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Class RepositoryCapability

  extended by com.bea.content.cmis.RepositoryCapability

public class RepositoryCapability
extends Object

Method Summary
static boolean baseTypeIsSearchable(ContentContext context, String repositoryId, com.bea.content.schema.cmis.core.EnumBaseObjectTypeIds type)
          Return true if the base object class (cmis:document or cmis:folder) is searchable.
static boolean canSearchObjectClasses(ContentContext context, String repositoryId)
          Return true if regular ObjectClasses can be searchable.
static boolean federatedBaseTypeIsSearchable(ContentContext context, com.bea.content.schema.cmis.core.EnumBaseObjectTypeIds type)
static Set<Node.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES> getFederatedSearchableSystemProperties(ContentContext context)
          Get the system properties that are searchable in ALL searchable repos.
static Set<Node.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES> getOrderableSystemProperties(ContentContext context, String repositoryId)
          Get all the orderable system properties as a Set.
static Set<String> getSearchableRepositories(ContentContext context)
          Returns the set of searchable repo ids (for which there were no errors accessing their config).
static Set<Node.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES> getSearchableSystemProperties(ContentContext context, String repositoryId)
          Get all the searchable system properties as a Set.
static boolean inculdeInSupetypeQuery(ContentContext context, String repositoryId)
          Return true if object types can set includeInSuperTypeQuery.
static boolean isFederatedRepoSearchable(ContentContext context)
          Returns true if the federated repo is searchable.
static boolean isReadOnly(ContentContext context, String repositoryId)
          Return true if the repository is configured as read-only.
static boolean isRepositorySearchable(ContentContext context, String repositoryId)
          Returns true if the given repository is searchable.
static boolean isSystemPropertySearchable(ContentContext context, String repositoryId, Node.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES prop)
          Is the given system property searchable for the given repo?


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public static boolean isFederatedRepoSearchable(ContentContext context)
Returns true if the federated repo is searchable. If any of the repos are searchable, the federated repo is searchable. If there's any problem accessing the repos, returs false;


public static boolean isRepositorySearchable(ContentContext context,
                                             String repositoryId)
Returns true if the given repository is searchable. Defined as searchIsEnabled (and no errors accessing repo config) in addition, at least one of the system properties necessary to allow you to search something must also be searchable (cm_isContent, cm_isHierarchy, or cm_objectClass).


public static Set<String> getSearchableRepositories(ContentContext context)
Returns the set of searchable repo ids (for which there were no errors accessing their config).


public static Set<Node.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES> getFederatedSearchableSystemProperties(ContentContext context)
Get the system properties that are searchable in ALL searchable repos.


public static boolean inculdeInSupetypeQuery(ContentContext context,
                                             String repositoryId)
Return true if object types can set includeInSuperTypeQuery. The repo must support searching on cm_objectClassInstance.


public static boolean baseTypeIsSearchable(ContentContext context,
                                           String repositoryId,
                                           com.bea.content.schema.cmis.core.EnumBaseObjectTypeIds type)
Return true if the base object class (cmis:document or cmis:folder) is searchable. To search a document, the repo must support cm_isContent. For a folder, cm_isHierarchy.


public static boolean federatedBaseTypeIsSearchable(ContentContext context,
                                                    com.bea.content.schema.cmis.core.EnumBaseObjectTypeIds type)


public static boolean canSearchObjectClasses(ContentContext context,
                                             String repositoryId)
Return true if regular ObjectClasses can be searchable. The repo must support searching on cm_objectClass or cm_objectClassInstance. This is needed to implement the FROM clause.


public static boolean isSystemPropertySearchable(ContentContext context,
                                                 String repositoryId,
                                                 Node.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES prop)
Is the given system property searchable for the given repo?


public static Set<Node.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES> getSearchableSystemProperties(ContentContext context,
                                                                        String repositoryId)
Get all the searchable system properties as a Set.


public static Set<Node.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES> getOrderableSystemProperties(ContentContext context,
                                                                       String repositoryId)
Get all the orderable system properties as a Set.


public static boolean isReadOnly(ContentContext context,
                                 String repositoryId)
Return true if the repository is configured as read-only.

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