.5, "About Working With Data Load Parameters".

Tip: Use the Restore Pane arrow in the bottom right-hand corner of the dialog to display parameter details in the Context Pane (for more information, see Section 5.8.1, "About the Work Area").

Note: For information about the icons used on this dialog, see Section C.17.1, "Icons on the Data Load Parameters dialog".

For general information about working with Data Load Parameters, see Section 7.5, "About Working With Data Load Parameters".

Element Description
Data Load Parameters Use this list to navigate and edit Data Load Parameters.


  • Instance displays the instance to which the parameter is applicable (for example, 'Fusion Applications' for a source instance, and 'BI Applications Data-Warehouse' for a target instance).

  • Parameter Name is the human-readable parameter name.

  • Parameter Code is the underlying parameter identifier.

  • Parameter Value is the current parameter value. For Application Specific Parameters, the text <Edit Value> is displayed.

  • Description contains additional information about the parameter.

  • Last Updated By displays the login details used to last update the value.

To edit a parameter value, do one of the following:

- select the row for that parameter, then click the Edit icon.

- click on the value in the Parameter Value column. If the value is not set, click on <Edit Value>.

The "Edit Parameter Value dialog (for Data Load Parameters)" is displayed, which enables you to edit the parameter value.

Note: If you edit an Application Specific Parameter or a Global Parameter that is associated with a Fact Groups or Dimension Groups, then a Warning dialog first displays a list of affected Groups, and enables you to continue or cancel by selecting 'Y' or 'N.

Group Specific Parameter Values for: Use this list to view and edit the Application Specific Parameters and Global Parameters associated to Fact Groups or Dimension Groups. For example, the Data Load Parameter named Setup for Enterprises\Enterprise List is associated with the Groups named Absence Event, Absence Event Dimension, and Absence Type Reason Dimension, and so on.

For more information about working with Group Specific Parameters, see Section, "About Editing Application-Specific Parameter Values".

Note: Global Parameters that are not associated to any Fact Groups or Dimension Groups do not show any records in this table.

Parameters that are specified at the Fact Group or Dimension Group level have the same name as the parent Data Load Parameter.


  • Group displays the Fact Group or Dimension Group to which the parameter is applicable (for example, Refresh Period applies to the Fact Group named Inventory Transactions).

  • Parameter Name is the human-readable parameter name, which is taken from the parent Data Load Parameter name. An Overridable parameter icon (parameter icon with a pencil) indicates that you can specify a different value for the parameter associated with the Fact Group or Dimension Group. A Non-overridable Parameter icon (without the pencil) indicates that you cannot edit the value for the parameter at the Group level (the value in the Parameter Value column is also greyed out). If you do not change this value, the value defaults to the value of the parent Data Load Parameter.

  • Parameter Value is the current parameter value at the Fact Group or Dimension Group level. If the value is active, then the value is overridable. If the value is greyed out, then the value is non-overridable.

  • Last Updated By displays the login details used to last update the value.

To edit the value of an overridable parameter at the Group level, do one of the following:

- select the row for that parameter, then click the Edit icon.

- click on the value in the Parameter Value column. Note: For Non-Overridable Application Specific Parameters, the Edit icon and the parameter value link are disabled. To edit values for these parameters, use the Data Load Parameters master table.

The "Edit Parameter Value dialog (for Data Load Parameters)" is displayed, which enables you to edit the parameter value.

Search (Only displayed when this dialog is invoked directly from Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager. Search is not available when this dialog is invoked from FSM.) For User Assistance on the Search area, see Section C.26, "Search Area".
Common Options For information about using common options in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, refer to the following:

Related Topics

Section 5.8.1, "About the Work Area"

Section 7.5.1, "About Global Data Load Parameters"

Section 7.5.2, "About Application-Specific Data Load Parameters"

Section, "About Overridable and Non-Overridable Application-Specific Parameter Values"

Section, "About Editing Application-Specific Parameter Values"

Section, "How to Edit a Data Load Parameter value"

C.17.1 Icons on the Data Load Parameters dialog

The Manage Data Load Parameter dialog uses the following icons:

Table C-1 Icons on the Data Load Parameters dialog

Icon or Menu Option Description
This graphic is described in surrounding text.

Application Specific Parameter or Non-overridable Parameter

In the Data Load Parameters list, this icon indicates that the parameter is application specific (that is, it applies to one or more Applications and a limited number of ETL tasks). For more information, see Section 7.6, "About Working With Reporting Parameters".

In the Group Specific Parameter Values For list, this icon indicates that the parameter cannot have a value that is different at the Group level; that is, it is non-overridable at the Group level.

This graphic is described in surrounding text.

Dimension Group

This icon indicates that a Group Specific Parameter applies to a Dimension Group. For more information, see Section 7.5, "About Working With Data Load Parameters".

This graphic is described in surrounding text.

Fact Group

This icon indicates that a Group Specific Parameter applies to a Fact Group. For more information, see Section 7.5, "About Working With Data Load Parameters".

This graphic is described in surrounding text.

Global Parameter

This icon indicates that the parameter is global (that is, it applies to all (or a majority of) ETL tasks). For more information, see Section 7.6, "About Working With Reporting Parameters".

This graphic is described in surrounding text.


The Lock icon indicates that you can cannot edit the parameter value. For example, the value might be read-only, or the value might be set in a different part of the application.

This graphic is described in surrounding text.

Overridable Parameter

This icon indicates that you can edit the value of the Group Specific Parameter, which overrides the value specified in the Data Load Parameters list. For more information, see Section, "About Overridable and Non-Overridable Application-Specific Parameter Values".

This graphic is described in surrounding text.

Set Before A Full Load

The Alert icon indicates that you must set the value of a Data Load Parameter before you perform a Full Data Load.

If you change this value after you have performed a Full Data Load, then you must perform a new Full Data Load.

This graphic is described in surrounding text.

Parameter Category

This icon denotes a grouping of related parameters, for example, the Configure Time Dimension category is a group of parameters that is related to calendars.

To expand a Parameter Category, click Expand:

This graphic is described in surrounding text.

To collapse a Parameter Category, click Collapse:

This graphic is described in surrounding text.

C.18 Manage Domains and Mappings: Domain Mappings tab

Use this tab to verify that data is mapped correctly from the Source Instance to the data warehouse, and edit the domain member mappings if required. For example, in a HR application you might want to check that the EMPLOYEE_SEX code in the Source Instance maps to W_EMPLOYEE_SEX_MF in the target system. Or, you might want to change the Range Start and Range End values for a category (or Range) mapping.

Note: When you first display this tab, the Domain mappings list is empty. Use the Search area to specify the BI Application Module that you want to look at.

For more information about Domain Mappings, see Section 7.4.1, "About Domain Mappings and Domain Member Mappings".

Element Description
Domain Mappings Use this list to navigate and view the Domain Mappings. If this list is empty, use the Search area to specify the functional area (that is BI Application Modules, Dimensions or Fact Groups) that you want to look at.

The domains in the Source Domain list at the left hand side are mapping to the adjacent domains in the Target Domain list at the right hand side.

When you select a domain in the Domain Mappings list, domain members are displayed in the Domain Member Mappings list below.

Domain Member Mappings Use this list to view and edit the Domain Member Mappings for the domain map that is currently selected in the Domain Mappings list.
Search (Only displayed when this dialog is invoked directly from Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager. Search is not available when this dialog is invoked from FSM.) For User Assistance on the Search area, see Section C.26, "Search Area".
Common Options For information about using common options in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, refer to the following:

Related Topics

Section 5.8.1, "About the Work Area"

Section 7.4.1, "About Domain Mappings and Domain Member Mappings"

Section 7.4.5, "About Setting Up Domain Member Mappings"

Section 7.4.6, "How to modify a Warehouse Domain Hierarchy"

Section 7.4.7, "Why are some domains non-extensible?"

C.19 Manage Domains and Mappings: Source Domains tab

Use this read-only tab to view the domains and domain members in the Source Instance. For example, you might want to verify that the CURRENCY domain has the correct domain members (e.g. EUR for Euro, USD for US Dollar).

For more information about Domains, see Section 7.4, "About Working With Domains and Domain Mappings".

Element Description
Source Domains Use this read-only list to navigate the Source Domains.
Domain Members Use this list to view the members for the currently selected domain.
Search (Only displayed when this dialog is invoked directly from Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager. Search is not available when this dialog is invoked from FSM.) For User Assistance on the Search area, see Section C.26, "Search Area".
Common Options For information about using common options in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, refer to the following:

Related Topics

Section 5.8.1, "About the Work Area"

Section 7.4.2, "About Source Domains"

Section 7.4.5, "About Setting Up Domain Member Mappings"

Section 7.4.6, "How to modify a Warehouse Domain Hierarchy"

Section 7.4.7, "Why are some domains non-extensible?"

C.20 Manage Domains and Mappings: Warehouse Domains tab

Use this tab to verify that the domains and domain members in the target system have been set correctly, and also to edit the name and description for domain members. For example, you might want to change the Name and Description for the Application transaction type for AP Transaction Type (W_AP_XACT_TYPE).

For more information about Domains, see Section 7.4, "About Working With Domains and Domain Mappings".

Element Description
Warehouse Domains Use this list to navigate the Warehouse domains.
Warehouse Members Use this list to view and edit the members for the currently selected domain.
Add Warehouse Domain Member Use this option to display the "Add Warehouse Domain Member/Add Target Domain Member dialog", which enables you to create a new warehouse member. The "Add Warehouse Domain Member/Add Target Domain Member dialog" prompts you to specify a Code, Name, and Description (optional) for the new warehouse member.

For example, if you have a Performance Percentile domain in a HR application with the ranges: 0 - 100 as Performance Range 1, and 101 - 200 as Performance Range 2, then you might want to create a category called Performance Range 3, to which you can map a new range. Or, you might want to create a new target domain called Payment Method in a Financial application.

If this option is disabled, then this domain is non-extensible (for more information, see Section 7.4.7, "Why are some domains non-extensible?").

Search (Only displayed when this dialog is invoked directly from Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager. Search is not available when this dialog is invoked from FSM.) For User Assistance on the Search area, see Section C.26, "Search Area".
Common Options For information about using common options in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, refer to the following:

Related Topics

Section 5.8.1, "About the Work Area"

Section 7.4.3, "About Warehouse Domains"

Section 7.4.5, "About Setting Up Domain Member Mappings"

Section 7.4.6, "How to modify a Warehouse Domain Hierarchy"

Section 7.4.7, "Why are some domains non-extensible?"

C.21 Manage Domains and Mappings: Warehouse Domain Hierarchies tab

Use this tab to check that the domain hierarchies have been set up correctly in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. You can also change how domain values are mapped from the source system to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

For more information about Warehouse Domain Hierarchies, see Section 7.11, "Viewing Domain Hierarchies".


Domain Hierarchies are displayed in inverted format, that is in the following format:

<Child 1>\

<Child n>\


For more information, see Section 7.11, "Viewing Domain Hierarchies".

Element Description
Domain Mappings Use this list to navigate the domain hierarchies in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. For example, in a Financials target warehouse, the Group Account domain W_GL_GROUP_ACCOUNT is the parent domain to Financials Statement Item W_FIN_STMT.

See Note above for more information about the tree format.

Domain Member Mappings Use this list to view and edit the members for the domain that is currently selected in the Domain Mappings list above.

Use the Source Members drop down list to change the type of domains displayed. For example, select 'Unmapped' to locate source domains that are not mapped to target domains. Select 'Mapped' to display only source domains that are mapped to target domains. The default value 'All' displays both mapped and unmapped domains.

Edit Domain Member Mappings (Edit icon) - Use this option to display the "Edit Domain Member Mappings dialog", which enables you to edit the values in this list. If a domain has been defined as extensible, then you can also create ranges and categories (or Ranges).

Note: If the Edit Domain Member Mappings icon is not displayed or is disabled, then this Domain is non-extensible (for more information, see Section 7.4.7, "Why are some domains non-extensible?").

For more information about how to create ranges and Ranges, see Section 7.4.5, "About Setting Up Domain Member Mappings".

View menu Use the View menu options as follows:
  • Expand - use this option to expand the currently selected node.

  • Expand All Below - use this option to expand all levels below the currently selected node.

  • Expand All Above - use this option to expand all levels above the currently selected node.

  • Expand All - use this option to expand all nodes at all levels.

  • Collapse All - use this option to collapse all nodes at all levels.

  • Show as Top (child nodes only) - use this option to display the currently selected tree branch and hide the other tree branches.

  • Go Up - display the next level of parent nodes.

  • Go to Top - use this option to display the top level of parent nodes.

Search (Only displayed when this dialog is invoked directly from Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager. Search is not available when this dialog is invoked from FSM.) For User Assistance on the Search area, see Section C.26, "Search Area".
Common Options For information about using common options in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, refer to the following:

Related Topics

Section 5.8.1, "About the Work Area"

Section 7.4.4, "About Warehouse Domain Hierarchies"

Section 7.4.5, "About Setting Up Domain Member Mappings"

Section 7.4.6, "How to modify a Warehouse Domain Hierarchy"

Section 7.4.7, "Why are some domains non-extensible?"

C.22 Manage Preferred Currencies dialog

Use this dialog to view and edit the preferred currency names that are used on BI dashboards in the Currency dropdown on the My Account dialog > Preferences tab for a user logged into Oracle Business Intelligence. For example, if your organization prefers to use the term 'Local Currency' instead of 'Ledger Currency', you might use this dialog to change the out-of-the-box value 'Ledger Currency' to 'Local Currency'.

Note: For information about using icons and menu options, Section 5.8.3, "About the Icons".

Element Description
Preferred Currencies Use this area to view and edit the preferred currency names.

To change a preferred currency name, click the name in the Preferred Currency Name column (or select that row and click the Edit icon) to display the "Edit Preferred Currency Name dialog", and use the Preferred Currency Name field to change the name.

Associated BI Application Modules Use this area to view the modules that use the currency category that is selected in the Preferred Currencies list.
Common Options For information about using common options in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, refer to the following:

C.23 Manage Reporting Parameters: Global/Application Specific tab

Use this tab to verify that Reporting Parameters have been set correctly, and edit values where necessary.

For more information about Reporting Parameters, see Section 7.6, "About Working With Reporting Parameters".

Tip: Use the Restore Pane arrow in the bottom right-hand corner of the dialog to display parameter details in the Context Pane (for more information, see Section 5.8.1, "About the Work Area").

Element Description
Global/Application Specific Reporting Parameters This list displays information about each reporting parameter (for example, name, code, value).

On the Global tab, the list defaults to alphabetical order on Parameter Name.

On the Application specific tab, the list is sub-grouped on Application, and the Module Name column shows the name of the application to which the parameter applies.

Parameter Details This read-only tab displays the Name and full Parameter Description for the selected parameter.
Edit Use the Edit icon to display the "Edit Parameter Value dialog (for Reporting Parameters)", which enables you to edit the value of the currently selected parameter.

Alternatively, click on the parameter value in the Parameter Value column to display the "Edit Parameter Value dialog (for Reporting Parameters)".

Common Options For information about using common options in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, refer to the following:

Related Topics

Section 5.8.1, "About the Work Area"

Section 7.5, "About Working With Data Load Parameters"

C.24 Overview Page for Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager

The Overview page is the main page in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager. For information about getting started with Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, see Section 5.3, "Getting Started With Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager".

Use the Tasks bar at the left hand side as follows:

Table C-2 Options on the Tasks bar in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager

Tasks bar categories Use these options to

System Setups

Set up the Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager environment. For example, specify a Source Instance and target data warehouse.

Functional Configurations

Functionally configure the installed Offerings. Select the Perform Functional Configurations link to start FSM. For example, you might start FSM to perform the Tasks relating to Oracle Financial Analytics.

Setup Data Maintenance and Administration

Monitor and make changes to Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager Setup Data. For example, check for un-mapped domain values, or add domain values to the target data warehouse.

Setup Data Export and Import

Migrate Setup Data to a separate environment or backup Set Data. For example, migrate Setup Data from a test environment to a production environment.

Use the Overview panes as follows:

Table C-3 Options on the Overview panes in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager

Overview Pane Use these options to

Getting Started

Use these options to display roadmap information for the configuration types.

BI Applications At A Glance

This pane displays System Setup information about the installed applications.


This pane displays Setup Data alerts reported by Configuration Manager.

For general information, see:

Chapter 5, "Overview of Functional Configuration in Oracle BI Applications"

Section 5.2.1, "What is Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager?"

Section 5.7, "About the Main Task Areas in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager"

For roadmap information, see:

For a System Setup Roadmap, see Chapter 4, Section 4.2.4 Overview of Tasks for Setting Up Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.

For a Functional Configuration Roadmap, see Section 6.2, "Roadmap for Functional Configuration".

For a Setup Data Maintenance and Administration Roadmap, see Section 7.2, "Roadmap for Setup Data Maintenance and Administration".

Related Topics

For information about getting started with Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager:

Section 5.8, "About the Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager Work Area"

Section 5.3, "Getting Started With Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager"

For information about using Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager:

Section 6, "Performing Functional Configuration"

Section 7, "Administering and Maintaining Functional Configuration Data"

C.25 Register Source dialog

Use this dialog to specify a Source Instance instance for Oracle BI Applications.

Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Version supports Oracle Fusion Applications installed in a single database instance. In a new Oracle Business Intelligence Applications installation, you need to specify and enable at least one Source Instance.

For example, if you are deploying Oracle Fusion Applications in one Fusion Applications instance, you might specify a Source Instance called 'Oracle Fusion Applications', specify a unique data source number, and select all three Fusion Applications in the Fusion Applications list.

Element Description
Source Instance Name Specify a Source Instance name to identify the Fusion Applications source system.

For example, if you are deploying all three Fusion Applications in one Fusion Applications instance, then you need to register one Source Instance for all three Offerings. In this case, you might create a Source Instance named 'Oracle Fusion Applications'.

Description (Optional) Additional information, to assist BI Implementors.
Data Source Number A unique ID for the Data Source that identifies data in the Business Analytics Warehouse. The Data Source Number entered here must match the DSN specified in the Physical connection in DAC for the Source of type BI Server.

The default Data Source Number for Fusion Applications source is 200.

Select Fusion Applications Select the Select check box for each application that is deployed in the Oracle Fusion Applications database instance.

For example, if you have all three Fusion Applications deployed in one Fusion Applications instance, select all three check boxes.

Common Options For information about using common options in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, refer to the following:

Related Topics

Section 5.8.1, "About the Work Area"

Section 5.8.2, "About the Menu Options"

Section 5.8.3, "About the Icons"

C.26 Search Area

The Search area is used to locate setup data for specific functional areas. For example, you might want to locate Domains and Mappings for the Financial Analytics application only. Or, you might want to locate Data Load Parameters with codes that include 'GLOBAL'.

Use the Search fields to specify search values, then click Search to locate matching Setup Data.

Note: The Manage Data Load Parameters dialog displays all values by default. Use the Search Area to restrict the list to parameters that match specified search values. The Manage domains and Mappings tabs display no values by default. Use the Search Area to locate parameters that match specified search values.

Note: If you use the Dimension or Fact Group field to specify a Dimension or Fact Group, then you will only return domains and mappings that are explicitly associated with the specified dimension or fact group. That is, if the fact table within the Fact Group or Dimension Group contains the Mapping. If you cannot locate a domain or mapping by specifying a Dimension Group or Fact Group, then use the 'All' option to display all domains and mappings. For example, if you use the Dimension or Fact Group field to select 'Purchase Orders', then no domains or mappings will be returned by the search. If you select 'All' in the Dimension or Fact Group list, then you will return domains and mappings related to Purchase Orders.

Element Description
Source Instance Use this list to specify a Fusion Applications instance, if you have more than one instance deployed.
BI Application Use this list to locate Setup Data for specific applications. For example, if you want to configure Oracle Financial Analytics, you might select Financial Analytics.

To display Domains and Mappings for all functional applications, leave this field empty.

Dimension or Fact Group (Specific to Domains and Mappings) Use this list to locate Setup Data for specific functional areas within the BI Application specified in the BI Application field. For example, if you want to configure Oracle Financial Analytics, you might want to locate Setup Data GL Balance only.
Functional Area (Specific to Manage Data Load Parameters) Use this list to locate Data Load Parameters for specific functional areas within the BI Application specified in the BI Application field. For example, if you want to configure Oracle Financial Analytics, you might want to locate Setup Data GL Balance only.
Parameter (Specific to Manage Data Load Parameters) Use this field to locate parameters by Name, Code, or Category. Specify all or part of a search term in the adjacent text field. For example, to locate all parameters with 'GLOBAL' in the parameter code, you might select Code from the Parameter list and type 'GLOBAL' in the text field.
Fact Group (Specific to Manage Data Load Parameters) Use this list to locate parameters for a specific Fact Group within the BI Application specified in the BI Application field. For example, if you want to configure General Ledger, you might want to locate parameters for GL Balance only.
Show Global Parameters (Specific to Manage Data Load Parameters) Select this check box to locate parameters that apply to all applications. If you clear this check box, you display only Data Load Parameters that apply to the application specified in the BI Application field.
Dimension Group (Specific to Manage Data Load Parameters) Use this list to locate parameters for a specific Dimension Group within the BI Application specified in the BI Application field. For example, if you want to configure General Ledger\GL Balance, you might want to locate Setup Data for Ledger Dimension only.
Search Use this button to start the search, using the search values specified in the search fields.
Reset Use this button to clear the Search values.

To start a new search, select new search values then click Search.

Note: This Search area is used on the following dialogs:

C.27 Getting Started With System Setup

To get started with System Setup, see Chapter 4 in Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications