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Oracle® Secure Enterprise Search Installation Guide
Release 11.2.1

Part Number E17644-02
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Oracle® Secure Enterprise Search

Installation Guide

Release 11.2.1


January 2011

This guide provides optional information on how to manually add Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) release 11.2.1 to an existing installation of Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( and to WebLogic Server release 10.3.4 (PS3). Oracle SES release 11.2.1 does not support earlier releases of Oracle Database and WebLogic Server.

This guide contains the following sections:

See Also:

Preinstallation Tasks

This section contains the following topics:

Oracle SES Browser Certifications

The Oracle SES Administration tool and default query application are certified on the following browsers:

  • Firefox 3.x

  • Internet Explorer 7.x, 8.x

  • Safari 4.x

Checking the Hardware Requirements

Oracle SES requires approximately 1.7 GB for the initial Oracle SES index. Additional Oracle SES requirements are based on the amount of data that you need to search.

For example, to index 100,000 documents:

  • 4 GB disk space

  • 2 GB RAM

To index 1,000,000 documents:

  • 20 GB disk space

  • 6 GB RAM


The number of CPUs on the server host affects the performance of concurrent queries over a prolonged period of time. Oracle recommends that you use systems with two or more CPUs for production deployments that serve 1000 or more users.

Checking the Software Requirements

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( and WebLogic Server release 10.3.4 (PS3) must be installed before you can install Oracle SES release 11.2.1.

Use only the browsers listed in "Oracle SES Browser Certifications" when using the Web-based Administration tool or the default Search application.

Oracle Database

Oracle Database must be release If you have an earlier release of Oracle Database that you want to use for this installation, then you must first upgrade the database to release

Oracle Database can be installed on a single computer or on a cluster that uses Oracle Real Application Clusters.


As of SES release 11.2.1, the mid-tier and the database are installed separately and do not need to be co-located on the same host, nor do they need to use the same operating system.

Oracle WebLogic Server

Oracle WebLogic Server must be release 10.3.4 (PS3). If you have an earlier release, then you must upgrade Oracle WebLogic Server to release 10.3.4 (PS3) before installing Oracle SES release 11.2.1.

Installation and Configuration Tasks

This section contains the following topics:

Running the Repository Creation Utility

The Repository Creation Utility (RCU) enables you to remove the Oracle SES 11.1 database components and create the Oracle SES 11.2 database components.

To run the Repository Creation Utility on Linux systems: 

  1. Create a directory where you can unzip RCU, such as /scratch/rcu:

    sudo mkdir /scratch/rcu
  2. Change directories to ORACLE_HOME/search/rcu.

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/search/rcu
  3. Unzip into the new directory:

    unzip -d /scratch/rcu
  4. Open RCU with the following command (where options indicates the optional command line parameters that you may use):

    /scratch/rcu/bin/rcu options

    You can provide optional parameters on the command line so that the fields in RCU are filled in automatically. For information about these options, enter the following command at the operating system prompt:

    rcu --help

To run the Repository Creation Utility on Windows systems: 

  1. Using Windows Explorer, create a folder where you can unzip RCU, such as C:\temp\rcu. Do not use spaces in the file name.

  2. Unzip ORACLE_HOME\search\rcu\ into the new folder.

  3. Open RCU from the Run box or a command window with a command like this one:

    C:\temp\rcu\bin\rcu.bat options

    You can provide some information on the command line so that the fields in RCU are filled in automatically. For information about these options, enter this command at the operating system prompt:

See Also:

Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide

Removing Oracle SES Components From Oracle Database

If Oracle Database release or earlier is already installed, you must ensure that earlier Oracle SES components are removed before using the new Oracle SES 11.2 back-end components.

To remove Oracle SES back-end components: 

  1. Open the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) for Oracle Fusion Middleware, as described in "Running the Repository Creation Utility".

  2. Follow the steps of the wizard as described in Table 1. Click Next to move from one page to the next.

Table 1 Using RCU to Drop the SES 11.1 Schemas

Page Title Action





Create Repository

Select Drop.


Database Connection Details

Complete all fields. Any values that you entered as RCU command options are filled in automatically here.

  • Database Type: Oracle Database

  • Username: SYS

  • Role: SYSDBA


Select Components

Select SEARCH.



Review the details, then click Drop to drop the tablespaces.


Completion Summary

Note the location of the log files.

Figure 1 RCU Database Connection Details

Description of Figure 1 follows
Description of "Figure 1 RCU Database Connection Details"

Adding Oracle SES 11.2.1 Components to Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (

The following procedure adds Oracle SES 11.2.1 back-end components to Oracle Database release

To add Oracle SES 11.2 components to Oracle Database: 

  1. Open the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) for Oracle Fusion Middleware, as described in "Running the Repository Creation Utility".

  2. Follow the steps of the wizard as described in Table 2. Click Next to move from one page to the next.

Table 2 Using RCU to Add the SES 11.2 Schemas

Page Title Action





Create Repository

Select Create.


Database Connection Details

Complete all fields. Any values that you entered as RCU command options are filled in automatically here.

  • Database Type: Oracle Database

  • Username: SYS

  • Role: SYSDBA


Select Components

Select SEARCH.


Schema Passwords

Enter passwords for the SEARCHSYS and SEARCHSYS_DATA schemas.


Custom Variables

Enter Y for yes or N for no depending on whether you have licenses for these database options:

  • Advanced Compression

  • Oracle Partitioning


Map Tablespaces

Retain the default values for the tablespaces.



Review the details, then click Create to create the tablespaces.


Completion Summary

Note the location of the log files, then click Close to exit RCU.

Configuring WebLogic Server for Oracle SES 11.2.1

The procedure in this section configures WebLogic Server 10.3.4 as the middle tier for Oracle SES 11.2.1. After completing this procedure, you can run the Oracle SES Administration tool and the default Search application.

To configure WebLogic Server: 

  1. Open the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard:

    • On Linux, change to ORACLE_HOME/wls/wlserver/common/bin and enter:
    • On Windows, change to C:\ORACLE_HOME\wls\wlserver\common\bin and click:

  2. Follow the steps of the wizard as described in Table 3. Click Next to move from one page to the next.

  3. Start WebLogic Server from the operating system command line:

Table 3 Creating and Extending a WebLogic Server Domain

Page Title Action



Select Create a new WebLogic domain.


Select Domain Source

Select Generate a domain configured automatically, then Oracle Secure Enterprise Search -


Configure Administrator User Name and Password

Enter a name of your choosing for the domain name.


Configure Administrator User Name and Password

Enter a password for the weblogic user.


Configure JDBC Component Schema


  • Production Mode as the WebLogic startup mode.

  • JRockit SDK 1.6.0_20 as the available JDK.


Configure JDBC Component Schema

Select SearchAdminDS Schema as the Component Schema, then enter the host, port, and service name for Oracle Database, as shown in Figure 2.

Select SearchQueryDS Schema as the Component Schema. Re-enter the host, port, and service name.


Test Component Schema

Click Select All, then Test Connections.

If the test fails, then correct the connection information for the two schemas.


Select Optional Configuration

Leave all check boxes empty.


Configuration Summary

Review the details, then click Create.


Creating Domain

Note the URL for the Admin Server.


Completion Summary

Click Close.

Figure 2 WebLogic Domain JDBC Component Configuration

Description of Figure 2 follows
Description of "Figure 2 WebLogic Domain JDBC Component Configuration"

Postinstallation Tasks

Refer to My Oracle Support at to check for the latest patches for Oracle Database and Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Starting and Stopping Oracle SES

This section contains procedures for starting and stopping Oracle SES. Note that you can start, suspend, and stop Oracle SES from the WebLogic administration console by going to http://wls_host:admin_port/console.


Startup and shutdown for the database and listener services are managed independently of the Oracle midtier.

To start Oracle SES: 

  1. Verify that Oracle Database is up and running. If it is down, start it now. You can use the tool of your choice, such as Oracle Enterprise Manager or SQL*Plus.

  2. Start WebLogic Server.

    • For Linux:
    • For Windows:

  3. Log in as the weblogic user with the password set under "Configuring WebLogic Server for Oracle SES 11.2.1".

  4. In a separate window, start Oracle SES.

    • For Linux: search_server1
    • For Windows:

      StartManagedWebLogic.bat search_server1
  5. Log in again as the weblogic user.

To stop Oracle SES: 

  1. Use the tool of your choice, such as Oracle Enterprise Manager or SQL*Plus. Oracle Database must be up and running to use these tools.

  2. Start WebLogic Server.

    • For Linux:
    • For Windows:

  3. Log in as the weblogic user with the password set under "Configuring WebLogic Server for Oracle SES 11.2.1".

  4. In a separate window, stop Oracle SES.

    • For Linux: search_server1
    • For Windows:

      StopManagedWebLogic.bat search_server1
  5. If needed, log in again as the weblogic user.

Deinstallation Tasks

The recommended procedure for deinstalling Oracle SES is to run from the Oracle Fusion Middleware home location as follows:


To remove the search-specific back-end components from the database home, run the script from ORACLE_HOME/install/.

After running from either the Fusion Middleware home or the database home, you must run the Repository Creation Utility to completely remove all the Oracle SES 11.2 back-end components. Follow the procedure under "Removing Oracle SES Components From Oracle Database".

What to Do Next

To become familiar with Oracle Secure Enterprise Search, Oracle recommends that you take advantage of the resources described in this section.

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Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle® Secure Enterprise Search Installation Guide, Release 11.2.1


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