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Class PathHelper

  extended by com.bea.content.PathHelper

public class PathHelper
extends Object

Utility class to manipulate unix path like Strings such as /a/b/c/d. Paths are always expected to begin with / and end without it. Therefore neither a/b/c or /a/b/c/ are considered valid. Most operations take a path which must be in correct form and also an element to add/remove from the path. This element must not contain the SEPARATOR / as any part of itself.

Field Summary
static String SEPARATOR
          The path separator used by the Federated content API and the WLP Repository for all path values.


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
static String addFirst(String first, String path)
          Adds a new element to the front of a path.
static String addLast(String path, String last)
          Adds a new element to the end of a path.
static String buildFederatedPath(String repositoryPath, String repositoryName)
static String buildRepositoryPath(String federatedPath, String repositoryName)
static int countNodes(String path)
          Returns the number of nodes in the path.
static String getFirst(String path)
          Gets the first element in the path.
static String getLast(String path)
          Gets the last element in the path.
static String getLineage(String path)
          Removes the last element and returns the result.
static int getNameCount(String path)
          Gets the number of Nodes in the path.
static String getParentName(String path)
          Gets the second to last element in a path.
static List getPathAsList(String path)
          Converts a path into it's lineage and returns a list of strings.
static List<String> getPathItemsAsList(String path)
          Converts a path into a list of each of it's items as strings.
static String getSubPath(String path, int size)
          Returns the lineage with the number of parents specified.
static boolean isValid(String path)
          Checks if the path is valid: must be non null must be > 0 characters must start with a SEPARATOR must not end with a SEPARATOR
static String removeFirst(String path)
          Removes the first element from path and returns the result.
static String removeLast(String path)
          Removes the last element from path and returns the result.
static String removeLast(String path, int i)
          Removes the last i number of elements from path and returns the result.
static String trimPath(String path, int size)
          Trims the path to the given size.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final String SEPARATOR
The path separator used by the Federated content API and the WLP Repository for all path values.
See Also
Constants Summary

Constructor Detail


public PathHelper()

Method Detail


public static String buildRepositoryPath(String federatedPath,
                                         String repositoryName)
                                  throws RepositoryException


public static String buildFederatedPath(String repositoryPath,
                                        String repositoryName)
                                 throws RepositoryException


public static boolean isValid(String path)
Checks if the path is valid: