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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Content Management Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.2)

Part Number E14230-01
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10 Adding Content to a WLP Repository

Content contributors create content in the WLP repository through the Virtual Content Repository. The Virtual Content Repository is accessible through the WebLogic Portal Administration Console and provides access to all configured WLP repositories.

Creating content involves associating a content file with a content type and uploading the file to the repository. If your WLP repository takes advantage of library services, it includes the ability to track content versions and use content workflows that enforce a publication process.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Before content can be created, you must first create content types, design your repository hierarchy, and (if using library services) add content workflows. For more information about these subjects, see:

10.1 Viewing the Virtual Content Repository

The Virtual Content Repository allows you to view your content repositories in three ways: Content, Types, and Repositories.

The Virtual Content Repository is typically accessed through the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, see Figure 10-1.

Figure 10-1 The Virtual Content Repository within the WebLogic Portal Administration Console

Description of Figure 10-1 follows
Description of "Figure 10-1 The Virtual Content Repository within the WebLogic Portal Administration Console"

Table 10-1 lists each view and the tasks you accomplish in each view.

Table 10-1 Summary of the Views of the Virtual Content Repository

Virtual Content Repository View Associated Tasks

Content view (Click Manage | Content)

  • Add content to the repository.

  • Search for content.

  • Delete content.

  • Modify content.

If using WLP's library services, you can also:

  • View version history.

  • Check out content.

  • Check in content.

Types view (Click Manage | Types)

  • Add content types.

  • Modify content types (adding or removing property definitions).

  • Delete content types.

Repository view (Click Manage | Repositories)

  • Connect repositories to the Virtual Content Repository.

  • Edit repository properties such as search settings and caches.

If using WLP's library services, you can also:

  • Add content workflows.

  • Modify content workflows.

  • Delete content workflows.

10.2 Working with WLP Repository Content When Using Library Services

Typically, when you use a WLP repository, it is enabled to use library services. Library services provide versioning and content workflows. This chapter assumes your WLP repository uses library services, which means that you must check in content when you create it and check content out before modifying it. Additionally, library services includes content workflows, which means that content must always be assigned a workflow status, such as Draft or Published. For more information about using content workflows, see Chapter 5, "Using Content Workflows in Your WLP Repository."


You can allow or prevent users from being able to create or modify content by using Delegated Administration. For detailed information about setting up Delegated Administration on content resources, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.

To add content to a repository you can use content management tools in the WebLogic Portal Administration Console or, if WebDAV is enabled, Microsoft Explorer or other Microsoft applications. For information about adding content from these applications, see Section 7.4, "Using WebDAV with Your WLP Repository."

10.2.1 Overview of Library Services

Library services provide the following benefits:

  • Workflow management for customizing content development workflows.

  • Content workspaces for simplified user-based views of in-progress content.

  • Version control for content items and content types.

For instructions on how to enable a WLP repository to use library services, see Section 3.2.1, "Enabling Library Services for a WLP Repository."

Table 10-2 provides an overview of library services.

Table 10-2 Overview of WLP Repository Library Services

Library Service What it provides:

Content Workflow

Allows you to move content through a set of status states. The default content workflow includes Draft, Ready for Review, Rejected, Published and Retired. You determine who can change status Delegated Administration.

Content Workspace

Provides a simplified user-based view of content that is currently in progress. It contains two folders: Checked-Out Items and Assigned Items. Checked-Out Items contains all content items that the current user has checked out for edit. Assigned Items contains all items that are assigned to that user and require further action, such as approval.

Use the Content Workspace to:

View items that are currently assigned to your role. All users within a particular role view and modify items assigned to that role.

View items that you currently have checked out. This folder displays only those items checked out by the current user.

Content Versioning

Allows you to keep track of multiple versions of a content item. Versioning provides a more powerful alternative than backing up files. With content versioning, you can easily view previous versions of a content item if needed, and keep a detailed record of when and why changes were made.

10.2.2 Adding Content

When you add content to your repository, you either upload an existing file to your repository and associate that file with a content type or create HTML content directly in the repository. To create HTML content, see Section 10.2.3, "Creating HTML Content."

In this example, you create content using the "book" content type, which is one of the default content types included with your WLP repository. Your repository may have other customized content types that differ from this example.


This example assumes you are using a library services-enabled repository. If you are not using library services, you are not prompted to check in your content or select a workflow status.

To add a content file to your repository:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Select Repository View.

  4. In the resources tree, select the repository to which you want to add content.

  5. In the Browse Contents, click Add Content.

  6. In the Add Content dialog:

    1. Enter a name for the content.

    2. Select the book content type from the Type list.

    3. Click Add.

  7. In the Add Properties page:

    1. In the Primary Properties section, associate content with a file by clicking Upload File.

    2. Click Browse to select a content file from your file system.

    3. If you know the type of encoding you wish to use, select it from the drop-down list. If not, use Detect from Browser Request.

    4. Optionally, select the MIME type that matches the content you selected.

    5. In the Other Properties section, provide values for the properties listed. These property values are used by portal developers to retrieve your content.

  8. To finish do one of the following:

    • Click Save to save your content item and not check it into the repository. While content is checked out of the repository, it is displayed in the Workspace View under the Checked-Out Items folder.

    • Click Save & Check In to save your content item and check it into the repository.

10.2.3 Creating HTML Content

When adding content that includes a property that allows you to include a binary file, you can use the content editor to create an HTML file. The content editor allows you to create both HTML forms and documents.

To create HTML content:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Select Repository View.

  4. In the resources tree, select the repository to which you want to create content.

  5. In the Browse tab, click Add Content.

  6. In the Add Content dialog:

    1. Enter a name for the content.

    2. In the Type list, select the content type you want to associate with the content item.

    3. Click Add.

  7. In the Add Properties page under Other Properties, enter the required property values.

  8. To add an HTML file using the content editor:

    1. In the Primary Property section, click Create Document.

    2. In the content editor, click HTML.

    3. Use the content editor to create an HTML file.

    4. Click Save.

  9. In the Add Properties page, click Save.


    You can also cut and paste HTML from existing documents (such as Microsoft Word or other applications that save as HTML) into the content editor.

10.2.4 Modifying Content

You can modify repository content by updating the property values associated with the content, updating the associated file, or by changing the workflow associated with the content. When using a library services-enabled repository, you must check out content before you can modify it.

To edit content:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. If you are not using library services, select the content you want to edit in the resources tree and go to Step 7.

  4. If you are using library services, click the Workspace View > Assigned Items folder and select the content you want to edit.

  5. In the Versioning & Workflow section of the Summary page, click Check Out.

  6. In the Checked-Out Items folder, select the content you want to edit.

  7. You can edit the content name, its properties, change the binary file associated with the content, or change the workflow associated with the content.

  8. To edit the content name:

    1. Within the Summary page, click Name & Type.

    2. In the Edit Name dialog, enter the new name and click Update.

  9. To edit a content property:

    1. In the Properties section, click Properties.

    2. In the Other Properties section, select the property or properties you want to edit by selecting the associated check box in the Edit column.

    3. Click Edit and update the properties as needed.

    4. To save your content item and not check it into the repository, click Save.

    5. To save your content item and check it into the repository, click Save & Check In.

  10. Optionally, in the Check In dialog, choose a new workflow status for the content.

10.2.5 Changing the Status of a Single Content Item

You can change the workflow status of a single content item by checking it out and then checking it back in again. For more information about workflows, see Section 5.1, "Using the Default Content Workflow."

To change the workflow status for content:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Click the Workspace View > Assigned Items folder and select the content you want to edit.

  4. In the Versioning & Workflow section of the Summary page, click Check Out.

  5. In the Checked-Out Items folder, select the content for which you want to change status.

  6. In the Versioning & Workflow section of the Summary tab, click Check In.

  7. In the Check In Content dialog, select a new status from the drop-down list.

  8. Click Check In.

10.2.6 Changing the Workflow Status of Multiple Content Items

You can change the workflow status of multiple content items by performing a bulk update. To update multiple content items at once, each item you want to update must be either checked out or currently assigned to you.When you do a bulk update, each content item you changed is also checked in to the repository during the update.

To change the status of multiple content items at once:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Click the Workspace View > Assigned Items folder. See Figure 10-2.

Figure 10-2 Assigned Items Folder

Description of Figure 10-2 follows
Description of "Figure 10-2 Assigned Items Folder"

  1. In the Browse Tab, click Bulk Update. See Figure 10-3.

  1. In the Search for Content section, select a workflow from the Associated Workflow drop-down list.


    The Associated Workflow list only appears if your assigned items use more than one workflow.
  2. In the Content in My Workspace section, select the content you wish to update.

  3. Click Add to move your selections to the Content Update section.

  4. Select a new workflow status from the Update to drop-down list.

  5. Optionally, add any comments.

  6. Click Update.

10.2.7 Re-Ordering Content

You can change the order in which content displays in the WebLogic Portal Administration Console.

To re-order content within a folder:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Click Repository View.

  4. Select the folder containing the items you want to re-order.

  5. In the Browse Contents section of the Browse tab, click Order as shown in Figure 10-4.

Figure 10-4 Re-ordering Content in the Browse Contents Tab

Description of Figure 10-4 follows
Description of "Figure 10-4 Re-ordering Content in the Browse Contents Tab"

  1. Click Update. See Figure 10-5.

Figure 10-5 Update Custom Order Dialog

Description of Figure 10-5 follows
Description of "Figure 10-5 Update Custom Order Dialog"

  1. Use the navigational arrows to re-order your content and then click Save.


    You can also change the default sort order by modifying the content type properties of the folder. For more information, see Section 6.3.9, "Re-ordering Content Within a Folder Using Properties."

10.2.8 Updating Binary Content

Binary properties are usually the primary property, although you can have more than one binary property within your content.

To update a binary file:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Select Workspace View.

  4. In the Assigned Items folder, select the content that you want to update.

  5. In the Versioning & Workflow section of the Summary tab, click Check Out. The content is moved to the Checked-Out Items folder.

  6. In the Checked-Out Items folder, select the content.

  7. Select the Properties tab.

  8. If editing a primary property:

    1. In the Primary Property section, click Edit in the Edit column.

    2. In the Open dialog, choose to save to disk.

    3. After copying the file to your local drive, make and save your changes.

    4. When ready to upload your changes, click Upload File.

    5. Click Save or click Save and Check In.

      • If you click Save, your content item is saved and remains checked out of the repository.

      • If you click Save and Check In, you can add comments and choose a new workflow status for the content.

  9. If editing a property other than the primary property:

    1. In the Other Properties section, select the Edit check boxes for the properties you want to edit, and then click Edit.

    2. Edit the fields for the properties you selected.

    3. Click Save or click Save and Check In.

      • If you click Save, your content item is saved and remains checked out of the repository.

      • If you click Save and Check In, you can add comments and choose a new workflow status for the content.

10.2.9 Deleting Content

You can delete content or content folders from your repository at any time. When you delete content, you delete any children content items of the deleted item. If you do not want to delete the children content items of the item you are deleting, use the Move command to move them to another location within the repository before deleting the parent content item. see Section 10.2.10, "Moving Content."

If your repository is library services-enabled, when you delete content, you delete all versions of that content. If you do not want to delete all versions, you can choose to retire a content version instead. For more information, see Section 10.5.3, "Retiring Content."

To delete content:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Select Repository View.

  4. In the resources tree, right-click the content item you want to delete and select Delete from the menu.

  5. In the Delete dialog, click Delete (<content name>).

10.2.10 Moving Content

You can move content or a content folder to another location within the repository.When you move content, you also move any children items.

To move content or a folder:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Select Repository View.

  4. In the resources tree, right-click the content item you want to delete and select Move from the menu.

  5. Click OK in the Move dialog.

  6. Right-click on the repository location (folder or content) where you want to copy the content item and choose Paste (<content name>).

  7. Click OK in the Paste dialog to confirm.

10.2.11 Linking Content

Some content types allow you to link to other content within the Virtual Content Repository. Content links allow you to associated content so it can be easily maintained and updated.

To use a content link, the content type associated with the content must include a link property. For more information about setting up a link property in a content type, see Section 6.3.6, "Using Link Properties."


When using versioning, you cannot link to content that has not been checked in to the repository at least once. In order to link to content, that content must have a version number of at least 1.

To link content:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Select Workspace View.

  4. In the Assigned Items folder, select the content that you want to update.

  5. In the Versioning & Workflow section of the Summary tab, click Check Out. The content is moved to the Checked-Out Items folder.

  6. In the Checked-Out Items folder, select the content.

  7. Click the Properties tab.

  8. In the Other Properties section, select the check box for the link property you want to edit, and then click Edit.

  9. Click Edit Link. See Figure 10-6.

Figure 10-6 Edit Link Button

Description of Figure 10-6 follows
Description of "Figure 10-6 Edit Link Button"

  1. Use the controls in the Update Repository dialog to select the linked content.

  2. Click Update Link.

  3. Click Save or Save & Check In.

    • If you click Save, your content item is saved and remains checked out of the repository.

    • If you click Save and Check In, you can add comments and choose a new workflow status for the content.

When finished, you can see the path to the linked content in the Current Value(s) properties column.

10.2.12 Renaming Content

You can rename content or a content folder in the WLP repository.


For library services-enabled repositories, when you rename content, you do not create a new version of content.

To rename content or a content folder:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Select Repository View.

  4. In the resources tree, right-click the content and select Rename.

  5. In the Rename dialog, enter in the new name for the content item and click Rename.

The resources tree now shows the new name for the content.

10.2.13 Copying Content

You can copy content or a content folder to another location in the repository.


For library services-enabled repositories, when you use the Copy command, the content item's version history is deleted. If you want to retain version history information, use the Move command, see Section 10.2.10, "Moving Content."

To copy content or a content folder:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Select Repository View.

  4. In the resources tree, right-click the content and choose Copy.

  5. Click OK in the Copy dialog.

  6. Right-click the repository location (folder or content) where you want to place the content item and select Paste (<content>).

  7. Click OK in the Paste dialog to confirm. The content displays in its new location.

10.2.14 Previewing Content

You can preview binary files associated with content. Previewing binary files allows you to verify that they were uploaded properly. When you preview files, you can choose the application on your hard drive with which to preview the file.

To preview content:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Using either the Repository View or the Workspace View > Assigned Items folder, click the content you want to edit in the resources tree.

  4. If using the Repository View, click to the content that you want to preview in the resources tree.

  5. If using the Workspace View, select the content you want to preview in the Checked-Out Items folder.

  6. In the Summary tab, under Name & Type, click the Preview icon.

  7. If necessary, select an application with which to preview the content.

10.3 Adding Full Text Search Capabilities to Oracle WebLogic Portal

This section describes the options that are available for adding full text search capabilities to Oracle WebLogic Portal. It includes the following sections:

10.3.1 Configuring a UCM-Based Repository to Add Full Text Search

You can configure a Universal Content Management ("UCM")-based repository to add full-text search capabilities to Oracle WebLogic Portal. For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware UCM VCR Adapter Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.

10.3.2 Using Autonomy to Add Full Text Search

If you would like to use Autonomy Enterprise Search to add full text search to Oracle WebLogic Portal, you must first purchase the required license and obtain the binaries from Autonomy Corporation at .

For instructions on configuring Autonomy for Oracle WebLogic Portal, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Autonomy Search Integration Sample Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.

10.4 Searching for Content within Your Repository

As your repository grows, you can save time by using the Virtual Content Repository's search features to find the content you want to work with. You can search the version history of a particular content item (if using library services), as well as conduct a search of the entire repository. You can also do a full-text search of repository content to search the binary files for keywords or subjects.


You can reorder content in the Browse tab by modifying the Order column providing the folder allows re-ordering of content. For more information, see Section 10.2.7, "Re-Ordering Content."


When formulating metadata queries, be aware that the NULL and empty string ('') values are treated differently depending on the database you are querying. In the Oracle database, the empty string ('') character is considered to be the same value as NULL. If a node's property is blank, Oracle inserts a NULL value into the node. Other databases consider NULL and empty string ('') to be different values and do not make such substitutions. The underlying database makes the distinction when querying for or storing the empty string value. You must be aware of these issues whenever you form a query that includes NULL and/or empty string values.


Metadata Search does not support the (!) operator with a multi-valued property when used in conjunction with a contains clause. For example, the expression !(tags contains 'gorilla') will return incorrect results if tags is a multivalued property. To work around this limitation, in some cases you may be able to use a containsall clause. For example:

!(tags containsall ('tiger','gorilla'))

This expression returns all nodes whose 'tags' property does not contain the term 'tiger' or 'gorilla'.

10.4.1 Searching for Content By Name

To search for content by name:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Select Repository View.

  4. In the resources tree, click the repository you want to search.

  5. In the right pane, select the Search Repository tab.

  6. In the Name field, select an operator from the drop-down list and type the name that you wish to use.

  7. Click Name Search.

10.4.2 Searching for Content By Property Value

You can use the property search when you know the properties used for the content you want to find. For example, if you want to find all content that was published on a certain day, you would search the published date property for a value of the date you want to find.

When you search for content according to property values, you can search published content, unpublished content or all content.

To search your repository for content using property values:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Select Repository View.

  4. In the right pane, select the Search Repository tab.

  5. Specific the properties for which you want to search. Table 10-3 for specific instructions on each criteria.You can use any or all of the criteria. If a criteria is left blank, it is not used in the search.

    Table 10-3 Specific Properties Search Criteria

    Search Criteria Usage

    Publish Status

    Choose whether to search Published and/or New (unpublished) content.

    Search Full Text

    You cannot search for properties with this selection.

    Or Search Specific Properties

    Select to search for properties.

    Matches any condition

    Matches all conditions

    Choose whether you want your search to include any of the conditions you specify or all of them by marking the appropriate option.


    Selecting a type determines which content type you want to find. Choose the content type(s) you want to search from the list.

    Also search types that inherit from this type

    Select to search for types that inherit from the type(s) you choose in the Type list.

    Type Properties

    Define the properties and values for which you want to search. Select a property from the drop-down list, choose an operator, and enter the value you are searching for.


    Select Created or Modified from the drop-down list, select an operator, and use the calendar tool to choose a date.

    Creator or Editor

    Select Created By or Modified By from the drop-down list and enter a user name in the provided field.

    Binary Content

    Select the property of the binary file, an operator, and enter a value you want to search.

    Path to Content

    Path to Content refers to the folder or sub folder that the search content resides in within the repository.

    Enter the folder name(s) you want to search using the following format:


  6. When finished entering criteria, click Advanced Search. Your results display in the Search Results section.

10.4.3 Searching the Full Text of Content and Property Values

If Oracle WebLogic Portal is integrated with UCM or Autonomy, you can search the full text of a content item including its property values and associated file. You can also use full-text search to find content of different content types that might include the same information. Full-text search can only find repository content that has been published for delivery to your portal.


You can use expressions to search for content within your WLP repository. For more information, see "Building a Content Query with Expressions" in "Creating a Content Selector" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Interaction Management Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.

To use a full-text search to find content:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Select Repository View.

  4. In the right pane, select the Search Repository tab.

  5. Click Advanced Search Options in the Search section.

  6. If necessary, select the Published check box. Full-text search does not work on unpublished content.

  7. Mark Search Full Text.

  8. In the text box provided, enter the keywords for your search. The text you provide will be used to search both the property values for content and the associated binary files.

  9. Click Advanced

  10. Search.

10.5 Using Versioning

If your WLP repository is library services-enabled, your content is automatically versioned, which means a new copy of content is saved whenever you check in content to the repository. Content versions are numbered and can be searched and managed as other content.

Checked out content is displayed in the Workspace View.

10.5.1 Checking Out Content

If you are using a library services-enabled repository, versioning is enabled. Before you can modify content within the repository, you must check it out.

You can check out content from two locations:

  • Use the Repository View if the item is not currently assigned to you.

  • Use the Workspace View if the item is currently assigned to you. Items assigned to you appear in the Workspace View under the Assigned Items folder.

To check out content from the Repository View:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Select Repository View.

  4. In the resources tree, click the content you want to check out.

  5. In the Versioning & Workflow section of the Summary tab, click Check Out.

To check out content from the Workspace View:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Select Workspace View.

  4. In the Assign Items folder, select the content you want to check out.

  5. In the Versioning & Workflow section of the Summary tab, click Check Out.

Your content item is now displayed in the Checked-Out Items folder. Use the steps listed in Section 10.2.4, "Modifying Content" to edit your content.

10.5.2 Checking In Content

When working with content within a WLP repository that has library services-enabled, you must check in content before it becomes available to other users and portal search queries.

You use the Workspace view to check in content.

To check in content from the Workspace View:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Select Manage | Content to view the content resources tree.

  4. Select Workspace View.

  5. In the Checked-Out Items folder, select the content you want to check in.

  6. In the Versioning & Workflow section of the Summary tab, click Check In.

  7. Optionally, in the Check In Content dialog, change the status of the content item and enter a comment. See Figure 10-7.

Figure 10-7 Changing Workflow Status when Checking In Content in the WebLogic Portal Administration Console

Description of Figure 10-7 follows
Description of "Figure 10-7 Changing Workflow Status when Checking In Content in the WebLogic Portal Administration Console"

10.5.3 Retiring Content

Retiring content means that it can no longer be used in search queries or displayed in your portal. Retiring content offers an alternative to deleting content from your portal. If a repository is library services-enabled, if you delete content, all versions of that content are deleted, see Section 10.2.9, "Deleting Content."

When you retire content, you change the workflow status of content item to Retired status. This topic assumes you are using the default content workflow. If you are using a custom workflow, the name of the Retired status may be different. Please see your content management administrator for more information.


Content workflows are only available if your repository is library services-enabled.

To retire a content version:

  1. Check out the content you want to retire as described in Section 10.5.1, "Checking Out Content."

  2. Check in the content you want to retire as described in Step 1 through Step 6 in Section 10.5.2, "Checking In Content."

  3. In Check In Content dialog, change the status of the content item to Retired and click Check In.

10.5.4 Viewing and Searching Version History

You can view the version history for any content item in your repository. Version history information includes the date content was modified, the name of the user who modified the content, and the status of the version. You can search the version history of a content item either by what is contained in the version comments or by using advanced options such as when the content was modified and by whom.

To view the version history of a content item:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Using either the Repository View or the Workspace View > Assigned Items folder, click the content whose version history you want to search.


    You can also use the Search tab. See Section 10.4.1, "Searching for Content By Name."
  4. Click the Version History tab.

  5. To search within the version history of a content item:

    1. To search the version comments for specific text, enter the text you want to find and click Search.

    2. To search the version history by workflow status, date modified, or by the user name who modified the version click Advanced Search Options. Table 10-4 provides specific instructions on each criteria. You can use any or all of the criteria. If a criteria is left blank, it is not used in the search.

Table 10-4 Advanced Search Options for Searching the Version History of a Content Item

Search Criteria Usage

Modified By

Searches for content versions that were modified by user name.

Workflow Status

Searches for content versions by workflow status.

Checked in

Searches for content versions by date.

  1. After defining your search criteria, click Search.

10.5.5 Publishing a Different Version of Content

In some cases you may want to change the published content within your portal. You can do this by checking out a previous version of a content item and updating it to Published status. To do this. check out the version of content you want to publish and check it back in with the Published status.


This example assumes you are using the default content workflow. Your content workflow may have different status names. See your content administrator if you have questions.

To publish under a different version:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Select Repository View.

  4. In the resources tree, click the content item you want to publish.

  5. Click the Version History tab.

  6. In Browse Versions section, click the Check Out icon for the version you want to publish. See Figure 10-8.

Figure 10-8 Browse Versions

Description of Figure 10-8 follows
Description of "Figure 10-8 Browse Versions"

  1. Optionally, make any changes to the content.

  2. Click Check In.

  3. In Check In Content dialog, change the status of the content item to Published and click Check In. The earlier version is updated to the latest version and published.

10.6 Changing the Workflow of Content

Content created in a library services-enabled WLP repository uses the default content workflow, unless a customized workflow has been implemented. The default content workflow includes the following statuses:

When using a library services-enabled WLP repository, you can change the content workflow that is associated with a content item. For example, if all of your content uses the default workflow, but you would like a particular content item to follow a different workflow, you can change the workflow associated with that content. For information about creating content workflows, see Section 5.1, "Using the Default Content Workflow."


It is possible to select a content workflow that is not compatible with the current workflow, see Chapter 5, "Using Content Workflows in Your WLP Repository" for more details or ask your content administrator.

To change the workflow:

  1. From the main menu of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.

  2. Select Manage | Content.

  3. Using either the Repository View or the Workspace View > Assigned Items folder, click the content you want to edit in the resources tree.

  4. In the Versioning & Workflow section of the Summary page, click Check Out.

  5. If using the Workspace View, select the content you want to edit in the Checked-Out Items folder.

  6. In the Summary tab, click Versioning & Workflow.

  7. In the Update Workflow dialog, select a content workflow from the New Workflow drop-down list and click Update.

  8. If finished modifying your content, click Check In.