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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition)
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Part Number E20838-01
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6 CatalogService


For information on debugging applications built with BI Publisher Web services, see Section 1.3, "Debugging Web Service Applications."

This chapter provides details on the CatalogService methods you can use to interact with the BI Publisher server top-level catalog. CatalogService manages all report objects, including folders, reports, data models, style templates, and sub-templates, and provides methods for common operations, such as create, delete, copy, and rename.

This chapter contains the following sections:

6.1 copyObject() Method

Use copyObject() method to copy an object in the BI Publisher catalog.


boolean copyObject(String srcOjectAbsolutePath, String destObjectAbsolutePath, String newName, String userID, String password);

Table 6-1 Parameters for copyObject() Method

Parameter Description

String srcOjectAbsolutePath

The path to the catalog object to copy.

String destObjectAbsolutePath

The path to the location in the catalog to which to copy the object.

String newName

The name to assign the new object.

String userID

Specifies a BI Publisher user name.

String password

Specifies the password for the user name.

6.2 copyObjectInSession() Method

This method copies the report object referenced by srcObjectAbsolutePath to a destination folder specified by destFolderAbsolutePath.

For more information about in-session methods, see Section 1.2, "About In-Session Methods."


boolean copyObjectInSession(String srcObjectAbsolutePath, String destFolderAbsolutePath, String newName, String bipSessionToken);

Table 6-2 Parameters for copyObjectInSession() Method

Parameter Description

String srcOjectAbsolutePath

The path to the catalog object to copy.

String destObjectAbsolutePath

The path to the location in the catalog to which to copy the object.

String newName

The name to assign the new object.

String bipSessionToken

The proprietary token string generated for the user by the BI Publisher server. With the bipSessionToken string, the user no longer needs to provide user credentials. The BI Publisher server can validate this token string and restore the BI Publisher server session to perform needed operation.

6.3 createFolder() Method

Use createFolder() method to create a folder in the BI Publisher catalog.


String createFolder(String folderAbsolutePath, String userID, String password);

Table 6-3 Parameters for createFolder() Method

Parameter Description

String folderAbsolutePath

The path to the folder that you want to create. For example: /HR Manager/Employee Reports/

String userID

Specifies a BI Publisher user name.

String password

Specifies the password for the user name.

6.4 createFolderInSession() Method

Use createFolderInSession() method to create a folder in the BI Publisher catalog for a given user.

For more information about in-session methods, see Section 1.2, "About In-Session Methods."


String createFolderInSession(String folderAbsolutePath, String bipSessionToken);

Table 6-4 Parameters for createFolderInSession() Method

Parameter Description

String folderAbsolutePath

The path to the folder that you want to create. For example: /HR Manager/Employee Reports/

String bipSessionToken

The proprietary token string generated for the user by the BI Publisher server. With the bipSessionToken string, the user no longer needs to provide user credentials. The BI Publisher server can validate this token string and restore the BI Publisher server session to perform needed operation.

6.5 createObject() Method

Use createObject() method to create an object in BI Publisher catalog.


String createObject(String objectAbsolutePathURL, String objectName, String objectType, String objectDescription, byte[] objectData, String accessPermission, String userID, String password);

Table 6-5 Parameters for createObject() Method

Parameter Description

String objectAbsolutePathURL

The absolute path to the folder in the catalog in which to place the new object.

String objectName

The name of the new object.

String objectType

The type of catalog object. Valid values are:

xdm (data model)

xdo (report)

xsb (sub-template)

xss (style template)

String objectDescription

Specifies the description of the new object.

byte[] objectData

The byte data of the object.

String accessPermission

The access permissions to assign to the new object.

String userID

Specifies a BI Publisher user name.

String password

Specifies the password for the user name.

6.6 createObjectInSession() Method

Use createObjectInSession() method to create an object in BI Publisher catalog for a given user.

For more information about in-session methods, see Section 1.2, "About In-Session Methods."


String createObjectInSession(String folderAbsolutePathURL, String objectName, String objectType, String objectDescription, byte[] objectData, String bipSessionToken);

Table 6-6 Parameters for createObjectInSession() Method

Parameter Description

String objectAbsolutePathURL

The absolute path to the folder in the catalog in which to place the new object.

String objectName

The name of the new object.

String objectType

The type of catalog object. Valid values are:

xdm (data model)

xdo (report)

xsb (sub-template)

xss (style template)

String objectDescription

Specifies the description of the new object.

byte[] objectData

The byte data of the object.

String bipSessionToken

The proprietary token string generated for the user by the BI Publisher server. With the bipSessionToken string, the user no longer needs to provide user credentials. The BI Publisher server can validate this token string and restore the BI Publisher server session to perform needed operation.

6.7 deleteObject() Method

Use deleteObject() method to delete an object from the BI Publisher catalog.


boolean deleteObject(String reportObjectAbsolutePath, String userID, String password);

Table 6-7 Parameters for deleteObject() Method

Parameter Description

String reportObjectAbsolutePath

The path to the object in the catalog to delete.

String userID

Specifies a BI Publisher user name.

String password

Specifies the password for the user name.

6.8 deleteObjectInSession() Method

Use deleteObjectInSession() method to delete an object from the BI Publisher catalog for a given user.

For more information about in-session methods, see Section 1.2, "About In-Session Methods."


boolean deleteObjectInSession(String objectAbsolutePath, String bipSessionToken);

Table 6-8 Parameters for deleteObjectInSession() Method

Parameter Description

String objectAbsolutePath

The path to the object in the catalog to delete.

String bipSessionToken

The proprietary token string generated for the user by the BI Publisher server. With the bipSessionToken string, the user no longer needs to provide user credentials. The BI Publisher server can validate this token string and restore the BI Publisher server session to perform needed operation.

6.9 downloadObject() Method

Use downloadObject() method to download an object from the BI Publisher catalog. This method returns the requested object in binary.


byte[] downloadObject(String reportAbsolutePath, String userID, String password);

Table 6-9 Parameters for downloadObject() Method

Parameter Description

String reportAbsolutePath

The path to the object in the catalog to download.

String userID

Specifies a BI Publisher user name.

String password

Specifies the password for the user name.

6.10 downloadObjectInSession() Method

Use downloadObjectInSession() method to download an object from the BI Publisher catalog for a given user. This method returns the requested object in binary.

For more information about in-session methods, see Section 1.2, "About In-Session Methods."


byte[] downloadObjectInSession(String reportAbsolutePath, String bipSessionToken);

Table 6-10 Parameters for downloadObjectInSession() Method

Parameter Description

String reportAbsolutePath

The path to the object in the catalog to download.

String bipSessionToken

The proprietary token string generated for the user by the BI Publisher server. With the bipSessionToken string, the user no longer needs to provide user credentials. The BI Publisher server can validate this token string and restore the BI Publisher server session to perform needed operation.

6.11 downloadXLIFF() Method

Use downloadXLIFF() method to download a translation file (XLIFF) from the catalog. This method returns the requested XLIFF file in binary.


byte[] downloadXLIFF(String objectAbsolutePath, String userID, String password);

Table 6-11 Parameters for downloadXLIFF() Method

Parameter Description

String objectAbsolutePath

The path to the XLIFF object to download.

String userID

Specifies the BI Publisher user name.

String password

Specifies the password for the user name.

6.12 downloadXLIFFInSession() Method

Use downloadXLIFFInSession() method to download a translation file (XLIFF) from the catalog downloadXLIFFInSession a given user. This method returns the requested XLIFF file in binary.

For more information about in-session methods, see Section 1.2, "About In-Session Methods."


byte[] downloadXLIFFInSession(String objectAbsolutePath, String locale, String bipSessionToken);

Table 6-12 Parameters for downloadXLIFFInSession() Method

Parameter Description

String objectAbsolutePath

The path to the XLIFF object to download.

String locale

The locale of the XLIFF object (for example, en_US).

String bipSessionToken

The proprietary token string generated for the user by the BI Publisher server. With the bipSessionToken string, the user no longer needs to provide user credentials. The BI Publisher server can validate this token string and restore the BI Publisher server session to perform needed operation.

6.13 getFolderContents() Method

Use getFolderContents to get all of the items in a folder. This will return all the reports and folders contained in the specified folder. You can then use these items to determine what reports you might want to execute or what folders you may want to further search to identify a report.

See CatalogContents for a description of the return object.


CatalogContents getFolderContents(String folderAbsolutePath, String userID, String password);

Table 6-13 Parameters for getFolderContents() Method

Parameter Description

String folderAbsolutePath

The path to the folder for which to retrieve the contents. For example: /HR Manager/Employee Reports/

String userID

Specifies a BI Publisher user name.

String password

Specifies the password for the user name.

6.14 getFolderContentsInSession() Method

Use getFolderContentsInSession() to get all of the items in a folder for a given user. This will return all the reports and folders contained in the specified folder. You can then use these items to determine what reports you might want to execute or what folders you may want to further search to identify a report.

See CatalogContents for a description of the return object.

For more information about in-session methods, see Section 1.2, "About In-Session Methods."


CatalogContents getFolderContentsInSession(String folderAbsolutePath, String bipSessionToken);

Table 6-14 Parameters for getFolderContentsInSession() Method

Parameter Description

String folderAbsolutePath

The path to the folder for which to retrieve the contents. For example: /HR Manager/Employee Reports/

String bipSessionToken

The proprietary token string generated for the user by the BI Publisher server. With the bipSessionToken string, the user no longer needs to provide user credentials. The BI Publisher server can validate this token string and restore the BI Publisher server session to perform needed operation.

6.15 getObject() Method

Use getObject() method to download an object from the catalog. This method returns the requested object file in binary.


byte[] getObject(String reportObjectAbsolutePath, String locale, String userID, String password);

Table 6-15 Parameters for getObject() Method

Parameter Description

String reportObjectAbsolutePath

The path to the object to download.

String locale

The locale of the object to get.

String userID

Specifies the BI Publisher user name.

String password

Specifies the password for the user name.

6.16 getObjectInfo() Method

Use getObjectInfo() method to get information about an object in the BI Publisher catalog. This method returns the CatalogObjectInfo object. See CatalogObjectInfo.


CatalogObjectInfo getObjectInfo(String reportObjectAbsolutePath, String userID, String password);

Table 6-16 Parameters for getObjectInfo() Method

Parameter Description

String reportObjectAbsolutePath

The path to the report object about which to get information.

String userID

Specifies a BI Publisher user name.

String password

Specifies the password for the user name.

6.17 getObjectInfoInSession() Method

Use getObjectInfoInSession() method to get information about an object in the BI Publisher catalog for a given user. This method returns the CatalogObjectInfo object. See CatalogObjectInfo.

For more information about in-session methods, see Section 1.2, "About In-Session Methods."


CatalogObjectInfo getObjectInfoInSession(String objectAbsolutePath, String bipSessionToken);

Table 6-17 Parameters for getObjectInfoInSession() Method

Parameter Description

String reportObjectAbsolutePath

The path to the report object about which to get information.

String bipSessionToken

The proprietary token string generated for the user by the BI Publisher server. With the bipSessionToken string, the user no longer needs to provide user credentials. The BI Publisher server can validate this token string and restore the BI Publisher server session to perform needed operation.

6.18 getObjectInSession() Method

Use getObjectInSession() method to download an object from the catalog for a given user. This method returns the requested object file in binary.

For more information about in-session methods, see Section 1.2, "About In-Session Methods."


byte[] getObjectInSession(String objectAbsolutePath, String bipSessionToken);

Table 6-18 Parameters for getObjectInSession() Method

Parameter Description

String reportObjectAbsolutePath

The path to the object to retrieve.

String bipSessionToken

The proprietary token string generated for the user by the BI Publisher server. With the bipSessionToken string, the user no longer needs to provide user credentials. The BI Publisher server can validate this token string and restore the BI Publisher server session to perform needed operation.

6.19 objectExist() Method

Use objectExist() method to determine if an object exists in the BI Publisher catalog.


boolean objectExist(String reportObjectAbsolutePath, String userID, String password);

Table 6-19 Parameters for objectExist() Method

Parameter Description

String reportOjectAbsolutePath

The path to the object to test for in the catalog. For example: /HR Manager/Employee Reports/Employee Data Model.xdm

String userID

Specifies a BI Publisher user name.

String password

Specifies the password for the user name.

6.20 objectExistInSession() Method

Use objectExist() method to determine if an object exists in the BI Publisher catalog for a given user.

For more information about in-session methods, see Section 1.2, "About In-Session Methods."


boolean objectExistInSession(String reportObjectAbsolutePath, String bipSessionToken);

Table 6-20 Parameters for objectExistInSession() Method

Parameter Description

String reportOjectAbsolutePath

The path to the object to test for in the catalog. For example: /HR Manager/Employee Reports/Employee Data Model.xdm

String bipSessionToken

The proprietary token string generated for the user by the BI Publisher server. With the bipSessionToken string, the user no longer needs to provide user credentials. The BI Publisher server can validate this token string and restore the BI Publisher server session to perform needed operation.

6.21 renameObject() Method

Use renameObject() method to rename an object in the BI Publisher catalog.


boolean renameObject(String reportObjectAbsolutePath, String newName, String userID, String password);

Table 6-21 Parameters for renameObject() Method

Parameter Description

String reportObjectAbsolutePath

The path to the object in the catalog to rename.

String newName

The new name to assign the object.

String userID

Specifies a BI Publisher user name.

String password

Specifies the password for the user name.

6.22 renameObjectInSession() Method

Use renameObject() method to rename an object in the BI Publisher catalog for a given user.

For more information about in-session methods, see Section 1.2, "About In-Session Methods."


boolean renameObjectInSession(String objectAbsolutePath, String newName, String bipSessionToken);

Table 6-22 Parameters for renameObjectInSession() Method

Parameter Description

String reportObjectAbsolutePath

The path to the object in the catalog to rename.

String newName

The new name for the object.

String bipSessionToken

The proprietary token string generated for the user by the BI Publisher server. With the bipSessionToken string, the user no longer needs to provide user credentials. The BI Publisher server can validate this token string and restore the BI Publisher server session to perform needed operation.

6.23 updateObject() Method

Use updateObject() method to update an object in the BI Publisher catalog.


boolean updateObject(String reportObjectAbsolutePath, byte[] objectData, String userID, String password);

Table 6-23 Parameters for updateObject() Method

Parameter Description

String reportOjectAbsolutePath

The path to the object to update in the catalog. For example: /HR Manager/Employee Reports/Employee Data Model.xdm

byte[] objectData

The data with which to update the object.

String userID

Specifies a BI Publisher user name.

String password

Specifies the password for the user name.

6.24 updateObjectInSession() Method

Use updateObject() method to update an object in the BI Publisher catalog for a given user.

For more information about in-session methods, see Section 1.2, "About In-Session Methods."


boolean updateObjectInSession(String objectAbsolutePath, byte[] objectData, String bipSessionToken);

Table 6-24 Parameters for updateObjectInSession() Method

Parameter Description

String reportOjectAbsolutePath

The path to the object to update in the catalog. For example: /HR Manager/Employee Reports/Employee Data Model.xdm

byte[] objectData

The data with which to update the object.

String bipSessionToken

The proprietary token string generated for the user by the BI Publisher server. With the bipSessionToken string, the user no longer needs to provide user credentials. The BI Publisher server can validate this token string and restore the BI Publisher server session to perform needed operation.

6.25 uploadObject() Method

Use uploadObject() method to upload a new object to the BI Publisher catalog.


String uploadObject(String reportObjectAbsolutePathURL, String objectType, byte[] objectZippedData, String userID, String password);

Table 6-25 Parameters for uploadObject() Method

Parameter Description

String reportObjectAbsolutePathURL

The path to the object in the catalog.

String objectType

The type of object to upload. Valid values are:

xdm (data model)

xdo (report)

xsb (sub-template)

xss (style template)

byte[] objectZippedData

The object to upload in zipped format.

String userID

Specifies a BI Publisher user name.

String password

Specifies the password for the user name.

6.26 uploadObjectInSession() Method

Use uploadObject() method to upload a new object to the BI Publisher catalog for a given user.

For more information about in-session methods, see Section 1.2, "About In-Session Methods."


String uploadObject(String reportObjectAbsolutePathURL, String objectType, byte[] objectZippedData, String userID, String bipSessionToken);

Table 6-26 Parameters for uploadObjectInSession() Method

Parameter Description

String reportObjectAbsolutePathURL

The path to the object in the catalog.

String objectType

The type of object to upload. Valid values are:

xdm (data model)

xdo (report)

xsb (sub-template)

xss (style template)

byte[] objectZippedData

The object to upload in zipped format.

String bipSessionToken

The proprietary token string generated for the user by the BI Publisher server. With the bipSessionToken string, the user no longer needs to provide user credentials. The BI Publisher server can validate this token string and restore the BI Publisher server session to perform needed operation.

6.27 uploadXLIFF() Method

Use uploadXLIFF() method to upload a translation file (XLIFF) to the catalog.


boolean uploadXLIFF(String objectAbsolutePath, byte[] xliffData, String locale, String userID, String password);

Table 6-27 Parameters for uploadXLIFF() Method

Parameter Description

String objectAbsolutePath

The path to the XLIFF object to upload.

byte[] xliffData

The XLIFF fie to upload.

String locale

The locale to assign to the XLIFF (for example, en_US).

String userID

Specifies the BI Publisher user name.

String password

Specifies the password for the user name.

6.28 uploadXLIFFInSession() Method

Use uploadXLIFF() method to upload a translation file (XLIFF) to the catalog for a given user.

For more information about in-session methods, see Section 1.2, "About In-Session Methods."


boolean uploadXLIFF(String objectAbsolutePath, byte[] xliffData, String locale, String bipSessionToken);

Table 6-28 Parameters for uploadXLIFFInSession() Method

Parameter Description

String objectAbsolutePath

The path to the XLIFF object to upload.

byte[] xliffData

The XLIFF fie to upload.

String locale

The locale to assign to the XLIFF (for example, en_US).

String bipSessionToken

The proprietary token string generated for the user by the BI Publisher server. With the bipSessionToken string, the user no longer needs to provide user credentials. The BI Publisher server can validate this token string and restore the BI Publisher server session to perform needed operation.